NguyenCuong Van*
Copyright © The Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers(IEIE)
Index Terms
Palladium, platinum, gallium nitride, nitrogen dioxide sensor, high electron mobility transistor
Gas sensors based on semiconductors have significant advantages: they can detect both
oxidizing and reducing gas, low cost in massive production, low power consumption
and can be integrated into circuits (1,2). Recently, gas sensors based on gallium nitride (GaN) have been extensively studied
(2-4,6,7). Since GaN is a wide bandgap semiconductor material, it can withstand high temperatures
and chemical corrosion. Therefore, the sensor based on GaN can be a promising candidate
to operate in a harsh environment.
Currently, there are a few studies on gas sensors based on AlGaN/GaN HEMTs, in which
they often use Pt as catalyst (8-12). Pt is a powerful catalyst and can work with many gases such as H$_{2}$ (8,10,13,15), NO$_{2}$ (8,9,11,12), NO (9-11), and NH$_{3}$ (5,9,11). However, NO$_{2}$ gas sensors based on Pt-AlGaN/GaN HEMTs often showed low sensitivity
(S). Pt-AlGaN/GaN HEMTs structure exhibited 1% (11) and 5.5 % (12) of sensitivity to 10~ppm NO$_{2}$ at 300$^{\circ}$C, while another Pt-AlGaN/GaN HEMT
sensor showed 10% of sensitivity to 1000 ppm NO$_{2}$ at 400 $^{\mathrm{o}}$C (8). Although their devices showed a remarkable change of drain current (ΔI) from 0.35
mA to 1.8 mA, they operate in mA range, resulting in low sensitivity.
The thickness of AlGaN layer plays an important role in the performance of the sensor.
The sensitivity can be improved by thinning AlGaN barrier using a gate recess etching.
The sensitivity was enhanced significantly when the thickness of the AlGaN barrier
was reduced from 12 to 6.3 nm by a gate-recess process (14). However, this approach complicates the fabrication process and can hinder a stable
operation due to the damage on the recessed.%Su su NguyenSsN2020-04-05T12:20:00Z Su
su NguyenSsN Su su NguyenSsN Su su Nguyen Su su Nguyen SsN SsN 2020-04-05T12:20:00Z
2020-04-05T12:20:00Z Reviewer 1, question 1: explanation about the effect of thinner
barrier Reviewer 1, question 1: explanation about the effect of thinner barrier
In this paper, we designed and fabricated low power consumption sensors based on AlGaN/GaN
HEMT, which operate in μA range to balance the tradeoff between S and ΔI (11). A thin AlGaN barrier (10 nm) was chosen to increase sensitivity without gate recessing,
thereby simplifying the fabrication process. Also, the AlGaN/GaN HEMT sensors with
2 different catalysts (Pt/Pd) were fabricated to compare the performance between Pt-sensors
and Pd-sensors. We report that NO$_{2 }$gas sensors with Pd-gate HEMTs exhibited better
performance than Pt-gate ones, including higher sensitivity and faster recovery time.
Fig. 1. Cross-sectional diagram (a) and microscope image (b) of sensors.
1. Fabrication
Fig. 2. Sensing mechanism of NO$_{2}$ gas sensor based on AlGaN/GaN HEMT.
Fig. 1 shows cross-sectional diagram (a) and microscope image of fabricated sensors (b).
AlGaN/GaN HEMT-type sensors were fabricated at the Inter-University Semiconductor
Research Center (ISRC), Seoul, Korea. AlGaN/GaN-on-Si substrate consists of a 4 nm
GaN cap layer, a 10-nm Al$_{\mathrm{0.2}}$Ga$_{\mathrm{0.8}}$N barrier layer, a 5.2
μm i-GaN layer, and AlGaN/AlN buffer layers. The source and drain contacts with Ti/Al/Ni/Au
(200/1200/ 250/500\AA{}) were formed by e-beam evaporation with lift-off process and
followed by rapid thermal annealing (RTA) at 833 $^{\mathrm{o}}$C for 32 s in N$_{2}$
ambient. 315 nm-depth mesa isolation was formed by inductively coupled plasma (ICP)
etching with BCl$_{3}$/Cl$_{2}$ to define the active region. The sensing area as a
gate electrode was then formed by e-beam evaporation and lift-off process. We fabricated
2 samples with the same thickness (30 nm) of Pt or Pd layers. Finally, the probing
pads were formed with Ti/Au (20/250 nm) evaporation.
