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Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers

ISO Journal TitleJ Korean Inst. IIIum. Electr. Install. Eng.
Title Evaluation of Effectiveness of Lithium-ion Battery Analysis Using Combined Model
Authors Jeong-Heum Park
Page pp.482-487
ISSN 1225-1135
Keywords Battery management system; Combined model; Li-ion battery; State of charge; State of health
Abstract In this study, various modeling techniques for lithium-ion batteries were reviewed, and a combined model method was selected as a technique suitable for mobility applications. After performing the simulation using this, the effectiveness of the modeling was examined by comparing the actual measured value with the calculated value. First, a pulse-controlled charging and discharging system was implemented to obtain a measured value, and through this, the actual value of the cell voltage according to the charging state was obtained and compared with the simulation value. As a result, the experimental and calculated values matched well in the entire battery cell usage section except for the cell voltage of 3.4V or less, which is turned off when the device is used. In addition, as a result of calculating the battery efficiency, the experimental value is 89.84% and the calculated value is 89.99%, which are very similar, so it can be said that the results of the combined model reflect the actual value well.