ChoU Jin1
ParkSung Wook1
(Department of Electric Engineering, Gangneung-Wonju National
University, Gangneung, 25457, Korea
(Department of Electronic Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology,
Seoul 01811, Korea)
Copyright © The Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers(IEIE)
Index Terms
Random forest model, nanocomposite sensor, hydrogen, palladium, molybdenum disulfide
I. Introduction
Eco-friendly energy resources have attracted attention due to problems of climate
change and depletion of fossil fuels. Among eco-friendly energy sources, hydrogen
gets popularity because of its high energy efficiency and wide availability. However,
since hydrogen (H$_{2}$) is colorless, odorless, and tasteless, it is difficult to
detect leaking H$_{2}$by human senses. Furthermore, the flame of hydrogen is unobservable
under sunlight, so precise and highly reactive sensing techniques of hydrogen are
required in industries such as fuel cells, aerospace, and chemical manufacturing [1]. Hydrogen sensors must operate in a wide range of conditions while maintaining high
performance and compatibility with different industrial environments. Nanocomposite
hydrogen sensors using transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) nanosheets are powerful
candidates. 2D nanomaterials are suitable for a wide variety of applications with
their unique chemical, electrical, and optical properties. In particular, Molybdenum
disulfide (MoS$_{2}$) is being studied in the field of sensors due to its sensitivity
to toxic gases, high carrier mobility, and high aspect ratio characteristics. However,
typical MoS$_{2}$ devices have raised issues of high operating temperature and low
selectivity. In response to these problems, precious metals such as palladium (Pd)
and platinum (Pt) have emerged as catalysts. Pd is highly sensitive to H$_{2}$ and
can dissociate H$_{2}$ molecules at room temperature, enhancing performance of sensor
over a wide range of concentrations. Application of both materials improves the overall
efficiency and reliability of hydrogen sensors [2,3]. This study presents a proof of concept by combining nanocomposite hydrogen sensors
and machine learning models. Nanocomposite sensors are known for their high performance
at room temperature, but are highly sensitive to environmental factors so lead to
low accuracy when used out of laboratory. To mitigate influence of environmental factors
and improve performance of nanocomposite hydrogen sensors, we propose combining machine
learning models with sensors.
II. Materials and Methods
1. Sensor Fabrication
The fabrication process of nanocomposite hydrogen Sensor is illustrated in Fig. 1. First, Si wafer is prepared, and SiO$_{2}$ layer is deposited at 300 nm using wet
oxidation. After that, MoS$_{2}$ is deposited on the wafer through chemical vapor
deposition (CVD). CVD process conditions are maintained at 200 $^{\circ}$C in the
upstream region and 720 $^{\circ}$C in the central heating region. Ar gas is injected
with 200 Standard cubic centimeters per minute (SCCM). Molybdenum trioxide powder
(2 mg) and sulfur powder (100 mg) are placed in a quartz tube in a 3-zone tube furnace.
A combination of molybdenum trioxide powder (2 mg) and sulfur powder (100 mg) is placed
in a quartz tube. Through this deposition process, MoS$_{2}$ accumulates to a thickness
of about 1.4 nm and forms about eight layers. After MoS$_{2}$ deposition, a show mask
is used to pattern sensor. Pd is deposited over the MoS$_{2}$ layer through DC sputtering.
Pd is deposited for 4 s with an Ar flow rate of 30 SCCM and a power of 100 W to form
discrete Pd particles of 4 nm thickness. This condition was set to effectively balance
sensor sensitivity and response time. Thickness of Pd layer affects sensor performance.
An extremely thin Pd layer, such as 1 nm, forms discontinuous Pd particles. As a result,
contact area with gas is limited. Sensitivity and response time are relatively reduced.
Conversely, as thickness increases, sensitivity and reactivity increase. However,
the formation of continuous layers can degrade performance due to charge accumulation
and reduced contact area. A layer of 10 nm Ti and a layer of 40 nm Au are deposited
through DC sputtering [4].
Fig. 1. The fabrication process of nanocomposite hydrogen Sensors.
2. Sensor Mechanism
This section describes basic behavior and fundamental principles of nanocomposite
hydrogen Sensor. Sensor detects presence of H$_{2}$ through interaction of the components.
