(Electrical Engineering College, Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang
471023, China)
(Luoyang Electronic Equipment Test Center of China, Luoyang 471003, China)
Copyright © The Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers(IEIE)
Index Terms
Power amplifier, GaAs HBT, high output power, broadband
In recent years, efficient Watt-level power generation at RadioFrequency (RF) in silicon
technologies has become important to support high-speed wireless communications,
high-resolution radar, and imaging in military and commercial applications. Lower
voltage of fast transistors limit the output power of single-transistorRF amplifiers
to less
than 20 dBm. Recent efforts atWatt-level power generation in both silicon CMOS and
technologies have relied on large-scale power combining ofsuch <20 dBm amplifier unit
with <20% peak power-added-efficiency (PAE)[1-3]. Although advanced CMOS and SiGe technologies provide low-cost, high-yield and high-integration
solutions for such systems, the transmit output power is still limited due to the
scaling down in transistor sizes and lower breakdown voltages. Therefore, III-V technologies
such as GaAs[4-6], GaN[7-9] and InP[10-12] still dominate the power amplifier area at these frequencies despite of their relatively
high cost.
Power-combining techniques, such as voltage combining where transformers are used
[13-15], and current combining where the Wilkinson combiners areused[16-19], areusually employed to increase the output power of CMOS andSiGe technologies. However,
Wilkinson-based and transformer-based power-combining techniques result in relatively
high loss when thenumber of combining elements increases, and the free-spacepower-combining
technique requires on-chip antennas, which occupy large area on the chip and have
a 40%~55% radiationefficiency[20].
In this paper, in order to obtain high output power, sixteen transistors are paralleled
as a super transistor, instead of power-combining techniques. In order to increase
the bandwidth of the PA, two L-networks were adopted as the output matching network,
and T-type matching network was used as input matching network, in order to reduce
the chip area to an extreme.
The proposed PA is designed using 2-µm GaAs HBT process. Adopted transistors in this
work all have 5 µm width, 50 µm length and 2 fingers emitter-base junction. The power
device combined with 16 unit transistors to obtain high output power. The 2-μm HBT
achieves 85-GHz maximum oscillation frequency ($f_{max}$), 40-GHz current-gain cut-off
frequency ($f_T$) when biased at $V_{CE}$=4.5 V, and 14-V collector-emitter breakdown
voltage. Passive components, including two metal layers, capacitors, resistors, inductances
as well as back side via holes are available in the process. Passive and active device
models have been implemented and validated by simulation with Agilent Advanced Design
System (ADS) software.After frontside wafer fabrication, the 100mm GaAs wafers can
be thinned to 100 μm thickness. Compact, high density slot vias together with a metal
back-plane are formed to suppress the parallel plate substrate mode.
It is well known that the most practical method for designing a PA is to start with
the output stage, and then works backward[21]. The critical performance specifications and the critical limitations primarily apply
to the output stage and its abilities should be the priority. In order to achieve
the highest available output power at 6.5~7.5 GHz, the load impedance of main amplifier
to the 50Ωload is optimized using load-pull analysis for maximum power transfer at
7 GHz instead of complex-conjugate matching for maximum gain transfer. From the load–pull
result, for the optimum fundamental load impedance in terms of maximum output power,
is observed to be (6.295+j0.452) Ω with an output power of 31.5dBm, which can be seen
in Fig. 1.
The output matching network will present the optimum resistance to the load by transforming
the real load impedance of 50 Ω to the optimum resistance. Since the optimum load
resistance of the proposed PA is less than 50 Ω, a step down network must be used
to transform the PA impedance to the optimum resistance. Fig. 2 illustrates the proposed output matching network to transform the 50Ω load impedance
to the desired (6.295-j0.452) Ω, which is the conjugate value of (6.295+j0.452) Ω
in order to get the maximum output power. In order to increase the bandwidth of the
PA, two L-networks were adopted as the output matching network. The matching network
can be divided into the following two sections.
