(Changyeol Kim)
(Minsu Kim)
(Yangji Jeon)
(Ockgoo Lee)
(Ju Ho Son)
(Ilku Nam)
(Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Pusan National University, Busan, Korea)
(Samsung Electronics, Gyeonggi, Korea)
Copyright © The Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers(IEIE)
Index Terms
CMOS, millimeter-wave, mixer, 5G applications
In recent years, new-generation wireless communi-cation standard such as 5G cellular
standard is being developed to provide Gb/s data transfers in the wireless data traffic
(1-3). As broadband spectrum can be used to support Gb/s data transfers, many countries
such as the US, EU, Korea, China, and Japan have planned to use the millimeter-wave
(mmWave) band for 5G communication services. The 28-GHz band is a promising candidate
among the 5G mmWave frequency bands in Korea. A direct-conversion receiver architecture
can be used to implement a low-power 5G mmWave transceiver for energy efficiency (4). The linearity of the direct-conversion receiver front-end depends on the down-conversion
mixer. Therefore, it is important to implement the highly linear down-conversion mixer
with low power consumption. In this letter, a highly linear low-power 28-GHz mmWave
down-conversion mixer employing a transformer-based topology and a derivative superposition
linearization technique with low-magnetic-coupled source degeneration inductors is
proposed to improve the linearity degraded by magnetically coupled distortion. It
is implemented and demonstrated using a 65-nm CMOS process.
Fig. 1 shows the simplified schematic of the proposed mmWave down-conversion mixer with
a local oscillator (LO) buffer employing the derivative superposition technique for
a direct-conversion receiver. The RF input frequency range is from 26.5 to 29.5 GHz,
and the output signal has a 3-dB bandwidth of 1 GHz. At the initial stage of the schematic
circuit design, the modelled element or S-parameter of a stand-alone inductor is used
as the source degeneration inductor of the main (M$_{1}$) and auxiliary (M$_{2}$)
transistor without considering the coupling factor. In this case, the linearity performance
of the down-conversion mixer is optimized without including the magnetic coupling
effect between two source degeneration inductors, L$_{\mathrm{S1}}$ and L$_{\mathrm{S2}}$.
The inductances of the optimized L$_{\mathrm{S1}}$ and of L$_{\mathrm{S2}}$ are 340
pH and 850 pH at 28 GHz, respectively. All line widths and spaces of the two inductors
(L$_{\mathrm{S1}}$ and L$_{\mathrm{S2}}$) are 2 ${\mathrm{\mu}}$m. The quality factor
of L$_{\mathrm{S1}}$ and of L$_{\mathrm{S2}}$ is 14 and 17 at 28 GHz, respectively.
However, as two source degeneration inductors are conventionally placed facing two
vertexes or two parallel lines as shown in Fig. 2(a), the adjacent layout arrangement of the source degeneration inductors causes two
inductors to couple magnetically. Fig. 3(a) shows the coupling coefficient, k versus the distance between the conventional source
degeneration inductors of Fig. 2(a). Even though the coupling coefficient, k between the source degeneration inductors
is small, the linearity performance is not improved at the post-layout simulation
including the electromagnetic effect because the coupling factor changes the optimized
design point. When the electromagnetic effect is included in our design, the coupling
coefficient k that is less than 0.05 does not degrade the linearity performance of
the down-conversion mixer without considering the coupling factor between two source
degeneration inductors. As shown in Fig. 3(a), two source degeneration inductors are separated by more than 400 ${\mathrm{\mu}}$m
for k of 0.05. However, the parasitic inductance by the additional routing line is
induced and more silicon area by separation is occupied. Therefore, compact and low-magnetic-coupled
source degeneration inductors are required to maintain the optimized design parameters
of the down-conversion mixer without considering the magnetic coupling factor between
the source degeneration inductors.
Fig. 1. Simplified schematic of the down-conversion mixer with LO buffer using the
proposed low-magnetic-coupled source degeneration inductors.
Fig. 2. Source degeneration inductor configuration (a) Conventional source degeneration
inductors, (b) Proposed source degeneration inductors.
Fig. 3. Simulated coupling coefficient k (a) k versus distance between two conventional
inductors at 28 GHz, (b) Comparison of k with respect to frequency.
As shown in Fig. 2(b), the magnetic flux value on the left side between the U-shaped line inductor and
the straight line inductor is opposite to that of the magnetic flux on the right side
between the U-shaped line and the straight line. Therefore, the total coupling factor
between two inductors can be zero. By applying this concept, the low-magnetic-coupled
source degeneration inductors have been proposed, as shown in Fig. 2(b). The inductance values of L$_{\mathrm{S1}}$ and L$_{\mathrm{S2}}$ used at transistors
M$_{1}$ and M$_{2}$ are equal to those of the inductors without the coupling factor
used at the optimized stage of our circuit design. The quality factor of the proposed
inductors L$_{\mathrm{S1}}$ and L$_{\mathrm{S2}}$ are 13 and 12.5 at 28 GHz, respectively.
As shown in Fig. 3(b), the coupling coefficient k between the proposed inductors is approximately 0.03
in the frequency range from 10 GHz to 40 GHz. The simulated linearity performance
of the down-conversion mixer using this proposed source degeneration inductors is
the same as that of the down-conversion mixer using stand-alone L$_{\mathrm{S1}}$
of 340 pH and L$_{\mathrm{S2}}$ of 850 pH.
The bias voltages (V$_{\mathrm{B1}}$ and V$_{\mathrm{B2}}$) of the main and auxiliary
transistors are supplied from the current mirror bias circuits (5). To avoid stacking for high linearity at a low supply voltage, the G$_{\mathrm{m}}$
stage and switching stage are coupled magnetically using on-chip 2:1 transformer T$_{1}$.