Detection of nanocomposite hydrogen Sensors takes advantage of unique characteristics
of MoS$_{2}$ and Pd. MoS$_{2}$ performs two main functions to improve performance
of sensor. First, MoS$_{2}$ acts as a channel for current flow. Second, MoS$_{2}$
adsorbs oxygen molecules on surface to form oxygen ion species. This adsorption process
increases resistance of MoS$_{2}$ since adsorbed oxygen is formed as oxygen ions through
electrons of MoS$_{2}$. Fig. 2 shows mechanism of nanocomposite hydrogen Sensor. In the absence of H$_{2}$, MoS$_{2}$
adsorbs oxygen molecules to form oxygen ion species that increase resistance of material.
When exposed to H$_{2}$, Pd plays an important role in dissociating H$_{2}$ molecules
and absorbing generated H$_{2}$ atoms. This leads to a "spillover effect" in which
H$_{2}$atoms move from Pd layer to MoS$_{2}$. On the MoS$_{2}$ surface, H$_{2}$ atoms
react with oxygen ion species to produce water and electrons. This electron is injected
into the MoS$_{2}$ channel, resulting in a change in resistance. The sensor detects
H$_{2}$ leakage through a change in resistance caused by interaction of H$_{2}$ [5].
Fig. 2. The Mechanism of nanocomposite hydrogen Sensors.
Fig. 3. Random forest model for environmental variable prediction.
3. Machine Learning Algorithm
The machine learning (ML) model determined for sensor application is random forest
(RF) model. RF models derive reliable results as a way to ensemble them into decision
trees. As shown in igure 3, RF models are the process of generating multiple decision
trees using different training datasets and combining the predictions of these trees
for final output. RF models use a bagging approach to reduce the model variance and
prevent overfitting. Bagging generates multiple bootstrap samples from original data
and trains each decision tree with each sample. In this process, each tree learns
different data and reduces risk of overfitting individual trees. Furthermore, RF models
compensate for the weaknesses of individual models and increase their stability by
combining predictions from multiple models through ensemble learning [6].
Sensor chip inside the chamber was connected to an electronic circuit that collects
sensor signals and sends them to PC via Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) interface.
The output voltage of each sensor node was collected from a resistor connected in
series with sensor node. An ATMega 2560 microcontroller is programmed to process an
8-bit digital-to-analog converter (MCP3008) and related electronic components and
send voltage signals to PC. Therefore, sensor can measure voltage range from 0 to
5 VDC with an accuracy of 0.1 mV. In this process, we used MiCS-2714 sensor, due to
compatibility issues with nanocomposite sensors. This approach was able to confirm
future applicability of nanocomposite sensors and ML model [7]. Fig. 4 shows a flowchart of ML model generation and completion process. To build the ML
model, input values were assigned as temperature, humidity, voltage, and current,
and output values were assigned as H$_{2}$ concentrations. Dataset is divided into
training and testing datasets at an 80:20 ratio to check predictive accuracy of algorithm
Improve accuracy of H$_{2}$ concentration detection in various environmental conditions
by incorporating the RF model with sensors. The approach ensures stability and reliability
of nanocomposite hydrogen sensor system.
Fig. 4. Flow chart for generating Random forest model and completion process.
III. Results
1. Measurement Results
Fig. 5 shows sensitivity of nanocomposite sensor at room temperature according to H$_{2}$
concentration. Fig. 5(a) illustrates sensor response to a 1% H$_{2}$ concentration, indicating an average
sensitivity of 1.34. When H$_{2}$ concentration is increased to 3% (Fig. 5(b)), average sensitivity increases to 2.17. Finally, at 4% H$_{2}$ concentration
(Fig. 5(c)), average sensitivity reaches 2.77. Response time was 4 to 5 seconds. Response
time was defined as time required for current to change by 90%. Sensitivity is calculated
as $S$ = Ig / I0. Ig is current after H$_{2}$ gas injection, and I0 is current without
H$_{2}$ gas. Fast response time was caused by high carrier mobility and simple structure
of sensor. Unlike typical MoS$_{2}$ based sensors, which often require high operating
temperatures, these sensors have demonstrated reactivity to H$_{2}$ at room temperature.
Pd aggregates H$_{2}$ and lowers activation energy with H$_{2}$. The sensitivity graph
shows that sensitivity increases as H$_{2}$ concentration increases. The reason is
that when concentration of H$_{2}$ increases, the number of H$_{2}$ molecules that
react with Pd particles increases. Thus, the number of electrons injected into the
channel increases, resulting in an increase in current.
Fig. 5. The sensitivity of nanocomposite hydrogen sensors using H2 concentration at room temperature: H2 concentration is (a) 1%; (b) 3%; (c) 4%.
