Recently, the demand for power-efficient, wide dynamic range (> 100 dB) microphone
read-out IC (M-ROIC) is increasing in mobile or automotive industries. M-ROIC consists
of a programmable gain amplifier (PGA) and an ADC as shown in Fig. 1 (1-4). To achieve an M-ROIC of above 100 dB dynamic range (DR), both the PGA and the ADC
should have more than 100 dB DR.
For the ADC, delta-sigma (DS) ADC has been widely employed in M-ROIC because of its
power-efficient, high DR characteristic (5). Especially, continuous-time (CT) DS ADCs are attractive to high precision mobile
audio applications because of their inherent anti-aliasing characteristics and power
efficiency compared to their discrete-time DS counterparts (6-8). However, a low-power wide DR CT DS ADC is difficult to implement because of the
non-linearities arising from the circuit building blocks such as inter-symbol interference
of the DAC, non-linearity of the OTA and etc. Several researches have reported high
linearity CT DS ADCs employing dedicated circuit techniques to overcome such difficulties
like balancing the rising/falling time of the DAC (6), negative-resistors at the OTA input (7) or zoom structures (8). But such methods usually lead to additional power consumption, area occupation or
increased design complexity.
Usually, a wide DR also implies a high SNR. However, in some application, a very high
SNR might not be necessary, whereas a very wide DR is required. In those applications,
a wide DR M-ROIC can be achieved with an ADC of moderate performance by automatic
gain control (AGC) of the PGA (3,4). Then, the area and the power consumption for the ADC can be greatly saved.
In this brief, we present a design of an AGC circuit for the M-ROIC. The AGC was designed
to maintain large amplitude at the ADC input while minimizing the nonlinear distortion
from the saturation of the PGA in the event of a sudden increase of the input to M-ROIC.
The AGC used a high-frequency-clock-operated gain-down circuit and a low-frequency-clock-operated
gain-up circuit to achieve low power consumption and minimal signal clipping simultaneously.
Fig. 1. Structure of microphone read-out circuit.
Fig. 2. Dynamic range of the AGC M-ROIC (Solid line: 5-level variable gain pre-amplifier,
dotted line: fixed gain pre-amplifier).
AGCs are also commonly used in radio-frequency wireless communications systems where
the input signal amplitude can vary widely (9-11). In those systems, however, the high-frequency nature of the carrier favors the use
of different kinds of signal strength measurement methods.
To verify the operation of the proposed AGC system, we performed SPICE-level simulations
employing a PGA and a CT DS ADC and obtained 101.2 dB DR from the AGC M-ROIC with
the ADC of 82.5 dB SNR, which represents a DR extension of 18 dB. This confirms that
we can obtain wide DR employing an ADC of moderate SNR.
This brief is organized as follows. In section II, the operation principles and DR
extension of AGC M-ROIC is described. In section III, we present the design of a AGC,
and in section IV, we demonstrate the feasibility of the AGC technique for the M-ROIC
by SPICE-level simulations. Finally, we conclude in section V.
II. Architecture
Fig. 2 shows the principle of the DR extension by using PGA gain control. The solid line
shows SNR versus signal amplitude of the AGC M-ROIC where the PGA gain has 5 levels,
whereas the dashed line represents the SNR when a fixed pre-amplifier gain was used.
In Fig. 2, with the PGA gain steps of 6 dB, we have a DR extension of 24 dB. In general, when
the number of gain levels is $\textit{N}$ and a gain step is $\textit{A}$ dB, we can
obtain a DR extension of ($\textit{N}$-1)x$\textit{A}$ dB.
Fig. 3. Structures of AGC M-ROIC which detect the signal amplitude (a) at the input
of the PGA (Type 1), (b) at the output of the ADC (Type 2), (c) at the output of the
PGA (Type 3).
The above full DR extension is possible only if the noise of the ADC dominates over
that of the PGA. In practice, as the PGA gain is increased, the output noise power
of the PGA is increased, which can reduce the DR extension. In general, the SNR of
the AGC M-ROIC is
where $P_{sig,in}$ is the input signal power, $\textit{P}$$_{ni\_PGA}$ is the PGA
input referred noise power, $P_{n,ADC}$ is the ADC output noise power and $\textit{G}$
is the gain of the PGA. Here, we assumed that the signal transfer function (STF) of
the ADC is unity. In (1) , we can observe that if $G^{2}P_{ni,PGA} = P_{n,ADC}$, then by increasing $\textit{G}$
by a factor of 2 we can increase the SNR by 6 dB. However, if $G^{2}P_{ni,PGA} ? P_{n,ADC}$,
increasing $\textit{G}$ does not improve SNR. Therefore, the proposed DR extension
scheme is applicable only when the realization of a low noise PGA is less challenging
than that of a low noise ADC.
