The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title The Structural Characteristics of Work Processes in Public Design Projects
Authors 박수경 ; 문정민
Page pp.145-153
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Public Design ; Design Process ; Public Design Project Process
Abstract Since a government design department office was set up in 2007, active design projects have been implemented. With this opportunity, each local self-governing organization has improved its administration and institutions, and are planning intensive research on public design for efficient execution of public design projects. However, recent public design projects have caused many problems due to unspecialized design processes, a lack of cooperation with relevant organizations, and unsatisfactory management systems after projects. Therefore, to overcome such problems in the execution of public design projects, a procedure-centered model should be developed. This study aims to analyse the process structures for the strategic execution of public design projects, and the methods and content of the execution process. For this purpose, this study looked into the process structures of public design projects based on design management strategies in order to draw suggestions needed for the execution process through advanced cases. The study is summed up as follows: First, when the process of public design projects was examined in terms of management strategies and design management strategies, it included two dimensions: the management structure of general projects and the design of development projects. Secondly, through the analysis of public design cases, this study discovered useful methodologies and the main programs used and drew suggestions needed for each step in public design projects. It is expected that the results of this study will be helpful for the development of a process model appropriate for national public design projects based on the current status of the project execution and to make a contribution to systematic development in national public design.