The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the Analysis the Tendency of New Rural Houses Type in Gyeongbuk Province - Focused on the 12-Gun Area in Gyeongbuk Province -
Authors 황용운
Page pp.21-28
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Gyeongsangbukdo Province ; Rural- House ; House Type ; Return to Rural ; Return to Farming
Abstract The purpose of this study is to analysis the change of rural house type in Gyeongbuk province. There are 13 Gun(a kind of administrative district) areas in Gyeongbuk province. According to definition of rural area, the scopes of the research of rural houses limited the 12 places rural area(Gun area, excluded Ulleung-Gun) of Gyeongbuk province. The method of study is to compare and analyze about housing situation, structure of house, housing type and housing area etc. through the statistical data of each Gun area and other various data etc. during these 5 years. As a results of the analysis : 1) The supply ratio of housing is steadily decreasing in rural areas. 2) The houses of rural areas are changing from a detached house to multi-household house and small apartment by development near the rural area. 3) The number and area of commercial buildings are gradually increasing because of urbanization of rural areas. 4) The most houses inside area scopes in the rural area was from 60㎡ to 85㎡ area. And the family types of rural house are changing from large family to nuclear family and single households. 5) The structure of rural houses is changing from the brick house type to lightweight steel construction house because of cost-cutting of construction and easy way to construct etc.