(Department of Electronic Engineering, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Mohyeon-eup,
Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do 17035, Korea)
Copyright © The Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers(IEIE)
Index Terms
FB PD-SOI, SOI MOSFET, RF inductive effect, kink effect, S-parameter
I. Introduction
High resistivity (HR) partially depleted (PD) silicon-on-insulator (SOI) MOSFETs have
a great advantage in RF SoC fabrication due to low cross-coupling, low cross-talk
noise, and low leakage current. When the drain-source voltage $V_{DS}$ becomes higher
in floating body (FB) PD SOI n-MOSFETs, the impact ionization hole current $I_{imp}$
generated in the pinch-off region flows into the grounded source, causing an increase
in the internal body voltage $V_{Bi}$ as shown in Fig. 1(a). This rise in $V_{Bi}$ leads to a decrease in the threshold voltage $V_{th}$, resulting
in an increase in the channel current $I_{ch}$, so called ``kink effect'' [1-5].
Fig. 1. The cross-section of (a) FB PD-SOI n-MOSFET; (b) BCT PD-SOI n-MOSFET.
The DC kink voltage $V_{kink}$, which indicates the $V_{DS}$ value at which the kink
effect starts to occur, decreases as the channel length decreases due to the reduction
in the drain-source saturation voltage $V_{DSAT}$, and the sub-bandgap $V_{kink}$
decreases to $0.6V$ below $E_{g}/q$ of $1.12V$ in Si as the mask gate length $L_{g}$
is scaled down to $0.13\mu m$ [6].
PD-SOI n-MOSFETs used in this study have the body doping concentration of $6\times
10^{17}$cm$^{-3}$, the Si body thickness of 80 nm, and the gate oxide thickness of
2.8~nm. In order to reduce the parasitic gate resistance for the purpose of improving
RF and noise performances, the devices use multi-finger geometry with multiple polysilicon
gate fingers. In Fig. 2, which shows the $I_{DS}-V_{DS}$ curve of a multi-finger FB PD-SOI n-MOSFET with
the gate length $L_{g}$ of 0.1 ${\mu}$m, unit gate finger width $W_{u}$ of 10 ${\mu}$m,
and the number of gate finger $N_{f}$ of 16, $V_{kink}$ is measured to be approximately
$0.55V$ at $V_{GS}=0.5V.$
Fig. 2. Comparison between measured $I_{DS}-V_{DS}$ curves of FB and BCT PD-SOI
This reduction in $V_{kink}$ may be a significant issue when designing low-power ICs
that require a lower operating voltage. The significantly increased breakdown current
at $V_{DS}>1.7V$ shown in Fig. 2 appears to be caused by the punch-through leakage current that arises from merged
source-body and drain-body depletion regions at the high $V_{DS}$range.
To mitigate the non-linearity caused by the kink effect, body contact (BCT) PD-SOI
devices in Fig. 1(b) have been utilized [7-16]. However, as the $W_{u}/L_{g}$ ratio of gate finger increases, an increase in $I_{DS}$
still occurs at a much higher $V_{DS}$ ($V_{kink}=1.2V$ at $V_{GS}=0.5V$) than that
in FB devices as shown in Fig. 2. This phenomenon, similar to the kink effect, is caused by an increase in the internal
body voltage ($V_{Bi}=I_{imp}R_{body})$ across the body resistance $R_{body}$ that
linearly increases with the $W_{u}/L_{g}$ of BCT devices in Fig. 1(b) [14]. The increase in $V_{Bi}$ leads to a decrease in $V_{th}$, resulting in the rise
of $I_{ch}$, so called a substrate current-induced body effect (SCBE) [14].
Recently, in the BCT device, it has been demonstrated that an anomalous RF inductive
effect originating from negative capacitance by SCBE appears at the drain when a higher
$V_{DS}$ than $V_{kink}$ is applied [14]. Due to this effect, the $S_{21}$ and $S_{22}$-parameters rotate clockwise in the
lower and upper semicircles on the Smith chart, respectively, as the frequency increases.
Also, research has been conducted to analyze this effect physically and to model it
using a small-signal equivalent circuit [14]. In addition, research has been conducted on how to effectively extract these parameters
using a simple RF inductive model with an RLC resonant circuit in BCT devices [15,16].
