Choi Donghoon1
Cha Hyouk-Kyu1
(Department of Electrical and Information Engineering, Seoul National University of
Science and Technology, Seoul, Korea)
Copyright © The Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers(IEIE)
Index Terms
Analog front-end IC, neural recording amplifier, programmable gain amplifier, stimulation artifact
A neural signal recorder is used in implantable closed-loop neuromodulation systems
to closely monitor and help diagnose neurological conditions [1,2]. The neural signals of interest occupy the 1 Hz to 5 kHz frequency band, which include
local field potentials (LFP, 1-200 Hz) and action potentials (AP, 200 Hz-5 kHz), and
are known to have small signal amplitudes of 1-mV or less [2].
In order to maintain the signal integrity over the processing chain, one of the key
specification in the design of the neural recording analog front-end (AFE) is the
integrated input-referred noise that must be kept less than the background noise over
the desired bandwidth which is around 5 to 10 ${\mu}$Vrms [2-4]. Furthermore, power consumption must be kept minimal considering tissue heating in
the surroundings and to place less burden on the wireless power delivery and management
circuits. It is also desirable to have gain control capability in the AFE to handle
various amplitudes of neural signals, as well as support tunable bandwidth to cater
both LFP and AP simultaneously or separately. Considering multi-channel implementation
of the AFE to interface with the multi-electrode array, it is important to minimize
the circuit complexity and area, while satisfying the design specifications required
by the application.
In addition to the above mentioned traditional design requirements of the recording
AFE, stimulation artifacts generated by a concurrently operating stimulator must be
considered in closed-loop neural interface systems [5-7]. As the stimulator usually drives the electrode with large amplitudes of voltage
and current [8], the recording electrode and its interfacing circuit may suffer from large stimulation
artifacts which couple into the input of the recorder, potentially saturating the
recording path.
In this work, a simple AFE IC is proposed to provide good overall performance regarding
input noise, power consumption, and artifact handling capability. The paper is organized
as follows. Section II describes the overall architecture of AFE IC while Section
III presents the circuit design details. Section IV discusses the experimental results
followed by the conclusions in Section V.
Fig. 1 shows the simplified block diagram of the proposed AFE. The fully-differential AFE
consists of a low-noise amplifier (LNA) and a programmable gain amplifier (PGA). In
addition, a set of unity-gain buffers follow the PGA for testing purposes. Although
chopper-stabilized amplifier topologies [5,7,9] are widely used for conditioning LFP signals and for less-invasive low-frequency
neural recording applications such as in electrocorticography (ECoG) and electroencephalogram
(EEG) to mitigate the flicker noise issue in the sub-200 Hz band, the overall complexity
of the system increases significantly due to several auxiliary feedback loops with
clock-driven switches to enable the operation and improve the performance of the chopper
amplifier. On the other hand, as the proposed system targets wide bandwidth considering
both LFPs and APs, this work opts for a simpler architecture without chopper stabilization.
Thus, an AC-coupled input with capacitive-feedback architecture is employed for both
the LNA and PGA, which is a simple, yet effective method to handle DC offsets generated
from the electrode-electrolyte interface. To provide a power-efficient solution, it
is crucial that the supply voltage and/or bias current must be minimized in the design
while limiting the noise level. Considering the compromise between power consumption
and the linearity of the AFE, a 1-V supply is used for all the design blocks.
Many of the previous neural AFE solutions allocate around 40 dB of closed-loop gain
in the LNA stage considering the weak signal level and the noise performance of the
recording system [2-4]. In this work, a moderate fixed closed-loop gain of 20 dB is allocated for the LNA
considering the large artifacts which need to be accommodated along with the desired
signal. The PGA stage provides additional programmable gain of 0 to 20 dB. In addition,
the low-pass cutoff frequency of PGA can be set to 650 Hz or 6.5 kHz by controlling
the bias current of its core operational transconductance amplifier (OTA). Thus for
the acquisition of low-band neural signals such as LFP, ECoG, and EEG, the low-pass
cutoff frequency can be set to 650 Hz. Likewise, for processing wide-band neural signals
such as AP, it can be set to 6.5 kHz.
