CMOS Nonmagnetic Circulator and Band-Selection Balun-Low Noise Amplifier with RF Self-Interference
Cancellation for Advanced In-Band Full-Duplex Transceiver
(Department of Electronics Engineering and Department of BIT Medical Convergence, Kangwon
National University, Chuncheon 24341, Korea)
Copyright © The Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers(IEIE)
Index Terms
N-path filter, circulator, isolation, delay, low noise amplifier, low-loss, self-interference, self-interference cancellation, out-of-blocker
Recently, in-band full-duplex (IBFD) wireless communication technology has garnered
significant attention as a key technology for 6G and beyond 5G cellular applications
[1,2]. In particular, considering that 5G new radio (NR) networks will continue to operate
alongside 6G, research on the IBFD technology, which can efficiently utilize the existing
limited frequency resources, is crucial. Unlike the traditional half-duplex (HD) approach,
which divides the transmission into separate time or frequency slots, the IBFD technology
enables simultaneous uplink and downlink transmissions in the same time and frequency
band, ideally doubling the frequency utilization efficiency and data rates compared
with HD. Additionally, it can reduce the latency compared with time-division duplexing
However, in IBFD transceivers, the output signal from a transmitter (TX) can cause
a strong self-interference (SI) at the receiver (RX), degrading its signal-to-noise/distortion
ratio (SNDR). Therefore, achieving a sufficient self-interference cancellation (SIC)
is essential for implementing IBFD transceivers. Fig. 1 shows a block diagram of a conventional IBFD transceiver. SIC techniques in IBFD
transceivers can be categorized into antenna interface SIC [3-7], RF SIC [8-10], analog SIC [11,12], and digital SIC [13], with active research ongoing in each domain. To prevent SNDR performance degradation
caused by the strong SI signal on the RX side, it is crucial to achieve high SIC performance
in the antenna interface and RF domains.
Fig. 1. Block diagram of the conventional IBFD transceiver.
This alleviates the linearity requirements of the low-noise amplifier (LNA) and the
following blocks. Representative antenna interface SIC techniques include an electrical-balanced
duplexer (EBD) based on hybrid transformers and nonmagnetic circulators. While the
EBD offers excellent TX-RX isolation of over 50 dB, it has the drawback of more than
3 dB insertion loss (IL) in both the TX and RX paths, impacting the power amplifier
(PA) efficiency and RX noise figure (NF). On the other hand, nonmagnetic circulators
exhibit TX and RX ILs of approximately 1-2 dB, but their TX-RX isolation is relatively
poor at approximately 20-30 dB. However, compared with the SAW/FBAR duplexers used
in FDD systems, both EBD and nonmagnetic circulators lack a strong out-of-band (OB)
blocker rejection capability at the antenna, making them unable to mitigate the SNR
degradation caused by strong OB blockers. Conventional IBFD research primarily focuses
on enhancing the SIC performance, neglecting the degradation of the RX SNDR due to
strong OB blockers. For the successful commercialization of IBFD transceivers without
using additional SAW filters at the RF front end, these aspects should also be carefully
In this paper, a band-selection balun-LNA employing a feedback network of a differential-to-single-ended
N-path notch filter is presented to provide OB blocker rejection and enhance the blocker
tolerance of the RX. A capacitor(C)-inductor (L)-C nonmagnetic circulator based on
an N-path filter and a time-domain RF SIC with five delay taps is also introduced.
This paper is structured as follows. Section II presents detailed circuit designs.
Section III shows the simulation results. Finally, Section IV concludes the study.
Fig. 2 depicts the proposed CMOS circulator and band-selection LNA with RF SIC. The circulator
performs the first SIC, where the time-domain RF SIC with delay taps performs the
second SIC at the LNA input. This two-stage SIC process prevents saturation of the
LNA and subsequent circuits owing to strong SI signals or degradation of the SNDR
owing to the nonlinearity of the LNA and subsequent blocks. The band-selection balun-LNA
that uses the D2S N-path notch filter feedback rejects the OB blocker and enhances
the blocker tolerance of the RX.
