Sonar systems have been widely used to measure distances between objects in the ocean,
and they have been actively studied from various perspectives such as sensor modeling
and signal processing of the ultrasonic signal. Fig. 1 shows the ocean acoustic measurement environment. The environment has many noise
sources and the receiver is exposed to all of these noise sources. The presence of
all of these noise sources in the ocean environment degrades the performance of the
receiver. As shown in Fig. 1, the distance between Object1 and the Receiving equipment is larger than $d_{2}$,
the distance between Object2 and the Receiving equipment. Particularly when receiving
signals from more distant objects, the presence of noise sources reduces the SNR performance
even further. Thus, the measurement environment shown in Fig. 1 requires a receiver with low noise, and the Input-Referred (IR) noise should be lowered
so as to improve the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) and sensitivity of the receiver.
On the other hand, as the distance between the object and the Receiving equipment
is shortened, the input signal level of the receiver will increase, which can lead
to nonlinear harmonic distortion in the receiver.
Fig. 1. Environment of measuring distance using sonar signal in the ocean.
In order to process the data from sonar sensors, the sonar signal conditioning receiver
requires a pre-amplifier, Variable Gain Amplifier (VGA), filter, and Analog-to-Digital
Converter (ADC). As the amplitude of the signal from the sonar source is dependent
on the distance between the sonar source and receiver, the receiver should have a
wide dynamic gain range, low noise, and a high signal to noise ratio (SNR).
In addition, in order to process small and large input signal levels depending on
the distance, high dynamic range and Automatic Gain Control (AGC) are required.
Signal processing circuits including high-resolution ADCs have been actively researched
(1-9) due to the fact that a high-resolution ADC must be implemented in order to ensure
the high sensitivity of the receiver. The ADCs in the reference papers (1-9) used a fixed oversampling ratio (OSR). The power consumption of the SD ADC can be
reduced by lowering the sampling clock. In this paper, SDM uses variable sampling
rates in order to lower the power consumption. Moreover, for the object detection
in the ocean environment, the signal is processed in the time domain, and the timing
resolution is critical because the sonar system requires many samples in the time
domain. For the processing of many samples in the analog front-end, a high data rate
is required. However, if the conventional ADC architectures (1-9) are adopted, the power consumption needs to be increased in order to achieve a high
data rate. Therefore, the reconfigurable ADC architecture in this paper is proposed
to reduce the power consumption, which can provide many samples up to 12.5 MS/s for
accurate signal detection.
The recent trends are focusing more on sensor arrays than single sonar sensors. Sensor
arrays can be advantageous in terms of reducing the area and lowering costs accordingly
(10-14). In order to process a signal from a sensor array, a multi-channel receiver (15-21) is needed. In the sonar signal detection, each channel should be simultaneously processing
a signal from a sensor array. In addition, all of the channels must meet the requirements
mentioned above. In addition, channel-to-channel matching is required to reduce the
data error. The phase differences between channels are minimized in the proposed receiver
so as to avoid having a large phase difference.
In this paper, we propose a receiver with a low noise pre-amplifier and wide dynamic
range for sonar sensors. The pre-amplifier in the proposed receiver has a low IR noise
of 29.6 nV/√Hz at 50 kHz. It can also apply the DC bias point of 1.2 V to the external
sonar sensors, since they do not have the DC bias voltage required for proper MOSFET
operation. A receiver takes a signal from each sensor of the sensor array and processes
it in a single channel. For a sensor array, a technique integrating the separate multichannel
circuits for signal processing is essential. The proposed receiver also includes the
Sigma-Delta ADC (SD ADC) with reconfigurable decimation factor, and the sampling frequency
can be varied with the oversampling ratio (OSR). In this paper, we propose and design
a five-channel low noise receiver with SD ADC with a reconfigurable sampling rate
of 1.5 MS/s - 12.5 MS/s.
The system specification of the proposed receiver is shown in Table 1. The range of the input voltage amplitude is from -100 dBV to -29 dBV; a range this
large requires a large dynamic gain range in the receiver. This system requires the
IR noise to be less than -150 dBV / √Hz. When multiple input signals are sent to the
proposed receiver in the same phase, the output of that will be less than 1 degree.
