The Journal of the Korean Institute of Interior Design
A Study on Interrelation between Toegye’s ‘Piety’ Notion and Space of the Dosan Saudang from an Behavioral point of view
An Influence of Japanese Culture on F. L. Wright’s Organic Architecture
A Comparative Study of the Houses of Mies van der Rohe and Le Corbusier
A Study on the proposal of possibility for the Tosi-hanok as contemporary residential space : Focused on the reinterpretation of the Tosi-hanok
건축 마감재료의 사회적 이미지에 관한 연구
A Study on Building Programming of the Public Library through the Information Factor Analysis
A Study on the Characteristics and Use of Multi-Visual Expression Techniques in Architectural Design Process of Zaha Hadid
A Study on the Investigation of Space-Construction by Tatlin
The Study on the Korean Plastic Consciousness of the Contemporary Interior Space in Korea
A Basic Study on the Space Organization and Forming Characteristics of the Guggenheim Museums based on Emotional Approach : Focused on Frank L. Wright & Frank O. Gehry’s Works