Fig. 2. Proposed CMOS circulator and band-selection LNA with RF SIC
A. C-L-C Nonmagnetic Circulator based on N-path Filter
Fig. 3 shows a schematic of the circulator used for the antenna interface SIC. The circulator
employs the topology of an integrated nonmagnetic N-path filter-based C-L-C circulator
[14]. In the 3-port circulator, each ${\lambda}$/4 transmission line is replaced by a
lumped C-L-C section. External inductors are used to achieve a high Q-factor. This
structure enables CMOS integration and unidirectional propagation with minimal losses.
Two-port N-path filters can introduce phase nonreciprocity by offsetting the timing
of the two sets of switches. This leads to nonreciprocal phase responses (+90$^{\mathrm{o}}$/-90$^{\mathrm{o}}$
in the forward and reverse directions) and enables the creation of a CMOS gyrator.
Subsequently, a 3${\lambda}$/4 transmission line can be wound around this gyrator
to facilitate signal propagation in a single direction. By connecting the three ports
on this transmission line with a spacing of ${\lambda}$/4, a three-port circulator
can be realized [15].
Fig. 3. Schematic of the C-L-C nonmagnetic circulator based on N-path filter.
Fig. 4 shows the simulated frequency response of the two-port N-path filter in two directions.
Fig. 5 shows the simulated TX IL, RX IL, and TX-RX isolation (i.e., the antenna interface
SIC). At 700 MHz, the TX IL and RX IL are 2.2 dB and 2.3 dB, respectively. The TX-RX
isolation is greater than 37 dB for a channel bandwidth (CHBW) of 20 MHz.
Fig. 4. Simulated phase response of the two-port N-path filter with two sets of switching time.
Fig. 5. Simulated TX IL, RX IL and TX-RX isolation.
B. N-path Balun-LNA
The proposed band-selection balun-LNA employs D2S N-path band rejection filter (BRF)
feedback to eliminate OB blockers and improve blocker tolerance [16]. As shown in Fig. 6, it is based on a gain-boosted N-path filter LNA structure. It consists of two common-source
(CS) amplifiers, a differential current balancer (DCB), and an LC tank. Two CS amplifiers
(M$_{\mathrm{1,2}}$) perform single-to-differential conversion. The DCB comprises
cascade transistors (M$_{\mathrm{3,4}}$) and cross-coupled capacitors (C$_{C1,2}$).
It makes the output currents become I$_{OUTP}$ = -I$_{OUTN}$ [16]. The voltage gain of the N-path balun-LNA from the voltage source V$_{S}$ with a
source resistance R$_{S}$ to the output V$_{OUT}$ can be expressed as [16]
Fig. 6. N-path balun-LNA.
where Z$_{FB}$(s) and Z$_{L}$(s) are the impedances of the frequency-selective D2S
N-path BRF feedback network and LC tank, respectively. The D2S N-path BRF feedback
network can be simplified using an equivalent RLC model (R$_{P}$, C$_{P}$, and L$_{P}$)
as follows:
where N is the number of paths, R$_{SW}$ is the switch resistance, and C$_{N}$ is
the series capacitance.
Fig. 7 shows the simulated voltage gain of the N-path balun-LNA. It has a voltage gain of
more than 20 dB in the low band of the 5G NR sub-6GHz. In addition, the LNA can reject
OB blockers by more than 20 dB. Fig. 8 shows the simulated NF of the N-path balun-LNA. The NF is from 3.45 to 3.7 dB across
in Band 71/n71, Band 28/n28, and Band 5/n5.
Fig. 7. Simulated voltage gain of the N-path balun-LNA.
Fig. 8. Simulated NF of the N-path balun-LNA.
