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Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers

ISO Journal TitleJ Korean Inst. IIIum. Electr. Install. Eng.
Title A Study on the P-HILS and Operation Characteristics for the Analysis of Power Conversion System of ECO-Friendly Energy Source Propulsion Ship
Authors Du-San An ; Sang-Taek Lee
Page pp.506-511
ISSN 1225-1135
Keywords Electric propulsion; Fuel cell; HILS; Liquid hydrogen; P-HILS
Abstract The regulations to reduce air pollutants from shipping industry have been strengthened by international organization such as IMO(International maritime organization). In response to these regulations, various efforts are being made to realize eco-friendly fuel and electric propulsion system. In this study, electric propulsion system based on liquid hydrogen fuel cell and battery was focused on and P-HILS was applied to analyze performance of propulsion system. P-HILS in this study used power devices supplying scaled-down power instead of power amplifier and simulation was conducted based on time series data of real tug boat. From the simulation result, the performance of propulsion system based on liquid hydrogen fuel cell and conformity between simulation model and power device are confirmed.