The use of a Parallel-to-Serial (P2S) system is also essential, due to the number
of channels. Using the P2S circuit, it is possible to reduce the number of data output
pins. Fig. 2 shows the equivalent circuit of the unit sensor of the sensor array. The sensor can
be modeled with a resistor and capacitor; the resistance is 1 kΩ and the capacitance
is 100 nF. It does not share the ground with the proposed receiver. Therefore, the
proposed receiver uses a pre-amplifier with input basing in order to define the input
DC voltage level.
A block diagram of the proposed receiver is shown in Fig. 3. Each channel of the proposed receiver consists of a pre-amplifier, a variable gain
amplifier (VGA), a band pass filter (BPF), an SD ADC, and P2S circuits into one chip.
When a differential signal comes from the sensor array, each signal goes into each
channel of the 5-channel receiver IC. The receiver is designed to minimize the noise,
thus maximizing the SNR with the high-resolution SD ADC.
Table 1. System specification
Input voltage amplitude (dBV)
-100 ~ -29
Supply voltage (V)
The number of channel
5(in 3.8 mm x 3.8 mm size)
Dynamic range (dB)
20 ~ 100
Resolution (bit)
Sampling frequency (Hz)
> 2.5 M
IR Noise (dBV / √Hz)
< -150
Phase error between channels (degree)
< ± 1
Fig. 2. Equivalent circuit of sensor on the input.
A block diagram of the proposed receiver is shown in Fig. 3. Each channel of the proposed receiver consists of a pre-amplifier, a variable gain
amplifier (VGA), a band pass filter (BPF), an SD ADC, and P2S circuits into one chip.
When a differential signal comes from the sensor array, each signal goes into each
channel of the 5-channel receiver IC. The receiver is designed to minimize the noise,
thus maximizing the SNR with the high-resolution SD ADC.
Fig. 3. Block diagram of the proposed 5-Channel Receiver IC.
Each MOSFET in the pre-amplifier of the input stage is designed to be sufficiently
large to reduce the flicker noise. Depending on the input signal level, the VGA can
adjust its gain to make the input signal level of the ADC reach the Full Scale (FS).
BPF has the functions of DC offset cancellation and reducing noise at high frequency.
SD ADC is implemented to achieve high resolution for the high sensitivity sonar sensor
application by applying variable oversampling and a chopping scheme in the amplifier.
In addition, the Sigma-Delta Modulator (SDM) in the SD ADC uses the clock splitting
technique and adopts a digital filter with an adjustable decimation factor for a reconfigurable
sampling frequency. A Parallel-to-Serial (P2S) interface is integrated for a multichannel
receiver due to the limitations of the pins. The SPI Controller is designed to control
the gain of IC according to the input signal level.
Fig. 4. System budget of the proposed receiver with respect to input signal amplitude.
Fig. 4 shows the system udget of the receiver. If a small power signal is applied to the
receiver, the receiver provides a gain of 97 dB. By contrast, if the input signal
level is large, the proposed receiver operates with a gain of 26 dB. Therefore, the
input voltage level of the ADC can be maintained at a constant level of about -3 dBV.
1. Pre-amplifier
Since the ocean measurement environment requires the use of a low noise receiver due
to the presence of various noise sources, one of the most important issues is increasing
the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in the high-resolution receiver. In order to increase
the SNR, it is necessary to first lower the noise level of the input signal to the
ADC. In the receiver proposed in this paper, the pre-amplifier is designed to lower
the noise power for high SNR at the output of the ADC. In general, the IR noise of
the pre-amplifier dominantly determines the noise performance of the whole receiver.
Therefore, in order to design a receiver with low noise, it is important to minimize
the IR noise of the pre-amplifier. In addition, the pre-amplifier suppresses the noise
from VGA1 and BPF by providing a gain of 20 dB. A schematic diagram of the pre-amplifier
is shown in Fig. 5.
Fig. 5. Schematic of pre-amplifier.
Since the input DC voltage level of the application is not determined by the external
sensor, we design the pre-amplifier to shift the DC level to 1.2 V in order to satisfy
the bias condition of VGA1. The size of VGA input MOSFET is optimized in order to
minimize the input referred noise. Using this pre-amplifier, the IR noise of the proposed
receiver is simulated to be 29.6 nV / √Hz at 50 kHz.
Fig. 6. Schematic of OP-Amp in the Pre-Amplifier.
