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Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers

ISO Journal TitleJ Korean Inst. IIIum. Electr. Install. Eng.
Title Development of a Condition-Based Health Indexing Strategy for GIS Asset Management
Authors Yechan Kim ; Minkyung Jeong ; Bonhyuk Ku ; Hyoungku Kang
Page pp.465-473
ISSN 1225-1135
Keywords Asset management; Condition assessment; Condition-based risk management; Gas-insulated switchgear; Health index
Abstract The purpose of this paper is to propose a strategy for assigning condition codes in the health indexing of GIS (Gas-Insulated Switchgear), a critical component in ensuring the reliable operation of power systems. Traditional asset management strategies, which rely on estimated lifespans, often lead to inefficiencies, especially in determining the optimal timing for maintenance or replacement. To overcome these challenges, CBRM (Condition-Based Risk Management) has gained prominence as a solution, using health and criticality indices to optimize decisions based on the actual condition of assets. This study aims to develop a health indexing framework for GIS that accurately reflects the condition of its components and subsystems. The proposed framework introduces a structured methodology for assigning condition codes by combining a logarithmic scale with ‘summation’ and ‘worst case’ computation, computation. This effectively reduces the masking effect that is often encountered in approaches that combine a linear scale with weighted summation. Additionally, a combination of worst case and summation approaches is used in calculating condition codes to ensure that the condition of each component is appropriately represented in the overall health index of the GIS. By addressing the probability of failure based on actual conditions, this framework allows for timely interventions and enhances the operational efficiency of assets. Ultimately, the proposed strategy contributes to the long-term reliability of power infrastructure and offers valuable insights for improving risk management practices.