(Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Kangwon National University,
Chuncheon-si, Gangwon-do, Korea)
Copyright © The Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers(IEIE)
Index Terms
Bayesian optimization, phase-locked loop, phase noise, integrated phase noise (IPN), delta-sigma modulator
In the existing RF phase lock loop (PLL) and circuit measurement, the conventional
approach involves manually finding the optimal value one by one. However, this method
has several drawbacks. First, it is a time-consuming process that can significantly
delay the experimentation phase. Second, it often leads to inaccurate data recording
due to human errors or inconsistencies. Finally, relying on human judgment to identify
the optimal value introduces the possibility of errors and subjectivity.
To address these issues, we propose a machine learning method for the measurement
and test automation in the PLL circuit [1]. By automating the measurement process, human errors can be minimized, and consistent
and reliable data can be obtained for each experiment. This automation approach allows
for a more efficient and effective evaluation of RF PLL and circuit performance. Furthermore,
this paper specifically focuses on reducing the number of experiments required. As
the number of measurement parameters used for optimizaton increases, the traditional
approach necessitates an exponential increase in the number of measurements.
To acheive this goal, we employ Bayesian optimization (BO) algorithm. The BO algorithm
intelligently explores the parameter space, efficiently narrowing down the search
to the most promising regions. As a result, the sub-optimal values of the variables
can be identified more quickly and accurately. Overall, we present a methodology that
combines measurement automation and BO to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of RF
PLL and circuit measurements. By adopting this approach, circuit designers can significantly
reduce the time and effort required for experimentation while obtaining reliable results.
1. PLL Structure
Fig. 1 illustrates the block diagram of the RF PLL system, which consists of several key
blocks. The main blocks include the phase frequency detector (PFD), charge pump (CP),
loop filter (LF), voltage controlled oscillator (VCO), and multi-modulus divider (MMD).
These blocks work together to ensure the proper functioning of the PLL [2,3].
Fig. 1. RF PLL structure used for measurement.
The PFD compares the external reference (REF) signal with the DIV which is the VCO
output divided by N.Frac. It then generates UP and DN signals, which correspond to
positive and negative frequency phase differences, respectively.
The UP and DN signals are then fed into the charge pump circuit (CPC), which converts
them into the corresponding currents. The CPC adjusts the input voltage of the VCO
based on the voltage from the LF. Then, the VCO generates a voltage-controlled oscillating
signal. The MMD component divides the VCO output signal by a division ratio specified
by N.Frac. This division is necessary to produce the desired output frequency.
Fig. 2 illustrates the structure of CPC. In this figure, we see that CPC consists of 63
UP current sources (UCS) and 63 DN current sources (DCS). Each of them has charge
pump circuit bias (CPCB) value which determines its current amount. Thus, we can generate
the current amounts of the UCS and the DCS by combinations of the switch positions
and the CPCB.
Fig. 2. CPC structure used for measurement.
In this paper, we focus on finding the optimal integrated phase noise (IPN) value
of the PLL. The control variables that significantly impact the performance of the
CPC are charge pump circuit whole bias (CPCB), UP current (VBP), and DN current (VBN).
CPCB adjusts the bias current of the bandgap circuit that supplies the CPC, while
VBP and VBN control the ratio of PMOS and NMOS currents in the CPC [2].
In such a fractional-N PLL, the out-band quantization noise of delta-sigma modulation
(DSM) is folded into the in-band region due to nonlinearity of PFD-CP circuits. A
simple and effective way to block the effect of noise folding is to move the lock
point to a more linear region on the transfer function. So, we measured the optimal
IPN by adjusting the CP offset current [4].
The IPN is an integrated measure of phase noise and is commonly used to assess the
performance of a PLL. Phase noise (PN) is a frequency domain measurement that quantifies
the undesirable fluctuations or noise in the phase of a signal. It is crucial for
the PN to have a low value as it can adversely affect signal modulation.
3. IPN Data Acquisition
The IPN data of the RF PLL was obtained using automated measurement techniques. The
measurement automation setup is illustrated in Fig. 3. A DC power supply provides a constant voltage to the motherboard, which in turn
supplies a constant voltage to both the device under test (DUT) board and the serial
peripheral interface (SPI) module.
Fig. 3. Proposed automatic measurement structure for PLL.
By establishing SPI communication between the personal computer (PC) and the SPI module,
the dominant variables of the RF PLL on the DUT board can be controlled. Once the
desired parameters are set, the IPN of the RF PLL is measured using a Phase Noise
Analyzer. To facilitate the measurement process, the general-purpose interface bus
(GPIB) is employed. The IPN data obtained through the Phase Noise Analyzer is then
saved in comma-separated values (CSV) format using the PC as a storage medium.
