Recently traffic accidents due to driver's physical abnormalities are increasing.
In particular, as the number of elderly drivers is increasing as we enter the aging
society, research on a biometric monitoring radar system that monitors the driver's
abnormal vital signs more accurately while driving to prevent traffic accidents due
to the driver's condition abnormality is currently being conducted (1-5). In order to measure the driver's heartbeat or respiration in a non-contact manner,
research on a radar sensing transceiver using a millimeter wave (mm-wave) band is
in progress. If the millimeter wave band is used, the size of the radar module can
be reduced and high resolution characteristics can be obtained.
In order to integrate in a vehicle at low cost, it is necessary to use a direct conversion
receiver that can minimize the use of external elements. Since the direct conversion
receiver structure is used in the mm-wave band, the balancing characteristic between
the I/Q signal paths of the mm-wave receiver is important. Since radar interference
signals may exist in the 24 GHz band, a receiver front end with good linearity is
Therefore, a 24-GHz receiver front-end is proposed for in-cabin radar systems that
can monitor driver’s vital signs such as heart rate and respiration in this paper.
It was implemented using a 1-poly 8-metal RF 65-nm CMOS process. In the following
sections, the circuit design and measured results of the receiver front-end are described
in details.
II. Proposed Circuit Design
Fig. 1 shows the simplified block diagram of the presented 24 GHz direct-conversion receiver
front-end. A direct-conversion receiver architecture is suitable for a wireless short-range
monitoring systems in a car because it has high integration and low power consumption.
The presented 24 GHz receiver front-end consists of a low-noise amplifier, an I(in-phase)/Q(quadrature)
down-conversion mixer, and an I/Q LO generator. The RF input signal from the antenna
is applied to the input of the low-noise amplifier and amplified by the low-noise
amplifier. The amplified RF signal from the low-noise amplifier is converted into
the baseband analog I/Q output signal using the LO input signal, which comes from
an external LO signal source or an internal frequency synthesizer, by the I/Q down-conversion
The simplified schematic of a low-noise amplifier (LNA) is shown in Fig. 2. It is composed of a single-ended cascode amplifier and a single-to-differential
common-source amplifier. To improve the electro-static discharge (ESD) protection
performance of the LNA, the single-ended cascade amplifier with shunt inductance L$_{\mathrm{g1}}$
at input stage is employed. The input impedance Z$_{\mathrm{in}}$ of the LNA is approximately
expressed as
Fig. 1. Block diagram of the proposed receiver front-end.
Fig. 2. Simplified schematic of the low-noise amplifier.
Fig. 3. Test bench for the HBM ESD simulation (7).
where g$_{m}$ and C$_{gs}$ are the transconductance and gate-source capacitance of
the transistor M$_{1}$, respectively (6). Since the value of the capacitance C$_{1}$ is much larger than that of the capacitance
C$_{gs}$, 1/j${\omega}$C$_{1}$ can be ignored in (1). To make the imaginary part of (1) zero, the following (2) must be satisfied at the operating frequency f$_{op}$;
When (2) is satisfied, (1) is can be expressed as
Therefore, in order to match the input impedance Z$_{\mathrm{in}}$ of the LNA to 50
Ω, the LNA was designed by adjusting the design parameters so that (3)becomes 50 Ω.
As shown in Fig. 3, a test bench was set up for the human body model (HBM) ESD simulation (7). In order to examine the effect of the metal width of the inductance L$_{\mathrm{g1}}$
on the NF and HBM characteristics of the LNA, simulation was performed by changing
the metal width of the inductance L$_{\mathrm{g1}}$ under the same inductance condition.
