The Journal of the Korean Institute of Interior Design
A Study on the Symbolism of Architectural Design as an Applied Art
A Study on the Effect of the Lao Tzu's Philosophy on Architectural Ideology of Mies van der Rohe
A Study on the Ontological Meaning of Architectural Space of Suwon Hwaseong from the Viewpoint of Culture-Technology Convergence
A Study on the Features of Object-Focused Emotional Space in the Works of Nigel Coates
A Study on Features of Conscious Observation of Space and Search Activities for Information
A Study on Non-substantiation of Light Displayed in Media Expression Space
The Legal Protestation for Interior Design and Protection Status of Interior Design - A Comparative Study : Design Protection and Trademarks for Interior Design between ROK and U.S.A. -
A Study on the Cases of Folly Project in the Contemporary Architecture After Parc de la Villette
A Comparative Analysis of Designs in Low Carbon Environment-Friendly Business Buildings
A Study on the Night Lighting Environment by Outdoor Space Types of an Apartment Complex