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  1. (Dept. of Electronic Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul 04763, Korea )

Oversampling ADC, noise shaping SAR, mismatch shaping, PVT-insensitive


Analog-to-digital converter (ADC) is essential to modern electronic systems, and IoT devices such as sensor interfaces demand ADCs with low power consumption and high resolution. Successive approximation register (SAR) ADCs are well known for their low power consumption and good area efficiency due to digital-based building blocks [1-3]. Nevertheless, realizing a very high resolution while maintaining the advantages of SAR ADC is difficult, because the size and switching power of capacitive digital to analog converter (CDAC) rapidly increase as the resolution of SAR ADC increases. On the other hand, delta-sigma ADCs can achieve a high resolution relatively easily due to oversampling and noise shaping (NS), but have the disadvantage of limited power efficiency due to the use of power-hungry op-amps in the loop filters. To overcome these disadvantages, the noise-shaping SAR (NS-SAR) ADC, which is a hybrid ADC that combines the advantages of SAR ADC and delta-sigma ADC, was proposed [4-15]. In [4], the NS-SAR ADC utilizing cascade of integrators with feedforward (CIFF) structure was proposed. [5] proposed the NS-SAR ADC with an error-feedback (EF) structure, which maintained the low-power characteristics of the SAR ADC by removing the active integrator from the loop filter. Further research such as [6-8] sharpened the noise transfer function (NTF) of NS-SAR ADC by cascading EF and CIFF structures.

However, despite using these structures, the resolution of the NS-SAR ADC is limited due to process, voltage, and temperature (PVT) sensitive residue amplifiers, which makes it difficult to define NTF accurately. In [9-12], open-loop dynamic amplifiers were used to reduce the power consumption. However, the open-loop amplifiers were sensitive to PVT variations, which can degrade NTF and limit NS performance. In [4], a closed-loop feedback integrator using an operational trans-conductance amplifier (OTA) was used to make it insensitive to PVT variations. However, using OTAs was power-inefficient due to their static current.

Therefore, in order to obtain a sharp NTF without using high-power-consumption OTAs, this paper presents a NS-SAR ADC with low-power open-loop amplifiers employing PVT-insensitive voltage-time-voltage (V-T-V) converters. Since the gain of the V-T-V based amplifier is inherently PVT-insensitive, an accurate NTF can be realized without complex calibration.

Another problem that can limit the resolution of an ADC is the mismatch between capacitors in CDACs, which causes nonlinear errors at the CDAC output. The proposed ADC applies mismatch shaping to alleviate the performance degradation by the CDAC mismatch. It uses two CDACs, one used for a conventional SAR operation and the other for the generation of the residue voltage required for noise shaping. We applied data-weighted averaging (DWA) to the second CDAC, of which the mismatch is mainly responsible for SNDR degradation. Because a second CDAC switching is done after a SAR conversion is completed, DWA could be applied to mitigate the CDAC mismatch issues.

We demonstrate the performance of the proposed design implemented in a 28-nm CMOS process with SPICE-level simulations. When operated with a 1-V power supply, it achieves SNDR of 82.7 dB [effective number of bits (ENOB) = 13.4] with a sampling frequency of 40 MHz. The power consumption was 435~${\mu}$W, resulting in a Schreier figure of merit (FoM) of 179.4 dB.

The content of the article is as follows. Section II details the noise shaping technique and the operation of the proposed NS-SAR ADC. In Section III, the implementation of the proposed ADC is presented. The SPICE-level simulation results and the performance summaries are presented in Section IV. Finally, Section V concludes this article.



Fig. 1 and 2 show a block diagram and a timing diagram of the proposed NS-SAR ADC, respectively. The block diagram is drawn in a single-ended form for simplicity, whereas the actual circuit was differential. The proposed NS-SAR ADC consists of an 8-b SAR ADC, and a loop-filter, which consists of an EF path and a CIFF path. As mentioned in Introduction, the NS-SAR ADC utilizes two CDACs, namely the coarse CDAC and the fine CDAC. The coarse CDAC is used to generate 8-b digital outputs through conventional SAR operations, and the fine CDAC is used to generate the residue voltage used by EF and CIFF paths for the noise shaping. The EF path consists of an amplifier ($G_{1}$) and finite impulse response (FIR) filters, and the CIFF path consists of an amplifier ($G_{2}$) and switched capacitors ($C_{F1,2}$ and $C_{INT1,2}$).

