Copyright © The Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers(IEIE)
Index Terms
Annealing, dielectric, FinFET, hot-carrier injection (HCI), punch-through, reliability, logic transistors
As scaling down of complementary-metal-oxide semiconductors (CMOS) continues device
reliability degradation is becoming a serious problem. Physical scaling down of gate
length ($\textit{L}_{\mathrm{G}}$) and equivalent-oxide-thickness (EOT) have always
been forwarded compared with supplied voltage ($\textit{V}_{\mathrm{DD}}$) scaling.
In this context, the concern of hot-carrier injection (HCI), which stems from lateral
high drain electric field, is important for device reliability. HCI increases the
threshold voltage ($\textit{V}_{\mathrm{TH}}$) and subthreshold swing (\textit{SS}),
as hot-carriers are captured in the gate dielectric or physically damage the SiO$_{2
}$$/ Si$ interface. Hence, HCI gives rise to $\textit{V}_{\mathrm{TH }}$mismatch in
circuits, increases static power consumption, and reduces on-state current ($\textit{I}_{\mathrm{ON}}$)
of field-effect-transistors (FETs) (1,2). To avoid the above-mentioned reliability concerns, applying a lightly doped drain
(LDD), using gas annealing (FGA), and even applying high-pressure deuterium (HPD)
annealing are preferred (3,4). Moreover, recently, a novel type of annealing called electro-thermal annealing (ETA)
has been introduced to prolong device lifetime damaged by HCI. ETA generates localized
Joule heat at a transistor level and thermally cures the damaged gate dielectrics,
such as the gate oxide and gate spacer (5). Compared with conventional annealing processes such as FGA and HPD, ETA shows faster
annealing speed, higher temperature, and better annealing selectivity.
However, even though device reliability and lifetime can be improved by ETA, additional
power consumption is required for the annealing configurations. For example, the power
consumption to trigger one iteration of ETA is quite high (a few mill-watts) due to
high temperature Joule heat generation. Hence, development of ETA with lower power
consumption is preferred for better practicality and applications, but related research
has been modest until now.
In this work, device design guidelines are investigated to pursue better power efficiency
of ETA. Simulation studies on device geometric sizes and materials have been performed.
First, impact of device geometry, such as $L_G$ and channel width ($W_{NW}$), are
discussed to understand scaling dependency. After that, dielectric layers such as
gate spacers or buried dielectrics inserted on substrates are discussed in terms of
heat sink and thermal isolation properties. It is possible that power consumption
during ETA can be further reduced without great modification of device structure or
Fig. 1. Schematic of device for SOI FinFET simulations (a) Top-view image of the device,
(b) Cross-sectional view image of the device along the x-x' direction.
II. Experimental Details
A tri-gate FinFET fabricated on SOI was simulated as a test vehicle. Punch-through
annealing configuration was simulated among the other annealing configurations such
as those using gate-to-gate (6) or forward bias current (7). Device structure and material, and the geometry of the SOI FinFET were taken from
previous work (8). Detailed device fabrication process and transmission electron microscope (TEM) images
are also included in the paper.
Fig. 1 shows a schematic of a tri-gate FinFET built on a BOX of 400 nm. The top silicon
thickness ($T_{Si}$), channel width ($W_{NW}$), and $L_G$, of the device were 50 nm,
50 nm, and 60 nm, respectively. The gate spacer thickness ($T_{SPC}$) was 25 nm and
was composed of $SiO_2$. Detailed device structure and material information in our
simulations are summarized in Table 1.
Table 1. Device dimensions and material parameters for 3-dimensional simulations
Thermal conductivity [W/m∙K]
Gate Length, $L_G$ [nm]
Gate Thickness [nm]
Spacer Thickness,
$T_{SPC}$ [nm]
Gate Dielectric Thickness [nm]
Channel Thickness,
$T_{Si}$ [nm]
Channel Width,
$W_{NW}$ [nm]
Buried Oxide Thickness [nm]
Fig. 2. Measured $\textit{I}_{\mathrm{D}}$-$\textit{V}_{\mathrm{G}}$ characteristic
of SOI FinFET.
III. Results and Discussion
Fig. 2 shows measured electrical I-V characteristic of an SOI FinFET. The DC characteristic
was measured using a B1500A parameter analyzer at room temperature (9). After measurement of the initial state (e.g., initial state without stress), HCI
stress at $V_{G}$ = 2 V and $V_{D}$ = 4 V was intentionally applied for 40 s. After
the stress, degradation of the transconductance ($g_{m, max}$), SS, and $V_{TH}$ were
observed at levels of 13 %, 38 %, and 27 %, respectively. After that, bias conditions
at $V_{G}$ = 0.5 V and $V_{D}$ = 5.4 V were applied for 100 μs to activate punch-through
annealing (Table 2).
