(Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, POSTECH
(Pohang University of Science and Technology), Pohang 37673, Korea
Copyright © The Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers(IEIE)
Index Terms
DRAM controller, DRAM refresh, retention time, cryogenic memory, cryogenic temperature
Dynamic random access memory (DRAM) cell has an access transistor and a small cell
capacitor which stores a charge of +0.5·Cs·VDD or -0.5·Cs·VDD to represent a data
of ``1'' or ``0'', respectively. Because DRAM has a high density compared to other
memory due to its simple design, DRAM is the main workhorse to store data at the data
center, consuming over 25% of the total power of the data center [1,2]. Because a charge stored in the small cell capacitor is reduced significantly by
even a small leakage current, all the cells in a DDR3 DRAM chip should go through
the refresh operation every 64 ms. This refresh operation occupies around 20% of DRAM
power in 16 Gb DRAM chip, and this percentage will reach around 50% as DRAM density
increases [3]. Therefore, the extension of the refresh period beyond 64 ms would significantly
reduce the DRAM power at the data center.
To extend the refresh period, reducing the leakage current of the DRAM cell is key.
The leakage current of the DRAM cell consists of a subthreshold current, a junction
leakage current, and a tunneling current such as gate-induced drain leakage (GIDL).
It is known that the subthreshold current and the junction leakage current are dominant
at room temperature (298 Kelvin) with the activation energy of 0.5 ~ 0.7 eV [4,5] while the tunneling current is dominant at liquid nitrogen temperature (77 Kelvin)
with the activation energy of 0.15 eV [6,7]. In other words, by lowering the temperature, the leakage current of the DRAM cell
can be reduced, and this can increase the retention time which is the longest time
to keep the written data correctly without the refresh operation.
In this work, we measured the cumulative number of failure cells according to retention
time at 298 Kelvin and 77 Kelvin to probe the temperature dependence of the DRAM retention
time. As a result, the DRAM retention time was a few seconds at 77 Kelvin while it
was below 0.128 seconds at 298 Kelvin. Besides, the measurements revealed that the
weak cells with relatively large leakage current are quite localized in six rows out
of the entire 524,288 rows of an 8 Gb DRAM chip at 77 Kelvin; this ratio of 6 out
of 524,288 is 11.4 ppm. The weak cells in the six weak rows had the retention time
in the range from 8 to 4096 seconds while the retention time of the remaining rows
was longer than 4096 seconds. Also, to probe the effect of capacitive coupling at
77 Kelvin, the DRAM retention time was measured using three different data patterns.
This work proposed a modified DRAM controller in Xilinx Virtex-6 FPGA that replaces
access to the six weak rows with reserved rows, using the measurement results. The
proposed DRAM controller increased the DRAM retention time and reduced the DRAM refresh
power to a negligible level.
Section II shows the retention time measurement results according to the temperature
of the DDR3 DRAM chip. Section III explains the architecture of the proposed DRAM
controller and the weak row replacement method. Section IV and Section V show the
measurement results and conclusion.
To probe the effect of temperature to DRAM retention time, the cumulative number of
failure cells of an 8 Gb DDR3 DRAM according to retention time was measured using
a DRAM controller at 298 Kelvin and 77 Kelvin. The DRAM controller on Xilinx Virtex-6
FPGA and a DDR3 DRAM chip are placed on a printed circuit board (PCB) (Fig. 1(a)). The PCB is immersed in a dewar filled with liquid nitrogen for the measurement
at 77 Kelvin (Fig. 1(b)).
The DRAM controller in FPGA writes 8 Gb data to the DRAM chip, waits during the retention
time without refresh, and reads back the 8 Gb data from the DRAM chip to find out
failure cells with mismatches between the written and read data. The DRAM chip has
parallel 16-bit DQ pins operating at 480 Mbps, and the DRAM controller sends out a
burst of 8$\times $16 bits data in two FPGA clocks of 120 MHz. So, it takes around
1.1 seconds to write the entire 8 Gb data (524,288 rows$\times $16 kbit) to DRAM.