Fig. 1. Simulated power contours for main amplifier.
Fig. 2. output matching network topology.
Fig. 3. Impedance transformation plot.
• Network I is comprised with $L_1$ and $C_1$, where the 50 Ω load is transformed
to an intermediate impedance of 26.5 Ω. The impedance transformation plot is shown
in Fig. 3.
• Network II consists of $L_2$ and $C_2$, which transform 26.5 Ω to (6.295-j0.452)
Fig. 4. Schematic of the PA.
Fig. 5. Simulated rollett stability factor.
The schematic of the PA is illustrated in Fig. 4. The PA is composed of an output matching network, a main amplifier, a stability
enhancement network, an input matching network and a biased network. The design of
T-type or π-type matching networks is usually developed with the intent to achieve
wider bandwidth of the networks and hence broadband amplifiers. In the work, T-type
matching network is used as input matching network, in order to reduce the chip area
to an extreme. In power amplifiers, the bias voltage and current provided to the base
of the amplifying transistors determine the class of operation and the linearity of
the amplifier response. In order to generate the appropriate bias current and not
increase the complexity of circuit design, a simple resister $R_{bias}$ and an inductor
$L_{bias}$ were used to generate a steady-state current. The microstrip line $TL$
was used as radio-frequency choke inductor to isolate the influence of radio-frequency
signal on the power supply.
The simulated rollett stability factor for the PA is shown in Fig. 5. The rollett stability factor is >1 at DC~10 GHz, which indicates that the PA is
unconditionally stable. The PA has a simulated peak small-signal gain of 11.2 dB at
7 GHz with a 3-dB bandwidth of 6.5~7.5 GHz, which can be seen in Fig. 6. The output power ($P_{out}$) versus input power ($P_{in}$) of the PA at 7 GHz is
shown in Fig. 7. The power is plotted in dBm, which is the most common unit in which PA power is
described. As can be seen, the saturation output power achieves 31 dBm.
Fig. 6. Simulated gain versus frequency.
Fig. 7. Simulated output power versus input power.
In this design, the eventual sizes of capacitors, resistors, inductor and transmissions
lines are determined by simulations and optimizations in ADS software. Furthermore
modifies has been carried out for all transmission lines based on the electromagnetic
simulations. The chip photo of proposed GaAs HBT PA is shown in Fig. 8 with a size of 1.8×0.7 $mm^2$. In order to maximize the gain, the back-via holes
at emitter of main transistor are paralleled for reducing parasitic inductance effects.
Fig. 8. The chip photo of the designed PA.
Fig. 9. Measured S-parameters versus frequency.
The proposed PA is measured via on-wafer with 150 µm spacing GSG RF probing arms.
The supply voltage $V_{DD}$ of 5 V and the biased voltage $V_{bias}$ of 3 V are provided
by Agilent E3633A power supply and Agilent 66319D DC source, respectively. The quiescent
current of the PA is 557 mA. S-parameters performance are measured using Agilent N5224A
microwave network analyzer. Large signal characterization has been carried out with
continuous-wave (CW) signal using Agilent N5183A microwave Analog signal generator,
E4417A power meter and N9030A signal analyzer.
The measured small signal S-parameters of this watt-level broadband PA are shown in
Fig. 9. The PA has a maximum small signal gain ($S_{21}$) better than 12 dB, and a 1.1 GHz
3-dB bandwidth from 6.0 to 7.1 GHz due to the bandwidth enhance technology of PA circuit
with broadband matching network. The center frequency is slightly shifted up from
the designed 7 GHz to 6.55 GHz due to process variations. The input and output reflection
coefficients are less than -6 dB and -8 dB over the range of 6.0~7.1 GHz, respectively.
Measurements agree with simulations versus frequency, which shows the accuracy of
the ADS software and the electromagnetic models.
Fig. 10. Measured power gain and PAE at 6.6 GHz.
Fig. 11. Measured peak PAE and saturation output power verse frequency.