Fig. 4. Waveforms of AGC M-ROIC in Fig. 3 (a) input to the PGA, (b) output of PGA (Type 2), (c) output of PGA (Type 3).
In an M-ROIC using an AGC, the AGC block senses the signal amplitude and adjusts the
gain of the PGA accordingly. Fig. 3 shows three possible structures of the M-ROIC employing an AGC. In Fig. 3(a), the AGC measures the signal amplitude at the input of the PGA (Type 1), and in Fig. 3(b) the AGC measures the amplitude at the output of the ADC (Type 2). In Fig. 3(c), the signal amplitude is measured at the output of PGA (Type 3).
An advantage of the Type 2 AGC is that the sensing mechanism is all digital and the
sensing circuit does not load the analog output of the PGA. However, it suffers from
extra delay between the input and output of the ADC. Usually, DS ADCs are employed
in high precision audio applications. When a DS ADC is used, the DS modulator output
should be filtered by a decimation filter before the signal amplitude can be measured.
Therefore, the delay of an ADC can be significant. When the signal amplitude is being
reduced, the delay will lead to temporary SNR degradation. However, when the input
of the M-ROIC increases suddenly and saturates the PGA output, the delay will cause
large nonlinear distortion of the PGA output.
Fig. 4 shows the waveform of the input and output of the PGA. Fig. 4(a) shows the input of the PGA and Fig. 4(b) shows the output of the PGA when Type 2 AGC is used. Fig. 4(b) illustrates the saturation of the PGA output after the input signal is suddenly increased
by a large factor before the new gain level is applied. Because the Type 3 AGC senses
the analog output of PGA directly, it does not suffer from the large ADC delay. Fig. 4(c) shows the output of PGA for Type 3 AGC. We can observe a very short pulse when the
input amplitude suddenly increases. The duration of the pulse is determined by the
delays of the AGC and PGA and can be as short as micro-seconds. This short pulse can
be easily filtered-out by the decimation filter of ADC. A disadvantage of Type 3 AGC
is that it loads the PGA output. However, because the required resolution of the sensing
circuit in the AGC is very low compared to the resolution of the ADC, the loading
can be tolerated.
Fig. 5. Waveform of the three signals with different amplitude. The reference voltages
representing the upper or the lower limit are also shown.
Type 1 AGC senses the PGA input directly. An advantage is that the delay between the
signal amplitude change and the PGA gain change is minimized because the signal is
sensed even before it enters the PGA. However, in this scheme, to determine the signal
amplitude range in which the signal amplitude is, we need multi-bit ADC as the sensing
circuit. When the gain-levels follow geometric sequence as in our case, the ADC accuracy
should be very high when the input signal level is very small. This will burden our
system design. Considering these pros and cons, we decided to use Type 3 architecture
in our work.
III. AGC System Design
Now, we present the design of the AGC logic circuit and sensing circuit. Fig. 5 shows three signals of different amplitude along with reference voltages used in the
AGC to determine the signal amplitude. The $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{Ref1}}$ represents
the upper limit of the signal and $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{Ref2}}$ represents the lower
limit. In Fig. 5, the peaks of Sig1 are between $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{Ref1}}$ and $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{Ref2}}$
(or between the ${-}$$\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{Ref1}}$ and ${-}$$\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{Ref2}}$),
and we should not change the PGA gain. The peaks of Sig2 are larger than $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{Ref1}}$
(or smaller than ${-}$$\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{Ref1}}$). It means that the signal is
too large and the PGA gain should be lowered. Finally, Sig3 stays between the $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{Ref2}}$
and ${-}$$\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{Ref2}}$, and the PGA gain should be increased.
Fig. 6. Flow-chart representing the PGA gain setting algorithm.
$\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{Ref2}}$ should be a little smaller than a half of $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{Ref1}}$
to avoid repeated up and down switchings of the PGA gain. To maximize SNR, $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{Ref1}}$
should be maximized. However, if it is too large, the PGA output will suffer from
nonlinear distortion. Furthermore, the no-overload condition of the DS ADC also limits
the useful range of $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{Ref1}}$. In this work, $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{Ref1}}$
= 0.86 $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{DD}}$, and $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{Ref2}}$ = 0.42 $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{DD}}$,
where $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{DD}}$ = 1.5 V.
