Title Characteristics of the Distribution of Wind Force Coefficients of Solar Panels Installed on the Rooftop of a Building
Authors 박민우(Park, Min-Woo) ; 백선영(Peak, Sun-Young) ; 유장열(You, Jang-Youl) ; 유기표(You, Ki-Pyo)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK.2024.40.12.253
Page pp.253-260
ISSN 2733-6247
Keywords Wind Tunnel Test; Roof-mounted; Solar Panel; Wind Force Coefficient
Abstract A wind tunnel experiment was conducted to examine the distribution characteristics of wind force coefficients on both single and array-mounted solar panels installed on rooftops. Key findings include the following: For a single solar panel, extreme values in the normal force coefficient were observed at wind angles of 45°, 135°, 225°, and 315°, corresponding to the formation of conical vortices. This indicates a significant influence from the building's aerodynamic effects. For array-mounted solar panels, the normal force coefficient varied based on the wind direction and the panel’s position within the array, resulting in distinct distribution patterns. Although the panels were also affected by building-induced conical vortices, rows 1 and 2 displayed different wind directions for extreme values due to the shielding effect. The maximum vertical force coefficient showed a trend consistent with established standards, though the experimental results were slightly lower. However, panels in the third row exhibited values up to 22% higher than those for single panels in absolute terms. Panels tilted at 15° and 45° produced results closely aligned with the standards. It was found that the negative pressure on panels increases due to separated airflow at building corners. This emphasizes the need for careful consideration when designing array-mounted solar panels to account for these effects.