In Fig. 1, when the sampling clock $\varnothing _{S}$ is high, the analog input $V_{IN}$ is sampled on the coarse and the fine CDACs using bootstrapped switches. After the sampling, when $\varnothing _{NS}$ becomes high, the residue voltage processed by the EF path is injected into the two CDACs. At the same time, the residue voltage processed by the CIFF path is injected into capacitors $C_{F1}$ and $C_{F2}$. After that, while $\varnothing _{NS}$ is still high, an 8-b SAR conversion takes place with $\varnothing _{COMP}$ operating the comparator. The digital output of the SAR conversion ($D_{OUT}$) is input to the DWA block for the mismatch error shaping for the fine CDAC. When $\varnothing _{FINE}$ becomes high, the DWA output is input to the fine CDAC to generate a new residue voltage. When $\varnothing _{AMP}$ becomes high, V-T-V amplifiers amplify the residue voltage with the gain of $G_{1}$ or $G_{2}$. Finally, $\varnothing _{Reset}$ resets $C_{F1}$ and $C_{F2}$ to make them ready for the next cycle.

Fig. 3(a) shows a detailed block diagram of the EF path used in the proposed NS-SAR ADC. The block diagram is drawn in a single-ended form for simplicity, whereas the actual circuit is differential. It is noted that although Fig. 3(a) is drawn as if $G_{1}$ drives only one FIR filter for simplicity, actually $G_{1}$ drives one more FIR filter, which is connected to the coarse CDAC. Fig. 3(b) shows a detailed timing diagrams of the EF path. In Fig. 3(b), $\varnothing _{VTV1}$ operates every cycle to implement one-cycle delay ($z^{-1}$), while $\varnothing _{VTV2\_ 1}$ and $\varnothing _{VTV2\_ 2}$ operate alternately in a ping-pong fashion to implement two-cycle delay ($z^{-2}$). $\varnothing _{NS},$ $\varnothing _{NS\_ 1}$ and $\varnothing _{NS\_ 2}$ operates in the same manner.

The capacitors $C_{res1}$ and $C_{res2\_ 1\left(2\right)}$ store one-cycle and two-cycle delayed residue voltages. When $\varnothing _{NS}$ goes high, the charge sharing between those capacitors and CDAC occurs, which realize a second-order noise shaping. The residue voltage is amplified by the gain $G_{1}$ to compensate for the attenuation caused by the charge sharing. The NTF of the EF path from these operations can be represented by

$ NTF_{EF}\left(z\right)=1-G_{1}K_{EF}\left(2z^{-1}-z^{-2}\right) $

where K$_{\mathrm{EF}}$ = C$_{\mathrm{res2}}$/(C$_{\mathrm{DAC}}$ + C$_{\mathrm{res1}}$ + C$_{\mathrm{res2}}$) is the charge sharing factor. $C_{res1}$ is set to $2\times C_{res}$ to implement $2z^{-1}$, and $C_{res2\_ 1}$ and $C_{res2\_ 2}$ are set equal to $C_{res}$. To effectively reduce noise within the bandwidth, NTF zero optimization was applied by optimizing $G_{1}\cdot K_{EF}$ [10].

Fig. 4 shows the operation of the CIFF path integrator, which is similar to that of [14]. First, the sum of the residue voltage $V_{res}\left[k\right]$ generated by the fine CDAC and the previous integrator output voltage $V_{INT}\left[k\right]$ stored on $C_{F}$ are amplified by a V-T-V converter with a gain of $G_{2}$ and the output is stored by $C_{INT}$ [Fig. 4(a)]. Then, $C_{F}$ is reset during $\varnothing _{Reset}=high$ [Fig. 4(b)]. Finally, when $\varnothing _{NS}$ becomes high, $V_{INT}\left[k+1\right]$ is generated by charge sharing between $C_{INT}$ and $C_{F}.$ $V_{INT}\left[k+1\right]$ from these operations can be represented as

$ V_{INT}\left[k+1\right]=G_{2}K_{INT}\left(V_{res}\left[k\right]+V_{INT}\left[k\right]\right), $

where $K_{INT}=C_{INT}/\left(C_{F}+C_{INT}\right)$ is a charge sharing factor. From this, the following transfer function $H_{CIFF}\left(z\right)$ of the CIFF path can be obtained.