2. Measurement
Gas sources consist of synthesized dry air as the reference gas, and 100 ppm NO$_{2}$
as target gas. For different concentrations of NO$_{2}$, we mixed target gas and dry
air using mass flow controllers (MFCs). The sensors were loaded in a chamber containing
a hot chuck to control the operating temperature. I-V and transient characteristics
were measured using Agilent 4155A parameter analyzer. We maintained a constant flow
rate of 200 sccm in all measurements.
3. Sensing Mechanism
The nitrogen dioxide sensing mechanism of sensors based on AlGaN/GaN HEMTs has been
investigated and reported in (8,9,11,12). When nitrogen dioxide gas is introduced, nitrogen dioxide molecules are dissociated
on the catalytic layer (Pt or Pd) and result in negatively charged oxygen ions that
diffuse through the gate via pores or grain boundary and reach the surface of AlGaN
layer. Here they affect the number of mobile carriers in two-dimensional electron
gas (2DEG) of the HEMT structure, it leads to a reduction of drain current (Fig. 2). While the adsorption of oxygen ions can take place at room temperature, the desorption
occurs only at high temperatures (12), which directly affects the recovery of the sensor. %Su su NguyenSsN2020-04-05T12:20:00Z
Su su NguyenSsN Su su NguyenSsN Su su Nguyen Su su Nguyen SsN SsN 2020-04-05T12:20:00Z
2020-04-05T12:20:00Z Reviewer 2, question 1: explanation of how the oxygen ions are
removed from the channel Reviewer 2, question 1: explanation of how the oxygen ions
are removed from the channel
Fig. 3. The transient characteristics of (a) Pt-AlGaN/GaN, (b) Pd-AlGaN/GaN sensors
at 300 $^{0}$C under 100 ppm of NO$_{2}$.
The sensitivity is defined as the ratio between the change of drain current and initial
S = (I$_{\mathrm{dry air}}$ - I$_{\mathrm{NO2}}$) / I$_{\mathrm{dry air}}$
Fig. 4. Continued on the next page.
where I$_{\mathrm{dry air}}$ and I$_{\mathrm{NO2}}$ are drain currents under the flow
of dry air and NO$_{2}$ gas, respectively. The response and recovery times were calculated
from transient characteristics, where they show 10% to 90% of the total change in
drain current.
1. Performance Comparison Between Pt-sensor and Pd-sensor
Fig. 4. The transfer characteristic (a), response of Pd-sensor at different gate voltages
V$_{\mathrm{G}}$ = -0.1; 0; 0.1; 0.3 V (b, c, d, e respectively) at 300 $^{\mathrm{o}}$C
under 100 ppm NO$_{2}$.
Fig. 3 shows the transient characteristics of Pt-AlGaN/GaN and Pd-AlGaN/GaN sensors with
alternately exposed to dry air and 100 ppm NO$_{2}$. At 300~$^{\mathrm{o}}$C, the
sensitivity of Pt-sensor is 15%, and it took about 15 minutes to recover. The Pd-sensor
demonstrated much better performance: 53 % of sensitivity and recovery time is only
196 s. These results show the advantage of Pd catalyst over Pt catalyst in NO$_{2}$
2. High Performance NO2 Gas Sensor Based on Pd-AlGaN/GaN HEMT
A. Modulation of Gate Bias
One of the advantages of sensors based on HEMT compared to Schottky diode is the ability
to optimize sensitivity by adjusting gate bias (11). Fig. 4 demonstrates the performance of Pd-sensor at different gate biases, from -0.1 to
0.3 V. The sensor exhibits high sensitivity when it is biased near the threshold voltage
(Fig. 5). At negative gate bias V$_{\mathrm{G}}$=-0.1 V, the sensor shows high sensitivity,
but the current level was too low and unstable. When increasing V$_{\mathrm{G}}$,
initial current, the change of drain current ΔI and leakage current I$_{\mathrm{G}}$
also increased, leading to the reduction of sensitivity. This is in agreement with
the explanation of Bishop et al (11). Based on this result, we choose V$_{\mathrm{G}}$ = 0 V as the operating point in
the next measurements.
Fig. 5. The sensitivity of Pd-sensor at different gate voltages at 300 $^{\mathrm{o}}$C
under 100 ppm NO$_{2}$.
Fig. 6. Pd-sensor’s response at high temperatures under 100 ppm of NO$_{2}$ in 30
s exposure time and 90 s recovery time.
B. Performance of Pd-sensor at Different Temperatures
Fig. 6 shows the performance of Pd-sensor at different temperatures starting from 200 $^{\mathrm{o}}$C.