Fig. 6 shows the Two-Stage OP-Amp with PMOS inputs used in the pre-amplifier. Miller compensation
with R and C is applied so as to guarantee the Phase Margin (PM) of 60 °. The noise
contributions of all of the devices in the OP-Amp are analyzed, with the results shown
in Fig. 7. As shown in Fig. 7, the IR noise is lowered by optimizing the MOSFET size and the bias current. Prior
to optimization, the flicker noises of the input MOSFETs are the dominant factor.
Thus, we reduce their noise to almost 1/10 of their pre-optimization value. Fig. 8 presents the IR noise simulation result of the pre-amplifier, showing the noise of
28 nV/√Hz at 50 kHz.
Fig. 7. IR noise comparison before optimization and after optimization at 0.18 μm
CMOS process.
Fig. 8. IR noise simulation result of pre-amplifier.
2. Variable Gain Amplifier
In order to ensure the high resolution of the SD ADC, precise gain control is needed.
The proposed receiver controls the gain with 1-dB step. As shown in Fig. 2, the input signal goes through the VGA1, BPF, and VGA2 sequentially. The maximum
gains of both VGA1 and VGA2 are 40 dB. Fig. 9 shows a schematic diagram of VGA1; VGA2 uses the exact same structure as VGA1.
Furthermore, they are designed to be adjustable using a resistive feedback structure
by 1-dB step control depending on the input signal level. As the signal amplitude
grows, a lower gain is provided in order to satisfy the input voltage range of the
SD ADC. The AC simulation result of VGA1 is shown in Fig. 10. The total gain ranges from 0 dB to 40 dB and it provides a variable gain step of
Fig. 9. Schematic of VGA1.
Fig. 10. AC simulation result of VGA1.
3. Band Pass Filter
An Active-RC Band-Pass Filter (BPF) is implemented in the proposed receiver in order
to cancel the dc offset and suppress noise at high frequency. A schematic diagram
of the BPF is shown in Fig. 11. The BPF is designed as a fourth order, Chebyshev type. In terms of noise performance,
VGA1 is positioned immediately after the pre-amplifier because the noise characteristic
of BPF is worse than those of the VGA1 and VGA2. Thus, the noise from BPF can be attenuated
by the gain of the pre-amplifier and VGA1.
Fig. 11. Schematic of Band-Pass Filter (BPF).
4. Sigma-delta ADC
Fig. 12 shows the proposed simplified SD ADC designed in this work. The SD ADC consists of
an SDM and a digital filter. In this application, we designed it to have a high resolution
for the ocean measurement environment. In order to reduce the noise, the SDM is designed
to push the noise to a higher frequency so that it can be filtered by the following
digital filter. A decimation filter is designed to control the decimation factor so
as to lower the current consumption.
Fig. 13 shows a block diagram of the SDM. The second order discrete type SDM with a Cascaded
Integrator Feed-Back (CIFB) structure is implemented.
Fig. 12. Simplified block diagram of the proposed SD ADC.
Fig. 13. Block diagram of the Sigma-Delta Modulator (SDM).
Two integrators and a 1-bit Quantizer are used. A schematic diagram of the SDM is
shown in Fig. 14. The sampling operation is performed in the sampling capacitors as shown in Fig. 14. The differential signals ($V_{REFT}$ and $V_{REFB}$) originate from the analog circuits,
including the pre-amplifier, VGA, and BPF. The input differential range of SDM is
2 $V_{pp}$ and the common mode level is 1.2 V. In the first integrator, the coefficient
value is determined by the ratio of the sampling capacitor ($C_{I}$/4) and integration
capacitor ($C_{I}$).
Fig. 14. Schematic of the designed Sigma-Delta Modulator (SDM).
Fig. 15. Schematic of OP-Amp in the proposed SDM.
Fig. 15 shows a schematic diagram of the OP-Amp used in the SDM shown in Fig. 14; it has a gain-boosted Folded-Cascode structure. In order to reduce the flicker noise
at low frequency, the chopping scheme is applied. The OP-Amp uses the Chopper PMOS,
Chopper NMOS, and Chopper_IN along with their control switches. The chopper pushes
the noise in the signal band to a higher frequency. The chopper circuits basically
operate based on the clock, which is generated by the CLK Generator, as shown in Fig. 15. In addition, the common mode feedback (CMFB) circuit is designed to keep the output
common mode voltage level constant. Since it is in the high gain amplifier, the use
of a circuit that maintains the output bias voltage is essential. In order to use
a high sampling frequency, the CMFB clock should be separated from the sampling clock.