A block diagram of the RF SIC is shown in Fig. 2. The RF SIC consists of an attenuator with C$_{att}$, a source follower, and five
delay taps with a 12.5% duty-cycle LO chain. C$_{att}$ attenuates the strong TX signal
to prevent saturation of the RF SIC circuits. The amount of attenuation is determined
by the ratio of C$_{att}$ to C$_{gs}$ of the source follower. Each delay tap can independently
provide individual delays. Each delay tap consists of a delay cell and 2-bit controlled
inverter-type g$_{m}$ cell. The delay cell comprises eight delay paths. The delay
path employs a time-interleaved switched-capacitor topology, as shown in Fig. 2. This delay cell can provide seven distinct delay options ranging from 250 ps to
1.75 ns with a resolution of 250 ps [17]. Using four delay taps, different predefined values were used to implement distinct
fixed group delay settings. The final delay tap was controlled using a multiplexer,
providing flexibility in adjusting the group delay and allowing for seven different
group delay settings with the use of five delay taps. Fig. 9 shows the simulated group delays. The proposed delay taps could control the group
delay from 250 ps to 1.75 ns with a resolution of 250 ps. Furthermore, 2-bit controlled
inverter-type g$_{m}$ cells were employed to adjust the magnitude of the RF SIC signal
with the SI signal from the CMOS circulator.
Fig. 9. Simulated group delays.
The proposed C-L-C nonmagnetic circulator based on an N-path filter and time-domain
RF SIC with five delay taps were designed using a 65 nm CMOS process. Fig. 10 illustrates the layout of the CMOS circulator and band-selection balun-LNA with RF
SIC circuits. The active area without bond pads was 1.61 mm$^{2}$. A DC bias current
of 14 mA was applied at a supply voltage of 1 V.
Fig. 10. Layout of the CMOS circulator and band-selection balun-LNA with RF SIC.
Fig. 11 shows the simulated S$_{11}$ of the circulator. The S$_{11}$ is less than -10 dB.
Fig. 12 shows the simulated voltage gain from the antenna port to the LNA output of the circulator
and N-path balun-LNA. This shows that the voltage gains from the antenna port to the
LNA output are greater than 17 dB in Band 71/n71, Band 28/n28, and Band 5/n5. The
OB blocker rejection exceeded 30 dB at the frequency offset of 100 MHz. The simulated
SIC performance are illustrated in Fig. 13. The simulated antenna interface SIC and RF SIC are greater than 38 dB and 20 dB
at 700 MHz with the CHBW of 20 MHz, respectively. The total SIC exceeded 58 dB for
the CHBW of 20 MHz. Fig. 14 shows the simulated NF of the circulator and N-path balun-LNA with RF SIC. RF SIC
circuits degrade the NF by 0.5 dB. The IIP3s of the circulator and N-path balun-LNA
with RF SIC were also characterized in terms of the presence of in-band (IB) and OB
blockers, as shown in Fig. 15 and 16. The two-tone test conditions for the IB IIP3 were $f_{1}$ = $f_{LO}$ + 1 MHz, $f_{2}$
= $f_{LO}$ + 1.1 MHz, and $p_{f1}$ = $p_{f2}$ = -44 dBm. The simulated IB IIP3 with
the N-path bandpass filtering was -3.9 dBm to -3.6 dBm. The two-tone test conditions
for the OB IIP3 were $f_{1}$ = $f_{LO}$ + 40 MHz, $f_{2}$ = $f_{LO}$ + 81 MHz, $p_{f1}$
= $p_{f2}$ = -44 dBm. The simulated OB IIP3 with the N-path bandpass filtering was
4 dBm to 5 dBm. Compared to the configuration without the N-path filtering, there
is around a 2 dB improvement in the IB IIP3 and a notable enhancement of 7-8 dB in
the OB IIP3. Table 1 lists the performance summary of the proposed circulator and N-path balun-LNA with
RF SIC circuits and a comparison with previous state-of-the-art works. In this study,
we implemented RF band selection capabilities in the LNA, taking into account the
performance degradation caused by the OB blockers in the IBFD transceiver. Compared
to other works, this work exhibits high RF SIC performance. However, it has relatively
higher NF characteristics. For fair performance comparison, the following figure of
merit (FOM) was used, which is the product of the SIC and fractional bandwidth [23]:
Table 1. Performance summaries and comparison with previous state-of-the-art works
This Work*
LNTA + RF/BB SIC + Mixer
Cir. + LNTA + Mixer + TIA +
LNTA + RF SIC + Mixer + TIA
LNA + RF/BB SIC + Mixer + TIA
Cir. + Mixer +
LNTA + RF/BB SIC + Mixer + TIA
Cir+ N-path balun-LNA+RF SIC
SIC Topology
65nm CMOS
40nm CMOS
65nm CMOS
40nm CMOS
65nm CMOS
65nm CMOS
65nm CMOS
#of Taps(domain)
(Cir. + RFXE)
(Cir. + RFXE)
(Cir. + LNA)
OB Blocker
Rejection (dB)
NF [dB]
Pdc [mW]
per tap*
Area [mm]
FOM [dB]
* Simulation result.
