(Department of Electronics Engineering, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, 34134,
Copyright © The Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers(IEIE)
Index Terms
NAND flash memory, charge migration, reliability, retention, test pattern, activation energy
With the advent of the fourth industrial revolution, industries such as artificial
intelligence ($A.I.$), the Internet of things ($IoT$), self-driving cars and big data
are emerging. As this new industry appears, it leads to mass of data distribution
and large capacity contents consumption. In accordance with this demand, memory capacity
increases and the need for server investment grows (1,2). In order to satisfy this, research on high-performance 3D NAND flash memory is being
actively conducted. High-performance memory requires high degree of integration, low
bit cost, and low inter-cell interference. The 3D NAND flash memory can satisfy this
demand (3,4).
Fig. 1. Flash memory structure and representation of the charge migration in (a) 2D
planar structure, (b) 3D vertical structure.
As degree of integration increases, problems arise in physical ($degradation$ $of$
$lithography$ $pattern$), electrical ($shoot$ $channel$ $effect,$ $gate$ $induced$
$drain$ $leakage$), and reliability aspects ($retention$ $decrease$ $due$ $to$ $electronic$
$loss$). In particular, the degradation problem of retention caused not only vertical
charge loss in the 2D structure but also other problems as the structure of the memory
changed to 3D structure.
As shown in Fig. 1, the 3D structure shares the ONO layer. As a result, charge migration occurs not
only vertically but also laterally. Migration within the charge trapping layer ($CTL$)
can be a serious problem due to the shared ONO structure. As a result, it is necessary
to further consider the leakage path for the stored charge in $CTL$. Additional migration
may cause retention degradation for the cell (5,6). Therefore, it should be considered for the reliability evaluation of the 3D memory
Fig. 2. Structure of SONOS capacitor. Here, the thickness of tunneling oxide, Si3N4 CTL and blocking oxide layer is 7 nm, 7 nm and 15 nm, respectively in this experiment.
Charge migration of 3D NAND flash memories has been studied steadily (7-9). However, these studies indirectly explain lateral charge migration through simulation
or electrical characteristic. Therefore, this study proposed a test pattern for charge
migration analysis. Using the proposed test pattern, the vertical and lateral charge
migration were separated. In addition, we will analyze the mechanism of each charge
migration using the separated values.
To fabricate SONOS structure cells for application in non-volatile memory ($NVM$),
the 7 nm silicon dioxide ($SiO_{2}$) dielectric for tunneling oxide layer was thermally
grown on a prime grade p-type Si substrate with high-purity oxygen gas via a dry oxidation
furnace. The silicon nitride ($Si_{3}N_{4}$) as a $CTL$ and the SiO2 blocking oxide layer were deposited by low-pressure chemical vapor deposition ($LPCVD$).
The 7 nm Si3N4 $CTL$ and 15 nm blocking oxide layer are considered in this study. In addition, the
100 nm titanium ($Ti$) electrode was deposited for the memory cells. Finally, Al was
deposited by RF sputter at back side of silicon wafer for the contact body. Fig. 2 shows the fabricated SONOS capacitor structure.
Fig. 3 shows the gate shape of the test pattern proposed in this study.
Fig. 3(a) shows an antenna-shaped pattern to increase the perimeter length to maximize lateral
charge migration. Fig. 3(b) is a mesh-shaped pattern designed to improve process stability and evaluate interference
between metal lines compared to antenna-shaped pattern. Each pattern was split in
width, distance, area ratio, and perimeter ratio. A square pattern with the same area
as the test pattern was additionally designed for reference measurement on each test
Fig. 3. Gate shape of the proposed test pattern (a) antenna-shaped pattern, (b) mesh-shaped
pattern. Here, perimeter of contact pad is much smaller than the total gate perimeter
and so the retention characteristics is not affected by the contact pad position.
Fig. 4. Schematic diagram of electron transfers according to pattern shape (a) test
pattern, (b) square pattern. In the square pattern, the lateral charge migration is
negligible due to the small perimeter relative to the gate area.
Fig. 4 is a schematic diagram showing the movement of electrons in the CTL according to
the pattern shape. In case of test pattern, the lateral charge migration is maximized
because the perimeter length is designed longer than the square pattern of the same
area. Under the same measurement conditions, the charge loss in the square pattern
is mostly caused by vertical charge migration. In the test pattern, the charge loss
will increase because both vertical and lateral charge migration occur simultaneously.