If the CMFB clock is the same as the sampling clock, the gain of the OP-Amp used in
the SDM will be reduced, and consequently, the resolution of SD ADC will also be degraded.
In this paper, we split the CMFB clock from the sampling clock.
Fig. 16. Structure of the non-overlapped two-phase clock generator.
Fig. 16 shows a schematic diagram of the clock generator of the SDM. The circuit generates
clock signals $Q_{1}$, $Q_{1D}$, $Q_{2}$, and $Q_{2D}$. In addition, the inverted
signals of $Q_{1B}$, $Q_{1DB}$, $Q_{2B}$, and $Q_{2DB}$ from $Q_{1}$, $Q_{1D}$, $Q_{2}$,
and $Q_{2D}$, respectively, are also generated by the clock generator circuit.
Fig. 17. Clock signals generated by the CLK Generator.
Fig. 18. Structure of the comparator.
Fig. 17 shows the clock signal waveforms generated by the clock generator circuit. Since
$Q_{1B}$, $Q_{1DB}$, $Q_{2B}$, and $Q_{2DB}$ are inverted forms of the $Q_{1}$, $Q_{1D}$,
$Q_{2}$, and $Q_{2D}$ signals, respectively, the $Q_{1}$ and $Q_{2}$ signals are non-overlapped
clocks, as are the $Q_{1D}$ and $Q_{2D}$ signals.
Fig. 18 shows the structure of the proposed comparator. Since the associated power consumption
is less than that of the static type, a dynamic type of comparator is designed.
The differential output of the second integrator is connected to the INP and INN inputs
of the comparator. The outputs of the comparator (SDM_OUT and SDM_OUTB) are determined
by latches. The $Q_{1}$ and $Q_{2}$ clock signals control the comparator clocking,
and the P1 and N1 signals control certain switches in the SDM, as shown in Fig. 14.
The proposed SD ADC mainly consists of an SDM and a digital filter. The digital filter
cuts the noise on the high frequency band. The main function of the SDM is to push
the noise to a higher frequency than the input signal frequency. In addition, the
order of the SDM determines the slope of the output noise shaping. The use of a higher
order SDM leads to sharper output noise shaping on the frequency domain. In order
to apply a digital filter to the high order SDM, the digital filter should have high
power and a large area with a cascaded structure. In the conventional design, the
decimation factor of the digital filter is dependent on the OSR of the SDM. In this
paper, a digital filter with a controllable decimation factor and controller is presented.
Fig. 19. Proposed block diagram of the decimation filter.
The SDM in this paper has a second order configuration, as shown in Fig. 13. For the small area, a sinc3 type filter is adopted for the proposed receiver. The
block diagram of the proposed decimation filter is shown in Fig. 19 to include the Integrators and Comb filters with a cascaded structure. The controller
is used to control the decimation factor. Using the CONTROLLER block, the register
width and proper clocking within the filter stages can be selected. The Integrator
clock is the same as the sampling clock (Fs) of the SDM, whereas the Comb can be operated
with the sampling clock divided by the decimation ratio (Fs/D). This process helps
the decimation filter reduce the power dissipation at the Comb stage of the CIC filter.
This clock is controlled by the CONTROLLER block according to the requirements of
the decimation ratio. The register size can be varied through the CONTROLLER by changing
the decimation ratio. This is because integration and differentiation (Comb) require
different register sizes with different decimation ratios; the register sizes are
proportional to the decimation ratio as expressed by the following Eq. (1).
In this Eq. (1), L is the number of stages in the CIC filter. In addition, D is the decimation factor
with variable features, M is the number of delays, and Win is the input word length.
Inside the integrator and comb filter, the register size is controlled for the specific
decimation ratio. The output of the filter has the 14 Most Significant Bits (MSB)
selected from the single wide register (main register).
Fig. 20. Proposed controller for configurable CIC filter.
Fig. 20 shows the CONTROLLER used in the decimation filter, which includes the Clock Controller
and the Register Controller. The Clock Controller provides the clocks needed in the
Comb filter, Integrator, and CIC filter. Eq. (1) shows how the register size is calculated as well as the maximum size for D=2048.
