Title Integrated Urban Architecture Design in Low-rise Residential Areas
Authors 서선영(Seo, Sun-Young) ; 한소영(Han, So-Yeong) ; 백한열(Baek, Han Yeol)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK.2024.40.12.97
Page pp.97-107
ISSN 2733-6247
Keywords Low-rise Residential Area; Integrated Design of Urban Architecture; Urban Design; Small Housing Improvement Project; Moa Housing and Moa Town
Abstract Low-rise residential areas in cities offer benefits like affordable housing, mixed-use spaces, and vibrant communities. However, issues such as loss of low-rise zones, overcrowding, and unchecked development have arisen, particularly through large-scale redevelopment projects involving complete demolition and lot-by-lot reconstruction. With the recent adoption of small-scale housing maintenance approaches, new opportunities for urban architectural integration have emerged. This study explores an integrated design approach for low-rise housing, drawing on a literature review and analysis of design plans for low-rise housing in Seoul. The findings include the following key points: design and status analyses should reflect the broader urban context, flat and three-dimensional plans must progress in parallel throughout the design process, the arrangement of building and open space should be clearly articulated in plans, and each design phase should incorporate feedback and readjustments. This study contributes to urban and architectural integration strategies for low-rise dwellings but notes limitations identified through case studies, suggesting the need for future research on systems and policies to further support integrated design in low-rise residential areas.