Then, the actual lateral charge migration can be obtained by the difference between
the charge loss measurements in the test pattern and the square pattern.
Fig. 5. Retention measurement according to temperature.
The capacitance-voltage ($C$-$V$) and retention analysis were measured on fabricated
capacitors using a Hewlett Packard 4284A precision LCR meter. Retention characteristics
for the programmed state were obtained by monitoring the flat band voltage ($V_{FB}$)
shift with respect to its initial value and retention tests were performed at room
temperature (20 ℃) to 125 ℃.
Fig. 5 shows the $C$-$V$ analysis according to temperature. The same program voltage ($V_{PRG}$)
was applied to match the programmed position. After the program, the temperature of
the device was increased and the $V_{FB}$ shift was confirmed by measuring the $C$-$V$
at 10 minute intervals from 0 to 20 minutes. The retention measurement shows that
the $V_{FB}$ shift to the left over time. At higher temperature, the more $V_{FB}$
shift was observed.
Fig. 6. Charge loss measurement results according to (a) the area ratio in the square
pattern, (b) the perimeter ratio in the antenna-shaped pattern.
$V_{FB}$ was extracted to 80 % of the maximum capacitance. Charge loss is expressed
as a percentage and the equation is as follows.
Fig. 6 shows the charge loss according to the area ratio in the square pattern and perimeter
ratio in the antenna-shaped pattern. The area and perimeter corresponding to "1" are
25764 µm2 and 6344 µm, respectively. In the square pattern, it is assumed that the vertical
migration occurs dominantly because the area-to-perimeter is very small. Therefore,
Fig. 6(a) shows that the amount of charge loss is almost constant as the area increases. When
the temperature was increased, it was confirmed that the amount of charge loss was
increased. Fig. 6(b) shows the charge loss measured in the antenna-shaped pattern at a temperature of
125 ℃. As the perimeter increases, the charge loss increases linearly. It can be expected
that that the movement of the electron by the lateral charge migration increased with
increasing perimeter length.
Fig. 7 shows the charge loss due to the lateral charge migration according to perimeter
length at 125 ℃ using the results in Fig. 6. The lateral charge loss was extracted using the difference between Fig. 6(a) and (b).
Fig. 7. Measurement results of the lateral charge loss. according to perimeter length
at 125℃.
Fig. 8. VFB shift results over time in the mesh-shaped pattern.
In Fig. 7, as perimeter ratio increases, lateral charge loss increases. When the perimeter
ratio is small, it is only 5 % of the total charge loss, but when the perimeter ratio
is increased to 9, it increases to 25 %.
Fig. 8 shows the $V_{FB}$ shift of the mesh-shaped pattern over time. $V_{FB}$ shift was
measured by varying the length of one side of the inner square. As the length of one
side increases, the length of the lateral charge migration increases. Therefore, as
the length of one side increases, the $V_{FB}$ shift increases. Therefore, the proposed
test pattern is very effective for reliability evaluation because it can maximize
the lateral charge migration effect.
Fig. 9 shows a graph comparing the effects of lateral and vertical charge loss with decreasing
channel length. The effect of lateral charge migration increases as channel length
decreases. In this study, the channel length is um level. Because the area of contact
with the channel is very large, the vertical charge loss appears larger than lateral
charge loss. However, if the channel length is decreased to nm level, lateral charge
migration will be the main cause of charge migration (10). Therefore, lateral migration is more important than vertical migration in the reliability
problem of 3D SONOS NAND flash memory.
Fig. 9. Comparison of lateral and vertical charge loss according to channel length.
Here, the solid line is the result of the reference (10) and the dash line is the result of this study.
Fig. 10. (a) Measurement results of the charge loss in the suggested test pattern
and the conventional square pattern according to temperature, (b) redrawn results
for fitting to Arrhenius equation to extract the activation energy.
To evaluate the activation energy for the charge migration, the temperature dependence
of charge loss are measured in antenna-shaped pattern and square pattern as shown
in Fig. 10(a), which is redrawn to Fig. 10(b) to apply to the Arrhenius equation. The Arrhenius equation used is as follows.