$ H_{CIFF}\left(z\right)=G_{2}K_{INT}z^{-1}/\left(1-G_{2}K_{INT}z^{-1}\right). $

In our design, $G_{2}K_{INT}=1$ was used to realize a lossless integrator with a unit gain.

Fig. 5 depicts the signal flow of the EF-CIFF loop filter of the proposed NS-SAR ADC, which cascades the EF and CIFF paths described above. Note that ``1 - 3K$_{\mathrm{EF}}$'' in Fig. 5 represents the attenuation of the input signal by charge sharing. By using this model, the overall NTF of the proposed NS-SAR ADC can be represented as

$ NTF\left(z\right)=\left\{1-G_{1}K_{EF}\left(2z^{-1}-z^{-2}\right)\right\}\left(1-G_{2}K_{INT}z^{-1}\right). $

The proposed ADC has a third-order NTF by combining the 1st-order noise-shaping of the CIFF with the 2nd-order noise\st{-}shaping of the EF. Fig. 6 shows the NTF of the proposed NS-SAR ADC. The values of the parameters are shown in a box in Fig. 6, and the vertical dashed line represents the bandwidth of the ADC. Note that $G_{1}K_{EF}$ = 0.95 < 1 was used for the NTF zero optimization.In the proposed ADC, the quantization can be performed with just a one-input comparator, not a multi-input comparator that generates additional thermal noise. Because of the open-loop nature of the residue voltage integration, the gain of the amplifier does not need to be large. However, the gain of the amplifier should be controlled tightly. This was achieved by using V-T-V- converter-type amplifiers.

Fig. 1. Block diagram of the proposed NS-SAR ADC.
Fig. 2. Timing diagram of the proposed NS-SAR ADC.
Fig. 3. Operation of the EF path: (a) block diagram of the EF path; (b) timing diagram of the clocks used in EF path.
Fig. 4. Operation of the CIFF path integrator: (a) integrated voltage amplification; (b) reset of $V_{INT}$[k] from the previous cycle; (c) generation of $V_{INT}$[k+1] through charge sharing.
Fig. 5. EF-CIFF signal flow in the proposed NS-SAR ADC.
Fig. 6. NTF of the proposed EF-CIFF NS SAR ADC (The vertical dashed line represents the ADC bandwidth).

2. Voltage-Time-Voltage Converter

The amplifiers used in the EF and CIFF paths of the proposed NS-SAR ADC are PVT insensitive V-T-V converters similar to that in [13]. Fig. 7 shows a schematic of the V-T-V converter used as amplifier $G_{1}.$ That of the V-T-V converter used as $G_{2}$ is similar. $C_{DACP}$ and $C_{DACN}$are the input sampling capacitors equivalent to the total capacitance of the fine CDAC, and $C_{OUT}$ is the capacitor to store the amplified voltage. The current sources were cascode current sources using very low threshold voltage transistors. The V-T-V converter amplifies the voltage in two steps. The first is the V-to-T conversion (V2T) that converts voltage signal into a time domain signal and the second is the T-to-V conversion (T2V) that converts the time-domain signal back into a voltage signal.