This will be the main register used by all of the filters. The controller will select
MSB 14-bits from this register based on the decimation factor and discard the remaining
The controller operates by sampling the clock sample with that used in the SDM. The
necessary clocks for the integrator, comb, and other control blocks are generated
based on this sampling clock. D_CNTRL (4 bits) is used to select from the various
decimation factors that are available (32, 64, ..., 2048). The register controller
block selects 14 MSBs from the main register and assigns them to the output by dropping
the LSB.
5. P2S-S2P Interface
The proposed receiver implements the serial interface circuit inside the IC. For pin-constrained
applications, a P2S interface is necessary to transmit the data (10).
Fig. 21. P2S and S2P block diagram.
Fig. 21 shows a block diagram of the P2S-S2P used in the proposed receiver, where SYNC is
the synchronization signal, DIN means parallel data input, and SDO is serial data
output. The P2S interface is designed inside the IC and S2P is in the FPGA board.
The ADC outputs the parallel data, which then goes to the P2S interface, whose output
is serial form data. This P2S-S2P interface has two synchronization modes: high throughput
mode (HTM) and highly synchronized mode (HSM).
In HTM, at first, SYNC is pulled down and the MODE signal is high. Then, P2S receives
data from DIN, and at the active edge of clock SCK, transmits it to SDO. SDO is then
transmitted in serial from MSB to LSB. In this mode, no overhead bits or extra clock
cycles exist. At the time that the communication between the P2S and S2P interfaces
begins, P2S and S2P are synchronized once at the negative edge of SYNC. First, MODE
is pulled down, and the mode HSM, in which P2S and S2P synchronize, is enabled after
all serial data is sent and received. Only when RD is high, P2S takes the sample and
transmits it to P2S. This mode is selected due to the features of the proposed receiver,
which does not require continuous data. In order to achieve high performance P2S interface
operation, $f_{sck}$ (the serial clock frequency) is necessary. This is given in Eq. (2).
In Eq. (2), N is the resolution and FADC is the sampling frequency of ADC. The P2S and S2P interfaces
are in a synchronous finite state machine (FSM) model-based design. Fig. 22 shows the FSM flow chart for P2S and S2P. The timing diagram of each piece of data
is presented in Fig. 23. In this paper, the P2S circuit is only enabled when EN from the control logic is
pulled high. For P2S, the positive or negative active edges can be selected by the
clock edge select signal (CES). In the POWER_UP stage, the P2S controller moves to
ENABLE. Then, the controller goes to the SYNC_DET state and holds on to the SYNC negative
edge. When SYNC is released from S2P, the P2S controller jumps to the next stage,
LOAD_STX. In the LOAD_STX state, the parallel data DIN is loaded from the internal
register transmitting the MSB to SDO. Then, in the SHIFT_STX state, if SYNC is kept
low, the internal register value is shifted one bit to the left, and the MSB of the
register is transferred to the SDO pin, remaining for N-1 SCK clock cycles. If HTM
is enabled, the controller moves state to LOAD_STX in order to take an SD ADC sample.
The controller then either returns to the LOAD_STX state so as to receive the next
ADC sample or jumps back to SYNC_DET for resynchronization in the case of HSM. The
FSM for the S2P controller is shown in Fig. 15(b). The data remain in the POWER_UP state after reset for one clock cycle, then go to
MODE_SEL state, and the MODE signal from control logic selects the mode of either
HTM or HSM. When the MODE is asserted, HSM is enabled and the controller changes the
direction toward the HTM_MODE state.
Fig. 22. Serial interface FSM diagram.
Fig. 23. Serial interface timing diagram.
In this state, SYNC is pulled low so as to allow for synchronization between S2P and
P2S. In addition, S2P enables the SCLK clock and begins receiving serial data at SDI
from S2P. The bits are shifted in serial inside the internal register. There is a
counter for checking the number of bits received from P2S. If N bits are received,
N-bit DOUT loads the register bits. Additionally, in order to announce to control
logic that the data have been received, RD is changed to pulled high for one clock.