Fig. 3 shows the measured $S_{22}$-parameters of our FB and BCT PD-SOI n-MOSFETs with the
$I_{DS}-V_{DS}$ characteristics in Fig. 2. In Fig. 3, similar RF inductive effects are observed in both FB and BCT devices. As shown in
Fig. 3, the starting point at the minimum measurement frequency ($10MHz$) in the rotating
trajectory shifts to the left as $V_{DS}$ increases. Additionally, this trajectory
rotates in a clockwise direction and its radius increases. As verified previously
in a BCT device [14], this RF inductive effect in the FB device is also caused by the negative capacitance
shown in Fig. 4, where the output drain-source capacitance of $C_{out}$ is determined from $\left(1/\omega
\right)\text{Imag}\left(Y_{22}\right)$ converted from measured $S$-parameters. It
is revealed that this negative capacitance arises from impact ionization, using an
output AC equivalent circuit of Fig. 5 that is similar to one in a BCT device [14], with the only difference being that $R_{body}$ becomes infinite in the FB device.
Fig. 3. Admittance Smith chart for the measured $S_{22}$ -parameters of (a) FB PD-SOI
n-MOSFET; (b) BCT PD-SOI n-MOSFET at $V_{GS}$=0.5V , with varying $V_{DS}$ in the
frequency range of 0.01∼20 GHz.
In the case of a BCT device with $L_{g}=0.25\mu m$, it has been previously reported
that the rotational trajectory of $S_{22}$-parameter apparently begins to appear at
the DC $V_{kink}$ of around $1.7V$ [14-16]. In our BCT device with $L_{g}=0.1\mu m$ in Fig. 2, it is also observed that the RF inductive effect starts from the DC $V_{kink}$ of
around $1.2V$ in Fig. 3(b). This is very reasonable because the negative capacitance originates from impact
ionization leading to the occurrence of the kink effect.
However, in the FB device, the rotational locus of $S_{22}$-parameter from 10 MHz
is observed in Fig. 3(a) only when $V_{DS}\geq 1.2V,$ which is significantly higher than the DC $V_{kink}$
of $0.55V$ in Fig. 2. Unlike the BCT devices where the starting voltage of the inductive effect is about
same as DC $V_{kink}$, this $V_{DS}$ dependent RF inductive effect in the FB device,
which occurs at about two times higher $V_{DS}$ than DC $V_{kink}$, is anomalous because
the negative capacitance caused by the kink effect still exists down to $0.6\,\mathrm{V}$
in Fig. 4. This anomalous effect may be advantageous in the design of low-power RF ICs because
the inductive locus in Fig. 3 disappears up to the operating voltage of $1.1V\,.$ However, the physical reason
for the discrepancy between DC $V_{kink}$ and the voltage at which the RF inductive
effect begins to appear has not been studied yet.
Fig. 4. Measured curve of $C_{OUT}$ versus frequency at different $V_{DS}$ for an
Therefore, in this paper, we newly analyze the $V_{DS}$-dependent RF inductive effect
to reveal the origin of this anomalous discrepancy in the FB device. We focus on the
analysis of the rotation trajectory in the $S_{22}$-parameter, based on the pole frequency
$f_{p}$and the maximum magnitude of the output susceptance.
II. RF Inductive Effect
Fig. 5 shows the physical output equivalent circuit that considers the impact ionization
and parasitic BJT [14] for an FB PD-SOI MOSFET, where $C_{gd}~ $ is the gate-drain capacitance, $g_{dso}$
is the drain-source output conductance, $C_{box}$ is the buried oxide coupling capacitance
[17], $C_{bd}$ is the body-drain junction capacitance, $C_{bs}$ is the body-source capacitance,
$g_{bs}$ is the dynamic body-source conductance, $g_{mb}$ is the body transconductance,
$g_{mp}$ is the transconductance of parasitic BJT, and $g_{mi}$ is the conductance
for impact ionization current. The parasitic resistances ($R_{s}$, $R_{d}$) are omitted
in Fig. 5, because these have a negligible frequency effect on the $Y_{22}$-parameter within
a few $GHz$ in the Fig. 7 and 8.
Fig. 5. A physical output equivalent circuit for an FB PD-SOI MOSFET with kink effect
in the saturation region. Since the body is floating, $R_{body}$ is removed from
the output equivalent circuit for a BCT PD-SOI MOSFET [14].