Fig. 8 shows waveforms obtained from SPICE-level simulations of the V-T-V converter. When $\varnothing _{PRE}$ is high, $V_{OUTP}$ and $V_{OUTN}$ are charged to $V_{DD},$ $\varnothing _{EN}$ becomes high and the AND gates become ready. Then, when $\varnothing _{START}$ is high, $V_{RESP}$ and $V_{RESN}$ gradually decrease as $I_{DAC}$ current sources discharge $C_{DACP}$ and $C_{DACN}$. When $V_{RESP}$ or $V_{RESN}$ goes below the inverters' switching threshold voltage, TP or TN signal is generated. The time-domain output of the first stage is $T_{IN}$, which is the time difference between the pull up of TP and TN signals. This operation is referred to as V2T, and the conversion equation can be expressed by


When TP and TN close the switches connected to the $I_{OUT}$ current sources, $V_{OUTP}$ and $V_{OUTN}$ begin to go down. When either $V_{OUTP}$ or $V_{OUTN}$ decreases enough to turn on $P_{1}$ or $P_{2}$ transistor, $\varnothing _{EN}$ becomes low. This makes TP or TN low, which, in turn, freezes the output voltages $V_{OUTP}$ and $V_{OUTN}$. This second stage operation is referred to as T2V, and the conversion equation can be expressed by


By combining Eqs. (5) and (6), the gain G of the V-T-V converter can be expressed as

$G=\mathrm{V}2\mathrm{T}\cdot \mathrm{T}2\mathrm{V}=\frac{C_{DAC}}{C_{OUT}}\cdot \frac{I_{OUT}}{I_{DAC}}$.

In Eq. (7), it can be observed that the gain of the V-T-V converter depends only of the ratio of the capacitors and the ratio of the current sources. When there is a PVT variation, the currents from current sources or the capacitance of individual capacitors can fluctuate; however, it is expected that the ratio between two matched components do not change very much. Therefore, the V-T-V converter is inherently insensitive to PVT variations and can amplify the voltage by the desired gain without complex calibration.

Fig. 9 shows the gain variation against input voltage and temperature variations of the V-T-V converter in the CIFF path obtained from SPICE-level simulations. The target gain was two. Even if the process, the input voltage, or the temperature changes, the gain variation of the V-T-V converter was less than 4 %.

Fig. 10 shows the SNDR degradation versus amplifier gain variation obtained from behavioral simulations. It was assumed that gains $G_{1}$ and $G_{2}$ change by the same rate. When the thermal noise is not considered, it can be observed that for an amplifier gain variation of 4 %, the resulting SNDR degradation is smaller than 4 dB. In more realistic cases where the thermal noise is included, the SNDR is barely affected by the gain variation. Therefore, a complex gain calibration is not required.

Fig. 7. Schematic of the V-T-V converter used in the proposed NS-SAR ADC.
Fig. 8. Waveforms showing the operation of the V-T-V converter.
Fig. 9. Gain of the V-T-V converter for each corner against: (a) input voltage; (b) temperature.
Fig. 10. SNDR degradation versus amplifier gain variation.

3. Mismatch Shaping

The mismatch between capacitors comprising a CDAC can cause nonlinear distortion in a SAR ADC or a noise-shaped SAR ADC like the one proposed here. The proposed ADC use two CDACs, the coarse CDAC for SAR operation and the fine CDAC for the generation of the residue to be used in the noise-shaping. The performance degradation from the mismatch in the fine CDAC is much severe than the degradation from the mismatch in the coarse CDAC because the fine CDAC is responsible for the generation of the feedback signal used in the noise-shaping.

Table 1 shows the SNDR obtained from behavioral simulations of the proposed ADC including the CDAC mismatch. We can observe that the mismatch of up to 0.5 % in the coarse CDAC has very little effect on the SNDR performance. However, the mismatch in the fine CDAC degrades the SNDR seriously. Even with the 0.5 % mismatch, the SNDR is degraded by about 30 dB.

To reduce the distortion caused by the fine CDAC mismatch, the DWA technique was employed. It should be noted that the use of DWA is possible because all the capacitors in the fine CDAC switches together after a SAR conversion is completed.

Fig. 11 shows the structure of the fine CDAC, which adopts a bridge structure to reduce the total capacitance. Both MSB and LSB sides have 4-b resolution. All of the capacitors are designed to have the same unit capacitance$.$ The DWA is applied separately within MSB or LSB sides. Because the effective capacitance of the LSB side seen at the CDAC output is much smaller than that of the MSB sides, the effect of the mismatch in the LSB side to the system performance is much smaller than that in the MSB sides. The behavioral simulation results in Table 1 confirms that. The performance obtained applying the DWA to both MSB and LSB sides is almost identical to that obtained applying DWA to the MSB side only. Therefore, mismatch shaping is applied only to the MSB side for power efficiency.

