(Sensing System Research Center, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) 807-1 shuku-machi, Tosu, Saga, 841-0052, Japan)
(R&D center, Nippon Tungsten Co., Ltd. 3173-2 Sonobe, Kiyama-cho, Miyaki-gun, Saga, 841-0203 Japan)
Copyright © The Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers(IEIE)
Index Terms
Plasma etching, particle, plasma impedance, etching reaction product, deposited film, non-invasive monitoring
At the mass-production line of LSI, particles generated in plasma etching process
decrease the production yields and the overall equipment efficiency (OEE) [1-7]. This is because LSI circuit is shorted and the process must be stopped for periodical
maintenance with cleaning of process chambers. The particles are mainly generated
by corrosion of ceramic chamber parts and flaking off of the deposited film on inner
walls of chamber. The generation of particles depends on the number of processed wafers
[2]. In general, for a short while after the periodic chamber cleaning using chemicals,
the particles are mainly caused by corrosion of chamber parts due to residual chemicals
and moisture [1]. The number of particles temporarily decreases with the decrease in the residuals.
After that, the etching reaction products attach and gradually deposit on the inner
walls as more wafers are processed, with the result that the products form films and
thicken. Then the particles are generated from flaking off of the films mainly due
to electric field stress [8-10].
In mass-production lines, when the number of particles, which falls on the surface
of a Si wafer and is counted by the wafer surface inspection system at sampling inspection,
or the total etching time increases more than the management values, the process chambers
are cleaned. The management by the inspection and the etching time, however, are indirect
method, so that the cycle of such the periodic maintenance is not necessarily optimized.
Optimizing the maintenance schedule can reduce maintenance and manufacturing costs,
and therefore improve the OEE. In other words, a continuous and in-situ monitoring
method for the particles is highly required to decide timing of the maintenance. Developing
such a practical method will also allow a predictive maintenance regime to be used
in mass-production lines.
In this study, we have worked on to demonstrate that the plasma impedance monitoring
method is valid to monitor the generation of particles. By the in-situ and simultaneous
monitoring of the plasma impedance and the particle, the relationship between the
time variation of them has been investigated. Here, in the previous study, we have
developed a shower-head-type electrode made from MgO-based ceramics, a high-corrosion-resistance
ceramic material, and investigated the number of particles due to the corrosion by
the reactive plasma [11]. To suppress that the flaked particles are generated, a substrate made from alumina
is employed instead of a Si wafer. On the other hand, in this study, a Si wafer is
used and therefore the etching reaction products easily generate. Under this condition,
the particles caused by the corrosion of the electrode can be relatively negligible
and therefore the main cause is the flaking off of the deposited film on the chamber
inner walls which is composed of the etching reaction products. For comparison, the
monitoring results which were measured in the previous study are also discussed although
the results were not reported in the Ref. [11].
The experimental apparatus is the reactive ion etching (RIE) equipment used at the
mass-production line [8-10]. Fig. 1(a) and (b) show schematic top and side view of the experimental setup. The upper electrode
is a shower-head type and made from the conductive MgO-based ceramics [12]. The composition is MgO-21% MgAl$_{2}$O$_{4}$-15% YAlO$_{3}$-3% C. The purity is
higher than 99.9 % and the resistivity is the order of 10$^{0}$ ${\Omega}$·cm. The
electrode was the same one used in the previous study [11] and has been carefully cleaned and installed at the chamber again.
A Si wafer is set on the powered electrode to which the rf power of 1000 W is supplied.
The electrode gap for the powered and the ground electrodes is 60 mm. As the process
gas, SF$_{6}$ is supplied from the upper electrode. The flow rate is 100 sccm at a
pressure of about 10 Pa. Etching with process time of 15 s is repeatedly processed,
and the total etching time is 600 min.
The laser light scattering method is used for the detection of particles [10]. A sheet-like laser beam is introduced into the process chamber approximately 4 mm
below the ground electrode. Scattered light by particle is detected by charge-coupled
device (CCD) camera. The images are captured approximately every 0.6 s. The setup
in this study, a particle whose diameter is more than approximately 250 nm can be
The impedance monitoring system measures load impedance from a 50 ${\Omega}$ transmission
line [13,14]. The attenuated forward and reflected rf powers with a phase difference are measured
by using the directional coupler, which is installed between the rf power supply and
the matching circuit, and the measurement instrument, Cross Domain Analyzer$^{\mathrm{TM}}$
(CDA; Advantest). The load impedance, Z$_{L}$=R$_{L}$+jX$_{L}$, is the impedance of
the load side from the output port of the matching circuit, where R$_{L}$ and X$_{L}$
are the real and imaginary parts of the load impedance, respectively, and j is the
imaginary unit. The characteristic impedance, Z$_{CIM}$, calculated by the measured
forward and reflected rf powers involves both the Z$_{L}$ and the impedance of the
auto-matching circuit. The matching circuit contains the variable capacitors hence
the system simultaneously measures the capacitances of them to monitor the Z$_{L}$.
