Title A Study on the Possibility of Establishing a Large interior Hanok Church through a Spatial Analysis of Public Hanok Architecture
Authors 현항묵(Hyeon, Hang-muk) ; 윤지희라(Yun, jie-hee-rah)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK.2024.40.12.189
Page pp.189-199
ISSN 2733-6247
Keywords Shin Hanok Architecture; Korean Christian Culture; Diversification of Hanok Public Architecture; Church Design Innovation; Cultural Missionary Work
Abstract This study examines the architectural and cultural significance of Korean Hanok churches, focusing on the fusion of traditional Hanok structures with modern architectural elements, known as "Shin Hanok." Since the 2000s, architects and researchers showed increased interest in traditional Korean residential Hanoks, resulting in growing demand for diverse large-scale Hanok designs. In 2014, South Korea enacted the Hanok and Other Building Assets Revitalization Act, introducing the term "Hanok building style" to protect and promote Hanok culture. This legislation has led to the creation of new public Hanok buildings, including community centers, museums, and government offices. However, the lack of developments such as Shin Hanok Churches indicates a lag in incorporating these innovations into religious structures, revealing an area for further research. This gap underscores the limitations in the evolution of religious architecture and highlights the need for additional study in this domain. The research method of this paper involves investigating the spatial composition of traditional Hanok churches in Korea, assessing their capacity, and analyzing the reasons behind the construction of modern, spacious churches near traditional Hanok churches. It proposes the innovative concept of building medium-sized churches that can accommodate about 300-1000 members as an alternative to the typically small worship spaces of traditional Hanok churches, which were limited by past technological constraints. This approach aims to enhance public cultural values and religious dissemination through a new architectural concept in Hanok design. Furthermore, the study emphasizes the importance of the Shin Hanok church as a Christian religious building with the potential for cultural missionary work, serving as a symbol of national culture. By exploring the relationship between religion and culture, this study delves into the various applications and potential developments of Hanok church architecture.