ParkJun Kue1
(1Korea Multi-purpose Accelerator Complex, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute,
(Department of Electronic Engineering, Chungnam National University, Korea)
Copyright © The Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers(IEIE)
Index Terms
Radiation effect test, proton irradiation, ZnO TFTs, ZnO nanorods
Zinc oxide (ZnO) is a II-VI semiconductor with a room temperature direct band gap
of ${\sim}$3.4 eV and a wurtzite lattice structure. ZnO with diverse morphologies
such as bulk crystals, thin films, nanorods, nanowires, nanobelts, and nanotubes have
been widely studied today for possible applications as ultraviolet light emitters,
solar cells, gas sensors, and transparent electronics due to their unique properties
More recently, the demand for electronic devices used in space applications has been
increasing with the growth of the space industry. An important consideration in space
applications is that the material should be as resistant to radiation as possible
to operate reliably for extended periods. Presently, the primary wide-bandgap material
with radiation-hard properties for space applications is GaN, SiC, and diamond. However,
recent results suggest that the wide-bandgap ZnO shows better radiation resistance
than GaN for irradiation experiments by electrons, protons, and heavy ions [4-6]. The origin of ZnO radiation resistance is fascinating but still unclear.
The components of space radiation are the high-energy, charged nuclei of elements
from hydrogen (protons) to heavy ions. Approximately, it consists of 85% protons,
14% helium, and 1% heavier particles. Since the performance of ZnO devices are affected
significantly by the density of oxygen vacancies (Vo) and interstitial zinc atoms (Zni) point defects, it is important to develop a more detailed understanding of these
basic native defects. Therefore, the different structures of ZnO film and ZnO nanorods
(NRs) thin-film transistors (TFTs) were prepared, and we investigated the effects
of proton irradiation on the structure of the different active layer focusing on the
native defects.
To compare devices with different active layer structures, the ZnO film and ZnO NRs
TFTs were fabricated as illustrated in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Schematics of (a) the ZnO film; (b) the ZnO NRs TFTs.
First, 120 nm-thick SiO2 were deposited on n+ silicon substrates as a gate oxide. 30 nm-thick ZnO film were deposited by atomic
layer deposition (ALD) at 80 ℃. The Diethylzinc (Zn(C2H5)2) was used as a zinc precursor.
For the ZnO NRs TFT, the hydrothermal growth of ZnO NRs on a substrate was prepared
following two steps: (i) uniform coating on the substrate with a seeding layer of
ZnO NRs which provides the starting points of the ZnO NRs growth; and (ii) directional
nucleation of ZnO NRs from the seeding layer. In the first step, we deposited the
30 nm-thick ZnO film by ALD as previously described. After annealing the ZnO film
at 500 ℃ for 1 h under air ambient conditions. Before performing the second step of
NRs, both film and NRs substrates were patterned with 0.1% diluted HCl to form the
channel layer. The titanium source/drain and gate electrodes were formed by RF sputtering
and patterned by lift-off process. After then, we prepared the ZnO NRs via the following
procedures. 100 mL of 0.02 M zinc nitrate hexahydrate (Zn(NO3)2・6H2O) and 100 mL of 0.02 M hexa-methylenetetramine ((CH2)6N4) were prepared separately in DI water by heating and stirring on a hotplate.
After both solutions were mixed with constant stirring, the ZnO NRs substrate was
then dipped into the solution for 20 min at 90~95 ℃. Finally, both ZnO film and NRs
devices were subjected to thermal annealing under pure O2 ambient conditions of 250 ℃ for 1h at 1 atm.
In this study, the TFT dimension was 100 ${\times}$ 10 ${\mathrm{\mu}}$m2 (W ${\times}$ L). The electrical characteristics of the TFTs were analyzed using
an Agilent 4155B semiconductor parameter analyzer at room temperature under air ambient
conditions and in the dark. The fabricated devices were exposed in various proton
energies at room temperature, using a 100 MeV proton linear accelerator (Linac) and
a 1.7 MV Tandem accelerator at Korea Multi-purpose Accelerator Complex. The proton
energy of 50 MeV was provided using the 100 MeV Linac, and the proton energy of 1
MeV was delivered using a Tandem accelerator. The Linac was operated with a repetition
rate of 1 Hz and a pulse width of 100 ${\mathrm{\mu}}$sec. A flux of the Linac was
about 1 ${\times}$ 1010 p/cm2/pulse, and a fluence was fixed at 1 ${\times}$ 1014 p/cm2. On the other hand, the Tandem accelerator may deliver the CW beam, instead of any
pulse beam. Unlike 50 MeV proton energies that pass through the TFTs, a result of
stopping and range of ions in matter (SRIM) simulation [7] predicted stopping the 1 MeV proton beam in the ZnO channel layer.
