The Journal of the Korean Institute of Interior Design
[목차] 한국실내디자인학회 논문집 v.22 n.3(통권 98호)
A Study on the Characteristic of 'Landscape Architecture' in Environment-Friendly Architecture
A Study on Space Composition and Usage Pattern of Senior Centers in Apartment Complex
Evaluating Korean Standard-Sized Apartment Houses Fron the Perspective of Universal Design - Cases of the Apartment Complex in Jang-you New Town Area -
A Study on the Vertical Garden Design for Indoor Space - Focused on Green Wall in Lobby Space -
A Study on the Planning Characteristics of Interior Space Aiming for the Exterior Space in Mixed-Use Development
A study on the Public Library's Space planning and Characteristics for the User-oriented Publicness
A Study on the Aesthetic Experience in the Playful Space using Art and Technology
A Study on Characteristics of Spatial Interaction of Media Art in the Age of New Media
A Study of Interior Design Characteristics from Picturesque Aesthetical Perspective