As data traffic in the high-speed I/O networks has steadily increased, the demand
for high-bandwidth transmission has also increased. However, the signal degradation
is caused in the form of inter-symbol interference (ISI) by the bandwidth limitation
in the copper-based channel as shown in Fig. 1, which gets much worse as data rates increase. To alleviate this problem, equalizer
research in the high-speed I/O field has been steadily conducted, especially various
continuous-time linear equalizers (CTLEs) and decision-feedback equalizers (DFEs)
This paper proposes a receiver design that operates at data rates larger than 10 Gb/s
in lossy FR4 traces with a low bit-error rates (BER) accomplished. We focus on not
only improving the channel-equalization performance by adopting both an adaptive CTLE
and an adaptive DFE but also reducing the area by excluding the usage of inductors
such as a T-coil, a LC-VCO, and inductive peaking. Section Ⅱ describes the receiver
architecture incorporating an adaptive CTLE and an adaptive DFE and suggests an offset-cancellation
technique and a rectifying error-amplifier for the adaptive CTLE. Section Ⅱ also describes
the DFE architecture that relaxes the timing constraint by using only a latch behind
a current summer. Section Ⅲ describes the proposed adaptive 3-tap half-rate DFE and
its implementation. Section Ⅲ also describes a digital low-pass filter with a hysteresis
which is proposed to suppress the oscillation of the DFE tap coefficients and the
related jitter. The performance measurement of the prototype chip is described in
section Ⅳ. Finally, Section Ⅴ summarizes this paper.
Fig. 1. (a) Insertion loss of 6/12/18/24-inch FR4 traces and (b) single-bit pulse
response in the 18-inch FR4 trace.
Fig. 2. Receiver architecture.
Fig. 2 shows the receiver architecture. Channel equalization is performed by an adaptive
CTLE and an adaptive DFE together. The equalized data is phase-detected by a clock-and-data
recovery (CDR) and is deserialized by a serial-to-parallel block (S2P). The CDR is
composed of a bang-bang phase detector, a charge pump, a loop filter, and a ring-VCO.
To measure the receiver performance, a driver (DRV) is connected to the DFE output.
The differential output of DRV is sent to an external sampling scope and a bit-error
rate tester (BERT).
Fig. 3. Proposed adaptive CTLE architecture.
Fig. 4. CTLE cell with variable load resistance.
Fig. 3 shows the architecture of the adaptive CTLE. The high-frequency gain of the CTLE
is adjusted by comparing the signals before and after a comparator (1). However, a conventional CTLE used in (1) seems to suffer from offset voltages of CLTE cells and an offset voltage between
input signals (RXP and RXN). To cancel these offsets, another feedback is added to
make the average of the positive CTLE output (EQP) and the average of the negative
CLTE output (EQN) equal as shown in Fig. 3.
The CTLE cell is shown in Fig. 4. To perform offset cancelation, the resistance of the positive output load changes
according to RCTRL. The minimum resistance is set to be about RDS || RDP and the maximum
resistance is set to be RDP. To control the low-frequency gain, Rs is adjusted by
a programmable control signal (EQ_DC). The output of a rectifying error-amplifier
(ZCTRL) controls the capacitance of varactors ($C^{S}$) so that high-frequency gain
is adaptively adjusted.
Fig. 5. Rectifying error-amplifier.
Fig. 6. Frequency responses for (a) the 18-inch FR4 trace, (b) CTLE itself, and (c)
FR4 trace + CTLE (Receiver input capacitance is considered).
The source-follower rectifiers used in (1) show a current consumption of about 1mA and a DC gain of about 0.88. Fig. 5 describes the rectifying error-amplifier which is an error-amplifier merged with
a rectifier. This merged structure reduces the current consumption and enhances the
DC gain. Stage 1 receives two pairs of differential signals from two high-pass filters
located before and after the comparator. The four input transistors in Stage 1 are
paired as {M1, M2} and {M3, M4}. The higher voltage of the input signals of each pair
controls the output and Stage 1 plays a role of both a rectifier and an amplifier.
Stage 2 amplifies the output of Stage 1 once more, generating ZCTRL.