The measured power gain and PAE are plotted in Fig. 10. Fig. 10 shows the measured large-signal performance of the prototype with 41 % peak PAE at
6.6 GHz with 12.1±0.2 dB of large-signal power gain. For broadband performance, PAE
and saturation output power ($P_{sat}$) have been measured in the frequency from 6.0
to 7.1 GHz, which is given in Fig. 11. The output power is higher than 29.5 dBm from 6.0 to 7.1 GHz , and PAEs are all
better than 28% over the range of 6.0~7.1 GHz. At 6.6 GHz, the peak PAE and $P_{sat}$
are 41% and 31.4 dBm, respectively.
Measured results are compared to recent literatures in Table 1[22-24], the proposed PA exhibits the widest bandwidth and smallest die area, while showing
the maximum saturation output power.
Table 1. Performance comparison of the published PAs
frequency /GHz
Bandwidth / %
$P_{sat}$ /dBm
PAE /%
$V_{DD}$ /V
Area /$mm^2$
This work
2 µm GaAs
2 µm GaAs
2 µm GaAs
0.35µm SiGe
In this paper, the design and the performance of a Watt-level wideband PA have been
presented. In order to obtain high output power, sixteen transistors are paralleled
as a super transistor, instead of power-combining techniques.PA design is to start
with the output stage, and then works backward. The PA has a maximum small signal
gain better than 12 dB, and a 1.1 GHz 3-dB bandwidth from 6.0 to 7.1 GHz. At the center
frequency of 6.6 GHz, the PAE and $P_{sat}$achieve 41% and 31.4 dBm, respectively.
The designed circuit can satisfyhigh-efficiency and high-output-power requirements
for 6.0~7.1 GHz applications.
Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61804046,
61704049), the Doctoral Scientific Research Foundation of Henan University of Science
and Technology (Grant No. 400613480011), the Foundation of Department of Science and
Technology of Henan Province (Grant No. 172102210258, 182102210295), the Foundation
of He’nan Educational Committee (Grant No. 18B510007).
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Zhang Jincan was born in Xingtai, China, in 1985. He received the M.S. degree in Xi’an
University of Technology, Xi’an, China, in 2010.
He received the Ph.D. degree in XiDian University, Xi’an, China, in June 2014.
Now He is an associate professor in Henan university of science and technology, Luoyang,
His research is focused on modeling of HBTs and design of very high speed integrated
Liu Bo received B.E., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in information engineering from the University
of Kitakyushu, Japan, in 2007, 2009 and March 2012, respectively.
He had been a research fellow of the University of Kitakyushu from 2015 to 2016, and
from 2016 to 2018, he had been an associate researcher of Information, Production
and Systems Research Center (IPSRC) of Waseda University, Japan.
Since 2012, he has been an associate professor of Henan University of Science and
Technology, China.
His research interests include mixed signal IC design and analog layout design automation.
Liu Min was born in Baoding, China, in 1984.
She received the Ph.D. degree in XiDian University, Xi’an, China, in June 2016.
Now She is a lecturer in Henan university of science and technology, Luoyang, China.
Her research is focused on modeling of HBTs and design of integrated circuits.
Zhang Liwen was born in 1980.
She obtained her B.E and M.S. degree in Physics from Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou,
from 1997 to 2004; then received her Ph.D. degree in Atomic and Molecular Physics
at Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan,
in 2008.
She is currently a Professor in Henan University of Science and Technology.
Her major field is modeling and simulation in advanced packaging development.
Wang Jinchan was born in Luoyang, China, in 1980.
She received the Ph. D. degree in Southeast University, Nanjing, China, in June 2009.
Now she is an associate professor in Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang,
Her research is focused on semiconductor materials and devices.
Jin Hao was born in Yongcheng, China, in 1987.
He received the M.S. degree in Wuhan University, Wuhan, China, in 2015.
Now He is an assistant engineer in Luoyang Electronic Equipment Test Center of China,
Luoyang, China.
His research is focused on radar signal processing.