After ETA, aged device characteristics with respect to $g_{m, max}$, SS, and $V_{TH}$
recovered by 93%, 90%, and 92%, respectively, compared to the initial state (Table 3). These facts show that both electrons trapped in gate dielectric and physical damage
at $SiO_2$ $/ Si$ interface were effectively cured by the Joule heat generated during
ETA. Fig. 3(a) shows simulated heat distribution profile during ETA by punch-through current. The
Joule heating model in heat transfer module of COMSOL was utilized for 3-D thermal
profiling. Moreover, during the simulation, environment condition and heat transfer
coefficient (h) were assumed to be air and 10 W/m$^{2}$K, respectively. Generated
Joule heat during ETA was well confined in SOI FinFET because of low thermal conductivity
(1.2W/m∙K) of buried $SiO_2$ layer. Fig. 3(b) shows extracted temperature of the FinFET after reaching steady-state. It was confirmed
that most of the heat during ETA was concentrated at the source/drain (S/D) extension
where gate heat sink cannot affect (10).
Table 2. Bias conditions for punch-through current based ETA
Bias Conditions
Gate Voltage, $V_{G}$
0.5 V
Source Voltage, $V_S$
0 V
Drain Voltage, $V_D$
5.4 V
Drain Current, $I_D$
670 μA
Power Consumption, P = $V_D$ ˟ $I_D$
3.6 mW
Annealing Time, t
100 μs
Table 3. Device parameters extracted after HCI and ETA
Initial State
Hot-Carrier Injection
Punch-Through Annealing
$g_{m,max}$ (μA/V)
4.08 μA/V
(100 %)
3.52 μA/V
(86.4 %)
3.81 μA/V
(93.4 %)
SS (mV/dec)
133 mV/dec
(100 %)
184 mV/dec
(61.7 %)
146 mV/dec
(90.3 %)
$V_{TH}$ (V)
- 0.327 V
(100 %)
- 0.089 V
(72.7 %)
-0.352 V
(92.4 %)
Fig. 3. (a) Simulated heat distribution profile during ETA at $\textit{V}_{\mathrm{G}}$
= 0.5 V, $\textit{V}_{\mathrm{S}}$ = 0 V, and $\textit{V}_{\mathrm{D}}$ = 5.4 V, (b)
Extracted temperature along the channel
Fig. 4. Extracted maximum temperature of punch-through current based ETA with various
(a) $\textit{L}_{\mathrm{G}}$, (b) $\textit{W}_{\mathrm{NW}}$ under the same bias
and power consumption.
Fig. 4 shows the extracted temperature with assumption of $L_G$ and $W_{NW}$ scaling. As
$L_G$ decreases, the area of the gate heat sink decreases, and hence the Joule heat
temperature increases. The extracted quantitative changing of temperature was - 2.69
°C / nm, as shown in Fig. 4(a).
Similarly, when $W_{NW}$ gradually dropped from 60 nm to 40 nm, the temperature of
the device increased to - 12.75 °C / nm because of the reduced heat dissipation through
the channel fin (11) (Fig. 4(b)). Hence, it can be concluded that the temperature generated during ETA can be raised
under the same power consumption when LG or $W_{NW}$ scale down. In other words, power
consumption required to activate ETA can be lowered by increasing the annealing efficiency.
Especially, it should be noted that temperature change by $W_{NW}$ scale-down is about
5 times greater than in the case of $L_G$. This fact suggests that scaling down of
$W_{NW}$ is much effective at improving ETA efficiency than scaling down of $L_G$.
Moreover, considering there are several dielectrics in the SOI FinFET such as the
gate dielectric, gate spacer, and buried dielectric layer, it is possible to improve
annealing efficiency further.
Fig. 5. (a) Extracted maximum temperature with various gate spacer materials and thicknesses,
(b) Temperature versus power consumption with various gate spacer materials.
Fig. 5(a) shows extracted temperature with various thicknesses of gate spacer ($T_{SPC}$).
It was observed that the maximum temperature decreased as $T_{SPC}$ became thicker
because a thicker $T_{SPC}$ has wider heat dissipation area (the interface between
the S/D and the gate) than a thinner $T_{SPC}$. In the same vein, the gate spacer
material with high thermal conductivity ($Si_{3}N_{4}$ ~ 40 W/m∙K) showed lower temperature
than the $SiO_2$ gate spacer. Moreover, temperature changes of $Si_{3}N_{4}$ and $SiO_2$
as $T_{SPC}$ were - 0.22 °C / nm and - 1.11 °C / nm, respectively. Based on these
facts, power consumption to generate identical temperature during ETA can be extracted,
as shown in Fig. 5(b). The gate spacer composed of $SiO_2$ showed a value of + 188.8 °C / mW, while the
gate spacer composed of $Si_{3}N_{4}$ showed a value of + 176.9 °C / mW.
