The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the Spatial Configuration of Internal Functions of Public Area in City Hotels : Focusing on middle size first-class hotels in Korea and Japan
Authors 이창노
Page pp.125-132
ISSN 12297992
Keywords 도시호텔 ; 공용부문 ; 내부기능 ; 구성형식
Abstract The purpose of this study is focused on defining the types of spatial configuration of internal functions in city hotels by researching and analyzing city hotels in Korea and Japan.
The scope of this study is limited to the period of early 1980's to the end of 1990's and18 city hotels in Korea and Japan are selected as subject. Researching existing records and analyzing plans, surveys are used as the method of the study.
The result of this study is as follow.
First, block composition of floor plans that is used for hotel construction could be divided into three types (immanent type-6hotels, combined type-7hotels, adjacent type-4hotels).
Second, the result of analysis about the internal functions and structural types of public area in city hotels is as follow. More Korean city hotels are taking concourse type (Korea 77.8%, Japan 55.6%) and hall type (Korea 22.2%, Japan 11.1%) than Japanese city hotels. However, the mixed type (concourse type +hall type) is only used in Japan (Korea 0%, Japan 33.3%).
Third, as the result of the comparison of the size of public area between Korea and Japan, Korean hotels (36.70%) have larger space than Japanese hotels only in the service area. public (Korea 33.98% < Japan 34.71%), business (Korea 27.68% Japan 31.41%)and empty (Korea 1.64% < Japan 6.13%) area is taking larger space in Japanese city hotels than Korean.