Fig. 6. A simple output equivalent circuit for modeling the RF inductive effect.
Fig. 7. Measured $G_{out}$ versus frequency curves at different $V_{DS}$ for an
After deriving the negative drain-source capacitance $C_{dsb}$ equation from Fig. 5, it is converted into the equivalent drain-source inductance $L_{dsb}$ using $-1/\left(\omega
^{2}C_{dsb}\right)$and approximated at $f\gg g_{bs}/\left[2\pi \left(C_{bs}+C_{bd}\right)\right]$
as follows [14]:
In order to analyze the $V_{DS~ }$- dependence of the RF inductive effect in the FB
device effectively, we uses a simple RLC output equivalent circuit [15,16] in Fig. 6, where $L_{k}$ is the effective inductance defined by (1), $R_{k}$ is the kink resistance, $g_{dso}$ is the non-kink drain-source conductance,
and $C_{tot}$ is the total output capacitance in Fig. 5.
The output admittance $Y_{22}$ of Fig. 6 can be expressed as follows:
As the frequency increases, the output conductance $G_{out}$ of (2) rapidly decreases beyond the pole frequency $f_{p}$, which is calculated as $R_{k}/\left(2\pi
L_{k}\right)$. After that, $G_{out}$ becomes a constant $g_{dso}.$ Similarly, the
output susceptance $B_{out}$ of (3) decreases in a negative direction and then increases again in a positive direction.
These trends agree well with the frequency-dependent curves shown in Fig. 7 and 8.
On the other hand, in the admittance Smith chart plot shown in Fig. 3, the $S_{22}$-parameter is represented by the intersection of the constant conductance
circle and the constant susceptance circle. As the frequency increases, the conductance
and susceptance change exhibits a rotational locus on the Smith chart. In Fig. 7 and 8, it is observed that as the frequency increases, $G_{out}$ decreases rapidly
and then becomes a constant, while the magnitude of negative $B_{out}$($\left| B_{out}\right|
$) increases and reaches its peak at $f_{min}\,.$ According to the frequency dependencies
of $G_{out}$ and $B_{out},$ the $S_{22}$-parameter moves in a clockwise direction
on the upper side of the real axis, as shown in Fig. 3.
As the value of $G_{out}$ decreases in Fig. 7, $Real\left(S_{22}\right)$ shifts toward the right. When $B_{out}$ reaches zero,
$G_{out}$ is almost minimized, and $Real\left(S_{22}\right)$ stops moving at the right
end. Thus, the frequency trace of the $S_{22}$-parameter in Fig. 3 is shown as a clockwise-rotating curve.
To determine the $V_{DS}$ dependence of this RF inductive effect of the FB device
shown in Fig. 3(a), we need to consider the frequency-dependence of $G_{out}$ and $B_{out}$. Specifically,
we utilize the magnitude of the minimum $B_{out}$($\left| B_{out\left(min\right)}\right|
$) and the corresponding frequency $f_{min}$. This is because the rotation radius
of the $S_{22}$-parameter trajectory in Fig. 3 is determined by $\left| B_{out\left(min\right)}\right| $, and the rotation angle
is determined by $f_{p}$. As shown in Fig. 3, the rotation radius and angle for the $S_{22}$-parameter decrease as $V_{DS}$ decreases.
As a result, the RF inductive effect does not appear at $V_{DS}\leq 1.1V$ on the Smith
Fig. 8. Measured $B_{out}$ versus frequency curves at different $V_{DS}$ for an
Firstly, to determine $\left| B_{out\left(min\right)}\right| $ in Fig. 8, we need to find $f_{min}$ at which $dB_{out}/df=0$ and substitute it into (3). However, this process is quite complex and difficult to derive. To avoid this problem,
we can simplify (3) by ignoring $C_{tot}\,,$ which is much smaller than $L_{k}/\left({R_{k}}^{2}+\omega
^{2}{L_{k}}^{2}\right)$. The $f_{min}$ obtained in this way is approximated by $f_{p}$
in (2):
Accordingly, substituting (4) into (3) yields:
In Fig. 7, the kink effect that causes the increase in $G_{out}$ disappears at high frequencies
(HFs) where $f\gg f_{p}$, and $G_{out\left(HF\right)}\approx g_{dso}$ as shown in
(2). Therefore, the low-frequency (LF) kink conductance $G_{k\left(LF\right)}\left(=1/R_{k}\right)$
is extracted by subtracting $G_{out\left(HF\right)}$ from the $G_{out\left(LF\right)}$
value at the minimum measurement frequency of $10MHz$. However, the measured $G_{out}$
at $10MHz$ below $V_{DS}=1.4V$ is lower than the DC value. As a result, the extracted
$G_{k\left(LF\right)}$ value is inaccurate at $V_{DS}<1.4V$. However, accurate $G_{k\left(LF\right)}$
values can be extracted at $V_{DS}=1.5\sim 1.9V$.
