The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title Study on the Placeness of Geoffrey Bawa's Architecture - Focus on the Analysis of Lunuganga -
Authors 이인수 ; 이정욱 ; 안은희
Page pp.39-47
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Geoffrey Bawa ; Lunuganga ; Sri Lanka Architecture ; Place ; Placeness
Abstract This study was initiated by the fact that modern architecture caused the loss of placeness by seeing place with wrong interpretation and method and provided people with a phenonenon of separation between the depth of experience and honesty. As a solution for such problems, this study intended to suggest a direction through an analysis on the works of Geoffrey Bawa who was recognized as 'a genius of place' and the investigation on the place characteristics of his representative work 'Lunuganga'. Its process was as follows; First, this study explored the characteristics of the place, Sri Lanka, which was the background of his architectures, to see its impact on his life and architecture. Second, based on his representative works of each period and the contents that he mentioned in literature, the general characteristics appearing in his architectures were identified. Third, through an analysis on the work, Lunuganga, the place characteristics appearing in his architectures were investigated. Through such process, it could be recognized that Geoffrey Bawa's architectures reveal the place characteristics as nature, place characteristic as journey and stay, and place characteristic as sense. In this study, it could be verified that place was integrated and applied to Geoffrey Bawa's architectures through the above characteristics and the spaceness was manifested. Through this, this study intended to suggest an orientation for the above problems.