It is easy to determine whether the PGA gain should be lowered or not by comparing
the instantaneous value of the PGA output signal with $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{Ref1
}}$(and ${-}$$\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{Ref1}}$). However, when we determine whether the
PGA gain should be increased, it is not enough to compare the instantaneous value
of the signal with $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{Ref2 }}$(and ${-}$$\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{Ref2}}$),
because even large signals pass through the region between $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{Ref2}}$
and ${-}$$\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{Ref2}}$ as illustrated by all three signal waveforms
in Fig. 5. To distinguish a small signal from a large signal temporarily passing through the
low voltage region, we employed a counter. If the sensing circuit determines that
the instantaneous value of the signal is small, the counter output is increased by
one, but the gain is not changed yet. Only after we have $\textit{N}$ consecutive
“Small” flags from the sensing circuit, the PGA gain is increased to the next level
and the counter is reset. And whenever the “Small” flag is OFF, the counter is reset.
Fig. 6 shows the algorithm used in this work to set the PGA gain.
Fig. 7. Simplified schematic diagram of (a) the AGC circuit, (b) the clock generation
The number of consecutive “Small” flags required to increase the PGA gain, $\textit{N}$$_{small}$,
should be determined considering the signal frequency and the delay resulting from
the counter operation. $\textit{N}$$_{small}$ should be large enough so that large-amplitude-low-frequency
signals should be able to pass from $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{Ref2}}$ to ${-}$$\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{Ref2}}$
in less than $\textit{N}$$_{small}$ comparisons. From this we obtain
where $f_{\textit{sense}}$ and $2f_{sig,min}$ represent the AGC clock frequency and
the minimum signal frequency. On the other hand, if $\textit{N}$$_{small}$ is too
large, it leads to unnecessarily long delays before the PGA gain is increased. During
the delay, the signal supplied to the ADC is small, and the M-ROIC suffers from SNR
reduction. Considering the trade-off between the SNR degradation and the sensing accuracy,
we used $\textit{f}$$_{\mathrm{sense}}$ = 1.5625 kHz and $N_{\textit{small}}=2^{5}$,
which corresponds to the time delay of 20.5 ms and $f_{sig,min}=24.4Hz\,.$ It should
be noted that during this delay the signal does not suffer devastating clipping as
it does during the delay associated with the gain decrease after sudden increase of
signal amplitude. It just suffers from temporary SNR degradation.
Fig. 7(a) shows the schematic diagram of the AGC circuit. For simplicity, only two reference
voltages $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{Ref1}}$ and $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{Ref2}}$ are shown
and their negative counterparts are omitted. (The actual sensing circuits are shown
in Fig. 8). Fig. 7(b) shows the clock generation circuit for the AGC circuit which consists of a clock
divider and two non-overlap clock generators. The $\textit{CKS}$ (or $\textit{CKL}$)
in the Fig. 7(a) represents $\textit{CKS_P1}$, $\textit{CKS_P2}$ and $\textit{CKS_P2D}$ collectively
(or $\textit{CKL_P1}$, $\textit{CKL_P2}$ and $\textit{CKL_P2D}$) in Fig. 7(b). Two clocked comparators in the sensing circuit compare the instantaneous value of
the input signal with $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{Ref1}}$ and $\textit{V}$$_{\mathrm{Ref2}}$.
If the sensing circuit produces a “Large” flag, the PGA gain is reduced to the next
lower level immediately at the next rising edge of $\textit{CKL_P1}$. The time interval
between the occurrence of the “Large” flag and the next rising edge of $\textit{CKL_P1}$
causes the PGA output to saturate as illustrated in Fig. 4(c) which can lead to very large signal clipping. To minimize the clipping, we used relatively
high frequency clocks of 100 kHz for $\textit{CKL}$.
Fig. 8. Block diagrams of the proposed sensing circuits for (a) the “Large” flag,
(b) the “Small” flag.
If the sensing circuit produces a “Small” flag, then the $\textit{m}$-bit counter
C$_{1}$ is up-counted by one. If the counter output reaches $\textit{N}$ = 2$^{\mathrm{m}}$,
then the PGA gain is increased to the next higher level. For $\textit{CKS}$, we used
1.5625 kHz as mentioned previously.
