ChoIl Hwan1
KimJang Hyun5
(Department of Electronic Engineering, Myongji University, Yongin 17058, Korea)
(Department of Electronic Engineering, Sogang University, 35 Baekbeom-ro, Mapo-gu,
Seoul 04107, Korea)
(Department of Electronic Engineering, Ewha Womans University, 52 Ewhayeodae-gil, Seodaemun-gu,
Seoul, 03760, Korea)
(Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Konkuk University, 120 Neungdong-ro,
Gwangjin-gu, Seoul 05029, Korea)
(Department of Electronic Engineering, Ajou University, Suwon 16499, Korea)
Copyright © The Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers(IEIE)
Index Terms
Dual workfunction, line tunneling field-effect transistor (LTFET), junction underlap, TCAD device simulation, low-power operation
Tunneling field-effect transistor (TFET) has been widely studied to overcome the physical
limitation in which subthreshold swing (S) of metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect
transistor (MOSFET) is not permitted to be below 60 mV/dec at room temperature [1-3]. However, its rather low on-state current (I$_{\mathrm{ON}}$) driven by band-to-band
tunneling (BTBT) has been pointed out as a weak point. In order to enhance the current
drivability of TFET, line tunneling field-effect transistor (LTFET) was proposed in
the previous literature [4]. Also, it was reported that adopting gate with different workfunctions, dual-workfunction
(DWF) gates, improved the current characteristics [5-9]. When DWG is applied to LTFET, the electrical characteristics vary greatly depending
on important parameters such as the structure of the source region or the length of
two gates, but there has been no detailed analysis on the optimization of this structure.
Therefore, in this paper, optimal design of a DWF LTFET has been performed, and as
the results, improvements of on-off current ratio (I$_{\mathrm{ON}}$/I$_{\mathrm{OFF}}$)
and S have been achieved. The key solution lies in the engineering over the source-drain
underlap in the DWF LTFET structure, which has been confirmed by series of numerical
technology computer-aided design (TCAD) device simulations.
In order to calibrate the BTBT model using Sentaurus tools [10], the planar Si and SiGe TFETs are fabricated as shown in Fig. 1(a) and (b). In the case of Si TFET, SOI source implantation and drain implantation with
As is used at the same conditions. For comparison, SiGe TFET consists of 40 nm thickness
Si$_{\mathrm{0.7}}$Ge$_{\mathrm{0.3}}$ layers on SOI (100) substrates which are lightly
p-doped (1 ${\times}$ 10$^{15}$ cm$^{-3}$) with 60 nm thickness and Si capping layer
is grown on the SiGe channel and 200 nm thickness poly-Si gate and 3 nm SiO$_{2}$.
The transfer characteristic of the fabricated Si and SiGe TFETs which have both 400
nm gate length and width are measured at the drain voltage (V$_{\mathrm{DS}}$) of
1.0 V.
Kane’s BTBT model is calibrated to the measured result of the fabricated Si and SiGe
TFETs. The BTBT generation rates (G) per unit volume in this model are defined as
G=A\left(\frac{F}{F_{0}}\right)^{p}\exp \left(-\frac{B}{F}\right)
in the uniform electric field limit where F$_{0}$ = 1 V/m and P = 2.5 for indirect
BTBT [10]. A of the pre-factor and B of the exponential factor are the Kane parameters while
F is the electric field [11,12]. As mentioned above, several simulations are performed to fit the measured data by
adjusting the A and B parameters. The A and B values are chosen as for optimal fit
according to the results between the simulated and measured data Fig. 2. It can be seen that the log scale of transfer characteristics is well fitted from
the results. The extracted A and B parameters of the BTBT model in Si TFET are 4 ${\times}$
10$^{14}$ cm$^{-1}$·s$^{-1}$ and 9.9 ${\times}$ 10$^{6}$ V/cm, respectively. As SiGe
TFET’s transfer characteristics, the A and B parameters of Ge can be extracted as
3.1 ${\times}$ 10$^{16}$ cm$^{-1}$·s$^{-1}$and 7.1 ${\times}$ 10$^{5}$ V/cm, respectively.