Fig. 6 shows the simulated frequency responses for the 18-inch FR4 trace, the CTLE itself,
and a conjunction of the trace and the CTLE. Considering receiver input capacitance,
the channel attenuation is ${-}$15.67 dB at 5.2 GHz. And the CTLE performs high-frequency
boosting to show ${-}$8.98 dB at 5.2 GHz.
CTLEs have several drawbacks. One of drawbacks is that high-frequency noise is also
amplified while the high-frequency signal is boosted. Another drawback is that more
than two stages of CTLEs are required for sufficient boosting. So, the bandwidth is
inevitably degraded.
Fig. 7. Operation of DFE.
A DFE can complement the limited performance of a CTLE. A DFE determines whether the
received data is '1' or '0' and utilizes this information to directly remove the post-cursor
ISI without amplifying high-frequency noise as shown in Fig. 7.
However, the strict timing constraint for a DFE must be satisfied in order to remove
the post cursor properly. Both a full-rate DFE and a half-rate DFE have the same timing
constraint as follows (7,8):
In (1), $t_{CK2Q}$ stands for the clock-to-output delay of a flip-flop, $t_{SETUP.FF}$
stands for the setup time for a flip-flop, and $t_{FB}$stands for the feedback delay
arising from a tap weighting and a current summer.
The timing constraint for a DFE is difficult to satisfy as a data rate increases (UI
decreases). To relax the timing constraint, various methods have been proposed. One
of them is replacing flip-flops next to the first flip-flop with latches (4) but the timing constraint of the first-tap feedback path is still not alleviated.
Another is substituting a sample-and-hold (S/H) for a master latch in the first flip-flop
(5,6). Others are merging a MUX (7) or a current summer (8) with a master latch in the first flip-flop.
To ease the burden of the timing constraint, the proposed architecture adopts the
technique of using a slave latch behind a current summer but excludes other auxiliary
circuits that perform a master-latch function such as a S/H (5,6), a merged latch and MUX (7), or a merged latch and current summer (8). Fig. 8 shows the illustrated block diagram of a 1-tap half-rate DFE using latches instead
of flip-flops and shows the timing diagram. In Fig. 8(b), $t_{SETUP.LAT}$ stands for the time required for $De_{n}$ to be stored reliably
by ‘Low’ of DCKB, $t_{DQ.LAT}$ stands for the input-to-output delay of a latch, and
$t_{FB}$ stands for the feedback delay. The timing constraint in Fig. 8(a) is written as follows:
Fig. 8. Illustrated (a) block diagram of 1-tap half-rate DFE using latches and (b)
timing diagram.
According to simulation results, $t_{DQ.LAT}$ is about 40 ps while the minimum shifting
delay of a flip-flop, $t_{SHIFT.FF} \(=t_{CK2Q}+t_{SETUP.FF} \)$, is about 85 ps.
Here, the minimum shifting delay of a flip-flop means the minimum input-to-output
delay of a flip-flop (13). Since is measured about 10 ps, the left side of (1) is about 95 ps while that
of (2) is about 50 ps. Thus, the timing constraint can be greatly mitigated by using
only a latch after a current summer as shown in Fig. 8(a).
Due to the transparent nature of a latch, two issues need to be considered: the data
racing and the recovered clocks’ misalignment. There is no data-racing problem because
each of the two latches of Fig. 8(a) operates in either holding or sensing mode, respectively, with the opposite clock
phases. The recovered clocks’ misalignment issue is addressed in the following section.
Fig. 9 shows the proposed architecture of a 3-tap half-rate DFE. This structure is composed
of the even-data path, the even-edge path, the odd-data path, and the odd-edge path.
Both the even-data and odd-data paths use only latches instead of flip-flops to relax
the timing constraint. However, both the even-edge and odd-edge paths still rely on
the first flip-flops for optimal data-edge detection, which means that the edge clocks
(XCK and XCKB) track data’s transition edges correctly. A current summer has a conventional
structure (3) and a latch has a current-mode logic (CML) type. For the even data, the post cursors
are removed by Do$_{n-1}$, $De_{n}$$_{n-2}$, and Do$_{n-3}$, corresponding to data
before 1 UI, 2 UI, and 3 UI, respectively. For even edge, the post cursors are removed
by Do$_{n-2}$, Do$_{n-3}$, and Do$_{n-4}$.
Fig. 10. Timing diagram of the 3-tap half-rate DFE.