Table 1. Target specifications
Target specifications
1.5 V
20 kHz
100 dB
82 dB
PGA gains
1, 2, 4, 8
100 dB
Expected DR extension
18 dB
For the detectors, differential-comparison is suitable to sense the signal level accurately
which could avoid the sensing error caused by the offset of the PGA or common mode
noises. For the differential comparison, 4-input comparators are widely adopted (12). However, when the reference voltage is very large as in our case, it is difficult
to design a 4-input comparator. Therefore, we designed a switched-capacitor (SC) sensing
circuits using 2-input comparators, which are shown in Fig. 8. The V$_{\mathrm{OP}}$ and the V$_{\mathrm{ON}}$ represent the positive and negative
outputs of the PGA. The circuit in Fig. 8(a) determines if the signal (V$_{\mathrm{sig}}$=V$_{\mathrm{OP}}$-V$_{\mathrm{ON}}$)
is too large (|V$_{\mathrm{sig}}$| > V$_{\mathrm{Ref1}}$ (=V$_{\mathrm{Ref1P }}$${-}$
V$_{\mathrm{Ref1N}}$)) and the one in Fig. 8(b) determines if the signal is too small (|V$_{\mathrm{sig}}$| < V$_{\mathrm{Ref2}}$
(=V$_{\mathrm{Ref2P }}$${-}$ V$_{\mathrm{Ref2N}}$)). As 2-input clocked comparators
in Fig. 8, strong-arm comparators were used (3).
IV. Simulation
We demonstrate the operation of the AGC M-ROIC by Spectre simulations of a ROIC system
consisting of a PGA, CT-DS ADC and AGC using a 28 nm CMOS process. The target peak-SNR
and the DR of the M-ROIC was 80 dB and 100 dB, respectively, in the 20 kHz bandwidth
(BW). The PGA has gain from 1 (0 dB) to 8 (18 dB) to obtain an 18 dB DR extension.
Target design specifications are summarized in Table 1.
Fig. 9 shows the structure of the PGA used in this brief. The PGA adopted a resistive negative-feedback
structure where the PGA gains were determined by the ratio of the input resistor and
feedback resistors. The gain is programmable from 0 dB to 18 dB with steps of 6 dB
by selecting a feedback resistor from a bank of resistors. There are two kinds of
noise sources in the PGA, which are the resistors and the OTA. We allocate half of
the total PGA noise to the resistors and the rest to the OTA when the PGA gain was
1 (0 dB). For this, we choose the input resistance of 10 kΩ.
Fig. 9. Structural diagram of PGA with AGC circuits and ADC.
Fig. 10. Schematic diagram of the OTA for the PGA.
Fig. 10 shows the schematic diagram of the 2-stage Miller-compensated OTA for the PGA. To
suppress the flicker noise, we used large transistors for the first stage. The DC
gain of the OTA was 78 dB and the unity-gain frequency was 14.5 MHz while consuming
300 μA current.
As discussed in Sec. II, the noise of PGA is important for effective DR extension.
Fig. 11 shows the input referred noise of the OTA and the PGA when the PGA gain was 1 (0 dB)
from ac noise simulations. From the results, we could obtain the integrated input
referred noise of PGA in the 20 kHz BW of 2.5x10$^{-11}$ V$^{2}$, which is much smaller
than that of the 80 dB DR ADC with 1 V full scale of about 1x10$^{-9}$ V$^{2}$. Also
we performed transient noise simulations of the PGA and obtained 104.2 dB SNR and
100.8 SNDR. These results confirm that the PGA performance is sufficient for the 100
Fig. 11. Simulation results of the input referred noise of the OTA and the PGA.
Fig. 12. Simplified single-ended schematic diagram of the ADC.
Fig. 12 shows the schematic diagram of the ADC used in this brief along with the value of
components. We employed a CT-DS ADC with a 3rd-order feedforward loop filter and a
1-bit quantizer. The OSR of the ADC was 128 and the sampling frequency was 6.4 MHz.
The NTF of the ADC is
To compensate the excess loop delay, DAC2 was employed. In this work, the CT DS ADC
was implemented using ideal OTAs and an ideal quantizer focusing on the behavior of
the AGC circuits and PGA. The maximum SQNR obtained from Spectre simulations excluding
circuit noise were 98.8 dB. In the simulations verifying the DR extension, we included
the noise of resistors. With resistor noise included, the maximum SNR was reduced
to 83.7 dB.
Fig. 13 shows the Spectre simulation results. Fig. 13(a) shows the input of the PGA and Fig. 13(b) shows the output. In Fig. 13(b), the red dashed lines represent V$_{\mathrm{Ref1}}$ and ${-}$V$_{\mathrm{Ref1}}$,
and the blue dash-dot-dot lines represent V$_{\mathrm{Ref2}}$ and ${-}$V$_{\mathrm{Ref2}}$.
