Title |
Step by Step Voltage Calculation using Simplified Voltage-Power Formula for a Radial Distribution Line |
Authors |
JuChul Kim ; SangJoong Lee |
http://doi.org/10.5207/JIEIE.2022.36.7.037 |
Keywords |
Distribution line; P-Q Load; Step-by-step; Simplified V-P formula; Voltage calculation |
Abstract |
For a distribution power system, the loads are represented by kVA or P+jQ form in general. The so-called V-P formula(=Voltage-Power formula) composed of bus voltages and load power P,Q has been announced in recent publications. This paper introduces a step-by-step voltage calculation of each load point for a radial distribution power system using the simplified V-P formula without solving a simultaneous equation. Since each simplified V-P formula has at most two voltage variables, the voltages of load points can be obtained by the step-by-step method using a scientific calculator. The authors illustrate an example calculation for a distribution line with three P-Q load points to compare with the power flow computation. Calculation result by the proposed step-by-step method using simplified V-P formula has shown an acceptable error rate for use in the industrial fields. |