The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the Iconological Approach of the Korean Traditional Space Design - Focusing on Regional Prototype and Creative Fantasy
Authors 박경애
Page pp.120-127
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Korean Traditional Space Design ; Iconology ; Regional Archetype ; Creative Fantasy
Abstract Korean space design image is a kind of writing as well as one of the sign that dissembles itself as a direct transcript of what it represents. Moreover it is pictorial representation and notions such as mental and perceptual imaginary. Significance of Iconology lies in how we transform image and the imagination that produces it into power of trust and respect. From this point of view, the process of this study is illustrated as follows: At first, this study search out concept of archetype, collective unconsciousness and collective representation that found principles on basic theory for interpretation of korean space icon. Secondly, it mentions theoretical background of iconological contents and structure. And it clarifies Iconology as a method that is applicable logic for Korean space design. Finally, as an analysis of korean space design, this study analyse in three steps that are pre-iconological description, iconological analysis, iconological interpretation each in terms of modernization at regional korean space design. In the step of the pre-iconological description, it describe visual representative style based on era and place. In the step of the iconological analysis, the typical structure is classified in status, vernacular, ethnic, traditional. In the step of the iconological interpretation, connotation is categorized into allegory, multivalence, potential. Through this process, this study suggest that iconology is an appropriate analysis system of Korean space design images that represent symbols combined with our collective emotion.