Title The Establishment of Military Station and City Planning of Pyeongyang in the Late Japanese Occupation Period
Authors 김하나(Kim, Ha-Na)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK.2024.40.12.109
Page pp.109-120
ISSN 2733-6247
Keywords Pyeongyang; City Planning; Late Japanese Occupation Period; Military Land; Military City
Abstract This research discusses the progress, content, and impact of city planning pertinent to the establishment of the 30th Division in Pyongyang in 1940. As the military authority requested Pyeongyang Province to donate the site for the division, the provincial government of Pyeongyang also purchased surrounding land to cover the land cost. It developed the surrounding land as residential area and sold it to generate revenue. To maximize its value and promote rapid distribution, the provincial government established a relatively decent plan for this residential area at that time. Its average land area per lot was approximately 330 square meters. Also, in the first phase of this planning, cultural and educational facilities occupied almost a quarter of the entire targeted area. This project contributed to the significant expansion of Pyongyang's suburbs to the east. As for the program, the city's composition was reorganized, with the western part primarily consisting of high-density old town and industrial areas, and the eastern part mainly comprising military land and suburban residential areas.