(Dept. of Electrical and Information Engineering, Seoul National University of Science
and Technology, Seoul, Korea)
Copyright © The Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers(IEIE)
Index Terms
Electrical stimulator, neural interface, charge balancing, chopped pulse, CMOS
Closed-loop bidirectional neural interface system-on-chips (SoCs) equipped with both
electrical stimulation and neural signal recording functions enable a detailed and
broad understanding of brain functions and its complex behavior (1-3). Electrical stimulators in these bidirectional systems can treat a variety of neurological
disorders by inducing an appropriate neural response with a controlled transfer of
charge between the electrode and the target nerve tissue (4).
Among various types of stimulation schemes, the current-mode stimulation has become
a popular approach as it does not occupy a large area and can deliver an accurate
amount of charge regardless of the impedance fluctuations of the electrode-electrolyte
interface. In the current-mode electrical stimulation, there are several important
issues to consider. The first issue is the residual potential that accumulates on
the electrode-electrolyte interface. During stimulation, residual charges can accumulate
on the electrode-electrolyte interface due to the mismatch between the cathodic and
anodic pulse and/or irreversible Faradaic reaction, and the voltage difference between
the electrodes is generated. This voltage difference known as residual potential can
cause damage to the tissue and corrode the electrodes. Generally, the safe range of
residual potential that is considered not to damage the tissue is ±50 mV (5,6). Over the past several decades, many charge balancing techniques have been developed
to reduce the residual potential for long-term safe stimulation. The advantages and
disadvantages of several notable active charge balancing techniques will be described
in the later sections. The second issue is the stimulation efficiency. Since only
80 mW/cm2 of heat flux generated by the implanted device can cause irreversible damage
to the tissue (7), the stimulator IC which is implanted inside the body requires low power consumption
and high efficiency for reliable treatment. Also, as the power consumption of the
stimulator is minimized, the life of implanted battery is extended, thereby reducing
the number of traumatic re-surgery procedure for battery replacement. On the other
hand, if the power is delivered wirelessly through wireless power transfer, less amount
of power can be sent or less burden can be placed on the design of power delivery
circuits. Thus, several methods have been developed to improve the stimulation efficiency
of electrical stimulators. In order to increase the stimulation efficiency, reducing
the power consumption through an optimal circuit design and applying various stimulation
waveforms have been studied. The stimulation efficiency of the electrical stimulation
can be greatly increased if nerve tissue can be activated and neural reactions are
induced with less charge injection.
The third issue is the high voltage (HV) compliance required to inject sufficient
charge into the target nerve tissue. Since the impedance of the electrode-electrolyte
interface can be large depending on the situation, current-mode stimulator circuits
require HV compliance to deliver a sufficient amount of charge to the high impedance
nerve tissue. In a typical stimulator IC, HV-CMOS or bipolar-CMOS-DMOS (BCD) process
is used to meet HV compliance requirements, but it suffers from large chip area, parasitics,
and additional costs (8).
In this work, a novel neural stimulator circuit using chopped pulse waveform for efficient
stimulation and safe charge balancing is proposed. Transistor stacking technique is
utilized to enable standard CMOS devices to be used for output drivers and charge
balancer circuits at high supply voltages. To design and electrically verify the proposed
stimulator circuit, the electrode-electrolyte interface equivalent model of platinum
electrodes used in (7,9) was adopted. Section II briefly discusses some of the waveforms used for electrical
stimulation while Section III reviews the conventional charge balancing techniques
from previous works. Section IV describes the circuit design of the proposed stimulator
system in detail. The experimental results are presented in Section V and the conclusions
are given in Section VI.
Fig. 1. Various types of stimulation waveforms (a) Symmetric, (b) Asymmetric, (c)
1. Symmetric Biphasic Waveform
In a general electrical stimulation, a symmetric biphasic pulse waveform consisting
of a cathodic pulse followed by an anodic pulse is most commonly used. The voltage
waveform of a typical biphasic stimulation pulse at the electrode is shown in Fig. 1(a). In the biphasic pulse, the cathodic pulses generate neural spike by initiating the
tissue response, and the anodic pulse compensates for the injected charge by flowing
the current in the opposite direction for the same period as the cathodic pulse.