If MODE is deasserted to select HSM during HTM, the controller goes to the RF_DETECT
state after processing the data. When HSM is enabled, the controller moves to the
SHIFT_DATA state after waiting for the assertion of RD on the RD_DETECT state. Then,
SYNC is pulled down and shifts serial data to an internal register on all rising edges
of CLK. This is the process of receiving N-1 bits. Then., when SYNC is pulled up in
the SHIFT_EXTRA state, another shift is performed. In the LOAD_DATA state, N-bits
on the internal register go to DOUT. When the state changes to the RD_DETECT state,
there is an announcement indicating that the data are ready. In the RD_DETECT state,
the controller senses the RD signal after checking the mode switch condition. After
synchronization, with continuous high RD, the HSM-CR of the S2P remains in the same
state so as to enable RD in HSMSR sub-mode or launch to receive the serial stream.
Fig. 24 shows a chip microphotograph of the proposed receiver. The total area of the proposed
receiver is 3.8 mm x 3.8 mm. It includes five channels with a P2S interface.
Fig. 25 shows the evaluation board for the proposed receiver. It employs a low noise low-dropout
regulator (LDO) and the Connector to LabView system. It also uses an SMA connector
to receive the signal.
Fig. 26 shows the measurement environment of the proposed receiver. For measurement, a function
generator applies the sine wave signal. The FPGA board has the function of an S2P
interface for testing P2S inside the IC.
Fig. 27 shows the AC simulation result including a pre-amplifier, VGA1, VGA2, and BPF. It
has a dynamic range from 20 dB to 100 dB. The result shows that the IR noise simulation
result is around -150 dBV / √Hz.
Fig. 24. Chip photograph of the proposed receiver.
Fig. 25. Evaluation board for the receiver IC.
Fig. 26. Measurement environment of the proposed receiver.
Fig. 27. Noise simulation result with minimum gain and maximum gain.
Table 2 shows the simulation result of SD ADC according to an increasing sampling clock.
Fs is the sampling clock and Fc is the CMFB clock, as shown in Fig. 14. If Fc is divided by Fs, as is the case in this study, the resolution will be improved,
particularly with increasing sampling clock frequency (11).
Table 2. Simulation results of SD ADC
Conventional structure
Proposed Structure
$F_{C}$ = $F_{S}$
$F_{C}$ = $F_{S}$/16
390.5 kHz
780 kHz
1.56 MHz
3.125 MHz
6.25 MHz
12.5 MHz
The measurement result of the BPF AC response is shown in Fig. 28. It is flat at the frequency range from 3 kHz to 130 kHz. Table 3 shows the noise measurement result of the proposed receiver. It shows an average
of -150.36 dBV / √Hz with adjusting gain. The IR noise is the output noise divided
by the gain. When the signal is sent to the receiver, the PSD result of the receiver
is as shown in Fig. 29. It is normalized in the X axis to Fin/(Fs/OSR). The PSD result is presented as decibels
relative to full scale (DBFS) units. The SNR at the fundamental frequency is 93.5
dB while the signal-to-noise and distortion ratio (SNDR) is 82.02 dB.
Fig. 28. AC response of the band pass filter.
Table 3. Noise measurement result
Gain Setting (dB)
Noise output
(dBV / √Hz)
IR Noise (average) = -150.36
Fig. 29. PSD measurement result of the proposed receiver with sinewave input.
Fig. 30 shows the measurement result of the proposed SD ADC. SNR increases with increasing
sampling frequency (FS).
Fig. 31 shows the P2S measurement result. SDO from the P2S is going to SDI of the S2P by
the SYNC and SCK signals.
Fig. 32(a) shows the waveform on the channel - 1 SD ADC. In addition, the waveform on channel-2
is shown in Fig. 32(b). Fig. 32(c) shows the overlapped waveforms of Fig. 32(a) and (b) , as well as the phase difference measurement result between two channels when receiving
the 3 kHz signal. The measured phase difference is 0.5 °.
Fig. 30. SD ADC measurement result according to increasing sampling clock.
Fig. 31. P2S measurement result.
Fig. 32. (a) Signal of the channel - 1 output, (b) Signal of the channel - 2, (c)
Phase difference measurement result as well as overlapped signals of channel - 1 and
channel - 2.
Table 4 summarizes the performance of the proposed receiver.