Fig. 1. Cross-sectional views of the (a) Si TFET; (b) SiGe TFET.
Fig. 2. Calibrated transfer curves of SiGe and Si TFET.
Fig. 3 shows the basic device structure. The extruded source structure reduces the energy
band bending of the pn junction where point tunnelling occurs, reducing the hump behavior.
And the high WF gate-drain underlap reduces ambipolar current (I$_{\mathrm{AMB}}$)
[4]. As drain is far from gate, the electric field applied to drain junction becomes
weak. In this research, high WF is set to 5.10 eV and low WF is 4.06 eV, respectively.
Fig. 3. Basic structure of the device.
To confirm the improved S and I$_{\mathrm{ON}}$/I$_{\mathrm{OFF}}$, numerical simulations
are conducted by Sentaurus tools. Fig. 4(a) shows the drain current-gate voltage (I$_{\mathrm{D}}$-V$_{\mathrm{G}}$) characteristics
of different WF and dual WF structures. Fig. 4(b) shows the BTBT generation rate at 0.7 V in this case. Single-high WF gate weakens
the electric field applied to source, so less BTBT generation occurs and the total
I$_{\mathrm{ON}}$ is decreased. And although point tunneling is reduced, line tunneling
is also reduced, so it is difficult to expect better S. Single-low WF gate increases
the electric field applied to source junction, so a lot of BTBT generation occurs
and the total I$_{\mathrm{ON}}$ is increased. However, because of the low WF, point
tunneling occurs even at 0~V, which increases the off-current (I$_{\mathrm{OFF}}$),
and S gets worse. In case of dual gate with low WF and high WF, point tunneling at
off-state is suppressed due to high WF gate and line tunneling at on-state is activated
due to low WF gate, which improves S. The dual work function structure shows good
electrical characteristics, but if point tunneling can be used in I$_{\mathrm{ON}}$
while suppressing I$_{\mathrm{OFF}}$, these characteristics can be improved further.
Fig. 5(a) shows the I$_{\mathrm{D}}$-V$_{\mathrm{G}}$ characteristic according to the distance
between high WF gate and drain. Fig. 5(b) shows the BTBT generation rate at -0.5 V in this case. As the drain underlap length
increased from 0 nm to 10 nm, the hole tunneling is efficiently decreased and I$_{\mathrm{AMB}}$
is also reduced.
Fig. 6(a) shows the I$_{\mathrm{D}}$-V$_{\mathrm{G}}$ characteristic according to the distance
between high WF gate and source. Fig. 6(b) shows the BTBT generation rate at 0.7 V in this case. It is confirmed that I$_{\mathrm{OFF}}$
decreased as source underlap length increased from 0 nm to 10 nm. It shows that I$_{\mathrm{ON}}$/I$_{\mathrm{OFF}}$
is improved when the high WF gate underlap length is 3 nm to 5 nm compared to 0 nm
to 2 nm. However, if the high WF gate underlap length is more than 6 nm, there is
a possibility that I$_{\mathrm{OFF}}$ increases rapidly because of the process variation.
Therefore, a gate underlap length between 3 nm to 5 nm is suitable. As a result, it
is confirmed that I$_{\mathrm{ON}}$ can be increased by using point tunneling while
suppressing I$_{\mathrm{OFF}}$.
Fig. 7(a) shows the I$_{\mathrm{D}}$-V$_{\mathrm{G}}$ characteristic according to vertical
tunneling length and Fig. 7(b) shows the BTBT generation rate at 0.7 V in this case. When the vertical tunneling
length is 0 nm to 1 nm, line tunneling do not occur at V$_{\mathrm{GS}}$ = 0.7 V.
This is because there is not enough space for line tunneling to occur. When the vertical
tunneling length becomes 2\textasciitilde{}3 nm, line tunneling occurs as the gate
voltage increases, and as a result, high I$_{\mathrm{ON}}$ can be obtained. However,
when the vertical tunneling length is increased to 4 nm, the drain current at high
voltage is rather decreased. This is because the width of the tunneling barrier increases
as the depletion region increases.