Fig. 10 shows an illustrated timing diagram of Fig. 9. For instance, the post cursors in the even data ‘G$_{T$_{8}$}$’ at T$_{8}$ are removed
by ‘FT$_{8}$’, ‘ET$_{8}$’, and ‘DT$_{8}$’ at T$_{8}$, which correspond to $Do_{n}$$_{n-1}$,
De$_{n-2}$, and Do$_{n-3}$, respectively. The post cursors in the even edge ‘GT9’
at T9 are removed by ‘F$_{T9}$’, ‘E$_{T9}$’, and ‘D$_{T9}$’ at T9.
Fig 11. (a) Architecture of sign-sign LMS, examples of sign-sign LMS algorithm when
(b) ${\textit{E}}$$_{n}$ {\textless} 0 and (c) ${\textit{E}}$$_{n}$ {\textgreater}
0, and (d) implementation architecture for a half-rate DFE.
Fig. 12. Block diagram of the adaptive DFE for the 1$^{\mathrm{st}}$ tap and ${\textit{dLev}}$.
1. Adaptation Algorithm: Sign-Sign Least Mean Square
Sign-sign least mean square (sign-sign LMS) algorithm is well known as one of the
easiest ways to implement DFE adaptation in a circuit level, requiring only the sign
of a current error and the sign of the previous data as shown in Fig. 11(a) (14,2).
Fig. 11(b) and (c) shows an example of the adaptation algorithm when D$_{n-1}$ < 0 and D$_n$
> 0, that is sgn(D$_{n-1}$) = ${-}$1 and sgn(D$_n$) = +1. $D_{n}$ stands for the output
of the summer and $E_{n}$ stands for the error of $D_{n}$ with respect to the desired
level, dLev ( ).
In the case of $E_{n}$ < 0 as shown in Fig. 11(b), $C_{1}$ increases by 1 and dLev decreases by μ$_{dLev}$ according to (3) and (4).
Conversely, in the case of $E_{n}$ > 0 as shown in Fig. 11(c), $C_{1}$ decreases and dLev increases. Regardless of $E_{n}$, $C_{1}$ and dLev are
adjusted in such a way that the difference between $D_{n}$ and dLev at the sampling
instant becomes the minimum.
Fig. 11(d) shows the implementation architecture of sign-sign LMS for the half-rate DFE.
2. Digital Low-pass Filter with a Hysteresis
Fig. 12 illustrates the block diagram of the analog front-end (DFE AFE) and the adaptation
block. Although the actual design is an adaptive 3-tap half-rate DFE with partially
latches and flip-flops, a 1-tap full-rate DFE with only flip-flops is used instead
for the simplified explanation. $E_{n}$ is generated by comparing the summer output
($D_{n}$) to dLev. As $E_{n}$ passes through a slicer, the sign value of $E_{n}$ ($Es_n$)
is generated. $Es_n$ has a value of +1 or ${-}$1. When $Es_n$ is sampled by the rising
edge of CK, Es$_{n-1}$ is generated. These output signals of DFE AFE block are used
as inputs for the UP/DOWN generator for $C_{1}$ ($UDGEN_{$C_{1}$}$) and dLev ($UDGEN_{DL}$).
Fig. 12. Block diagram of the adaptive DFE for the 1$^{\mathrm{st}}$ tap and ${\textit{dLev}}$.
Fig. 13. Block diagrams of (a) hysteresis LPF and (b) INCDEC. (c) Hysteresis increase/decrease
of ${\textit{pcnt}}$.
Flip-flops are used to mitigate the timing burden of DFE AFE block. If the same number
of clock cycles (i.e., the same delay times) are maintained between the entire set
of the signals, $UDGEN_{$C_{1}$}$ and $UDGEN_{DL}$ can operate properly.
Fig. 13(a) shows the block diagram of the low-pass filter ($LPF_{C1}$) for $C_{1}$ shown in
Fig. 12. The LPF receives UP/DOWN signals from UDGEN block and performs low-pass filtering
by using an internal counter. Fig. 13(b) shows the configuration of INCDEC block in Fig. 13(a). It is assumed that the data has 8 bits, but it can have any number of bits. Since
ncnt[7:0] and pcnt[7:0] are two's compliment data, MSBs stand for signed values.