Fig. 2 shows an SEM image of the ZnO NRs synthesized by hydrothermal method, as mentioned
above. Most ZnO NRs have a diameter between 40 nm and 50 nm with a length of 280 nm.
NRs are well-formed in the z-axis direction.
Fig. 2. SEM image of the ZnO NRs synthesized by hydrothermal method.
VGID characteristics of the ZnO film and NRs TFTs were measured, as shown in Fig. 3. The measurements were performed by a gate bias voltage from -40 to +30 V at VD = +20 V. The data indicates that the electrical properties of the NRs TFTs with anomalous
hump were inferior to those of the film TFTs. This abnormal hump in the transfer curve
was attributed the generation of a parasitic current path [8-10]. Although several studies have been introduced the hump characteristics in ZnO-based
TFTs [11-13], the origin of the hump has not been clarified yet. The cause of the hump will not
be further discussed in this study.
Fig. 3. Voltage-current characteristics of the ZnO film and the ZnO NRs TFTs at VD=+20 V.
To investigate the effects of various proton energies irradiation, we compared the
ZnO TFTs with different active structures of film and NRs before and after the 1 and
50 MeV proton beam irradiation at fixed fluence of 1${\times}$1014 p/cm2. Fig. 4 shows the VGID characteristics of ZnO film and NRs TFTs before and after proton irradiation. When
the 50 MeV protons was irradiated, a negative threshold voltage (Vth) shift was observed in both ZnO TFTs. In general, a negative Vth shift is known to be associated with the increase in electron concentration in the
active layer. Irradiated protons can exist two types of donor-like states in the forms
of interstitial hydrogen (Hi+) or substitutional hydrogen (HO+) in oxide semiconductor. However, the performance of both ZnO TFTs after the 1 MeV
proton irradiation was improved with lower subthreshold swing (SS) and positively
Vth shift. In particular, the anomalous hump characteristic of the ZnO NRs TFTs was disappeared
after the irradiation. Because the 1 MeV proton beam is expected to stop in the ZnO
channel layer, we may speculate that the channel resistance of the proton irradiated
ZnO NRs was lowered so that the current can flow through the primary current path
rather than through the parasitic current path.
Fig. 4. Voltage-current characteristics of (a) the ZnO film; (b) the ZnO NRs TFTs before and after different proton energies irradiation at fluence of 1${\times}$1014protons/cm2.
To investigate the change of the native defects of the ZnO TFTs, an x-ray photoelectron
spectroscopy (XPS) was analyzed for the proton beam irradiated ZnO TFTs. Fig. 5 shows O1s peaks in the XPS spectra of the ZnO film and NRs TFTs before and after the proton
irradiation. The original O1s peaks were deconvoluted by Gaussian fitting into two subpeaks including OI and OII. The peak at the lower binding energy of ~530 eV (OI) is attributed to oxygen bonded with Zn, whereas the peak at higher binding energy
of ~532 eV (OII) is attributed to oxygen vacancy (Vo) related [14].
Fig. 5. O1speaks in the XPS spectra of (a) the ZnO film; (b) the ZnO NRs before and after different proton energies irradiation.
The ratio of peak area (OII / Otot) of both ZnO TFTs, indicating the relative quantity of Vo defect, are increased after proton irradiation. It is well known that the increase
of Vo defects plays a role in the enhancement of conductivity of ZnO-based thin films [15,16]. However, in the case of 50 MeV irradiation, the VGID transfer curve showed poor electrical characteristics despite having more Vo defects compared to the 1 MeV case. This may be due to the total ionizing defect
(TID) effect caused by the formation of interface traps in the insulator rather than
the effect of the increase in Vo in the ZnO film, since the high-energy proton has a lower linear energy transfer
(LET) than the low-energy one and thus penetrates through the TFTs. Our irradiated
ZnO-TFTs may have high performance in which high dose proton irradiation may enhance
the electrical properties of the ZnO active layer.