Fig. 4 shows the simulated NF and HBM results of the LNA according to the metal width of
the inductance L$_{\mathrm{g1}}$. When the metal width of L$_{\mathrm{g1}}$ is 2 µm,
the simulated quality factor of L$_{\mathrm{g1}}$ is 18. When the width is 5~µm and
10 µm, the simulated quality factor of the inductor is 19 and 20, respectively. Regardless
of the metal width of L$_{\mathrm{g1}}$, the simulated NF of the LNA is approximately
3.2 dB, and the HBM voltage is about 200~V. Considering the NF and HBM performances
of the LNA, the metal width of the inductance L$_{\mathrm{g1}}$ was used as 2 µm in
our design.
Fig. 4. Simulated human body model(HBM) test result and NF of the LNA according to
the metal width of inductor L$_{\mathrm{g1}}$.
Fig. 5. Simplified schematic of the proposed I/Q down-conversion mixer.
Fig. 6. (a) Inverter transconductor and switching transistors from down-conversion
mixer, (b) g$_{m}$$^{\prime}$$^{\prime}$ of small signal output current i$_{\mathrm{o}}$
of inverter transconductor versus the width of PMOS M$_{\mathrm{p1}}$ with a channel
length of 65 nm.
Fig. 5 shows the simplified of the proposed I/Q down-conversion mixer. An inverter-type
transconductor composed of NMOS and PMOS is used at the transconductance stage of
the I/Q down-conversion mixer. The inverter-type transconductor has larger transconductance
than a conventional NMOS counterpart at the same dc current consumption (8,9).
As shown in Fig. 6(a), if a small signal input voltage v$_{i}$ is applied to the inverter transconductor
of the down-conversion mixer, the small signal output current I$_{o}$ can be expressed
where g$_{m}$$^{\prime}$ is the first derivative and g$_{m}$$^{\prime}$$^{\prime}$
is the second derivative of the transconductance g$_{m}$ with respect to the small
signal input voltage v$_{i}$, respectively. Since the third-order nonlinearity of
CMOS circuit is dominated by g$_{m}$$^{\prime}$$^{\prime}$ nonlinearity (10), g$_{m,n1}$$^{\prime}$$^{\prime}$ + g$_{m,p1}$$^{\prime}$$^{\prime}$ should be zero
to achieve high linearity. By adjusting the proper size and bias point of PMOS M$_{\mathrm{p1}}$,
the g$_{m,n1}$$^{\prime}$$^{\prime}$ term of NMOS M$_{\mathrm{n1}}$ can be cancelled
by the g$_{m,p1}$$^{\prime}$$^{\prime}$ term of PMOS M$_{\mathrm{p1}}$. As shown in
Fig. 6(b), when the width of PMOS M$_{\mathrm{p1}}$ with a channel length of 65 nm is approximately
32 µm, the second derivative g$_{m}$$^{\prime}$$^{\prime}$ of the transconductance
g$_{m}$ with respect to the small signal input voltage v$_{i}$ is zero.
Fig. 7 shows the simulated output-referred third-order intercept point (OIP3) of the proposed
down-conversion mixer according to the width of PMOS M$_{\mathrm{p1}}$ with a channel
length of 65 nm. The largest simulated OIP3 result of the down-conversion mixer is
obtained when the width of PMOS M$_{\mathrm{P1}}$ with a channel length of 65 nm is
approximately 35 µm. The proposed I/Q down-conversion mixer improves more than 3 dB
OIP3 performance in comparison to the conventional I/Q down-conversion mixer with
an NMOS transconductor.
Fig. 7. Simulated OIP3 result of the proposed down-conversion mixer versus the width
of PMOS M$_{\mathrm{p1}}$ with a channel length of 65 nm.
Fig. 8. Simplified schematic of the I/Q LO generation circuit.
Fig. 9. Chip photograph of the receiver front-end.
Fig. 10. Measured RF input return loss of the RF front-end.