INCDEC block receives cup/cdn and pcnt(7) as inputs in order to determine the increment or the decrement step (idstep). According
to idstep determined, pcnt either increases or decreases as shown in Fig. 13(c). The method of determining idstep is as follows.
(a) In the case of {cup, cdn} = {0,0}, idstep = 0.
(b) In the case of {cup, cdn} = {0,1}, idstep = ${-}$1 or ${-}$3 depending on pcnt(7) = 1 or 0, respectively.
(c) In the case of {cup, cdn} = {1,0}, idstep = +3 or +1 depending on pcnt(7) = 1 or 0, respectively.
The two different step sizes are specified for the increment step or the decrement
step. For example, if cdn = 1 when pcnt is positive (i.e., pcnt(7) = 0), pcnt changes by ${-}$3, which makes itself closer to 0. Conversely, if cup
= 1 when pcnt is negative (i.e., pcnt(7) = 1), pcnt changes by +3, which makes itself closer to 0. This method inhibits the
outputs of the LPF from being activated, thereby suppressing the oscillation of the
DFE tap coefficients and dLev.
Of course, the increment/decrement step can have any ratio (e.g., +1/+1 or +4/+1).
However, if the ratio becomes too small, it may cause the DFE tap coefficients and
dLev to oscillate. On the contrary, if the ratio becomes too large, the DFE tap coefficients
and dLev may not converge to the optimum value. In this paper, the increment/decrement
step is determined to have a ratio of 3 (i.e., +3/+1 and ${-}$3/${-}$1). As shown
in Fig. 13(b), a signal Add_lsb is generated and connected to the second full-adder to realize
this ratio of 3.
A low-pass filter for dLev ($LPF_{DL}$) has the same structure as $LPF_{C1}$. However,
by making the bit numbers of the counters in $LPF_{C1}$ and $LPF_{DL}$ different,
we solve the stability issue that may occur when two feedback loops operate simultaneously.
3. DFE Adaptation Block and Verilog Simulation
pinc signal is asserted when pcnt[7:6] reaches '01' and pdec signal is asserted when
pcnt[7:6] reaches '10'. In Fig. 12, the outputs of $LPF_{C1}$ ($pinc_{c1}$ and $pdec_{c1}$) control the pointer-generation
block (PNTGENC1) for $C_{1}$. If $pinc_{c1}$ = 1, the output signal of PNTGENC1, pntc1,
increases by +1 until it reaches the maximum value. Conversely, if $pdec_{c1}$ = 1,
pntc1 decreases by ${-}$1 until it reaches the minimum value. Similarly, the outputs
of $LPF_{DL}$ ($pinc_{dl}$ and $pdec_{dl}$) control PNTGENDL for dLev. PNTGENC1 and
PNTGENDL have the same configuration but the bit numbers may be different. pntc1 and
$pnt_{dl}$ are converted to analog signals ($C_{1}$ and dLev), respectively, through
DACs. $C_{1}$ and dLev are fed back to DFE AFE block.
Fig. 14. Verilog simulation results: (a) DFE coefficients without hysteresis low-pass
filter and (b) with hysteresis low-pass filter. (c) Relationship between summer outputs
and sampling clocks.
Fig. 14 shows Verilog simulation results of the receiver. Verilog modeling includes a lossy
channel, a CDR, and an adaptive 3-tap half-rate DFE as shown in Fig. 9. The CDR updates the output-clock phase at every clock cycle (15). Since Verilog modeling can enable the behavioral simulation of the receiver system,
it can significantly reduce the simulation time for the design of the entire DFE architecture
and each building block compared to the SPICE simulation.
Using a digital low-pass filter without a hysteresis as shown in Fig. 14(a), each DFE tap coefficient ($C_{1}$, $C_{2}$, $C_{3}$) and dLev show periodic oscillation
by 3 to 4 steps in the steady state. This oscillation may cause additive noise on
the output of summer, $D_{n}$, distorting data transitions and increasing jitter and
On the other hand, when using the digital low-pass filters with a hysteresis as shown
in Fig. 14(b), there is no oscillation in the tap DFE coefficients and dLev. Of course, the final
convergence values are the same as those in the case of Fig. 14(a). Thus, the perturbation of $D_{n}$ and the jitter can be greatly suppressed.
Fig. 15. Pictures of (a) RX layout and (b) die micro photograph.
