A Study on the Architectural Design Models in Problem-Solving Paradigm
The Study on the Korean Decimal Classification with Particular Reference to Architectural Engineering Section
The Generation of Plans with the Shape Grammar and Numerical Analysis of Space
A Study on the Speculative Process of a House Design Based on the Analysis of HOUS X of Peter Eisenman
A Study on the Architectural Intention of Le Corbusier
A Study on the Artistic Aspect of the First Stage Modeling in Modern Architecture : The Architectural Aesthetic of Art Nouveau
A Study on the Authenticity of Architecture in Louis I. Kahn`s Thinking and Sketch
A Study on the Spatial Composition of Kwangajeong
A Study on the Deul-E-Yul-Gae Windows and Doors Attaching Window in Chosun Dynasty
The Transition of the Communal Space Planning Concept in Multi-Family Housing Complex in Korea