The Journal of the Korean Institute of Interior Design
한국실내디자인학회 논문집 v.17 n.6(통권 71호) 목차
A comparative study on the spatial hierarchy by the form of the basestone in ancient architecture between Baekje, Silla and Japan
A Historical Analysis on the Spatial Characteristics of Architectural ‘Capriccio’ in the Piranesi Etching ‘Le Carceri’
A Study on Constructing Spatial Depth in San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane and Cappella di Santissima Sindone
A Study on the Characteristic of Raumplan based on the Architectural Thought of Adolf Loos
Interior Designs of Rural American Housing and the Satisfaction Rates of Koreans Living in the Housing Units - A Case Study of Koreans Residing in Columbia, Missouri
The Analysis of Satisfaction and Preference Rates of Bathroom Design in Variety Family Type - Focused on Mid-size Brand Apartment in Seoul Metropolitan Area
A Study on the Servicescape Design Process Creating the Whole Service Experiences
A Study on the Transformal Usage of Visual Information in Architectural Diagrams - Focusing on the Projects by Rem Koolhaas and MVRDV
A Study on the correlation between Le Corbusier's Painting and the Space Design