Fig. 16. Test environment.
Fig. 14(c) shows that the rising edges of the data sampling clock (DCK or DCKB) coincide with
the midpoint of each data bit of the summer output ($De_{n}$ or $Do_{n}$).
The receiver test chip was designed and fabricated in 28-nm CMOS process. The RX layout
and a die microphotograph are shown in Fig. 15. The active area of the chip is 980600 μm$^{2}$, where the adaptive DFE occupies
32080 μm$^{2}$ and the adaptive CTLE occupies 230100 μm$^{2}$.
Fig. 16 shows the test environment for measuring jitter, eye diagrams, and the BER of the
data. A BERT provides a trigger clock for a sampling scope and a reference clock for
a device under test (DUT) and generates PRBS patterns. ISI Board provides various
lengths of FR4 traces. The BERT-generated PRBS pattern passes through ISI Board and
becomes the input of the DUT. The data recovered by the DUT is analyzed by the sampling
scope and the BERT.
Unless otherwise stated, all measurements are conducted with both the adaptive CTLE
and adaptive DFE activated. PRBS 2$^7$ patterns are used and pre-emphasis is not applied
during the measurements. The 1-V supply is used.
When using the 18-inch FR4 trace, no bit error was detected while transferring more
than 10$^{14}$ data at 10.4 Gb/s but the BER increased as the data rate became larger
than 10.4 Gb/s. When using the 12-inch FR4 trace, no bit error was detected while
transferring more than 10$^{14} data at 11.2 Gb/s but the BER increased as the data
rate became larger than 11.2 Gb/s.
Fig. 17. Eye diagram and jitter histogram of (a) channel output and (b) recovered
data when data rate is 10.4 Gb/s.
Fig. 17(a) shows the measured eye diagram and jitter histogram at 10.4 Gb/s after the 18-inch
FR4 trace. The measured jitter is as follows. DJ (deterministic Jitter) = 52.3 ps,
RJ (random Jitter) = 1.07 ps, and TJ (total Jitter) = 66.9 ps. The measurement results
show that ISI accounts for most of the DJ.
Fig. 17(b) shows the measured eye diagram and jitter histogram of recovered data, which is the
output of the driver. Since the driver is driven by recovered clocks, it contains
all the jitter components of the clocks. Of course, due to the jitter of the driver
itself, the final jitter of the driver is expected to become larger. The measured
jitter is as follows. DJ = 6.8 ps, RJ = 2.87 ps, and TJ = 46.1 ps. The operation of
the equalizer and CDR reduces DJ by 45.5 ps but increases RJ by 1.8 ps.
Fig. 18(a) shows the measured eye diagram and jitter histogram at 11.2 Gb/s after the 12-inch
FR4 trace. The measured jitter is as follows. DJ = 26.4 ps, RJ = 1.08 ps, and TJ =
41.1 ps. Fig. 18(b) shows the measured eye diagram and jitter histogram of recovered data. The measured
jitter is as follows. DJ = 10.5 ps, RJ = 2.53 ps, and TJ = 45.1 ps.
Fig. 18. Eye diagram and jitter histogram of (a) channel output and (b) recovered
data when data rate is 11.2 Gb/s.
Fig. 19. Jitter tolerance curves for (a) recovered 10.4-Gb/s data and (b) recovered
11.2-Gb/s data.
Fig. 19 shows the measured jitter tolerance curves at 10.4-Gb/s and 11.2-Gb/s, respectively.
The receiver has jitter tolerance of 0.266 UI and 0.322 UI at 10 MHz, respectively,
with tracking bandwidths of about 2 MHz.
Fig. 20. Total RX power breakdown.
Table 1. Performance Comparison
Fig. 20 shows the total power breakdown of the receiver measured at 11.2 Gb/s. The measured
power consumption excluding the driver is 60 mW and the energy efficiency is calculated
as 5.36 pJ/bit.
Table 1 summarizes the results of this receiver in comparison with other receivers having
both a CTLE and a DFE. This receiver and the ones in (9,12) perform both CTLE and DFE adaptation. Compared to other receivers in (9-12), this receiver has a relatively very small BER (< $10^{-14}$).