Fig. 12 shows the output spectrum of the proposed ADC without and with mismatch shaping obtained by MATLAB behavioral simulations. In the simulations, 1 % (standard deviation) was used as the mismatch between unit capacitors, and the mismatch shaping was applied only to the MSB cap array of the fine CDAC. The spectrum in Fig. 12 represents an average of 100 simulations. In Fig. 12, when mismatch shaping is not applied, large harmonic distortion is generated due to mismatch, but when mismatch shaping is applied, the harmonic distortion is significantly reduced by the DWA technique. The residual harmonics after DWA application is mainly even-order ones, which are from the mismatch between sub-arrays responsible for up and down switching of the CDAC [16]. This can be further suppressed by using the two sub-arrays alternately in successive conversions [16]. However, this scheme was not applied in this work.

Fig. 11. Fine CDAC with DWA logic for mismatch shaping.
Fig. 12. Output spectra with and without mismatch shaping obtained from behavioral-level simulations using MATLAB. 1% mismatch was used.
Table 1. The effect of CDAC mismatch on SNDR with and without mismatch shaping


Coarse CDAC

(No shaping)


No shaping




























Fig. 13 shows the schematic of the 8-b coarse CDAC. It is drawn in a single-ended form for simplicity, whereas the actual circuit is differential. The CDAC samples the input signal through top-plate sampling, and the common-mode voltage of the CDAC is kept constant using the split-array CDAC switching technique [2]. The coarse CDAC is composed of capacitors in the order of 16C, 8C, 4C, 2C, 1C, 1C, and 1C, and thus has a smaller total capacitance than conventional binary-scaled CDACs. The unit capacitance used in the coarse CDAC was 4 fF, which was the smallest capacitance provided by the library. Because the thermal noise sampled by the coarse CDAC is heavily shaped by the noise transfer function of the NS-SAR ADC, we tried to minimize the capacitance of the coarse CDAC. It is noted that the capacitors for three LSBs (i.e., LSB+1, LSB+2 and LSB+3) have the same size of 1C. For the binary-weighted operation of the CDAC, the capacitor corresponding to LSB+2 is designed to switch only on one side in the differential structure, and the reference voltage of $V_{REF}/4$ is used for the capacitors corresponding to LSB+1.

Fig. 14 shows a schematic of the fine CDAC consisting of 4-b MSB and 4-b LSB arrays connected by a bridge capacitor $C_{B}$. Like the coarse CDAC, the fine CDAC also samples the input signal through the top-plate sampling. The unit capacitance in fine CDAC is 50 fF, and the total capacitance of the fine CDAC is 1.6 pF. To minimize the SNR degradation by the kT/C noise, the fine CDAC use larger unit capacitors than the coarse CDAC. Although it uses larger capacitors, the increase of the switching energy is limited because of the simultaneous switching of all capacitors in the fine CDAC. $C_{M}$ and $C_{L}$ represent adjustable trimming capacitor arrays. $C_{M}$ compensates for the gain mismatch between the coarse CDAC and the fine CDAC, and $C_{L}$ compensates for $C_{B}$ mismatch and the mismatch between the MSB and LSB sides.

In this work, a conventional StrongArm latch comparator was used. Fig. 15 shows a schematic of the comparator with CIFF path capacitors. In Fig. 15, $V_{DACP}$ and $V_{DACN}$ represent the differential output voltage of the coarse CDAC, while $V_{INTP}$ and $V_{INTN}$ represent the CIFF path feedback voltage. Because of the summation of two voltages using a series connection, just a one-input pair comparator rather than a multi-input comparator could be used.

Fig. 13. Schematic of the coarse CDAC.
Fig. 14. Schematic of the fine CDAC.
Fig. 15. Schematic of StrongArm latch with CIFF capacitors.