The balancing accuracy between the I and Q paths is critical in achieving the targeted
signal-to-noise ratio in the direct-conversion receiver. Especially, it is important
to obtain balanced I/Q LO signals in the millimeter-wave band (11). Fig. 8 shows the simplified schematic of the I/Q LO generation circuits. The I/Q LO generation
circuit consists of a single-ended cascode amplifier, a single-to-differential common-source
amplifier, two-stage RC polyphase filter (PPF), and two differential common-source
amplifiers. These amplifiers are used to compensate for the signal attenuation by
two-stage PPF composed of passive components and to drive the switching pairs of the
down-conversion mixer. The values of the resistance and capacitance of the two-stage
PPF are destermined by considering the parasitic inductance value from equation in
III. Experimental Results
The proposed 24-GHz direct-conversion receiver front-end was implemented using a 65-nm
CMOS process as part of an in-cabin radar system. Fig. 9 shows the chip photograph of the receiver front-end. The silicon area of the receiver
front-end is 1250 ${\mathrm{\mu}}$m ${\times}$ 550 ${\mathrm{\mu}}$m excluding ESD
protection circuits and PADs. It draws 21-mA from a 1.2-V supply voltage. For the
measurement, an external signal generation instrument is used to provide the LO input
signal. The measured return losses of the RF input and LO input are less than -10
dB in the frequency range from 24 GHz to 24.5 GHz.
Fig. 10 presents the measured RF input return loss of the RF front-end, which is less than
-10 dB from 24 GHz to 24.5 GHz. Fig. 11 shows the measured conversion gain and phase mismatch between the I-path and Q-path
at the IF output with an IF of 10 MHz of the RF front-end versus RF input frequency.
The RF front-end shows a conversion gain of greater than 30 dB in the frequency range
of 24 - 24.5 GHz. The gain and phase mismatch
between the I- and Q-paths at the IF output are less than 0.2 dB and 0.5$^{\circ}$
in the frequency range from 24 GHz to 24.5 GHz, respectively.
Fig. 11. Measured conversion gain and phase mismatch between I-path and Q-path at
the IF output of the proposed RF front-end.
Fig. 12. Measured IIP3 and DSB NF of the proposed RF front-end versus operating frequencies.
Table 1. Summary and Comparison of Performance
This work
Operating frequency (GHz)
Gain (dB)
OIP3 (dBm)
NF (dB)
P1dB (dBm)
Power consumption (mW)
78 @ 1.2V
(LNA + I/Q mixer +
VCO & dividers)
20 @ 1.2V
(LNA + I/Q mixer +
LO generator)
66 @ 1.5V
(LNA + I/Q mixer +
LO generator)
25.2 @ 1.2V
(LNA: 8 mA + I/Q mixer:
4 mA + LO generator: 9 mA)
65 nm CMOS
130 nm
130 nm CMOS
65 nm CMOS
0.24 $mm^{2}$
0.84 $mm^{2}$
1.76 $mm^{2}$
0.69 $mm^{2}$
$^{(1)}$ OIP3 ${\approx}$ Gain + IIP3 (= P$_{\mathrm{1dB}}$ + 9.6dB),
$^{(2)}$ $^{\mathrm{F.O.M.=\frac{Gain[abs]\cdot IIP3[mW]}{P_{DC}[mW]}\cdot \frac{1}{(NF-
1)[abs]}\cdot f[GHz]}}$
Fig. 12 shows the measured IIP3 and double-side band (DSB) noise figure (NF) results of the
proposed RF front-end, respectively. Two-tone spacing is 2 MHz for the linearity test.
The RF front-end has an IIP3 of greater than -10 dBm over the entire operating frequency
bands. The RF front-end has a DSB NF of less than 4.5 dB over the entire operating
frequency bands.
Table 1 summarized and compares the performances of the proposed RF front-end with those
of other published mm-wave RF front-ends. The proposed RF front-end has good figure
of merit (FOM) compared with the recently published millimeter-wave RF front-ends.
A 24-GHz direct-conversion receiver front-end was presented for in-cabin applications.