That is to say, by separating the impedance of the auto-matching circuit from the
Z$_{CIM}$ based on the circuit equation, the Z$_{L}$ is monitored. During each etching
process, the forward and reflected rf powers are recorded, and the values of R$_{L}$
and X$_{L}$ are calculated at a rate of 10 mega samples per second (MS/s) for 100
${\mu}$s with the time intervals of 200 ms for the data acquisition. One of the biggest
advantages of this method is that the system can be applied to the equipment in mass-production
line without remodeling of them. Whereas the particle monitoring method is not simple
that the system can be applied to such equipment although this is valid to in-situ
monitoring of the particle.
Fig. 1. (a) Schematic top; (b) side view of the experimental setup.
Fig. 2 shows the number of particles detected per one hour in the case that alumina substrate
[11] or a Si wafer is set on the powered electrode. When the alumina substrate is used,
the number of particles detected is few over the total etching time, whereas when
a Si wafer is used, a lot of particles are detected. Under a Si wafer condition, after
the etching time of 5 h the more the etching time increases, the more the number of
the particles increases. More than one handled of particles per hour are observed
at the etching time from nine to ten hours.
As shown the result of alumina substrate, the etching reaction of MgO-based ceramics
hardly progresses, so that the particle caused by the corrosion is very low. On the
other hand, the result of a Si wafer shows the typical tendency of particle generation,
which is empirically known at mass-production line, caused by the flaking off of the
deposited film on the chamber inner walls [1,2]. Under the mass-production condition, the wafers are processed one after another
hence the etching reaction products gradually deposit on the inner walls of process
chamber. The particles are generated by the flaking off of the deposited film and
the number of particles increases with the number of the processed wafers, that is
the total etching time.
Fig. 3(a) and (b) show the time variation of the load impedances R$_{L}$ and X$_{L}$ measured
under the Si wafer condition. The averaged values measured during each etching process
are plotted. The R$_{L}$ shown in Fig. 3(a) is approximately constant for 10 h, whereas the X$_{L}$ shown in Fig. 3(b) gradually decreases with the increase in the etching time, i.e., with the increase
in the number of particles as shown in Fig. 2. Here, the R$_{L}$ mainly depends on plasma parameters such as electron density and
electron temperature [15], so that the result shown in Fig. 3(a) indicates that plasma discharge condition does not change during this experiment.
The X$_{L}$ shown in Fig. 3(b) decreases by approximately 1 ${\Omega}$ during 10 h. In the first half of the total
etching time of 10h, the decrease in the X$_{L}$ is relatively gradual and the variation
is large. Compared to these changes, after approximately 5 h of the etching time,
the decrease in the X$_{L}$ becomes relatively large and the variation becomes low.
The change in the X$_{L}$ would reflect the process of the deposition of the film
on the chamber inner walls caused by the etching reaction product. In the first half
of the etching time, the film begins to deposit sparsely on the inner walls, and by
approximately 5 h, the film would deposit on the entire surface of the inner wall.
And then the film stably thickens with the etching time, therefore the X$_{L}$ proportionally
decreases because the increase in the film thickness leads to the increase in the
capacitance composed of inner wall materials [15,16]. The extending of the sparse deposition area of the film would relate to the decrease
in the variation in the X$_{L}$. Here, it is noteworthy that this tendency corresponds
to the change in the number of particles shown in Fig. 2: before 5 h, the films form locally on the inner walls, so that the number of particles
is relatively few, whereas after 5 h, the films generally deposit on the entire inner
wall and thicken with the etching time hence the number of the particles increases.
The timing that the film entirely deposits on the inner walls and subsequent the increase
in the film thickness and the number of particles can be indirectly monitored by the
plasma impedance measurement. The results demonstrate that this non-invasive and in-situ
monitoring system is valid to monitor the tendency of particle generation. Here, the
deposited film is formed from the etching reaction product, so that the permittivity
of the film and its flaked particles differs if other etching process recipe is used.
In the equivalent circuit model of CCP discharge, the X$_{L}$ can be described as
the series-connected capacitance components composed of the plasma sheath and the
inner wall materials containing the deposited film [15]. Hence, theoretically, the X$_{L}$ depends on the permittivity of the deposited film
${\varepsilon}$$_{\mathrm{d}}$, as X$_{L}$ ${\propto}$ ${-}$1/${\varepsilon}$$_{\mathrm{d}}$.