Fig. 11. Modeling diagram of lateral charge migration by conduction-band diffusion.
In the elevated temperature condition, more conduction electrons can be observed especially
in the Si3N4. This is because the electrons in the shallow trap that participate in conduction-band
diffusion increase by heat. Considering that the distance between the bandgap trap
is not so close in the insulator, the probability of lateral diffusion by hopping
will be much lower.
The activation energy in the square pattern ($E_{A,vertical}$) where the vertical
migration is main factor for the charge loss was calculated as 0.238 eV. And the activation
energy in the test pattern ($E_{A,Lateral}$) where only the lateral migration is considered
by subtracting the vertical charge loss was calculated as 0.058 eV. It is noticeable
that $E_{A,Lateral}$ is very smaller than $E_{A,vertical}$ and similar results have
been reported based on the simulation by other research group (11,12). This is because lateral charge migration occurs above the conduction band. The electrons
in the shallow traps move up the conduction band by heat, and the electrons in the
conduction band can move easily. Therefore, it can be expected for electron in the
conduction to diffuse with a relatively small energy, which is illustrated in Fig. 11 by the lateral charge migration by the conduction band diffusion.
In this study, we proposed a test pattern for analyzing the charge migration in 3D
SONOS flash memory. For the analysis, a capacitor with ONO structure was fabricated,
and C-V curve and retention analysis were performed according to the temperature.
Vertical charge loss was measured by retention measurement in the conventional square
pattern, and total charge loss was measured by increasing the perimeter ratio using
the test pattern. And, substantial lateral charge losses were extracted using the
difference between the square pattern and the test pattern. In addition, the activation
energy of lateral and vertical charge migration was extracted using the Arrhenius
equation. From the extracted activation energy, lateral charge migration is modeled
by the conduction band diffusion. Because the suggested test pattern can measure each
value for the lateral and vertical migration occurring in the 3D SONOS flash memory,
it is expected that a clear analysis of the reliability problem that can be caused
by the charge migration is possible.
This research was supported by Nano·Material Technology Development Program through
the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science,
ICT and Future Planning (2009-0082580), and by a National Research Foundation of Korea
(NRF) grant, funded by the Korea government (MSIP) (NRF-2019M3F3A1A01074448)
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received a B.S. degree in electronic engineering in 2016 and is currently working
toward an integrated Ph.D. program in the Department of Electronics Engi-neering from
the Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Korea.
His research interests include flash memory, oxide thin film transistor.
is currently studying toward an B.S. degree in the Department of Electronics Engi-neering
from the Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Korea.
His research interests include reliability and analysis of flash memory.
is currently studying toward an B.S. degree in the Department of Electronics Engi-neering
from the Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Korea.
His research interests include reliability and analysis of flash memory.
received B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and
Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, Korea, in 1990, 1992, and 1996, respectively, all in
electrical engi-neering.
In 1993, he joined LG Semicon Co., Ltd. (currently SK hynix Semiconductor), Cheongju,
Korea, where he was involved in the development of 0.35-, 0.25-, and 0.18-μm CMOS
technologies, respectively.
He was also responsible for the development of 0.15- and 0.13-μm CMOS technologies.
Since 2001, he has been with Chungnam National University, Daejeon, and now is Professor
with the Department of Electronics Engineering.
From 2006 to 2008, he was with the University of Texas, Austin, and SEMATECH, Austin,
as a Visiting Scholar.
His research interests are nanoscale CMOS technology and its reliability physics,
silicide technology, and test element group design.
His research interests also include sensitivity improvement of sensors, and development
of high performance sensors.
Dr. Lee is a member of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea.
He received the Excellent Professor Award from Chungnam National University in 2001,
2003 and 2014.
received B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Korea Advanced
Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, Korea, in 1994, 1996, and 1999,
In 1999, she joined Hynix Semiconductor Ltd. (currently SK Hynix Semiconductor Ltd.)
as a senior research engineer, where she was involved in the development of 0.115-Se
and 0.09—S DDR II DRAM technologies.
Since 2005, she has been at Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Korea, as a Professor
with the Department of Electronics Engineering.
Her main research fields are flash memory and flexible display technology including
fabrication, electrical analysis, and modeling.