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Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers

ISO Journal TitleJ Korean Inst. IIIum. Electr. Install. Eng.
Title A Design for Multi-Jet Plasma Power Supply
Authors Ju-Hyeon Jeon ; Do-Yun Kim
Page pp.458-464
ISSN 1225-1135
Keywords Atomospheric pressure plasma clean system; Multi jet plasma; Plasma power supply; Plasma cleaning systerm; Pulse power supply
Abstract The LDC plasma power supply for cleaning applications experiences significant losses depending on the characteristics of the plasma load. The output is categorized into reactive and active power based on the capacitance component of the multi-jet load, which results in fluctuations in plasma density according to the load state. This issue can greatly affect the cleaning efficiency of LCDs, necessitating a high-voltage plasma power supply that can vary its output characteristics based on load conditions. This paper describes the design methodology of a power supply suitable for multi-jet plasma loads, capable of supplying a constant power while varying the output frequency and duty cycle according to the load state. Additionally, a multi-jet plasma system is constructed, and its validity is verified through authentication experiments and multi-jet plasma load coupling experiments.