Fig. 1. Block diagram of proposed analog front-end IC.
1. Neural Recording Amplifier
As shown in Fig. 1, the LNA utilizes an AC-coupled structure to reject the large DC offset generated
by the electro-chemical reaction at the electrode-tissue interface. The mid-band closed-loop
gain of LNA is determined by C$_{\mathrm{in}}$/C$_{\mathrm{fb}}$, which is the ratio
of input capacitance C$_{\mathrm{in}}$, and feedback capacitance, C$_{\mathrm{fb}}$.
The C$_{\mathrm{in}}$ and C$_{\mathrm{fb}}$ affect the noise performance of the LNA,
and the equation of LNA noise can be calculated as:
where C$_{\mathrm{p}}$is the input parasitic capacitance of OTA and v$_{\mathrm{in,OTA}}$
is the input-referred noise of the OTA. In the proposed LNA, input capacitor and feedback
capacitor is sized as 10 pF and 1 pF, respectively, considering the trade-off between
its area and the noise performance. Thus, the mid-band gain of LNA is set to 20 dB.
The high-pass cutoff frequency should be set to less than 1 Hz, which is determined
by C$_{\mathrm{fb}}$ and the pseudo-resistor R$_{\mathrm{fb}}$ connected in parallel
to the feedback capacitor. The gate control voltage of R$_{\mathrm{fb}}$, noted as
V$_{\mathrm{Tune}}$, can also be used as a reset signal to quickly initialize the
LNA. The low-pass cutoff frequency is determined by the transconductance of the OTA,
closed-loop gain, and load capacitance.
The LNA utilizes two stages of OTA, noted as G$_{\mathrm{m1}}$ and G$_{\mathrm{m2}}$
in Fig. 1, to obtain large open-loop gain and wide output swing. Fig. 2 shows the circuit schematic of G$_{\mathrm{m1}}$, the first stage OTA. Among widely
used topologies such as conventional two-stage OTA, current-mirror [2], complementary current-reused [3,5], inverter-stacked [4,11], a PMOS-input folded-cascode topology [10] is chosen for its large input range and relatively large open-loop gain characteristic.
For enhanced power-noise efficiency, the OTA is modified for improved noise performance
with trade-off in input range by utilizing the NMOS transistors M$_{3}$-M$_{4}$ as
additional inputs for boosted transconductance. The input transistors M$_{1}$-M$_{4}$
are all biased in sub-threshold region for maximum g$_{\mathrm{m}}$/I$_{\mathrm{D}}$
ratio. To mitigate flicker noise, large size dimensions are employed for the input
transistors with width/length ratio of 300 ${\mu}$m/1 ${\mu}$m and 200 ${\mu}$m/2.5
${\mu}$m for PMOS and NMOS devices, respectively. The input-referred thermal noise
of the proposed OTA circuit is as follows:
where k is the Boltzman constant, T is the absolute temperature, ${\gamma}$ is excess
noise coefficient, g$_{\mathrm{m1,2}}$and g$_{\mathrm{m3,4}}$ are the transconductance
of PMOS and NMOS input transistors, respectively. Fig. 3 shows the second stage OTA of LNA which is a simple five-transistor fully-differential
OTA for large output range. The first and second stage OTA, including the common-mode
feedback (CMFB) circuits, consume 0.96 ${\mu}$W and 0.2~${\mu}$W of power, respectively,
from 1 V supply. The simulated phase margin is 60$^{\circ}$ for both the main loop
and CMFB loops.
Fig. 2. Circuit schematic of first stage OTA of LNA (G$_{\mathrm{m1}}$).
Fig. 3. Circuit schematic of second stage OTA of LNA (G$_{\mathrm{m2}}$).