Fig. 9 displays the extracted values of $-G_{k\left(LF\right)}/2$ compared with $B_{out\left(min\right)}$
measured from Fig. 8. In Fig. 9, $-0.5G_{k\left(LF\right)}$ shows good agreement with the measured $B_{out\left(min\right)}$,
with an error rate within 10%. This indicates that the term of $(R_{k}/L_{k})C_{tot}$
in (5) is much smaller than $-0.5G_{k\left(LF\right)}\,.$ Thus, we can approximate $B_{out\left(min\right)}$
as $-G_{k\left(LF\right)}/2$.
Fig. 9. Measured $B_{out(min)}$ and extracted -$G_{k(LF)}$ as a function of $V_{DS}$
for an FB PD-SOI n-MOSFET.
Since $\left| B_{out\left(min\right)}\right| $ is progressively reduced at lower $V_{DS}$
in Fig. 9, the rotation radius of the $S_{22}$-parameter trajectory also continuously decreases
in Fig. 3. To explain the anomalous disappearance of the $S_{22}$-parameter trajectory for
the FB device as $V_{DS}$ decreases in Fig. 3(a), we will conduct a physical analysis of the dependencies of $V_{DS}$ on $G_{k\left(LF\right)}$
and $f_{p}$ in the next section.
III. Analysis of Bias-dependence
The primary purposes of this section are to analyze the $V_{DS~ }$- dependence of
$G_{k\left(LF\right)}$ and $f_{p}$ in order to explain the invisibility of the $S_{22}$-parameter
trajectory of the FB device at the bias region of $0.6\,\mathrm{V}\leq V_{DS}\leq
1.1V$ in Fig. 3(a) using the rotation radius and angle for the $S_{22}$- parameter.
1. Kink Conductance
From Fig. 5, $G_{k}$ is derived as a function of frequency as follows [14]:
In (6), $f_{p}$ is given by:
In (6), $G_{k\left(LF\right)}$ in the low-frequency region where $f\ll f_{p}$ is approximated
According to the kink effect, which causes the RF inductive effect, the impact ionization
body current $I_{B}(I_{imp}),$ generated by $V_{DS}$ in the pinch-off region, flows
to the internal body-source junction in the FB device. Due to the impact ionization
process [5,18], $I_{B}$ is defined as $I_{DS}\left(M-1\right),$ where the low-voltage thermally-assisted
impact ionization multiplication factor $M$ is expressed by the following equation
where $M_{0}$ is the value of $M-1$ at $V_{DS}=V_{DSAT}+E_{g}/q$, $E_{g}$ is the energy
gap in Si, and $m$ is the ideality factor of impact ionization.
Using (9), $g_{mi}$ under the condition of $qI_{DS}/\left(mkT\right)\gg g_{dso}$ is defined
The I-V characteristic equation of the body-source junction where $I_{B}$ flows is
expressed as:
where $I_{bo}$ is the reverse saturation base current and $\eta $ is the ideality
factor of the body-source junction.
Using (11), $g_{bs}$ is defined as
Using (9), (10) and (12), the following equation is obtained:
Since $g_{mp}$ is much smaller than $g_{mb}$ in the kink bias [14], $G_{k\left(LF\right)}$ in (8) can be approximated as $\left(\eta /m\right)g_{mb}$ using (13). This $g_{mb}$ can be obtained using the following formula in the saturation region:
where $\mu _{n}$ is the electron mobility, $c$ is the channel length modulation parameter,
and the threshold voltage $V_{th}$ is expressed as [19]:
where $V_{FB}$ is the flat-band voltage, $\Psi _{B}$ is the surface potential, $\epsilon_{s}$
is the permittivity of Si, $N_{ch}$ is the channel doping concentration, and $C_{ox}$is
the gate oxide capacitance per unit channel area.