4. Exhaustive Search
Exhaustive search (ES), also known as brute-force search, is a simple and straightforward
algorithmic technique used to solve problems by systematically checking all possible
solutions. It involves considering every possible candidate solution and evaluating
each one to determine if it meets the problem requirements.
The ES method was initially employed to obtain the IPN values for three different
RF PLL chips. The search method involved sequentially varying each control variable,
namely CPCB, VBP, and VBN, and recording the resulting performance values. Since each
control variable could have an N-bit variation, the total number of measurements required
would be $2^{3N}$ to cover all possible IPN values. However, considering the need
to reduce measurement time, we imposed an limitation of only allowing 20 points of
variables for each control variable. Consequently, a total of 8000 measurements were
performed, covering a subset of IPN values, to identify the most optimal IPN value
among them.
Fig. 4-6 illustrate the IPN values obtained by varying the three control variables for the
A3, A5, and A15 boards, respectively. As anticipated, the figures demonstrated that
the optimal combination of control variables exists for each circuit. Nonetheless,
utilizing the ES to determine the optimal combination of the control variables would
be extremely time-consuming.
Fig. 4. IPN characteristics of A3 board.
Fig. 5. IPN characteristics of A5 board.
Fig. 6. IPN characteristics of A15 board.
To address this challenge, we introduce the application of the BO, which enables the
identification of sub-optimal control variable combinations with only a small number
of measurements. By leveraging BO, the search process becomes more efficient, allowing
for a quicker identification of promising regions in the control variable combination
space. Consequently, we achieve a significant reduction in the overall measurement
time while still obtaining satisfactory results.
5. Bayesian Optimization
In the previous section, the ES method was utilized to perform a comprehensive analysis
of IPN values for different control variable combinations. However, due to the time-intensive
nature of the ES, we need to consider the optimization method to achieve faster and
more efficient measurements, focusing on identifying sub-optimal control variable
combinations with a reduced number of experiments.
In the vast landscape of global optimization, BO and genetic algorithms (GA) are two
techniques that often take center stage. Each boasts its unique strengths and operational
characteristics, making them suitable for diverse challenges. BO, using its probabilistic
model-based approach, excels in efficiently finding the maximum of intricate functions
with minimal evaluations [5]. In contrast, GA operates on a generational paradigm, often requiring multiple evaluations
for each generation [6]. This becomes particularly challenging when optimizing parameters like IPN, where
each evaluation bears substantial time and cost implications. In such contexts, the
frequent evaluations of GA can escalate expenses quickly. Meanwhile, BO, with its
capacity to leverage prior data, ensures fewer, more strategic evaluations. Especially
when the cost of evaluations is a crucial factor, BO often stands out as a more economical
option over GA.
Specifically, BO aims to solve
where an objective function is an expensive-to-evaluate function and is a feasible set [5, 7, 8]. If the problem we aim to solve in this paper is interpreted
from the perspective of BO, the notations , , and in (1) can be seen as a 3-dimenstional vector representing the combination of control variables,
a set comprising all possible 8000 combinations of these control variables, and a
function that produces the IPN value multiplied by ‘ ’ for a given combination of control variables, respectively. The reason for employing
this type of objective function is because BO aims to discover a solution that maximizes
the objective function.
Because the objective function is not an analytical function, the key idea of BO is
to build a probabilistic surrogate model of the objective function using N observations
which is then used to select the next candidate point of by balancing exploration and exploitation. This balance is often achieved via an
acquisition function. Furthermore, this process is repeated until either a specified
number of iterations has been reached, or the difference between the objective function
value of the newly chosen candidate point and that of the preceding point falls below
a predetermined threshold. Fig. 7 illustrates the flow chart of BO process.
Fig. 7. Flow chart of Bayesian optimization.
Because the IPN measurement requires a relatively long time, we expect that a suboptimal
solution can be found with a small number of measurements through the BO.
The experimental equipment consists of PNA(Phase Noise Analyst), DC supply, and PC.
DC supply applies the power of the board and the PC adjusts the variables of the chip.
The output of the PLL is measured at the PNA. Data values for performance are stored
on the PC and they are used as a black box in the optimization algorithm. Fig. 8 shows environment for measuring IPN of RF PLL.
Fig. 8. RF PLL IPN measurement environment.
To fairly compare BO and GA, one must consider the inherent differences in their operations.
BO typically evaluates the objective function at one point per iteration, ensuring
a distinct candidate evaluation every time. On the other hand, GA operates based on
populations of candidates. During the operation, GA might sometimes re-evaluate the
same candidates due to crossover, mutation, or selection operations, leading to potential
repeated evaluations [6].
