The Journal of the Korean Institute of Interior Design
[목차] 한국실내디자인학회 논문집 v.20 n.4(통권 87호)
The Influence of Architecture on the Altes Museum in Designing the Pinakothek der Moderne
A Basic Research on Regional Characteristics and Design Factors of Buildings Skin in Jeju Province
A Study on the Space Design Research Tendencies for the Healing Environment - Focused on the Theses of Architecture and Interior Design Institutes -
A Study on Used Colors Characteristic of Case Study for Children Play Therapy Center
A Study on the Discourse of Space-Power in a Dwelling Space - Focus on the Post-structuralism of Foucault and Lacan -
A Study on Relationship of Popular Culture and Space Design by Cultural Phenomenon
A Study on Sustainable Earth Architecture Characteristic from Ecological Aesthetic Point of View - Focus on the thoughts of Lao-tzu -
A Study on the Hypertext-space based on the Rhizome characteristic
현상적 투명성의 개념을 통한 문루건축 공간의 상호 연계성 연구