Fig. 8(a) shows the I$_{\mathrm{D}}$-V$_{\mathrm{G}}$ characteristic according to body thickness
and Fig. 8(b) shows the BTBT generation rate at 0.7 V in this case. It is purpose to minimize the
device size without causing performance degradation. First, in the case of I$_{\mathrm{ON}}$,
even if the body thickness is reduced from 22 nm to 10 nm, there is no significant
difference. On the other hand, it shows that I$_{\mathrm{AMB}}$ increases as body
thickness decreases from 22 nm to 10~nm. However, this problem can be improved through
drain underlap length. Through additional simulations, when the drain underlap length
is 10 nm, it is confirmed that there is no increase in I$_{\mathrm{AMB}}$ even when
the body thickness is reduced to 14 nm. As a result, the total body thickness is reduced
from 20 nm to 14 nm.
Fig. 4. (a) Electrical characteristic of dual WF and different WF structures; (b) BTBT generation rate of dual WF and different WF structures at V$_{\mathrm{GS}}$ = 0.7 V.
Fig. 5. (a) Electrical characteristics by changing the distance between high WF gate and drain; (b) BTBT generation rate of high WF gate-drain underlap structures at V$_{\mathrm{GS}}$ = -0.5 V.
Fig. 6. (a) Electrical characteristics by changing the distance between high WF gate and source; (b) BTBT generation rate of low WF gate-source underlap structures at V$_{\mathrm{GS}}$ = 0.7 V.
Fig. 7. (a) Electrical characteristics by changing vertical tunneling length; (b) BTBT generation rate at V$_{\mathrm{GS}}$ = 0.7 V.
Fig. 8. (a) Electrical characteristics by changing body thickness; (b) BTBT generation rate at V$_{\mathrm{GS}}$ = 0.7 V.
Fig. 9(a)-(d) show the process of LTFET fabrication. Fig. 9(a) shows that the drain, body and source regions are sequentially grown through the
epitaxy process [13,14]. Fig. 9(b) shows active patterning and device isolation process [15]. Fig. 9(c) shows that the vertical tunneling region is formed through Si-epitaxy. Finally, the
proposed device fabrication is completed with gate oxide growth and gate patterning
process as shown in Fig. 9(d).
Fig. 9. Fabrication process flow of the proposed device.
Table 1 shows the optimized device parameters used for numerical simulation. Fig. 11 shows the I$_{\mathrm{D}}$-V$_{\mathrm{G}}$ characteristic of control device and
optimized device (Fig. 10). A source and drain underlap on DWF LTFET is optimized. And a control device is
the structure without high WF gate-drain underlap and low WF gate-source underlap
in Fig. 3. By numerical simulations, it was confirmed that the source and drain underlap structure
can improve the electrical performance at low voltage [16-21]. In particular, the distance between high WF gate and source is suitable to be 3
to 5 nm considering better I$_{\mathrm{ON}}$/I$_{\mathrm{OFF}}$ and the process variation.
Fig. 10. Optimized structure of the device.
Fig. 11. Electrical characteristic of control device and optimized device.
Table 1. Parameters of the optimized device used for numerical simulation
Source doping concentration (Boron)
1020 cm-3
Channel doping concentration (Arsenic)
1017 cm-3
Drain doping concentration (Arsenic)
1020 cm-3
Source underlap length
3 nm
Drain underlap length
10 nm
Body thickness
14 nm
Gate oxide thickness
1 nm
Channel length
30 nm
Vertical tunneling length
20 nm
Vertical tunneling thickness
2 nm
Drain voltage
0.8 V
High work function (Gate 1)
5.10 eV
Low work function (Gate 2)
4.06 eV
This research was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)
funded by the Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT) of Korea under Grants NRF-2020R1G1A1007430,
NRF-2022R1A2C2092727 and NRF-2022M3I7A1078936. The EDA tool was supported by the IC
Design Education Center (IDEC).