The impedance between the output of the G$_{\mathrm{m}}$ stage and the input of the
switching stage is matched by the on-chip 2:1 transformer. The switching pairs (M$_{3}$${-}$M$_{6}$)
are driven by the single-to-differential LO buffer, which comprises a two-stage common-source
amplifier with an on-chip balun transformer consuming 10 mA from a 1-V supply voltage.
The proposed mixer with LO buffer was designed using the extracted S-parameters of
all passive components such as capacitors, inductors, transformers, routing lines,
supply and ground plates through an electromagnetic simulator.
Fig. 4. Chip photograph of the proposed mmWave down-conversion mixer with LO buffer.
Fig. 5. Measured results of the down-conversion mixer with LO buffer (a) Measured
return losses of RF and LO input, (b) Measured conversion gain, OIP3 and NF versus
LO input power, where RF frequency is 28 GHz, LO frequency is 16~GHz, two-tone spacing
frequency is 20 MHz, respectively.
The proposed mixer with LO buffer was implemented using a 65-nm CMOS process. The
chip photograph of the proposed mixer with LO buffer is shown in Fig. 4. The core areas of the mixer and LO buffer are 350 ${\mathrm{\mu}}$m ${\times}$ 500
${\mathrm{\mu}}$m and 360 ${\mathrm{\mu}}$m ${\times}$ 300 ${\mathrm{\mu}}$m, respectively.
The current consumption of the mixer and LO buffer is 11 mA and 10 mA from a 1-V supply
voltage, respectively. Fig. 5(a) shows the measured return losses of the RF input and LO input. The measured input
matching $\left(\left|\mathbf{S}_{11}\right|\right)$ of the RF input and LO input
is below -10 dB at the operating frequencies, respectively. Fig. 5(b) presents the measured conversion gain, NF, and third-order output intercept point
(OIP3) versus the LO input power of the down-conversion mixer with and without the
derivative superposition linearization (DSL) technique.
The derivative superposition method ensures approximately a 4-dB OIP3 improvement
at -7 dBm of the LO input power without any additional power consumption. Table 1 summarizes the measured performances of the proposed down-conversion mixer with LO
buffer and the recently published mmWave down-conversion mixers. The proposed mixer
has excellent figure of merit compared with the recently published mmWave mixers.
Table 1. Performance comparison with other mmWave down-conversion mixers
This work
Operating frequency (GHz)
Gain (dB)
OIP3 (dBm)
NF (dB)
< 15
LO power (dBm)
Power consumption (mW)
@ 1.2V
(Mixer+IF Buffer + LO buffer)
@ 1.5V
(Only mixer)
10 / 11*
@ 1V
(Mixer +
IF balun +
LO buffer)
11 / 21*
@ 1V
(Mixer + LO buffer)
90 nm CMOS
45 nm SOI
65 nm CMOS
65 nm CMOS
0.14 / 0.22*
0.18 / 0.28*
F.O.M(1) [6]
@ 60 GHz
@ 31 GHz
20.1 / 10*
@ 60 GHz
24.7 / 12.9*
@ 28 GHz
* value with LO buffer,
A 28-GHz down-conversion mixer with low-coupling source degeneration inductors was
proposed for 5G mmWave applications. As the proposed mixer has excellent performance
compared with the previously published ones, this mixer could be suitable for 5G mmWave
cellular receivers.
This research was supported by Samsung Electronics. This research was supported by
Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea funded
by the Ministry of Education (NRF-2016R1D1A1A09919228) and the Ministry of Science
and ICT, Korea, under the Information Technology Research Center support program (IITP-2019-2017-0-01635)
supervised by the Institute for Information & communications Technology Promotion.
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Changyeol Kim received the B.S. degree in electronic and electrical engineering from
Pusan National University, Busan, Korea, in 2016, the M.S. degree in electrical and
computer engineering at Pusan National University, Busan, Korea, in 2019.
He is currently working at Silicon Works since 2019.
Minsu Kim received his B.S. and M.S degrees in electronic and electrical engineering
from Pusan National University, Busan, Korea, in 2013 and 2015, respectively.
Since 2015 he is research engineer in LIG Nex1.
His research interests include Satellite Communication System.
Yangji Jeon received the B.S. degree in electronic engineering from Pukyong National
University, Busan, Korea, in 2017 and is currently working toward the M.S. degree
in electrical engineering at Pusan National University, Busan, Korea.
Her main interests are CMOS RF/mmWave/analog circuits for wireless communications.
Ockgoo Lee received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from Sungkyunkwan University,
Korea, in 2001, the M.S. degree in electrical engineering from the KAIST, Korea, in
2005, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering from the Georgia
Institute of Technology, USA, in 2009.
Upon completion of the doctoral degree, he joined Qualcomm Inc., USA, as a Senior
Engineer, where he was involved in the development of transmitters and integrated
passive circuits on mobile applications.
He is currently a faculty member with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Pusan
National University, Korea.
His research interests include high-frequency integrated circuits and system design
for wireless communications and biomedical applications.
Ilku Nam received the B.S. degree in EE from Yonsei University, Korea, in 1999, and
the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in EECS from the KAIST, Korea, in 2001 and 2005, respec-tively.
From 2005 to 2007, he was a Senior Engineer with Samsung Electronics, Gyeonggi, Korea,
where he was involved in the development of mobile digital TV tuner IC.
In 2007, he joined the School of Electrical Engineering, Pusan National University,
Busan, Korea, and is now a Professor.