2. Asymmetric Biphasic Waveform
In addition to the symmetric biphasic pulse, various stimulation waveforms have been
studied to increase the efficiency of electrical stimulation. Fig. 1(b) shows the electrode voltage waveform of an asymmetric biphasic pulse. In the in-vivo
experiment in (10), an asymmetric pulse waveform with 100 µs pulse width of cathodic pulse and 200 µs
pulse width of anodic pulse was compared to a symmetric pulse waveform with 100 µs
of pulse width for both cathodic and anodic pulses. For the asymmetric pulse waveform,
the amplitude of anodic pulse was set to half of cathodic pulse. In this experiment,
when the asymmetric pulse was used, about 25% higher activation of auditory nerve
fibers (ANFs) was maintained with the same stimulation intensity. The authors in (10) estimated that the use of asymmetric pulse waveform compensates for the charge slowly
in the anodic phase, resulting in a reduction in the threshold required for nerve
activation in comparison to using a symmetric pulse waveform. Therefore, asymmetric
pulse waveform can be used to increase the stimulation efficiency. In addition, according
to the experiment in (11), the amplitude of the anodic pulse of the symmetric biphasic pulse waveform is equal
to cathodic pulse, and this value is larger than the threshold value of nerve tissue
activation. This means that unwanted neural reaction can occur by the large amplitude
of anodic pulse. Thus, compensating for the injected charge using a small and long
anodic pulse that does not exceed the threshold will allow the intended neural response
only by cathodic pulses.
3. Chopped Pulse Waveform
There is another stimulation waveform which is a chopped pulse waveform. The voltage
waveform of the
chopped stimulation pulse is shown in Fig. 1(c). In the in-vivo experiment in (12), the chopped pulse waveform maintained 50% of earthworm’s C-fiber activation with
45% less charge than a conventional unchopped biphasic pulse. According to (12), the stimulation waveform using the short charge injection period provides higher
charge efficiency, which is consistent with the charge-duration relationship in (13). In addition, using the appropriate chopped pulse waveform can improve the stimulation
selectivity of desired or undesired nerve fibers.
In this work, the proposed stimulator circuit is employs the chopped pulse waveform
to improve the efficiency of electrical stimulation. Also, the stimulator circuit
is designed to have flexibility by having selectable symmetric waveform and asymmetric
waveform options depending on the proper application. In addition, novel charge balancing
technique using chopped pulse waveform is proposed.
In this section, some notable features as well as advantages and disadvantages of
several charge balancing techniques are described. The general purpose of charge balancing
is to minimize the residual potential to ensure long-term safe stimulation.
Electrode shorting is a well-known and representative passive charge balancing technique.
This technique is one of the simplest methods for charge balancing, but it has the
disadvantage of being unreliable depending on the stimulation frequency and/or impedance
fluctuations of the electrode-electrolyte interface (14). Therefore, various active charge balancing techniques have been developed to overcome
this disadvantage.
In the active charge balancing scheme, the voltage at the electrode is measured, and
the charge is compensated according to the measured polarity and/or value of electrode
voltage. Pulse insertion and offset regulation (15,16) techniques are well-known and verified active charge balancing techniques. However,
it has a common drawback where complex circuits are required for realization and injecting
an additional pulse/DC-offset current for charge balancing increases the power consumption
of the stimulator circuit.