2. Programmable Gain Amplifier (PGA)
The circuit schematic of the proposed PGA is shown in Fig. 4(a). The PGA follows the LNA and provides bandwidth control function and additional gain
to the output of the LNA. The gain of the PGA is decided by the capacitor ratio C$_{\mathrm{in}}$/C$_{\mathrm{fb}}$,
where C$_{\mathrm{in}}$ is controlled by a 3-bit switched cross-coupled capacitor
structure shown in more detail in Fig. 4(b) to provide variable gain without distortion in the low-frequency range [12]. The C$_{\mathrm{in}}$ is decided as follows:
When C$_{\mathrm{cross}}$ is connected with SW$_{\mathrm{H}}$, a parallel configuration
results and a$_{1}$ has a value of +1. When connected with SW$_{\mathrm{L}}$, it results
in a crossed configuration and a$_{1}$ has a value of -1. The PGA provides a variable
gain from 0 dB to 20 dB, and the values of the capacitors used are shown in the table
in Fig. 4(a).
The high-pass cutoff frequency f$_{\mathrm{HP}}$ of the PGA is determined by the feedback
capacitor and the feedback pseudo-resistor of the PGA. The low-pass cutoff frequency
f$_{\mathrm{LP}}$ of the PGA is set as follows:
where G$_{\mathrm{m}}$is the transconductance of the core OTA. Therefore, the low-pass
cutoff frequency can be adjusted by controlling the transconductance of the PGA core
amplifier. The circuit schematic core OTA is shown in Fig. 5, which employs a fully-differential current-mirror topology for wide output swing.
The LP0 controls the tail current flowing through the core OTA, and as a result, the
transconductance of the core OTA changes and the low-pass cutoff frequency can be
controlled. The PGA is designed to be able to select a wide bandwidth of 1-6.5~kHz
and a low frequency band of 1-650 Hz by controlling the current. When f$_{LP}$ = 650
Hz is set, the current flowing through the core OTA is 30 nA, and the current flowing
through the CMFB is 10 nA. When f$_{LP}$=6.5-kHz is set, the current consumption of
the core OTA is 240 nA, while the CMFB circuit consumes 90~nA.
Fig. 4. (a) Circuit schematic of PGA; (b) Cross-coupled capacitor.
Fig. 5. Circuit schematic of core OTA of PGA.
Fig. 6 shows the chip micrograph of the proposed AFE IC. The chip was fabricated using 0.18
${\mu}$m CMOS process, and occupies an area of 0.21 mm$^{2}$, which include the area
of on-chip unity-gain buffers for testing purpose. The chip is packaged using chip-on-board
method and a FR4 printed circuit board is used for testing. A 1-V supply voltage is
applied to the IC through an on-board low dropout regulator. Excluding the power consumed
in the measurement buffers, the AFE consumes 1.49 ${\mu}$W power in wide-band mode
and 1.25~${\mu}$W power in low-band mode.
The measured ac response of AFE is shown in Fig. 7. The mid-band gain can be set from a minimum of 20 dB to a maximum of 40 dB, and
the low-pass cutoff frequency f$_{\mathrm{LP}}$ can be controlled to 650 Hz or 6.5
kHz. Also, the high-pass cutoff frequency f$_{\mathrm{HP}}$was set at 300~mHz. Fig. 8 shows the input-referred noise plot of the AFE. The integrated input-referred noise
is 1.98~${\mu}$V$_{\mathrm{rms}}$ in the low-band of 1-650 Hz and 3.39 ${\mu}$V$_{\mathrm{rms}}$
in the 1-6.5~kHz wide-band mode.
The noise efficiency factor (NEF) is a parameter measuring the power-to-noise performance
of system [13], and expressed as follows:
where V$_{\mathrm{in.rms}}$ is overall input-referred noise of AFE, I$_{\mathrm{total}}$
is the total current used by the AFE, V$_{\mathrm{T}}$ is the thermal voltage, and
BW is the bandwidth of the AFE, respectively. The proposed AFE achieves NEF performance
of 3.27 in the 1-650 Hz band and 1.93 in the 1-6.5 kHz band.