According to Moon et. al. [17,18], the Vo defects of ZnO-based TFTs decreased with increasing proton irradiation dose, but
increased at a high proton irradiation dose of over 1015 p/cm2. Thus, if the proton beam irradiation is performed to improve the electrical properties
of ZnO-based devices, the relationship between proton dose and Vo defects created should be considered. On the other hand, it should be noted that
the proton irradiation effect may depend on the structure of the ZnO active layer.
Although a systematic study on varying proton beam energies and doses should be made
to understand the affect for the TFTs, it is revealed that the irradiation effects
are more sensitive in the ZnO nanostructures than the ZnO film.
In summary, electrical and physical properties of ZnO TFTs with different active layers
of films and nanorods structures were investigated after various proton energies irradiation.
For the 50 MeV proton energies, the performance of both ZnO TFTs were degraded by
the TID effect. On the contrary, the 1 MeV irradiated TFTs showed improved characteristics.
From the result of XPS analysis, we confirmed that the Vo defects are increased after proton beam irradiation, and. In particular, the performance
of the ZnO NRs TFTs was considerably improved than that of the ZnO film TFTs. Therefore,
it can be explained that the defects of the ZnO TFTs with nanostructure morphologies
are more sensitive to proton irradiation compared to the ZnO film.
This work was supported by the National Research Council of Science & Technology (NST)
grant by the Korea government (MIST) (No. CAP23071-100), and by Basic Science Research
Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry
of Education (2019-1357-04).
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Yu-Mi Kim received Ph.D degree in Electronics Engineering from Chungnam National University,
Daejeon, South Korea, in 2015. In 2015, she joined Pohang University of Science and
Technology (POSTECH) Future IT Innovation Laboratory in Pohang, Korea on optimization
of operation conditions for nanoscale silicon devices and its biochemical sensor applications
as a senior researcher. From 2017 to 2019, she worked as a Postdoc at Korea Atomic
Energy Research Institute (KAERI), participating in the development and operation
of a low-flux proton beam irradiation facility. Since Dec. 2019, she has been working
at KAERI as a senior researcher for development beam diagnostic device and improvement
of the proton beam irradiation facility. Her main research interests include the development
of next-generation memory device and the space/terrestrial radiation effect test of
semiconductors using particle beam accelerators.
Jun Kue Park received his Ph.D. from Korea University in Seoul, Korea in Condensed
Matter Physics in Feb. 2014. He studied mainly the electronic structures in oxide
crystals using magnetic resonance spectro-scopy during his Ph.D. course. In 2014,
he worked at Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) in Seoul, Korea to investigate
spin dynamics in nanophotonics as a Postdoc. From Dec. 2014 up to now, he has been
working at Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) as a principal research
scientist to investigate physics for ion beam interaction with matter using magnetic
resonance spectroscopy as a decisive tool. Since May 2022, he has been directing an
accelerator application research division of KAERI. He focuses mainly on the develop
the quantum materials by irradiating the beams with some ion species using developed
Ki-Nam Kim received B.S. degree in physics from Chungnam National University, Daejeon,
South Korea, in 2021, and M.S. degree in electronics engineering from Chungnam National
University, Daejeon, South Korea, in 2023. His research interests include MEMS infrared
sensors, piezoelectric sensors, and thin-film transistors.
Woon-San Ko received B.S. degree in electronics engineering from Chungnam National
University, Daejeon, South Korea, in 2021, where he is currently pursuing the M.S.
and Ph.D degrees. His research interests include resistive random-access memory, flash
memory, and MEMS infrared sensors.
Ga-Won Lee received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from
the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, South Korea, in 1994,
1996, and 1999, respectively. In 1999, she joined Hynix Semiconductor Ltd. (currently,
SK Hynix Semiconductor Ltd.) as a Senior Research Engineer, where she was involved
in the development of 0.115-Se and 0.09-S DDR II DRAM technologies. Since 2005, she
has been with the Department of Electronics Engineering, Chungnam National University,
Daejeon, as a Professor. Her main research fields are flash memory and flexible display
technology including fabrication, electrical analysis, and modeling.