In addition to these active charge balancing techniques, there are several other reported
charge balancing techniques of adjusting the anodic pulse [9, 17-20] to balance out
the residual charge. To induce the desired neural response, the cathodic pulses must
deliver the charge to the tissue very accurately. Therefore, since the cathodic pulses
should not be altered during the stimulation phase, charge balancing should be performed
by controlling the anodic pulses. Stimulating with charge-imbalanced waveform by appropriately
adjusting the anodic pulse can reduce the unrecoverable charge in anodic phase, thus
minimizing the damage applied to the tissue or metal electrode. Among these charge
balancing techniques, the method of controlling the pulse amplitude was proposed in
[9, 17, 18], and adjusting the pulse width was introduced in (19,20). However, the circuit proposed in (17) and (19) has a disadvantage of requiring complex digital circuits, and the method proposed
in (18) uses a simple digital logic circuit but has a drawback in that it requires an additional
current source/sink for charge balancing. The work in (9) also uses simple digital circuitry for active charge balancing with optional electrode
shorting, but the overall residual voltage level and the consistency in achieving
such residual levels can be further improved. Lastly, the method proposed in (20) uses an additional sensing capacitor, which will limit its usage in multi-channel
1. Overall Architecture
Fig. 2 shows the block diagram of a typical bidirectional analog front-end in a neural interface
system with the proposed stimulator system architecture and the equivalent electrode
model used in the design. The equivalent model consists of a double-layer capacitor
Cdl representing a non-Faradaic reaction, a resistor RF representing the Faradaic
reaction, and a resistor RS representing the nerve tissue. The value of Cdl is 100
nF, RF is 10 MΩ, and RS is 10 kΩ. The stimulator is comprised of a current-steering
digital-to-analog converter (DAC), level-shifter, output current driver, and charge
balancer circuits. The simple 5-bit current DAC, shown in Fig. 3(a), can control the output stimulation current and uses a cascode topology for good
current matching and linearity. The DAC output current is amplified by 10 times by
the following output current driver stage to generate the stimulation current. Fig. 3(b) shows the level-shifter circuit which is used to convert the digital control signal
level from 0-3.2 V to 9.6-12.8 V, enabling the control for the PMOS switches in the
following output current driver. The level-shifter employs the transistor stacked
architecture using standard 3.3-V thick gate-oxide devices for safe operation at high
voltage. The details on the output current driver and the charge balancing circuits
are described in the following subsections.
Fig. 2. Block diagram of the proposed neural stimulator.
Fig. 3. Circuit schematic of (a) 5-bit DAC, (b) level-shifter.
2. Output Current Driver
Fig. 4 shows the schematic of the regulated cascode current mirror and the output current
driver used in the proposed stimulator IC. In the regulated cascode current mirror
circuit, 1.8-V devices and 3.3-V devices are appropriately used for high output resistance
and low voltage headroom. The output current driver employs a bipolar structure to
achieve desired voltage compliance with smaller supply voltage than using a monopolar
structure. High supply voltage greater than 10 V is required to deliver up to 1 mA
of current to 10 kΩ of tissue load. Each switch (SW1-4) is implemented by four stacked
3.3-V transistor devices and no HV devices are used. The stacked devices are biased
through the dynamic gate biasing circuit to keep the transient voltage across each
terminal within 3.2 V to prevent breakdown due to the high supply voltage. Another
advantage of the transistor stacks is that the devices comprising the active charge
balancing circuit and the switch devices used for electrode shorting are not directly
connected to the electrodes. These switch devices are connected to the drain terminal
of the lowermost NMOS stacked device in the output driver instead of being directly
connected to the electrode, and thus can be protected from high stimulation voltage.
Considering applications where same set of electrodes are used for both stimulation
and recording modes in a bidirectional system, a blanking switch is included in the
output current driver to be used as a path to the neural recorder inputs. Either the
stimulation or recording mode can be selected by controlling the blanking switch.
If the blanking switch is turned off, the system goes into stimulation mode and the
recording amplifier is disconnected from the electrode. In contrast, when the blanking
switch is turned on, stimulation is stopped by the internal logic circuit, and the
recording amplifier can be connected to the electrode through the NMOS stacks to record
the neural signal. As neural recording circuits are generally operated at low voltage
for low-power operation, these circuits also need to be isolated from high voltage.
The blanking switch and neural amplifier circuit are not directly connected to the
electrode like the charge balancer circuit through transistor stacking technique,
so they are all protected from high supply voltage without the need of having a separate
isolation switch (8). Although the recording circuits are not discussed in this paper, the stacks and
the blanking switch path in the recording mode is designed to cause minimal effect
on the noise performance of the neural recording amplifier (21).
Fig. 4. Proposed circuit schematic of output current driver.
