Examining Regional Shifts in Key Factors Influencing Housing Satisfaction in Korea
Policy Recommendations on Alleyway Preservation and Planning Based on User Satisfaction in Beijing's Hutong-courtyard (Alley)
Differing Perceptions of E-scooter Parking Between Users and Non-users and the Importance of Regulation Indicators
Analyzing Visitor Behavior in Complex Shopping Mall Through Text Mining
Architectural Planning Status and User Considerations for Remodeling Public Buildings in Korea
A Study on the Independent Characteristics in the Architecture of Valerio Olgiati and Christian Kerez
A Study on the Improvement of Formative Design for Environmental Sculptures in Urban Space
A Study of Hundertwasser's Architectural Characteristics revealed in the Interior and Exterior Space Ornament of Roegner Bad Blumau
Predicting Curtain Wall Works Duration in High-rise Building Projects Using Data Augmentation Techniques and Support Vector Machines
Integrated Urban Architecture Design in Low-rise Residential Areas