Using (14) and (15), $g_{mb}$ is defined as follows:
where $g_{m}$ is the MOSFET transconductance given by:
As $V_{Bi}$ increases due to $I_{B}$ generated at high $V_{DS}$, $g_{mb}$ also increases
in (16). In order to accurately calculate the $V_{DS}$-dependent effect of $g_{mb}$ instead
of $V_{Bi}$, a relational expression between $V_{Bi}$ and $V_{DS}$ is required.
Since $I_{DS}\left(M-1\right)$ is equal to (11), the following expression at $V_{DS}>V_{kink}$ is defined as [6]:
where $m$, $\eta $, $I_{b0}$, $M_{0}$, and $V_{DSAT}$ are independent of $V_{DS}$.
As $V_{DS}$ increases in the kink region, $I_{DS}$ increases and the second term of
(18) involving a logarithmic function decreases. However, this decrease is much smaller
compared to the increase of $V_{Bi}$ in the first term. Therefore, (18) can be expressed as a linear function of $V_{DS}\approx aV_{Bi}+b$. Substituting
this linear function back into (16), we obtain the $V_{DS}$-dependent equation of $g_{mb}=a\left(1+cV_{DS}\right)\left(b-V_{DS}\right)^{-0.5}$.
According to this equation, the value of $G_{k\left(LF\right)}\approx \left(\eta /m\right)g_{mb}$
is reduced as $V_{DS}$ decreases, as shown in Fig. 10.
Fig. 10. Extracted $G_{k(LF)}$ data from Fig. 7 as a function of $V_{DS}$ for an
Since $\left| B_{out\left(min\right)}\right| \approx 0.5G_{k\left(LF\right)}$ in (5), it is verified that the reduction of $\left| B_{out\left(min\right)}\right| $ with
decreasing $V_{DS}$ in Fig. 9 is primarily due to the $V_{DS}~ $- dependence of $g_{mb}$ in (16). Accordingly, the $g_{mb}$ equation provides a theoretical explanation for the decrease
in the rotation radius of the $S_{22}$-parameter trajectory. Based on $G_{k\left(LF\right)}$
in Fig. 10, it is confirmed that the rotation radius decreases largely from $1.8V$ to $1.7V,$
and then gradually decreases further below $1.6V$.
2. Pole Frequency
Meanwhile, $G_{out}$ in Fig. 7 is measured from the minimum measurement frequency of $10MHz$ in our vector network
analyzer. If $f_{p}$ is less than $10MHz$, the $G_{out}$ measured at $10MHz$ is much
smaller than the $G_{k\left(LF\right)}$ value at DC, and the $B_{out\left(min\right)}$
at $f_{p}$ can’t be measured. Thus, the measured $\left| B_{out}\right| $ at $10MHz$,
which is much less than $\left| B_{out\left(min\right)}\right| $, only represents
the latter part of the entire rotation trajectory of the $S_{22}$-parameter in Fig. 3. Therefore, in order to accurately understand the $V_{DS}$-dependency of the $S_{22}$-parameter
rotation trajectory, $f_{p}$ should be measured, and it is necessary to analyze the
$V_{DS~ }$-dependency on $f_{p}$ in (7).
To determine the accurate values of $f_{p}$, we utilize a novel curve-fitting method
[20] based on the simple frequency-dependent $G_{out}$ equation derived from (6) :
where $f_{z}$ is the zero frequency of $G_{k}$ in (6) and is expressed as:
Under the kink bias, $C_{bd}\ll C_{bs},$ because the body-drain junction is reverse-biased
and the body-source junction is forward-biased in the parasitic BJT. Under the condition
of $C_{bd}\ll C_{bs}\,,$ it is satisfied that $g_{dso}\gg \left(g_{mb}+g_{mp}\right)C_{bd}/\left(C_{bs}+C_{bd}\right)$
in (21), thus resulting in $G_{out\left(HF\right)}=K~ \approx g_{dso}\,.$ Since $H~ \approx
~ G_{k\left(LF\right)}$ at $f_{p}\ll f_{z}$ in (20), $G_{k\left(LF\right)}\approx G_{out\left(LF\right)}-G_{out\left(HF\right)}$ in Fig. 7.