3. Chopped Pulse Generation and Active Charge Balancer Circuits
Fig. 5(a) shows the simplified output driver schematic to describe the chopped pulse operation
and the charge balancing scheme. The output current driver allows the stimulation
current to flow through the electrode to the tissue. Current DAC can generate the
output current (IDAC) up to 100 µA with 5-bit resolution. Then the regulated cascode
current mirror circuit copies the IDAC at a 1:10 ratio, allowing up to 1 mA of stimulation
current to flow. If Φcath and Φcath_bar signals are applied to the waveform selection
switches, each switch is turned on and off only during the cathodic phase, respectively.
This results in the asymmetric pulse waveform to be generated. On the other hand,
if ON and OFF signals are applied to each switch, the copy ratio of current mirror
is always maintained at 1:10, and the symmetric stimulation waveform is generated.
Fig. 5(b) shows the chopped pulse generation circuit. Chopped pulse control signals (Φcath,chop,
Φanod,chop) are generated through logic AND gate and external digital control signals
(Φcath, Φanod), and the Φcath,chop signal is applied to the output current driver
switch. Fig. 5(c) shows the block diagram of the proposed charge balancer circuit. The charge balancer
consists of two analog subtractors, a comparator and additional logic gates. The subtractor
and comparator circuits form a differential-difference comparator. The Φanod,chop
signal of the chopped pulse generation circuit is not directly applied to the output
driver but is inputted to the AND gate of the charge balancer circuit to generate
the Φanod,CB signal, and the Φanod,CB signal is applied to the output driver. Fig. 5(d) shows the transistor-level schematic of the designed subtractor circuit. The subtractor
circuit contains PMOS tail current transistor and four PMOS input transistors (M1-4).
The transistors M2 and M3 are biased by Vb2, and the transistors M1 and M4 measure
each electrode voltage indirectly through transistor stacked output current driver.
If VS,in+ value is greater than VS,in-, Vout increases. Conversely, if VS,in+ is smaller
than VS,in-, Vout decreases.
Fig. 5. Circuit schematic of (a) Simplified output current driver, (b) Chopped pulse
generation circuit, (c) Charge balancer circuit, (d) Subtractor circuit.
4. Proposed Charge Balancing Technique
To explain the operation of the charge balancer circuit, the operation of subtractor
circuits in Fig. 5(d) is explained first. Since both input nodes of subtractor1 are connected to the GND,
M1 and M4 PMOS input devices are turned on strongly. Therefore, due to the bias condition
of all input devices, the |VDS| of the tail transistor is increased, and the tail
current is maximized by the channel length modulation. At this time, Vout of subtractor1
is fixed to the specific voltage value, and this voltage value is set around 900 mV.
Next, the operation of subtractor2 is explained. The M2 and M3 devices of subtractor2
are biased by Vb2, and M1 and M4 input devices indirectly measure the voltage of each
electrode through VS,in+ and VS,in- nodes of the transistor stacking output driver.
When the clock signal is HIGH, the chopped stimulation pulses also become HIGH. At
this time, the voltage value of VS,in+ and VS,in- increases to a maximum of 3.2 V.
This voltage value is large enough to turn off the M1 and M4 devices of subtractor2
regardless of the stimulation current amplitude. Therefore, due to the bias condition
of all input devices, tail current is decreased, and the Vout of subtractor2 is fixed
to a specific value of 1.2 V. Thus, when the clock signal is HIGH, the output voltage
of subtractor2 (1.2 V) is always larger than the subtractor1 output voltage (900 mV)
and the output state of the comparator is also always HIGH. As a result, the Φanod,CB
signal is continuously generated. The difference between the output voltage values
of the two subtractors is set sufficiently large to be around 300 mV to ensure robust
operation even with noises or variations in supply voltage or GND. Next, the operation
when the clock signal is LOW is explained. When the clock is in LOW state, both chopped
pulse control signals Φcathod,chop and Φanod,chop become LOW according to the operation
of the chopped pulse generation circuit. Therefore, at the electrodes, only the residual
potential is observed, and the M1 and M4 devices of subtractor2 are turned on and
measure VS,in+ and VS,in- voltage.