This paper has described a receiver design that incorporates both an adaptive CTLE
and an adaptive DFE. In the proposed CTLE, a merged rectifying error-amplifier reduces
the current consumption and enhances the DC gain. Offset cancelation for the CTLE
is performed by adaptively adjusting the load resistance of a CTLE cell. The proposed
adaptive DFE relaxes the timing constraint using only a CML latch behind a current
summer without other auxiliary circuits that perform a master-latch function. The
DFE suppresses the oscillation of the DFE tap coefficients and the data level in the
steady state utilizing a digital low-pass filter with a hysteresis. The receiver is
fabricated in 28-nm CMOS process and occupies 980600 μm$^{2}$. The measured BER is
less than $10^{-14}$ at 10.4 Gb/s for an 18-inch FR4 trace and at 11.2 Gb/s for a
12-inch FR4 trace, respectively, with both the adaptive CTLE and the adaptive DFE
activated. In 11.2 Gb/s, the energy efficiency of the receiver is 5.36 pJ/bit.
This research was supported by the MOTIE (Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy (10080285)
and KSRC (Korea Semiconductor Research Consortium) support program for the development
of the future semiconductor device.
This paper is supported by Future Interconnect Technology Cluster Program of Samsung
The EDA Tool was supported by the IC Design Education Center.
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Young-Gil Go was born in Sokcho, Korea, in 1994.
He received the B.S. and the M. S. degrees in the School of Electrical and Computer
Engi-neering, University of Seoul, Seoul, Korea, in 2019 and 2021.
In 2021, he joined Samsung Electronics, Hwa-sung, Korea.
His research interests include clock and data recovery for high-speed communication
and high-speed I/O interface circuits.
Hye-Seong Shin was born in Incheon, Korea, in 1993.
He received the B.S. and the M. S. degrees in the School of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, University of Seoul, Seoul, Korea, in 2019 and 2021.
In 2021, he joined Samsung Electronics, Hwasung, Korea.
His current research interests include clock and data recovery for high-speed communication
and high-speed I/O interface circuits.
Jae-Geol Lee was born in Seoul, Korea, in 1995.
He received the B.S. degree in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Seoul, Seoul, Korea, in 2020.
He is currently working toward the M. S. degree at the same university.
His research interests include PAM4 Signaling for high-speed communication and high-speed
I/O interface circuits.
Hyun-Woo Ahn was born in Changwon, Korea, in 1994.
He received the B.S. degrees in the Physics and Electronic Physics, University of
Seoul, Seoul, Korea, in 2020.
He is currently working toward the M. S. degree in the Electrical and Computer Engineering
at the same university.
His research interests include PAM4 Signaling for high-speed communication and high-speed
I/O interface circuits.
Yo-Han Kim was born in Daejeon, Korea, in 1995.
He received the B. S. degree in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Seoul, Seoul, Korea, in 2020.
He is currently working toward the M.S. degree at the same university.
His current research interests include PAM4 Signaling for high-speed communication
and high-speed I/O interface circuits.
Hyeon-Jin Yang was born in Yecheon, Korea, in 1995.
He received the B. S. and the M. S. degrees in the School of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, Univer-sity of Seoul, Seoul, Korea, in 2018 and 2020, respectively.
His current research interests include CDR for high-speed communication and high-speed
I/O interface circuits.
Myung-Hun Jung was born in Gyeonggi-do, Korea, in 1990.
He received the B. S. and the M. S. degrees in the School of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, Univer-sity of Seoul, Seoul, Korea, in 2018 and 2020, respectively.
In 2020, he joined Samsung Electronics, Hwasung, Korea.
His current research interests include PLL and LC-VCO circuits for high-speed communication
and high-speed I/O interface circuits.
Yongsam Moon (S’96-M’01) received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in electronics
engineering from Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, in 1994, 1996, and 2001,
From 2001 to 2002, he was with Inter-University Semiconductor Research Center in the
same university as a research engineer.
In 2002, he joined Silicon Image Inc, Sunnyvale, CA, where he developed various high-speed
serial links as a Member of Technical Staff.
In 2006, he joined Samsung Electronics, Hwasung, Korea, where he was involved in the
design of DRAM products.
In 2009, he joined the faculty of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Seoul, Seoul, Korea.
He is currently a Professor.
His current research interests include clock and data recovery for high-speed communication
and high-speed I/O interface circuits.