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Chaewon Yun received the B. S. degree in the Department of Elec-tronic Engineering
from Myongji University, Yongin, Korea, in 2023. She is currently pursing the M. S.
degree at the same university. Her current research interests include Tunnel FETs,
GaN-based LEDs, and GaN HEMT.
Sangwan Kim received the B.S., M.S., and the Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering
from Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea, in 2006, 2008, and 2014,
respectively. He had been a post-doctoral scholar at the Department of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Sciences, University of California, Berkeley, USA, from 2014
to 2017. He had been with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ajou
University, Suwon, Republic of Korea, as Assistant/Associate Professor from 2017 to
2022. Since 2022, he has been a Faculty Member with Sogang University, Seoul, Republic
of Korea, where he is currently an Associate Professor with the Department of Electronic
Engineering. His current research interest includes, ultra-low power logic devices,
future memory devices, synaptic devices and their applications.
Seongjae Cho received the B.S. and the Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering
from Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, in 2004 and 2010, respectively. He worked
as an Exchange Researcher at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science
and Technology (AIST), Tsukuba, Japan, in 2009. He worked as a Postdoctoral Researcher
at Seoul National University in 2010 and at Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, from
2010 to 2013. Also, he worked as a faculty member at the Department of Electronic
Engineering, Gachon University, from 2013 to 2023. He is currently working as an Associate
Professor at the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Ewha Womans
University, Seoul, Korea, from 2023. His current research interests include emerging
memory technologies, advanced nanoscale CMOS devices and process integration, group-IV
photonic devices, low-power synaptic devices and neuron circuits for neuromorphic
and memory-centric processor technologies. He is a Lifetime Member of IEIE and a Senior
Member of IEEE. He was the recipient of the Minister’s Award from the Ministry of
Science and ICT of Korea (MSIT) in 2021.
Il Hwan Cho received the B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Korea Advanced Institute
of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejon, Korea, in 2000 and M.S., and Ph.D. degrees
in electrical engineering from Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, in 2002, 2007,
respectively. From March 2007 to February 2008, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow at Seoul
National University, Seoul, Korea. In 2008, he joined the Department of Electronic
Engineering at Myongji University, Yongin, where he is currently a Professor. His
current research interests include improvement, characterization and measurement of
non-volatile memory devices and nano scale transistors including tunneling field effect
Hyunwoo Kim received the B.S. degree from the Kyungpook National University (KNU),
Daegu, South Korea, in 2008, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering
from Seoul National University (SNU), Seoul, in 2010 and 2015, respectively. He had
worked at Samsung Electronics as a senior researcher from 2015 to 2021, Hwaseong,
Korea. Since 2023, he has been a Faculty Member with Konkuk University (KU), Seoul,
Korea, where he is currently an Assistant Professor with the Department of Electrical
and Electronics Engineering. His current interests for research include Foundry Logic
CMOS Devices, Ferroelectric Devices, and Low Power Applications.
Jang Hyun Kim completed his Bachelor's degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
at KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) from March 2005 to August
2009. He then pursued his Master's degree in Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
at Seoul National University, from September 2009 to August 2011. Continuing his academic
journey, he obtained his Doctorate degree in Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
After completing his education, Jang Hyun Kim worked as a Development Researcher for
DRAM (Dynamic Random-Access Memory) at SK hynix from September 2016 to February 2020.
Subsequently, he served as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical
Engineering at Pukyong National University from March 2020 to February 2023. Currently,
he holds the position of Assistant Professor in the Department of Electronic Engineering
at Ajou University, starting from February 2023. His current research interests include
logic semiconductor devices and power semiconductor devices.
Garam Kim received the B. S. and the Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from
Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, in 2008 and 2014, respectively. He worked
as a senior engineer at Samsung Electronics from 2014 to 2019. In 2019, he joined
the Department of Electronic Engineering at Myongji University, Yongin, where he is
currently an assistant professor. His current research interests include GaN-based
LEDs, tunnel FETs, neuromorphic devices, capacitor-less 1T DRAMs, and GaN HEMT.