The proposed NS-SAR ADC was implemented in a 28-nm CMOS process. It operates at the sampling-rate of 40- MS/s with a 1-V power supply. With OSR of 10, this corresponds to 2 MHz of bandwidth. Fig. 16 shows the output spectrum of the NS-SAR ADC obtained from a SPICE-level simulation using Spectre. The red and blue lines represent the spectra from simulations with and without noise, respectively, and the vertical dashed line represents the bandwidth of 2 MHz. The characteristics of 3$^{\mathrm{rd}}$-order noise shaping can be clearly observed in the spectra.

Fig. 17 shows the SNDR as a function of the input amplitude. When the noise is not included in the simulation (blue circles), it achieved the maximum SNDR of 95.8 dB at the input amplitude of -4.5 dBFS. When the noise is included (red squares), the maximum SNDR was 82.7 dB with a dynamic range of 86 dB.

Fig. 18 shows the SNDR including the noise measured using transient noise simulations at multiple frequencies with an input amplitude of -4.5 dBFS. The noise bandwidth ( f$_{\mathrm{max,noise}}$) was 20 GHz, which was verified to be adequate.

Table 2 summarizes the ENOB and SNDR for each corner condition with and without transient noise. In Table 2, it can be observed that there is almost no difference between ADC performances from different corners.

When operated with the sampling rate of 40 MS/s with a 1-V supply voltage, the power consumption of the proposed NS-SAR ADC is 435 ${\mu}$W. Table 3 shows the breakdown of the power consumption among major blocks. The Schreier FoM is 179.4 dB and the Walden FoM is 9.71 fJ/conv-step. The performance of the proposed ADC is summarized and compared with relevant works in Table 4.

Fig. 16. Output spectra of the proposed ADC from transient simulations (Nfft=1024, fsig=0.66 MHz). Red line: transient noise simulation(fmax= 20GHZ ), Blue line: without noise.
Fig. 17. Input amplitude versus SNDR. Rectangles: with transient noise (fmax= 20GHZ ), circles: without noise.
Fig. 18. Input frequency versus SNDR from transient noise simulations.
Table 2. ENOB and SNDR for each corner condition

ENOB (bits)


w/o noise

w/ noise

w/o noise

w/ noise
















Table 3. Power Consumption Breakdown

Power Consumption



149 μW



19 μW



47 μW



170 μW



50 μW



435 μW


Table 4. Performance summary and comparison

This Work





Technology [nm]






Supply Voltage [V]






Power [uW]






Sampling Rate [MS/s]












Bandwidth [MHz]






NTF Order

























In this paper, we presented a 3$^{\mathrm{rd}}$-order NS-SAR ADC that used V-T-V converters as amplifiers in a EF-CIFF feedback structure. The V-T-V amplifiers had a low but PVT-insensitive gain, which can be controlled precisely. Therefore, we could design a loop filter with a sharp NTF using the amplifiers in open-loop amplifier/ integrator configurations. In addition, the proposed NS-SAR ADC used an additional CDAC to generate the residue voltage used in the noise shaping in addition to the CDAC for the SAR operation. This facilitated the implementation of the mismatch shaping for the fine CDAC for residue generation. The designed NS-SAR ADC had a high energy-efficiency, PVT-robustness, and high resolution.


This work was supported by the Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology (KIAT) grant funded by the Korea Government (MOTIE) (P0017011, HRD Program for Industrial Innovation). The EDA Tool was supported by the IC Design Education Center (IDEC).


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Sung-Hyun Park

Sung-Hyun Park received the B.S. degree in Electronics Engineering from Hanyang University, Ansan, Korea, in 2022. He was with Hanyang University for his M.S. degree in Electronics Engineering. His research focuses on analog/ mixed-signal circuit design including data converters.

Sang-Gyu Park

Sang-Gyu Park received B.S. and M.S. degrees in Electronics Engi-neering from Seoul National University in 1990 and 1992, respectively and received Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Purdue University in 1998. He worked at AT&T Laboratories-Research from 1998 to 2000 and joined the faculty of Hanyang University in 2000, where he is a professor in Electronics and Computer Engineering. His research area is the mixed-signal CMOS circuit design, with focus on delta-sigma oversampling data converters, high speed SAR ADCs and memory interface circuits.