The desorption of the negatively charged oxygen ions on AlGaN surface occurs from
about 200 $^{\mathrm{o}}$C, hence the sensor cannot totally recover at 200 $^{\mathrm{o}}$C
in 90 s exposure in dry air. From 300 $^{\mathrm{o}}$C, the sensor fully recovered
in 90 s. The response and recovery times decrease along with an increase of operating
temperature and it indicates that the adsorption and desorption of oxygen ions take
place more efficiently at higher temperatures. The sensor shows the highest sensitivity
of 40.3 % at 300 $^{\mathrm{o}}$C as shown in Table 1.%Su su NguyenSsN2020-04-05T12:20:00Z Su su NguyenSsN Su su NguyenSsN Su su Nguyen
Su su Nguyen SsN SsN 2020-04-05T12:20:00Z 2020-04-05T12:20:00Z Reviewer 1, question
2: Why choose 300 ℃ Reviewer 1, question 2: Why choose 300 ℃ Reviewer 2, question
1: prove that the desorption ability of oxygen ions depends on temperature Reviewer
2, question 1: prove that the desorption ability of oxygen ions depends on temperature
C. Performance of Pd-sensor at Different Concen-trations of NO2 NO2
Fig. 7 shows our Pd-sensor can detect NO$_{2}$ in a range from 10 to 100 ppm at 300 $^{\mathrm{o}}$C.
Even at a low concentration of 10 ppm, the sensitivity is 18 %, which is much improved
when compared to other studies using Pt-AlGaN/GaN HEMTs (Table 2). Our sensor consumes about 0.23 mW in this regime, this is a great advantage when
integrating sensors into circuits.
Table 1. The performance of sensor at high temperatures
time (s)
Recovery time (s)
200 ℃
too long
300 ℃
350 ℃
400 ℃
Fig. 7. Pd-sensor’s response under 10 ppm, 50 ppm and 100 ppm of NO$_{2}$.
In real working conditions, the sensors should respond quickly to different gas concentrations
with small exposure and recovery times. Fig. 8 shows significant changes of drain current when the Pd-sensor was exposed in NO$_{2}$
in 30 s under 10 ppm to 100 ppm of NO$_{2}$. This measurement suggested that our sensor
can work in real time conditions.
Fig. 8. Pd-sensor’s response under different concentrations in 30 s exposure time
and 90 s recovery time.
We fabricated AlGaN/GaN HEMT-type gas sensors with a thin barrier, which operate in
μA range and at a high temperature. To improve the sensitivity without gate recessing,
an AlGaN/GaN heterostructure with a 10-nm thin barrier was chosen. For NO$_{2}$ gas
detection, the sensor based on Pd-AlGaN/GaN HEMT shows higher sensitivity and faster
recovery time than Pt-AlGaN/GaN sensor. The Pd-sensor demonstrated operation capability
in a wide range of temperatures, and it shows the highest sensitivity at 300 $^{\mathrm{o}}$C.
Also, it responded quickly to target gas in a wide range of concentrations (from 10
to 100 ppm) in small exposure time. This work suggests that Pd-AlGaN/GaN HEMTs can
be used for NO$_{2}$ detection in the harsh environment and in real time conditions.
This research was supported by Korea Electric Power Corporation (Grant Number: R18XA06-05)
and the National Research Foundation (NRF) of Korea grant funded by the Korea government
(MSIT) (NRF- 2019R1H1A2078240).
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Cuong Van Nguyen was born in Thanhhoa, Vietnam in 1983.
He received the B.S degree in Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Moscow,
Russia and M.S degree in the Department of Physics from Hanoi University of Science,
Vietnam National University, Vietnam in 2008 and 2015, respectively.
He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in the Department of electronic and electrical
engineering, Hongik University, Seoul, Korea.
His interests include gas sensor based on wide bandgap semiconductor material.
Hyungtak Kim received the in Electrical Engineering from Seoul National
University, Seoul, Korea and the M.S./Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering
from Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, U.S.A., in 1996 and 2003, respectively.
In 2007, he joined the school of electronic and electrical engineering at Hongik University,
Seoul, Korea and is currently a professor.
His research interests include the reliability physics of semiconductor devices and
those applications toward extreme environment electronics.
Prior to joining Hongik University, he spent 4 years developing CMOS devices and process
integration for DRAM technology as a senior engineer in the semiconductor R&D center
at Samsung Electronics, Co. Ltd.