Fig. 4(a) and (b) show the time variation of the load impedances R$_{L}$ and X$_{L}$ when the
alumina substrate is used. The results show that the R$_{L}$ is approximately constant
and the tendency of decreasing in the X$_{L}$ is not observed for 10 h. The results
shown in Fig. 2 and 4(b) indicate that when the particles are not generated, the X$_{L}$ does not
decrease. Note that compared with the variation in the X$_{L}$ in Fig. 3(b), that in Fig. 4(b) does not lessen as the etching time increases. As mentioned above, the etching reaction
product hardly generates and the deposited film forms slightly and only sparsely under
this condition hence the variation in the X$_{L}$ does not decrease. The X$_{L}$ depends
on the capacitances of the plasma sheath and the inner wall materials [15,16]. The deposited film is dielectric hence the deposition on the surface of the inner
walls decreases the ground-potential part. This would stabilize the plasma sheath
conditions and decrease the variation in the X$_{L}$.
To consider the relationship between the time variation of the plasma impedance and
that of the etching thickness of Si wafer, the thickness is estimated by the etching
rate. Si bare wafer is processed under the etching condition same as that is used
in the experiment of Fig. 3(a) and (b). The etching of 15 s is repeatedly processed and the wafer is totally etched
for 10 min. From the etching depth, the etching rate is estimated to approximately
0.5 ${\mu}$m/min. The etching thickness for Si bare wafer can be considered to increase
in proportion to the etching time hence the total thickness for 10 h is estimated
to 300 ${\mu}$m. As shown in Fig. 3(b), the X$_{L}$ changes approximately 1 ${\Omega}$ for 10 h. Hence the sensitivity of
the impedance value according to the etching thickness can be calculated as 0.0033
${\Omega}$/${\mu}$m. In mass-production line, the period of the chamber maintenance
must be set for the etching time longer than 10 h, therefore the present sensitivity
that can detect the change in the impedance of 1 ${\Omega}$ for 10 h would be effective.
In near future work, we will try to upgrade the system and improve the sensitivity.
Fig. 2. Number of particles detected per one hour of the etching time.
Fig. 3. Time variation of (a) the real part of load impedance, R$_{L}$; (b) the imaginary part of the load impedance, X$_{L}$ under Si wafer condition. The averaged values measured during each etching process are plotted.
Fig. 4. Time variation of (a) the real part of load impedance, R$_{L}$; (b) the imaginary part of the load impedance, X$_{L}$ under alumina substrate condition. The averaged values measured during each etching process are plotted.
The number of particles which originates from etching reaction product is investigated
under the condition that the gas shower type electrode made from the MgO-based ceramics
and a Si wafer are used. The measurement results of plasma impedance clarify that
the imaginary part of plasma impedance decreases with the increase in the number of
particles. This method is valid to monitor the tendency of the increase in particles.
In this feasibility study, the results also suggest that the plasma impedance monitoring
system is effective for the monitoring of the detailed process of the film deposition
on the inner chamber wall. In near future work, we will upgrade the monitoring method
and investigate the relationship between the film deposition, the particle generation,
and the plasma impedance in detail. This non-invasive and in-situ monitoring system
can be easily applied to the process equipment at mass-production line, contributing
to the development of the predictive maintenance method and improvement of the production
yield and the OEE.
We would like to thank Fumihiko Uesugi (AIST), Kota Tsutsumi, Kenji Okamura, and Shinzo
Mitomi (Nippon Tungsten Co., Ltd.) for helpful corporation and discussions.
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Yuji Kasashima received the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Tohoku University,
Japan, in 2015. In 2010, he joined the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science
and Technology (AIST), Japan, where he is currently a Sinior Researcher. His research
interests include plasma ething, plasma process monitoring, and ceramic materials
for the improvement of the production yield and the overall equipment efficiency in
semiconductor manufacturing.
Tatsuo Tabaru received the Ph.D. degree in Materials Processing from Tohoku University,
Japan, in 1997. In 1999, he joined the Kyushu National Industrial Research Institute,
Agency of Industrial Science and Technology (currently National Institute of Advanced
Industrial Science and technology (AIST)), Japan, where he is currently a deputy director.
His current research interests include anomaly detection in manufacturing process,
analysis of material degradation, and aluminum nitride piezoelectric films.
Takashi Ikeda received the M.E. degree from the Graduate School of Engineering, Nagasaki
University in 2012. He belongs to the R&D center of Nippon Tungsten Co., Ltd. from
2012. Engaged in the development of ceramic materials with excellent plasma resistance.