Since H and K at the fixed bias are constant values that are independent of frequency,
the $V_{DS}$-dependent $f_{p}$ data is easily extracted by fitting (19) to match with the $G_{out}$ versus frequency data in Fig. 7. When $V_{DS}\leq 1.1V$, the extraction of $f_{p}$ data is impossible because it
is less than $10MHz$. Thus, only $f_{p}$ data extracted at voltages above $1.2V$ is
shown in Fig. 11. The log$(f_{p})$ increases linearly when $V_{DS}>1.2V$ and gradually saturates after
$V_{DS}$ reaches $1.5V$.
Under the kink bias region, (7) can be expressed as $f_{p}\approx g_{bs}/C_{bs}$, where $C_{bs}$ is the sum of the
depletion capacitance $C_{js}$ and the diffusion capacitance $C_{diff}\,.$ Under forward
bias, $C_{js}$ and $C_{diff}$ are expressed as:
where $C_{jso}$ is the value of $C_{js}$ when $V_{Bi}=0V$, $M_{jd}$ is the junction
grading coefficient, $V_{built\_ in}$ is the built-in potential, $\beta _{F}$ is the
common-emitter(source) current gain, and $\tau _{F}$ is the forward transit time.
In Fig. 11, when $V_{Bi}$ is lower than $V_{built\_ in}$ of the body-source junction, $C_{bs}$
is primarily influenced by $C_{js}$ because $C_{diff}\ll C_{js}\,.$ Since $V_{DS}$
and $V_{Bi}$ have a linear relationship in (18), $C_{js}$ in (23) is also a linear function of $V_{DS}\,.$ Additionally, $g_{bs}$ exponentially increases
due to impact ionization as $V_{DS}$rises in (13). Thus, $ln\left(f_{p}\right)$ is expressed as $ln(g_{bs})-ln\left(C_{js}\right)\approx
CV_{DS}-Dln\left(V_{DS}\right)+E.$ Since$ln(g_{bs})$ increases more rapidly than $ln\left(C_{js}\right)$
with rising $V_{DS}$, the slope in Fig. 11 becomes approximately linear at $V_{DS}\leq 1.5V$. However, when $V_{Bi}$ is higher
than $V_{built\_ in}$, $C_{diff}$ in (24) becomes dominant ($C_{diff}\gg C_{js}$). Therefore, the value of $f_{p}\approx g_{bs}/C_{diff}$
becomes saturated at very high $V_{DS}$ values.
In Fig. 11, it is evident that $f_{p}$ is less than $10~ MHz$ for $V_{DS}$ values lower than
$1.1V$. Accordingly, the measured $G_{k}$ at $10MHz$ becomes negligible at $V_{DS}\leq
1.1V$ in Fig. 7, as $G_{out}$ decreases rapidly for $f>f_{p}$. Thus, the values of $\left| B_{out}\right|
$ at frequencies above $10MHz$ at $V_{DS}\leq 1.1V$ are much lower than $\left| B_{out\left(min\right)}\right|
$ shown in Fig. 9. Since $f_{p}$$\leq $$10MHz$ at $V_{DS}\leq 1.1V$, the rotation angle of the frequency
trajectory in the $S_{22}$-parameter in Fig. 3 is substantially reduced at $V_{DS}\leq 1.1V$ compared to $180^{\circ}$ at very high
Fig. 11. Extracted $f_{p}$ data from Fig. 7 using (19) as a function of $V_{DS}$ for an FB PD-SOI n-MOSFET.
3. Physical Origin
When $V_{DS}$ decreases, $G_{k\left(LF\right)}$ gradually reduces due to $g_{mb}\,.$
Thus, $\left| B_{out\left(min\right)}\right| $ that is approximated by $G_{k\left(LF\right)}/2$
decreases, leading to a reduction in the rotation radius of the $S_{22}$-parameter
trajectory, as shown in Fig. 3. In Fig. 11, it is confirmed that $f_{p}$ decreases below $10MHz$ due to the reduction of $g_{bs}$
at $V_{DS}\leq 1.1V$. Thus, $\left| B_{out}\right| $ at $10MHz$ becomes very small,
leading to the rotation angle of the $S_{22}$-parameter being negligible when $V_{DS}<1.1V.$
Accordingly, the rotational trajectory cannot be seen in the frequency response of
the $S_{22}$-parameter when $V_{DS}=0.6\sim 1.1V$ in Fig. 3, even though $V_{DS}$ is greater than the DC $V_{kink}$ of $0.55V$. Through these
analyses, the origin of the invisibility of the $S_{22}$-parameter trajectory in the
bias region of $0.6\,\mathrm{V}\leq V_{DS}\leq 1.1V,$where negative capacitance exists,
is clearly identified for the first time.