The performance regarding tolerance to CM artifacts is measured using a two-tone test.
For testing, the frequency of the desired signal and CM artifact are assumed to be
1 kHz and 900 Hz, respectively. Fig. 9 shows the power spectrum of the AFE output when the desired input of 2 mV$_{\mathrm{pp}}$
is injected with the CM artifact of 280-mV$_{\mathrm{pp}}$. At each gain from 20 dB
to 40 dB, the total harmonic distortion (THD) is 0.33%, 0.67%, 0.54%, and 0.66%. Fig. 10 presents the AFE output FFT response to 60 mVpp 1-kHz input signal at 20 dB gain
which is the minimum gain setting of the AFE to handle large DM artifact. The third-order
harmonic distortion is -46 dB and the THD is 0.88%. Therefore, for less than 1% of
THD, the proposed AFE can be said to accommodate up to 280 mV$_{\mathrm{pp}}$ of CM
artifact and 60 mVpp of DM artifact. The common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR) result
is shown in Fig. 11, where it is measured to be greater than 72 dB over the band of interest (1 Hz -
6.5 kHz). Fig. 12 shows the pre-recorded action potential neural signal from an adult female Sprague
Dawley rat of the open-source data set [14,15] which is injected to the input of the AFE through a waveform generator and Fig. 13 shows the measured transient output of AFE when the bandwidth is set at 6.5 kHz.
According to the gain control, the magnitudes of the signals are amplified by 20,
26, 34, and 40 dB, respectively. Fig. 14 shows the power spectrum density of the output waveform according to the low-pass
cutoff frequency control function of the PGA when the pre-recorded AP signal is injected
to the AFE. In the low-band mode, f$_{\mathrm{LP}}$ is set to 650 Hz, and in the wide-band
mode, f$_{\mathrm{LP}}$ is set to 6.5 kHz. Therefore, in both modes, the power spectrum
has the almost same magnitude in the 1-650 Hz band, but in the low-band mode, the
signals are filtered in the high frequency band.
The measured performance is summarized in Table 1 and compares with previous AFE ICs for neural recording applications. References
[3,4,16] are all comprised of LNA and PGA and are fabricated using similar process technologies.
Although these works show good overall results in key parameters, the work in [3] has sub-optimal noise performance while reference [4] has low input noise but its power consumption can be improved. Reference [16] has a good noise performance with small area, but its power consumption is quite
high. All three works also do not mention or provide results regarding the artifact
tolerance and thus may not be applicable for closed-loop neural interface applications.
References [5,7] are chopper modulated LNAs with active artifact cancellation functions in the analog
domain to handle large common-mode interference including stimulation artifacts and
power line interference. Both works provide good measured results in handling large
artifact with comparable overall performance. However, the design complexity is quite
high despite just having a single LNA block with sub-optimal power efficiency and
noise performance and limited flexibility in gain and bandwidth control. On the other
hand, using a simple design approach, this work offers a viable power-efficient AFE
solution with well-balanced overall performance suitable for closed-loop bidirectional
neural system-on-chips (SoC).
Table 1. Performance summary of AFE IC
This work
2.28 μW
2.82 μW
2.8 μW
2.27 μW
9 μW
1.49 μW
1 V
1 V
1.2 V
0.8 V
1 V
43-61 dB
45-63 dB
25.7 dB
43.3 dB
35-49.5 dB
20~40 dB
1 Hz~8.9 kHz
1 Hz~9 kHz
1 Hz~5 kHz
1 Hz~7.5 kHz
0.7 Hz~9.3 kHz
1~650 Hz (LB)
1 Hz~6.5 kHz (WB)
90.2 dB (sim.)
>80 dB (sim.)
