The Journal of the Korean Institute of Interior Design
[목차] 한국실내디자인학회 논문집 v.23 n.3(통권 104호)
A Study on Healing Environmental Elements of a Unit of Learning Space of Herman Herztberger's Educational Facility Works
Architectural Types and Design Characteristics of Traditional Style Public Buildings of Reinforced Concrete Structure - Based on the Examples of Southern Jeolla Province, Korea -
A Study on the Analysis the Tendency of New Rural Houses Type in Gyeongbuk Province - Focused on the 12-Gun Area in Gyeongbuk Province -
A Study on the Expressivity of Covering and Exposing of Architecture Surface after Modern Architecture - Focused on the Tectonic Concept through Semper's Theory "Dressing" -
Study on the Placeness of Geoffrey Bawa's Architecture - Focus on the Analysis of Lunuganga -
Characteristics of Relational Representation of Light and Architectural Space Elements in Luis Barragan's Houses
A Study on the Characteristic of Furniture Design of John Pawson
Nurses' Evaluation of Characteristics of Interior Space in Outpatient Department of General Hospital
A Study on the Phenomenological Characteristics of Alvaro Siza's Design