Fig. 6 shows the principle of proposed charge balancing technique and timing diagram of
control signals. During the anodic phase, the residual potential of the electrode
gradually accumulates from negative to positive value. Depending on the value of residual
potential, VS,in+ value decreases from the positive to negative, and VS,in- value
gradually increases from negative to positive. Therefore, as the residual potential
accumulates on the electrode, the output voltage value of subtractor2 becomes closer
to the output voltage value of subtractor1. Finally, when the polarity of residual
potential is inverted to positive value, VS,in+ becomes smaller than VS,in-, and the
output voltage of subtractor2 becomes lower than the output voltage of subtractor1.
Then, comparator output signal changes from HIGH to LOW. Thus, the Φanod,CB signal
is kept in the LOW state, and the generation of the additional anodic pulse is stopped.
As a result, the residual potential is no longer accumulated on the electrode.
Furthermore, when the comparator output state changes to LOW state, the Φshort signal
changes to HIGH and the electrode shorting switch is automatically turned on. As a
result, because the electrode shorting is applied when very low residual charge remains
due to the proposed active charge balancing technique, residual charge can be removed
more quickly and completely. At this time, the pulse width of Φanod only needs to
be sufficiently longer than Φcath especially when in asymmetric pulse mode, and even
if the Φanod signal is OFF, electrode shorting is maintained until the next Φcath
signal is activated. Since the initial value of the residual potential at the time
when the electrode shorting is applied is already small, it can overcome the disadvantages
of the conventional electrode shorting method.
Fig. 6. Principle of proposed charge balancing and timing diagram.
Fig. 7. Chip micrograph of stimulator IC.
The stimulator IC is designed and fabricated using 0.18-µm standard CMOS process.
The micrograph of the implemented chip is shown in Fig. 7, which has an active area of 0.095 mm2. The layout of the entire stimulator IC including
the output current driver and level-shifter circuit is designed symmetrically for
good matching of stimulation pulses. For linear control of the stimulation current,
both the DAC and the current mirror circuits are designed using common-centroid layout
including dummy devices. The IC is packaged using chip-on-board method and is soldered
on a FR4 printed circuit board (PCB) for verification. The bias voltages and control
signals are applied externally to the IC for testing using DC supply and waveform
generators. The output stimulation waveform is measured to verify the circuit function
and its performances. The equivalent electrode-electrolyte interface model that was
described in Section 1 is assembled on the same PCB for measurement. Fig. 8 and 9 show the measured output voltage waveforms of the stimulator, respectively.
The stimulation period is set to 1 ms with 100 µs of cathodic phase and 20 µs of interphasic
delay. The frequency of the clock signal for generating the chopped pulse is set to
100 kHz with 50% of duty cycle and the unit chopped pulse has 10 µs period. Thanks
to the proposed charge balancer operation, the generation of additional anodic pulses
stops when the polarity of the residual potential changes from negative to positive
in the anodic phase. Also, when the generation of the anodic pulse is stopped, electrode
shorting operation is performed automatically, and the positive residual potential
that remains already small on the electrode is further quickly discharged to a negligible
level. When the stimulator IC is operating in the asymmetric mode, the amplitude of
the anodic pulse is set to half of the cathodic pulse through the control of waveform
selection switches inside the current mirror circuit, and it has about twice the pulse
width. Similar to the symmetric mode, the generation of the chopped anodic pulse stops
when the polarity of the residual potential is reversed, and automatic electrode shorting
function operates. For all stimulation current amplitudes and stimulation waveforms,
the value of the measured electrode residual potential is kept within the safe range
of a few millivolts, which far exceeds the requirement of ±50 mV. Fig. 10 shows the measured performance of current DAC. The current DAC circuit controls the
stimulation current with 5-bit resolution and achieves high linearity performance
with -0.185/+0.137 LSB of DNL and -0.224/+0.492 LSB of INL. Fig. 11 shows the measured voltage compliance of stimulator IC at various DAC codes. At the
maximum stimulation current condition, the stimulator IC achieves 12.3 V of voltage
compliance at 12.8-V supply. Through optimal circuit design, the stimulator IC shows
high linearity of current DAC and high voltage compliance performances. The power
efficiency of the stimulator is calculated as Pout/ Pin where Pout is the power delivered
to the tissue load and Pin is the total power consumption of stimulator IC. At the
10 kΩ tissue load impedance, Pout is calculated as 10 mW. Compared to the previous
work in (9), the sum of static power consumption of the overall stimulator IC at all the voltage
supplies is reduced from 0.59 mW to 0.41 mW. Furthermore, the dynamic power consumption
of active charge balancer circuit is reduced by half. Thus, the power efficiency of
proposed stimulator IC at 20% of stimulation duty ratio is calculated as 50%.