Fig. 6. (a) Extracted maximum temperature with various buried dielectric materials
and thicknesses, (b) Temperature versus power consumption with various buried dielectric
This indicates that the gate spacer composed of $SiO_2$ has better power efficiency
than that composed of $Si_{3}N_{4}$. It should be noted that thin-films composed of
$SiO_2$ not only have two times lower dielectric constants, but are also preferred
in terms of low power ETA over thin-films composed of $Si_{3}N_{4}$.
In addition, impact of buried dielectric layer, a representative material in SOI FinFETs,
was investigated as shown in Fig. 6(a). Additional simulations were performed under assumption that $Si_{3}N_{4}$ layer
can be replaced with buried $SiO_2$ (12,13). As the buried dielectric thickness ($T_{DIE}$) increases, the temperature during
ETA also increases due to improved thermal isolation through the substrate.
Table 4. Summary of power efficiency during the ETA with respect to dielectric materials
Gate Spacer
Buried Dielectric
+188 °C/mW
+176 °C/mW
+36 °C/mW
+34 °C/mW
(not shown)
When the buried dielectric was composed solely of $SiO_2$, extracted temperature sensitivity
was + 0.84 °C / nm. On the other hand, when the substrate included $Si_{3}N_{4}$ instead
of $SiO_2$, the sensitivity was just + 0.14 °C / nm. Fig. 6(b) shows power efficiency values of ETA with various buried dielectric materials. $SiO_2$
showed power efficiency (+ 188.8 °C / mW) five times better than that of $Si_{3}N_{4}$
(+ 36.5 °C / mW). It was confirmed that buried dielectric engineering played a great
role in improving power efficiency during ETA. Based on these results, our recommendation
to maximize the power efficiency is to apply $SiO_2$ for both gate spacer and buried
dielectric, as summarized in Table 4.
Fig. 7 shows time-dependent characteristic with various thicknesses of dielectric layer
composed of $SiO_2$. When there is no dielectric on substrate (bulk wafer), the temperature
reached the saturation region within 3 ns owing to the superior thermal capacitance
of silicon. However, as $T_{DIE}$ increases, the thermal time-constant during ETA
with layer-widths of 50 nm, 100 nm, 200 nm of buried oxide were delayed to 25, 57,
and 98 ns, respectively. The sensitivity of the thermal time-constant was extracted
and found to be 0.48 ns / nm, as shown in Fig. 7(b). As a result, to maximize the annealing speed, it is preferred to include dielectric
layers that are as thin as possible.
Fig. 7. (a) Time-dependent characteristic of temperature with various buried dielectric
thicknesses (SiO$_{2}$), (b) Extracted thermal time-constant, which indicates time
to reach saturation region.
Degradation of device reliability stemming from hot-carrier injection (HCI) can be
recoverable by using electro-thermal annealing (ETA) based on punch-through current.
Impacts of device geometry structures and dielectric materials were discussed to minimize
power consumption during ETA. As scaling down of device gate length ($\textit{L}_{\mathrm{G}}$)
and channel width ($\textit{W}_{\mathrm{NW}}$) proceeded, temperature during ETA increased
due to increased self-heating. Among various factors, $\textit{W}_{\mathrm{NW}}$ scaling
dominated $\textit{L}_{\mathrm{G}}$ scaling. In addition, devices containing thicker
buried dielectrics and thinner gate spacers showed better power efficiency than the
other cases. Moreover, dielectrics with low thermal conductive materials were preferred
because they maximized annealing effects under the same power consumption.
This research was supported by Chungbuk National University Korea National University
Development Project (2020).
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Dong-Woo Cha is currently pursuing the B.S. degree from the School of Electronics
Engineering, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, Republic of Korea.
His current research interests include the simulation of semiconductor devices.
Jun-Young Park received the B.S. degree from the School of Electrical and Electronic
Engineering, Yonsei University, Seoul, Republic of Korea, in 2014, and the M.S. &
Ph.D. degree from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon,
Republic of Korea, in 2016 and 2020.
He is currently the Assistant Professor of School of Electronics Engineering, Chungbuk
National University, Cheongju, Republic of Korea.
His current research interests include reliability of semiconductor devices.