IV. Conclusion
In order to reveal the physical origin of the anomalous $V_{DS}~ $- dependence in
the RF inductive effect of FB PD-SOI n-MOSFETs for the first time, the variation of
the rotation trajectory of the $S_{22}$-parameter on the Smith chart at different
$V_{DS}$ values is newly analyzed. This new analysis is based on the frequency-dependent
equations of $G_{out}$ and $B_{out}$, which are derived from an output equivalent
circuit. The accuracy of $\left| B_{out\left(min\right)}\right| \approx G_{k\left(LF\right)}/2$,
derived from the simple RLC circuit, is verified using the $G_{k\left(LF\right)}$
extracted from the measured $G_{out}$ data. We also physically proved that $G_{k\left(LF\right)}\approx
\left(\eta /m\right)g_{mb}\,.$ Using the physically derived equation for $V_{DS}$-dependent
$g_{mb}$, it is confirmed that the decreased turning radius of the $S_{22}$-parameter
at lower $V_{DS}$ is caused by the reduction of $g_{mb}$. In addition, it has been
found that $f_{p}$ decreases below the minimum frequency of $10MHz$ when $V_{DS}\leq
1.1V$. This reduction in $f_{p}$ is caused by the exponential decrease in $g_{bs}$
as $V_{DS}$ decreases. Due to the reduction in $g_{mb}$ and $f_{p}$ at lower $V_{DS}$,
the RF inductive effect in the $S_{22}$-parameter of FB devices does not appear at
$V_{DS}=0.6\sim 1.1V$, which is larger than the DC $V_{kink}$, even though negative
capacitance exists.
This work was supported by Hankuk University of Foreign Studies Research Fund
of 2023, and by the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) grant funded by the
Korea government(MSIT) (No. 2021R1A2C1095133).
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Kyeongjun Kim was born in Yongin, Korea, in 1995. He received the B.S. and M.S.
degrees in electronics engineering from the Hankuk University of Foreign Studies,
Yongin, Korea, in 2022 and 2024, respectively. His current research work is focused
on simulation, characterization, and SPICE modeling for RF MOSFETs.
Seonghearn Lee was born in Junjoo, Korea, in 1962. He received the B.E. degree
in electronic engineering in 1985 from Korea University, Seoul, Korea, and the M.S.
and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis,
in 1989 and 1992, res-pectively. His doctoral dissertation work involved the design,
fabrication, and parameter extraction of AlGaAs/GaAs heterojunction bipolar transistors.
From 1992 to 1995, he was a Senior Member of the Research Staff with the Semiconductor
Technology Division, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI),
Daejeon, Korea, where he worked on the development of polysilicon emitter bipolar
transistors and Si/SiGe/Si heterojunction bipolar transistors. Since 1995, he has
been with the Department of Electronic Engineering, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
(HUFS), Yongin, Korea, where he is currently a Professor. In 1996 and 1998, he was
an Invited Member of the Research Staff with ETRI, where he worked on RF CMOS modeling
in wireless communications applications. He served as the director of the Institute
of Information Industrial Engineering at HUFS in 2019. Since 1996, he has carried
out research on RF CMOS and bipolar compact modeling and parameter extraction for
the RF IC design. In 2013, he successfully developed SPICE model library for SOI RF
CMOS Process at the National Nanofab Center, Daejeon, Korea. In 2020, he built a novel
RF harmonic distortion breakdown model of HRS-SOI MOSFETs for RF switch IC design
through a research and development project funded by DB HiTek, Bucheon, Korea. His
research interests are in the field of characterization, parameter extraction, and
compact modeling of silicon devices for use in high-frequency ICs. Prof. Lee is a
senior member of the IEEE Electron Devices Society and a member of IEIE. He served
as a subcommittee chair at the Korean Conference on Semiconductors (KCS) from 2012
to 2013. He received the HUFS Excellence in Research Award in 2001, 2003, and 2004.
He has been listed in Who’s Who in the World and Who’s Who in Asia. He is named a
Top Scholar by ScholarGPS in 2024.