Table 4. Performance summary of the proposed receiver
This Work
Process (nm)
The number of channel
Dynamic range (dB)
20 - 100
IR Noise (nV/�닖Hz)
29.6 @ 50 kHz
@ 10 kHz
2.8 k -
130 k
< 10 k
25 k
1 k
Sampling frequency (Hz)
1.5 M - 12.5 M
31.25 k
10 M
Structure of ADC
Supply voltage (V)
0.9 - 1.2
SNR (dB)
Phase difference
< 0.8
Power consumption (W)
46.8 m
6.5 m
68 u / 1-ch.
(Only for SDM)
1.8 u
(w/o BPF)
The observed noise performance is superior to that of [11]. Therefore, it can receive
smaller signals in the ocean. The dynamic range is wider than that presented in [12].
The bandwidth of the input signal is higher than those presented in [11-13].
Since this work implemented a reconfigurable structure of SD ADC, it can support variable
sampling frequency, unlike [11-13]. It can also use a wider sampling clock frequency
than [11-13] in order to reduce the power consumption. In addition, the phase difference
between channels was not specified in the previous works.
In this paper, we propose a low-noise five-channel receiver for receiving dynamic
amplitude signals, particularly for low frequency systems for the ocean acoustic measurement
environment. Since the environment has various noise sources present, we design the
proposed receiver with low noise performance. Furthermore, the power consumption of
the receiver in the ocean environment should be lowered for the sake of portability.
This proposed receiver applies several design techniques, including the chopping architecture
in SD ADC. In addition, SDM in the SD ADC is designed with the clock splitting technique.
Further, the digital filter in the SD ADC is designed with a controller so as to lower
the power consumption.
The designed receiver has an input-referred noise of 29.6 nV / √Hz at 50 kHz and a
total gain of 100 dB. The gain of the receiver is controlled with 1-dB step precise
gain so that it can be adjusted according to the power variation of the input signal.
It implemented SD ADC with a reconfigurable structure and obtained 93.5 dB SNR performance.
The single channel of receiver power consumption is 9.3 mW at a supply voltage of
2.4 V. The receiver used in this paper is designed with CMOS 0.18 μm, and the chip
area is 3.8 mm x 3.8 mm. The power consumption is 46.8 mW at a supply voltage of 2.4
V. The proposed receiver can be used in very noisy environments, and particularly
in ocean acoustic measurement.
This study was supported by the Agency for Defense Development Research Service for
Receiving Miniaturization Technology for Small Aquatic Motion (20160927524 - 00).
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Jong-Wan Jo received his B.S. degree from the Department of Electronic Engineering
at Cheongju University, Cheongju, Korea, in 2018, where he is currently working toward
the M.S degree in School of Information and Communication Engineering, Sungkyunkwan
His research interests include Wireless Power Transfer systems and Power Management
Khuram Shehzad received his B.S
degree in Electrical Engineering with
specialization in Telecommunication
from Government College University,
Faisalabad, Pakistan.
He is currently
pursuing his Combined MS & Ph.D
degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from College of Information and
Communication Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University,
Suwon, Korea.
His research interests include design of
high performance data converters including SAR and SD
ADC; CMOS RF Transceiver.
Deeksha Verma received B.S degree
from CSJM University, Kanpur, U.P,
India and M.S degree in Information
and Communication Engineering,
Gautam Buddha Technical University,
Lucknow, U.P, India.
She is
currently working toward the Ph.D.
degree at School of Information and Communication
Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Korea.
Her research interests include design of highperformance
data converters including SAR ADC, SD
ADC and Pipeline ADC
Sung-Jin Kim received his B.S.
degree from the Department of
Electronic Engineering at Inje
University, Kimhea, Korea, in 2014,
where he is currently working toward
the Combined Ph.D. & M.S degree in
School of Information and Communication
Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University.
research interests include CMOS RF transceiver and
wireless power transfer systems.
Young-Woo Park received his B.S.
degree from the Department of
Electronic Engineering at sungkyul
University, Anyang Korea, in 2018,
where he is currently working toward
the M.S degree in School of
Information and Communication
Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University
His research
interests include Wireless Power Transfer systems and
Power Management IC.
Kwan-Tae Kim received his B.S.
degree from the Department of
Electronics & Radio Engineering at
KyungHee University, Suwon, Korea,
in 2017, where he is currently
working toward the M.S. Course in
School of Information and
Communication Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University.
His research interests include analog integrated circuits
and CMOS RF transceiver.