Initially the PGA gain was 0 dB and the input of the PGA was small. In this condition,
the output amplitude of the PGA is smaller than V$_{\mathrm{Ref2}}$ and the AGC logic
increases the PGA gain every 20.5 ms. After 61.5 ms, the output amplitude of the PGA
stays between V$_{\mathrm{Ref2}}$ and V$_{\mathrm{Ref1}}$. Fig. 13(c) shows the corresponding increase of the PGA gain. At T = 150 ms, the input amplitude
of the M-ROIC is suddenly increased from 30 mV to 500 mV and the amplitude of the
PGA output becomes larger than V$_{\mathrm{Ref2}}$ almost instantaneously. Then, the
sensing circuit senses the output signal level change and lowers the PGA gain successively
until the output amplitude becomes smaller than V$_{\mathrm{Ref2}}$. Unlike the slow
increase of the gain from 0 dB to 18 dB, the reduction of the gain from 18 dB to 6
dB is very fast. The waveform of the output of the PGA at around T = 150 ms is enlarged
in Fig. 13(d). We can observe two successive gain changes clearly.
Fig. 13. Simulation results of PGA with proposed AGC Logic. (a) PGA input waveform,
(b) PGA output waveform, (c) PGA gain profile, (d) a zoomed-in of PGA output waveform
of (b) around T=150 ms.
Fig. 14. SNDR of the AGC M-ROIC versus input amplitude obtained by simulations.
Table 2. Comparison between the AGC Logic circuits
This work
28 nm
0.13 μm
65 nm
20 kHz
10 kHz
20 kHz
Power Consumption
450 μW+
290 μW
185 μW
Peak SNR
82.6 dB
79 dB
88.6 dB
101.2 dB
106 dB
$^{+}$: Power consumption of ADC not included.
Fig. 14 shows the SNDR versus input amplitude of the proposed AGC M-ROIC with various the
input signal amplitude. The PGA gain is determined by the AGC circuits according to
the input signal level. From the simulations, we obtained 101.2 dB DR with the ADC
whose SNR was 83.7 dB, which represents 18 dB of DR extension.
Comparisons of the M-ROIC performance are provided in Table 2. Note that our work focused on the AGC, and a DS ADC with ideal OTAs and an ideal
comparator was used in simulations. Therefore, the power consumption of the ADC was
not included. Considering the bandwidth, peak SNR, and DR, our work shows competitive
power efficiency among the comparison.
V. Conclusions
In this brief, we presented a wide DR M-ROIC employing an AGC. The proposed AGC circuits
consist of a PGA-output-amplitude sensing circuit and an AGC logic circuit. For the
sensing circuit, we proposed an SC sensing circuit which accurately sensed the signal
level and produced the signals for the AGC circuit. Then the AGC determined the PGA
gain by manipulating the signals from the sensing circuit. The proposed AGC circuit
was verified by Spectre simulations of an M-ROIC employing a PGA and a DS ADC. The
simulation results confirmed that the DR of the M-ROIC was successfully extended.
This research was supported by the KIAT (Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology)
grant funded by the Korea Government (MOTIE). (No. N0001883, The competency development
program for industry specialist) The CAD tools were provided by IC Design Center (IDEC),
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Saemin Im received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in Electronics Engi-neering from Hanyang
University, Seoul, Korea, in 2010 and 2013, respectively and is currently working
towards the Ph.D. degree in the same university. His research area is mixed-signal
CMOS integrated circuits and memory interface circuits.
Na-Hoo Lee received the B.S. degree in Electronics Engineering from Gangneung-Wonjo
National University, Gangneung, Korea in 2018 and received the M.S. degree in Electronics
Engineering from Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea in 2020. His research area is the
mixed-signal CMOS circuit design, with focus on delta-sigma oversampling data converters.
Kyoungho Baik was born in Seoul, Korea. He received B.S degree in the School of Electronics
Engineering from Soongsil University, Korea, in 2019. He is currently pursuing the
M.S. degree in the Electronics Engi-neering from Hanyang University, Korea. His interests
include Delta-sigma ADCs.
Sang-Gyu Park received B.S. and M.S. degrees in Electronics Engi-neering from Seoul
National Univer-sity in 1990 and 1992, respectively and received Ph.D. degree in Electrical
and Computer Engineering from Purdue University in 1998. He worked at AT&T Laboratories-Research
from 1998 to 2000 and joined the faculty of Hanyang University in 2000, where he is
a professor in Electronics and Computer Engineering. His research area is the mixed-signal
CMOS circuit design, with focus on delta-sigma oversampling data converters, high
speed SAR ADCs and memory interface circuits.