The proposed RF receiver is composed of a low-noise amplifier, an I/Q down-conversion
mixer, and an I/Q LO generator circuit. An inverter transconductor with third-order
nonlinearity cancellation is applied to the I/Q down-conversion mixer to improve the
linearity of the I/Q down-conversion mixer. By adopting a linear I/Q down-conversion
mixer and a balanced I/Q LO generator, the 24 GHz receiver front-end obtains high
linearity and good I/Q balancing performance. The mm-wave receiver front-end can be
utilized to in-cabin radar systems that can monitor driver’s vital signs such as heart
rate and respiration.
This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded
by the Ministry of Science and ICT (NRF-2019R1A2C1090935).
This research was supported by National R&D Program through the National Research
Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by Ministry of Science and ICT (2020M3H2A1078045).
This research was supported by Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology (KIAT)
grant funded by the Korea Government (MOTIE) (P0012451, The Competency Development
Program for Industry Specialist).
The CAD tools were supported by IDEC.
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received the B.S. degree in electronic engineering from Pukyong National University,
Busan, Korea, in 2017, and the M.S. degree in electrical engineering at Pusan National
University, Busan, Korea.
Her main interests are CMOS RF/ mmWave/analog circuits for wireless communications.
received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from Pusan National University,
Busan, Korea, in 2020 and is currently working toward the M.S. degree in electrical
and electronics engineering at Pusan National University, Busan, Korea.
Her main interests are CMOS RF/mmWave/analog circuits for wireless communications.
received the B.S. degree in Electronic Engineering from Dong-A University, Busan,
Korea, in 2019, and he is currently pursuing the combined M.S/Ph.D. degree in Electrical
Engineering at Pusan National University, Busan, Korea.
His main interests are CMOS RF/mmWave/ PMIC/analog circuits for wireless communications.
received the B.S degree in Information and Communi-cation Engineering from Kyungsung
University, Busan, Korea, in 2019 and currently working toward the M.S. degree in
Electrical Engineering at Pusan National University, Busan, Korea.
His main interests are CMOS RF/mmWave/ analog circuits for wireless communications.
received the B.S. degree in Electronic Engineering from Gyeongsang National Univer-sity,
Gyeongsangnam-do, Korea, in 2019, and the M.S degrees in Electrical Engineering from
Pusan National University, Busan, Korea, in 2021, and is currently working toward
the Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Pusan National University,
Busan, Korea.
His current research interests are CMOS RF/PMIC/analog circuits for wireless communications.
received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from Sungkyunkwan University, Korea,
in 2001, the M.S. degree in electrical engineering from the KAIST, Korea, in 2005,
and the Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering from the Georgia Institute
of Technology, USA, in 2009.
Upon completion of the doctoral degree, he joined Qualcomm Inc., USA, as a Senior
Engineer, where he was involved in the development of transmitters and integrated
passive circuits on mobile applications.
He is currently a faculty member with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Pusan
National University, Korea.
His research interests include high-frequency integrated circuits and system design
for wireless communications and biomedical applications.
received a B.S. degree in radio science and engi-neering from Hanyang University,
Korea, in 1997 and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in EECS from KAIST, Korea, in 1999 and 2004,
In 2004, he joined Samsung Electronics, Gyeonggi, Korea, as a senior engineer, designed
multi-band multi-mode RF transceiver ICs for a cellular phone, and developed a receiver
IC for a wireless connectivity system such as GPS and FM. In 2012, he joined the school
of Electronic and Electric Engineering, Daegu University, Gyeongsan, Korea, as an
associate professor.
His research interests including CMOS RF/mmWave/analog integrated circuits and systems
for wireless communications such as WSNs and 5G cellular systems.
received the B.S. degree in electronics engineering from Yonsei University, Korea,
in 1999, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering and computer sciences
from the KAIST, Korea, in 2001 and 2005, respectively.
From 2005 to 2007, he was a Senior Engineer with Samsung Electronics, Gyeonggi, Korea,
where he was involved in the development of mobile digital TV tuner IC.
In 2007, he joined the School of Electrical Engineering, Pusan National University,
Busan, Korea, and is now a Professor.