This measurement was performed for the retention times of 0.128, 0.256, 0.512, 1,
2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 5120, 6144 and 8192 seconds,
respectively. The measurement step, as mentioned above, was repeated for three data
patterns to probe the worst-case retention time for different data patterns.; ROW-BAR(row-wise
alternate), COL-BAR(column-wise alternate), CHECKER-BOARD (diagonal-wise alternate)
(Fig. 2).
Fig. 1. Measurement setup: (a) DRAM controller board; (b) schematic depiction of liquid nitrogen measurement.
Fig. 2. Data patterns used for retention time measurement.
The cumulative number of failure cells according to retention time at 298 Kelvin and
77 Kelvin is shown in Fig. 3. In this measurement, the ROW-BAR data pattern was used. Since the failure cells
are detected for 128 ms or longer retention times (Fig. 3(a)), the worst-case leakage current is estimated to be 0.26 pA as in (1); the cell capacitance (Cs) is assumed to be 25 fF, the supply voltage (VDD) is 1.35
V. Also, the cumulative number of failure cells increases continuously with retention
time at 298 Kelvin; this indicates the continuous magnitude distribution of leakage
current (Fig. 3(b)).
At 77 Kelvin, the cumulative number of failure cells is constant at 24 for retention
times in the range from 256 to 5120 seconds; this indicates that only 24 cells have
a relatively large leakage current in the range from 66 aA to 1060 aA and the remaining
8,589,934,568 cells have a small leakage current less than 2.8 aA at 77 Kelvin (Fig. 3(c)). Therefore, one can observe a small set of hot spot cells with a relatively large
leakage current.
Fig. 3. Measurement results at 298 Kelvin and 77 Kelvin: (a) Cumulative cell failure probability and cumulative number of failure cells vs. retention time in an 8 Gb DRAM; (b) Leakage current distribution at 298 Kelvin; (c) Leakage current distribution at 77 Kelvin.
The cumulative sum (‘+’ in Fig. 4) was measured at 77 Kelvin according to the retention time by applying three different
data patterns (ROW-BAR, COL-BAR, CHECKER-BOARD); the cells which failed at any of
three data patterns were counted as the failure cells. The cumulative sum is almost
constant at 39 ~ 40 for the retention time in the range from 512 to 4096 seconds;
40 cells failed at the retention time of 4096 seconds. This indicates that around
40 cells have a leakage current > 33 aA, and the remaining cells have a leakage current
< 3.3 aA. The 40 failure cells are quite localized in six weak rows out of the entire
524,288 rows of the 8 Gb DRAM chip (11.4 ppm); 35 cells belong to a row, and the remaining
five cells are distributed in five rows with a failure cell per row (Table 1). If these six weak rows are not used, the DRAM refresh time can be increased to
4096 seconds at 77 Kelvin.
Fig. 4. Cumulative cell failure probability and cumulative number of failure cells with different data patterns at 77 Kelvin.
Table 1. The number of failure cells for each row at different retention times
time (s)
Row address (bank,row)
A conventional DRAM controller circuit was modified to find out and replace the weak
rows that include the cells with a short retention time at 77 Kelvin (Fig. 5). The 8 Gb DDR3 DRAM of this work has 16-bit parallel DQ pins, uses 3-bit bank address
and 16-bit row address for row access, and 10-bit column address for column access.
Out of 524,288 rows, 64 rows of the DRAM are reserved for processing any weak rows.
Fig. 5. Proposed DRAM controller architecture.
After the power-on reset, the mode signal is set to 0, and the weak row profiler generates
one of the three data patterns (ROW-BAR, COL-BAR, CHECKER-BOARD). The data pattern
is written into the entire DRAM chip. After waiting for the target minimum retention
time (T$_{\mathrm{set}}$), the weak row profiler reads back the DRAM data row by row.
Even if the target minimum retention time (T$_{\mathrm{set}}$) is longer than one
second, the refresh power is reduced by at least 99.9% and can be a negligible level;
T$_{\mathrm{set}}$ is set to 256 seconds in this work. If there is any mismatch between
the written and read data of the row, the weak row profiler stores the corresponding
bank/row address into the weak row table, including a reserved bank/row address for
this weak row address. This procedure is repeated for the remaining two data patterns.