** at 100 MHz offset
Fig. 11. Simulated $S_{11}$ of the circulator.
Fig. 12. Simulated voltage gain from antenna port to LNA output.
Fig. 15. Simulated IB-IIP3.
Fig. 16. Simulated OB-IIP3.
where $f_{c}$ is a center frequency. As shown in Table 1, the proposed work achieves an excellent FOM.
In this study, a CMOS circulator and band-selection N-path balun-LNA with RF SIC circuits
were proposed and designed using a 65 nm CMOS technology. The designed CMOS circulator
achieved an RX IL of 2.2 dB and a TX IL of 2.3 dB. The circulator and N-path balun-LNA
with RF SIC circuits can achieve a total NF of 6.6 dB, an OB blocker rejection of
more than 30 dB, and a total SIC of 58 dB for the CHBW of 20 MHz at 700 MHz. The proposed
CMOS circulator and N-path balun-LNA with RF SIC circuits can provide antenna interface
SIC and RF SIC, and enhance the blocker tolerance of the RX for advanced IBFD transceivers.
This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) grant
funded by the Korea government(MSIT) (No. 2023R1A2C1003227 and RS-2023-00221494).
The chip fabrication and EDA tool were supported by the IC Design Education Center
(IDEC), South Korea.
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Seokwon Lee received the B. S. degree in Department of Electronics Engineering,
Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, Korea, in 2023. He is currently working toward
the M.S. degree in Department of Electronics Engineering, Kangwon National University,
Chuncheon, Korea. His research interests include CMOS mmWave/RF/analog integrated
circuits and RF system design for wireless communications.
Yonghwan Lee received the B. S. degree in Department of Electronics Engineering,
Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, Korea, in 2023. He is currently working toward
the M.S. degree in Department of Electronics Engineering, Kangwon National University,
Chuncheon, Korea. His research interests include CMOS mmWave/RF/analog integrated
circuits and RF system design for wireless communications.
Chanhee Cho received the B. S. degree in Department of Electronics Engineering,
Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, Korea, in 2023. He is currently working toward
the M.S. degree in Department of Electronics Engineering, Kangwon National University,
Chuncheon, Korea. His research interests include CMOS mmWave/RF/analog integrated
circuits and RF system design for wireless communications.
Kuduck Kwon received the B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engi-neering and
Computer Science from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST),
in Daejeon, Korea, in 2004 and 2009, respectively. His doctoral research concerned
digital TV tuners and dedicated short-range communication (DSRC) systems. From 2009
to 2010, he was a Post-Doctoral Researcher with KAIST, where he studied a surface
acoustic wave (SAW)-less receiver architectures and developed 5.8GHz RF transceivers
for DSRC applications. From 2010 to 2014, he was a Senior Engineer with Samsung Electronics
Co. LTD., Suwon, South Korea, where he has been involved with studies of the SAW-less
software-defined receivers and development of CMOS transceivers for 2G/3G/4G cellular
applications and receivers for universal silicon tuners. In 2014, he joined the Department
of Electronics Engineering, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, South Korea, where
he is currently a Professor. His research interests include CMOS mmWave/RF/analog
integrated circuits and RF system design for wireless communications.