2. Machine Learning Accuracy
Application of RF models to hydrogen sensors demonstrates high accuracy in predicting
H$_{2}$ concentration and state. As shown in Fig. 6, the RF model achieved a mean square error (MSE) of 0.0506 and an R$^{2}$ score of
0.994 in H$_{2}$ concentration prediction. A high R$^{2}$ score indicates that model
accounts for 99.4% of the data variance, indicating a nearly perfect fit between predicted
and true concentrations. Strong correlation is shown in scatterplot where predicted
concentration almost follows true concentration line. The RF model was trained from
concentration data and state data to extract more accurate state predictions.
The confusion matrix for sensor state prediction shows an overall accuracy of 0.979.
Among the total predictions, the RF model correctly categorized 318 instances as "Safe"
and 661 instances as "Help". In the case of misclassification, 11 "Safe" instances
were "Help" and 10 "Help" instances were "Safe", which were only a few. Results of
the RF model are as follows. The RF model utilize ensembles of decision trees to help
average errors and reduce overfitting. Ensemble approaches ensure stability against
noise in the data. Bagging reduces variance through training on a random subset of
data. The RF model predict from weights of environmental conditions such as temperature,
humidity, voltage, and current. Therefore, the weighting of environmental conditions
categorizes factors that directly affect response of sensors and determines importance
of environmental conditions. The RF model are crucial for accurately predicting H$_{2}$
concentrations in different environments.
Fig. 6. (a) Confusion matrix for nanocomposite sensor status; (b) estimated concentration versus actual concentration for the tested data.
IV. Conclusions
In conclusion, this study demonstrates the improvement of accuracy and reliability
of H$_{2}$ detection through the integration of RF models and nanocomposite hydrogen
sensors. Nanocomposite hydrogen sensor exhibited high sensitivity and fast reaction
times for various H$_{2}$ concentrations at room temperature. Nanocomposite sensors
complemented the limitations of conventional hydrogen sensors, such as high operating
temperature and low selectivity. The RF model improves prediction accuracy for H$_{2}$
concentration and sensor state through ensemble learning. Accuracy of RF models showed
high accuracy with an R$^{2}$ score of 0.994 and an MSE of 0.0506. Furthermore, the
RF model showed a high classification accuracy of 0.979 in sensor state prediction,
as indicated by confusion matrix results. This ensemble method effectively mitigates
overfitting, ensuring reliable performance under various environmental conditions.
The integration of ML models with advanced nanocomposite hydrogen sensors provides
a promising path to developing highly accurate and reliable hydrogen detection systems.
This research was supported by the National R&D Program through the National Research
Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science and ICT (NRF-2022M3I7A1078936)
and also supported by "Regional Innovation Strategy (RIS)" through the National Research
Foundation of Korea(NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education (MOE)(2022RIS-005)
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U Jin Cho has been studying in the Department of Electronic Engi-neering at Gangneung-Wonju
National University (GWNU, Korea) in 2019. Currently, he is conducting Nanocomposite
hydrogen sensor and Machine Learning research with Professor Min-Woo Kwon in the Intelligent
Semiconductor Device & Circuit Design Laboratory (ISDL). He is currently attending
You Hyeong Jeon has been studying in the Department of Electronic Engineering
at Gangneung-Wonju National university (GWNU, Korea) in 2019. Since 2022, Hydrogen
Sensor research were conducted with Min-Woo Kwon. He is currently-attending school.
Sung Wook Park received B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Electronic Engineering
from Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea, in 1993, 1995, and 1998, respectively.
He was a Principal Engineer with Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., Suwon, South Korea,
from 1998 to 2008. Since 2009, he has been a Professor with the Department of Electronics
and Semiconductor Engineering, Gangneung-Wonju Natl. University, Gangneung-city, South
Korea. His research interests include signal processing and its VLSI implementation,
speech enhancement and neural networks.
Min-Woo Kwon received his B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering
from Seoul National University (SNU) in 2012 and 2019, respectively. From 2019 to
2021, he worked at Samsung Semiconductor Laboratories, where he contributed to the
development of 1x nm DRAM cell transistors and their characterization. From 2021 to
2024, he worked at Gangneung-Wonju National University (GWNU) as an assistant professor
in the Department of Electric Engineering. Since 2024, he has been conducting research
in the Department of Electronic Engineering at Seoul National University of Science
and Technology, where he is currently a professor. His current research interests
include the design and fabrication of neuromorphic devices (memristor synaptic device,
neuron circuit), steep switching devices (FBFET), DRAM cell transistors, and 2-dimensional