During the normal operation with the mode signal set to 1, the weak row replacement
block compares the incoming bank/row addresses with those in the weak row table. It
sends out a reserved bank/row address corresponding to the weak row address in the
weak row table if the incoming bank/row address matches the one in the weak row table.
Otherwise, the weak row replacement block sends out the incoming bank/row address
to the conventional DRAM controller. It takes one system clock period for the weak
row replacement operation. The additional one system clock for the weak row replacement
reduces the DRAM bandwidth by around 0.3%, while the increase of the retention time
enhances the DRAM bandwidth by around 17%. The DRAM timing parameters at room temperature
are used for this DRAM bandwidth calculation. The FPGA implementation of the weak
row replacement operation (Fig. 5) requires additional hardware of 2684 slice LUTs (about 16,104 NAND2 gates).
By applying the proposed weak row replacement (Fig. 5) to an 8 Gb DDR3 DRAM chip at 77 Kelvin, six weak rows are detected at the target
minimum retention time (T$_{\mathrm{set}}$) of 256 seconds. The measured cumulative
failure cells and rows with retention time (Fig. 6) demonstrate that the retention time was increased from 8 to 4096 seconds by the
weak row replacement.
Fig. 6. Comparison of without replacement and with replacement when T$_{\mathrm{set}}$ is 256 seconds: (a) cumulative cell failure probability and cumulative number of failure cells; (b) cumulative number of failure rows vs. retention time.
According to the measurement of DRAM retention time at 77 Kelvin, only a few cells
have a relatively large leakage current while all other cells have a much smaller
leakage current. Based on this measurement, the weak rows are detected and their row
addresses are stored in a weak row table. And then, the weak row replacement block
replaces the weak row with the reserved row during the normal operation. The weak
row replacement operation was implemented on FPGA with 2684 slice LUTs (about 16,104
NAND2 gates) and had one system clock period. Applying the proposed weak row replacement
to an 8 Gb DDR3 DRAM replaced six weak rows with reserved rows and increased the DRAM
retention time from 8 to 4096 seconds at 77 Kelvin. This can reduce the DRAM refresh
power to a negligible level while the DRAM refresh power accounts for almost 50% of
total DRAM power, especially in large density DRAMs.
This work was supported by National Research Foundation (NRF) grant funded by
the Korea government (NRF-2019R1A5A1027055) and the National Research Foundation of
Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT) (NRF-2022R1A2C2003451)
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Ho-Jun Kim received ths B.S. degree in Electronic and Electrical Engineering from
Hongik University, Seoul, Korea, in 2019 and the M.S. degree in Electronic and Electrical
Engineering from the Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTEH), Pohang,
Korea, in 2021. Currently, he is pursuing the Ph.D. degree at POSTECH. His research
interests include DRAM controller.
Won-Cheol Lee received the B.S. degree in Electronic and Electrical Engineering
from Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTEH), Pohang, Korea, in 2015.
Currently, he is pursuing the M.S and Ph.D. degree at POSTECH. His research interests
include DRAM controller and hardware accelerators.
Hong-June Park (Senior Member, IEEE) received the B.S. degree from the Department
of Electronic Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, the M.S. degree
from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Taejon, Korea,
and the Ph.D. degree from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences,
University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA, in 1979, 1981, and 1989, respectively.
He was a CAD Engineer with ETRI, Korea, from 1981 to 1984 and a Senior Engineer in
the TCAD Department of Intel Corporation from 1989 to 1991. In 1991, he joined the
Faculty of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Pohang University of Science and
Technology (POSTECH), Pohang, Korea, where he is currently a Professor. His research
interests include CMOS analog circuit design such as high-speed interface circuits,
ROIC of touch sensors, and analog/digital beamformer circuits for ultrasound medical
imaging. Dr. Park is a member of IEEK. He served as the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal
of Semiconductor Technology and Science, an SCIE journal (, from
2009 to 2012, as the Vice President of IEEK in 2012, and as a technical program committee
member of ISSCC, SOVC, and A-SSCC for several years.