Title A Study on Strategies to Activate Unused Heat Energy Based on Heat Demand in District Energy Supply Areas
Authors 이지애(Lee, Ji-Ae) ; 박용서(Park, Yong-Seo)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK.2024.40.12.211
Page pp.211-218
ISSN 2733-6247
Keywords Unused Energy; Collective Energy; District Heating; Urban High-density Area; Incineration Heat; Recovered Waste Heat
Abstract District energy is a type of central heat energy supply system that can produce industrial process heat or heating and cooling energy for buildings. It aligns with the government's decarbonization policy by supplying energy without carbon emissions to many heat consumers, using clean hydrogen or biomass fuel for combined heat and power generation, or by utilizing unused heat energy. The purpose of this study is to explore efficient energy demand and supply systems and the acceptance of unused energy in district energy supply areas by predicting the energy supply status of a specific region and the energy demand in densely populated urban transportation hubs. The analysis method involves collecting domestic heat demand and supply data and calculating the potential of unused energy using the national heat map. Additionally, target areas are selected based on regional heat demand, and the heat supply is matched to these selected areas. To utilize unused energy, annual heating and cooling demand data, supply facility capacity, and supply status data are collected for district energy supply areas with installed heat piping networks. The study proposes strategies for accommodating unused energy in urban densely populated areas.