To capture the true essence of the comparison, we compared them based on the number
of distinct candidate evaluations. Specifically, we employed a scenario within the
GA framework: suppose from a population of 10 candidates, 5 new candidates are generated
through the standard genetic operations. If 2 out of these 5 have been previously
evaluated in past iterations, they won’t be counted again. Effectively, only the 3
genuinely new candidates will increment our distinct evaluations counter. This approach
provides a balanced metric that accounts for the unique way each method searches the
solution space. By focusing on the number of unique evaluations (i.e., the number
of distinct candidates), we can ensure that both algorithms have the same opportunities
to refine their solutions, making the comparison both fair and informative.
With this respect, Fig. 9(a)-(c) show the IPN performance losses of A3, A5, and A15 boards, respectively, due to the
BO and the GA compared to the optimal value from the ES. In these figures, the solid
line and the dotted line represent the mean loss and the empirical 95th percentile
loss, respectively. Also, Table 1 summarizes the performance losses of BO and GA compared to the optimal value at 100
distinct candidates. From these results, we see that the BO universally improved performance
of the 95th percentile loss compared to the GA and converges to the near-optimal value with a
few iterations.
Table 1. BO and GA loss (dB) at 100 distinct candidates
Opt. Method
95th Perc.
Fig. 9. Mean and empirical 95th percentile losses of the boards (The solid line and the dotted line represent the mean loss and the empirical 95th percentile loss, respectively).
Fig. 10 shows the measurement results of A3 Board using BO. The blue and the yellow lines
represent the IPNs using the solutions at the 1st iteration (i.e., randomly chosen
solution) and the 100th iteration, respectively. From this figure, we see that BO
noticeably improves the IPN performance.
Fig. 10. A3 Board measurement results using BO (The blue and the yellow lines represent the 1st iteration and the 100th iteration, respectively).
In this paper, we demonstarted that BO can achieves an IPN performance within around
3 dB of the optimal at the 95th percentile while reducing the search time for optimal
parameters by 98.75% compared to the ES. Compared to GA, BO universally shows better
performance of the 95th percentile loss and converges to the near-optimal value with
a few iterations. Therefore, BO using probabilistic model-based approaches is more
suitable for optimizing the circuit through measurement. Utilizing this method allows
researchers to decrease the amount of time and resources devoted to experimentation,
yet still find reliable control variables for the RF PLL.
This study was supported by a research grant of Kangwon National University in
2022, Ministry of Trade, Industry &Energy (MOTIE, Korea) under Industrial Technology
Innovation Program (No. 20026426), the Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology
(KIAT) grant funded by the Korea Government (MOTIE) (P0017011 and P0020966, HRD Program
for Industrial Innovation), and the National Research Foundation Korea (NRF) grant
funded by the Korea government (MSIT) (No. RS-2023-00221494), and project BK21FOUR.
The chip fabrication and EDA tool were supported by the IC Design Education Center
(IDEC), Korea.
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Ji-Sub Yoon was born in Seoul in 1998. He graduated from Kangwon National University
in 2023 with a B.S degree in electrical engineering. He is currently pursuing his
master's degree. His interests are in PLL and digital circuits.
Dong-In Choi was born in Paju in 1998. He graduated from Kangwon National University
in 2023 with a B.S degree in electrical engineering. He is currently pursuing his
master's degree. His interests are in DC-DC and digital circuits.
Seungyoung Park received the B.E., M.E., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering
from Korea University, Seoul, Korea, in 1997, 1999, and 2002, respectively. From April
2003 to December 2005, he was with Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Kiheung,
Korea, where he was a Senior Engineer, working on several projects in the field of
next-generation wireless mobile communications. From January 2006 to February 2007,
he was with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University,
West Lafayette, IN, USA, where he was a Postdoctoral Research Associate. Since March
2007, he has been with the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Kangwon
National University, Chuncheon, Korea, where he is currently a Professor. Additionally,
as of March 2023, he took on the role of research advisor at an autonomous vehicle
security technology firm AUTOCRYPT, Co., Ltd., Seoul, Korea. His research interests
include machine learning applications in wireless communications, RF circuit, and
cyber security.
In-Chul Hwang received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees from Korea University,
Seoul, Korea, in 1993, 1995, and 2000, respectively. He was a Research Staff with
the Coordinated Science Laboratory, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Champaign,
IL, USA, from 2000 to 2001. From 2001 to 2007, he was a Senior Engineer with Samsung
Electronics, Kiheung, Korea, where he was involved with CMOS RFIC development targeting
for GSM/EDGE/WCDMA RF transceivers. In 2007, he joined the faculty of the Department
of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon,
Korea, where he is currently a Professor. His current research interests include CMOS
RFIC, advanced PLLs, and power- and frequency-management ICs.