Fig. 8. Measured stimulator output voltage (a) Symmetric pulse mode, (b) Asymmetric
pulse mode.
Fig. 9. Measured stimulator output voltage for 4-periods (a) Symmetric pulse mode,
(b) Asymmetric pulse mode.
Fig. 10. Measured current DAC performance (a) Stimulation current versus DAC code,
(b) Differential nonlinearity (DNL), (c) Integral nonlinearity (INL).
Fig. 11. Measured voltage compliance of stimulator IC.
Table 1 summarizes the performance of the proposed stimulator IC and compares with previous
similar stimulator works with charge balancing functions. In this work, a novel active
charge balancing technique is proposed and implemented with a simple structure, saving
area and power consumption. In comparison to other works, it utilizes the chopped
pulse based active charge balancing and automatic electrode shorting to achieve a
more complete, consistent, and effective charge balancing to ensure a long-term safe
stimulation. In addition, two different types of stimulation waveforms can be selected,
providing flexibility according to the application. Finally, HV compliance is achieved
using standard CMOS process, providing ease of compatibility for integration with
other circuits in a neural interface SoC which may operate at low-voltage. The stimulator
IC is implemented on-chip with a small active area of 0.095 mm2 and can be used as
a viable solution for multi-channel implementations.
Table 1. Performance summary
This work
12.3 V
12.3 V
< 20 V
< 20 V
10 V
Stimulation Current
1 mA
1 mA
1.2 mA
10 mA
10 mA
Current DAC Resolution
Asym. Chop. Biphasic
Chop. Biphasic
Chopped Pulse based & Automatic Electrode Shorting
Anodic Pulse Modulation & Electrode Shorting
Pulse Insertion
Pulse Insertion
Passive and Offset Regulation
Residual potential after charge balancing
< 3 mV
< 22 mV
< 30 mV
< 20 mV
Power Efficiency
@ 20% stimulation duty ratio
@ 20% stimulation duty ratio
@ 20% stimulation duty ratio
Standard CMOS
Standard CMOS
0.18-µm 24V LDMOS
0.18-µm HV CMOS
0.35-µm HV CMOS
0.095 mm2
0.11 mm2
0.105 mm2
3.36 mm2
(incl. PAD)
A current-mode neural stimulator IC with novel active charge balancing technique using
chopped pulse waveform and simple circuitry is proposed and implemented using 0.18-µm
standard CMOS process. In the proposed charge balancing method, the number of chopped
pulses in the anodic phase is controlled accurately to initially limit the residual
potential, then it is followed by an automatic electrode shorting process to further
discharge to a negligible level for both symmetric and asymmetric pulse waveform modes.
The stimulator employing the proposed charge balancer achieves 12.3 V voltage compliance
and get generate up to 1 mA of stimulation current.
This research was funded by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research
Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT), (NRF-2018R1C1B6003088).
The chip fabrication and EDA tool were supported by the IC Design Education Center
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Jin-Young Son received the B.S. and M.S. degrees from the Depart-ment of Electrical
and Information Engineering at Seoul National University of Science and Technology
(Seoultech), Seoul, Korea, in 2019 and 2021, respectively.
Since 2021, he has been working as an analog IC design engineer at Qualitas Semiconductor,
Seoul, Korea.
His research interest includes bidirectional neural interface IC design for implantable
biomedical devices.
Hyouk-Kyu Cha received the B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering at Korea
Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, Korea, in 2003 and
2009, respectively.
From 2009 to 2012, he was a Scientist with the Institute of Microelectronics, (IME),
Agency for Science, Technology, and Research (A*STAR), Singapore, where he was involved
in the research and development of analog/RF ICs for biomedical applications.
Since 2012, he has been with the Department of Electrical and Information Engineering,
Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Seoul, Korea, where he is now
an Associate Professor.
His research interests include low-power CMOS analog/RF IC and system design for implantable
and wearable biomedical devices.