Sang-Yun Kim received his B.S.
degree from the Department of
Electronic Engineering at Konkuk
University, Seoul, Korea, in 2013,
where he is currently working toward
the combined Ph.D. & M.S. Course
in School of Information and
Communication Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University.
His research interests include high-speed interface IC and
CMOS RF transceiver.
YoungGun Pu received his B.S.,
M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the
Department of Electronic Engineering
at Konkuk University, Seoul,
Korea, in 2006, 2008 and 2012,
His research interests
are focused on CMOS fully
integrated frequency synthesizers and oscillators and on
transceivers for low-power mobile communication.
Young-Goo Yang was born in
Hamyang, Korea, in 1969.
received the Ph.D. degree in
electrical and electronic engineering
from the Pohang University of
Science and Technology (Postech),
Pohang, Korea, in 2002. From 2002
to 2005, he was with Skyworks Solutions Inc., Newbury
Park, CA, where he designed power amplifiers for
various cellular handsets. Since March 2005, he has been
with the School of Information and Communication
Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Korea,
where he is currently an associate professor.
His research
interests include power amplifier design, RF transmitters, RFIC design, integrated
circuit design for RFID/USN
systems, and modeling of high power amplifiers or
Keum-Cheol Hwang received his
B.S. degree in electronics engineering
from Pusan National
University, Busan, South Korea in
2001 and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in
electrical and electronic engineering
from Korea Advanced Institute of
Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, South Korea
in 2003 and 2006, respectively.
From 2006 to 2008, he
was a Senior Research Engineer at the Samsung Thales,
Yongin, South Korea, where he was involved with the
development of various antennas including multiband
fractal antennas for communication systems and
Cassegrain reflector antenna and slotted waveguide arrays
for tracking radars.
He was an Associate Professor in the
Division of Electronics and Electrical Engineering,
Dongguk University, Seoul, South Korea from 2008 to
2014. In 2015, he joined the Department of Electronic and
Electrical Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon,
South Korea, where he is now an Associate Professor.
research interests include advanced electromagnetic
scattering and radiation theory and appli -cations, design
of multi-band/broadband antennas and radar antennas, and
optimization algorithms for electro -magnetic applications.
Prof. Hwang is a life-member of KIEES, a senior member
of IEEE and a member of IEICE.
Dong-Hun Lee received the B.S.
and M.S. degrees in electronic and
electrical engineering from Kyungpook
National University, Daegu,
South Korea, in 1994 and 1996,
respectively, and Ph.D. degrees in
electronic and electrical engineering
from Pusan National University, Busan, South Korea, in
Since 1996, he has been a Principal Researcher at
the 3rd Directorate, Matitime Technology Research
Institute, Agency for Defense Development, Changwon,
South Korea.
His main research interests include the area
of RADAR/SONAR signal processing, digital signal &
array signal processing, and power electronics system &
circuit design.
Hyung-Moon Kim received the B.S.
and M.S. degrees in Electrical,
Electronic and control Engineering
from Changwon University, Changwon,
South Korea, in 2000 and 2002,
He is currently working
toward the Ph.D. degree at the Power
Electronics Laboratory Department of Electrical
Engineering at Changwon University, Changwon, South
He worked at Korea Aerospace Industries,LTD,
Sacheon, South Korea from 2001 to 2006.
Since 2006, he
has been a Senior Researcher at the 3rd Directorate,
Matitime Technology Research Institute, Agency for
Defense Development, Changwon, South Korea.
research interests include SONAR System, Flight
Control System, and Embedded System.
Kang-Yoon Lee received the B.S.
M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in the
School of Electrical Engineering
from Seoul National University,
Seoul, Korea, in 1996, 1998, and
2003, respectively.
From 2003 to
2005, he was with GCT Semiconductor
Inc., San Jose, CA, where he was a Manager
of the Analog Division and worked on the design of
CMOS frequency synthesizer for CDMA/PCS/PDC and
single-chip CMOS RF chip sets for W-CDMA, WLAN,
and PHS.
From 2005 to 2011, he was with the
Department of Electronics Engineering, Konkuk
University as an Associate Professor.
Since 2012, he has
been with School of Information and Communication
Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, where he is
currently a Professor.
His research interests include
implementation of power integrated circuits, CMOS RF
transceiver, analog integrated circuits, and analog/digital
mixed-mode VLSI system design.