78 dB (@50 Hz)
>100 dB(@50 Hz)
76 dB
>70 dB (@1 kHz)
4.74 μVrms
(1 Hz~10 kHz)
3.16 μVrms
(1 Hz~10 kHz)
1.8 μVrms
(1~200 Hz)
5.3 μVrms
(0.2 k~5 kHz)
1.2 μVrms
(1~650 Hz)
4.1 μVrms
(1 Hz~7.5 kHz)
3.2 μVrms
(1 Hz~10 kHz)
1.98 μVrms (1~650 Hz)
3.39 μVrms (1 Hz~6.5 kHz)
(1 Hz~10 kHz)
(1 Hz~10 kHz)
7.4(1~200 Hz)
4.4(0.2 k~5 kHz)
3.06(1~650 Hz)
3.08(1 Hz~7.5 kHz)
(LNA only,
1 Hz~10 kHz)
3.27(1~650 Hz)
1.93(1 Hz~6.5 kHz)
PEF (NEF$^{2}$ VDD)
(1 Hz~10 kHz)
(1 Hz~10 kHz)
65.7(1~200 Hz)
23.3(0.2 k~5 kHz)
7.49(1~650 Hz)
7.59(1 Hz~7.5 kHz)
(LNA only,
1 Hz~10 kHz)
10.7 (1~650 Hz)
3.71 (1 Hz~6.5 kHz)
Artifact Tolerance
up to 650 mVpp
up to 600 mVpp
up to 280 mVpp
Max. input
80 mVpp
4 mVpp
24 mVpp
(@gain=35 dB)
60 mVpp
(@gain=20 dB)
0.16 mm2
0.21 mm2
0.069 mm2
0.25 mm2
0.072 mm2
0.21 mm2
(incl. buffer)
180 nm
180 nm
40 nm
180 nm
180 nm
180 nm
Fig. 6. Chip micrograph of AFE IC.
Fig. 7. Measured AC gain response of AFE IC.
Fig. 8. Measured input referred noise of AFE IC.
Fig. 9. Measured AFE output FFT response with artifact.
Fig. 10. Measured AFE output FFT response to 60 mVpp 1-kHz input @ 20 dB gain setting.
Fig. 11. Measured CMRR of AFE IC.
Fig. 12. A pre-recorded AP signal input using open-source data and waveform generator.
Fig. 13. Measured pre-recorded AP signal transient response.
Fig. 14. Measured AFE output FFT response to the pre-recorded AP signal.
In this paper, a power-efficient analog front-end (AFE) for closed-loop neural interface
applications is proposed and implemented using 0.18 ${\mu}$m CMOS process. Comprised
of a LNA and a PGA, the mid-band gain of AFE is from 20 to 40-dB. The input-referred
noise is measured to be 1.98 ${\mu}$Vrms for 1-650 Hz band and 3.39~${\mu}$Vrms in
the 1-6.5 kHz band. For less than 1% of THD, the proposed AFE can handle up to 280
mV$_{\mathrm{pp}}$ of CM artifact and 60 mVpp of DM artifact. The AFE consumes 1.49-${\mu}$W
of power from a 1-V supply and occupies an area of 0.21 mm$^{2}$.
This study was supported by the Research Program funded by Seoultech (Seoul National
University of Science and Technology). The EDA tool and MPW fabrication was supported
by the IC Design Education Center (IDEC).
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Donghoon Choi received the B.S. degree in the Department of Mechanical System Design
Engi-neering from Seoul National University of Science and Technology (SEOULTECH),
Seoul, Korea, in 2020 and the M.S. degree in the Department of Electrical and Information
Engineering from SEOULTECH in 2022. In 2022, he joined LX Semicon, Korea, as an analog
IC design engineer. His interests include neural interface circuits and ultra-low-power
analog circuit design.
Hyouk-Kyu Cha received the B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering at
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, Korea, in 2003
and 2009, respectively. From 2009 to 2012, he was a Scientist with the Institute of
Microelectronics, (IME), Agency for Science, Technology, and Research (A*STAR), Singapore,
where he was involved in the research and development of analog/RF ICs for biomedical
applications. Since 2012, he has been with the Department of Electrical and Information
Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Seoul, Korea, where
he is now an Associate Professor. His research interests include low-power CMOS analog/RF
IC and system design for biomedical devices.