Implementation of the Zero Current Transition PWM Boost Converter using Digital Signal
Jeong Woo-Cheol1
Ryoo Hong-Je†
(Department of Energy System Engineering, Chung-Ang University )
Copyright © The Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Engineers(KIIEE)
Key words
IGBT Turn-Off Loss, Soft Switching, Zero Current Transition (ZCT), Digital Signal Processor (DSP)
Insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) has excellent high voltage durability against
metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET). Also, the IGBT has a constant
collector-source voltage, but the MOSFET increases drain-source voltage as the current
increases. Therefore, IGBT is more efficient than MOSFET with high power applications
[1]. With these characteristics, IGBT is used in the electric vehicle motor drive, the
traction motors in high-speed trains, and medium or high power applications used in
renewable energy.
The high frequency switching is preferred to reduce size and weight of filter elements.
However, IGBT has some disadvantage in high-frequency driving. Since the IGBT is a
minority carrier device, it takes a long time to discharge the energy stored in the
minority carrier during turn-off transient. Also, the abrupt collector-source voltage
change that occurs during turn-off causes tail current in parasitic inductor of IGBT.
Tail current results in a large switching loss. A number of soft-switching PWM and
resonant techniques were proposed to overcome disadvantages of the IGBT [2-6]. A zero current switching (ZCS) technique is one of them. The ZCS is the technique
that switch is turned off during current through the switch is zero. To operate ZCS
technique, several resonant converters were proposed [7-13].
One of them, a quasi-resonant converter (QRC) has additional resonant elements for
ZCS compared to conventional PWM converter [13]. Resonant elements resonate during operation of PWM converter and create a ZCS condition
for the main switch at the turn-off instant. However, high peak current and high rms
current flow through the main switch when using the resonance of converter. It causes
large conduction loss and high voltage stress is applied to the switches and diodes.
In addition, if the load changes to a huge range, the switching frequency also has
to be modulated to a wide range, which makes difficult to optimize switching frequency
and it may not satisfy ZCS condition. These shortcomings are because resonant elements
in QRC belong to main power path.
In this paper, the zero current transition pulse width modulation (ZCT-PWM) converter
was investigated and selected to compensate for these shortcomings [14]. The ZCT-PWM has additional shunt resonant circuit to the conventional PWM converter.
The ZCT-PWM uses resonance only at switching instant of main IGBT via switching of
the auxiliary switch connected to the resonant elements. The ZCT-PWM allows the resonant
elements to be separated from the main power path except for switching instant of
main IGBT and reduces the resonance time. As a result, have the following advantages:
- Minimize circulation energy
- Less conduction loss
- Less voltage stress on main devices
- Soft turn-off switching regardless of load variation
To test operation of ZCT-PWM technique, a 300-W ZCT-PWM boost converter is designed,
simulated, and implemented.
Fig. 1 shows the circuit diagram of ZCT-PWM boost converter. The load is replaced with a
constant voltage source assuming that filter capacitor is large enough. The input
current is also a constant current because the boost inductor is large enough. Main
switch $S$ and rectifier diode $D$ are on the main power path. The topology is similar
as the conventional boost PWM converter. However, the ZCT-PWM converter additionally
has shunt resonant network which makes a soft switching transition by resonance. This
network is defined as ‘resonant branch.’ The resonant branch consists of the resonant
inductor $L_{r}$, the resonant capacitor $C_{r}$, the auxiliary switch $S_{1}$, and
the auxiliary diode $D_{1}$.
Fig. 1. Circuit diagram of ZCT-PWM boost converter
2.1 Mode 1(T0~T1) : Resonant Stage
Fig. 2 shows waveforms of ZCT-PWM boost converter[14]. Fig. 3 shows equivalent circuit diagrams of each mode. Before Mode 1 starts, the $C_{r}$
is charged with $-V_{Cr}^{peak}$. The first mode of ZCT-PWM begins when S1 turns on.
Resonance of the resonant branch starts and the negative voltage charged in $C_{r}$
is discharged. The current of $L_{r}$ is increased. When the resonant current becomes
larger than the input current $I_{i}$, the reverse body diodes of $S$ is conducted.
Fig. 2. Waveforms of ZCT-PWM Boost Converter[14]
Fig. 3. Equivalent circuits of each mode
Then, main switch satisfies ZCS condition. The ZCS condition is maintained until T1,
when the resonance current becomes smaller than $I_{i}$ again. This is called zero
current transition (ZCT). Negative voltage of $C_{r}$ is discharged and becomes zero
during $t_{d 1}$. At this time, the resonant current is the maximum. The $t_{d1}$
is quarter of resonance period ($T_{r}=2\pi\sqrt{L_{r}C_{r}}$). Maximum resonant current
value can be represented by this equation.
The voltage across the entire resonant tank is zero in this mode.
2.2 Mode 2(T1~T2) : Resonant Stage
Mode 2 starts with $S_{1}$-off and current flows through $D$ and $D_{1}$. The resonant
current value of $T_{1}$ ($i_{L_r}(T_{1})$) is always $I_{i}$ in steady state operation.
If $i_{L_r}(T_{1})>I_{i}$ , a mode shown in Fig. 4-(a) is added between Mode 2 and Mode 3. This mode reduces the energy stored in the resonant
branch. If $i_{L_r}(T_{1})<I_{i}$ , a mode shown Fig. 4-(b) is added between Mode 2 and Mode 3. This mode increases the energy stored in the
resonant branch. When these processes are repeated, $i_{L_{r}}(T_{1})$ is always $I_{i}$
in the steady state operation regardless of the load condition. If $V_{C_{r}}^{peak}\le
V_{o}$, resonant capacitor’s peak voltage is
$t_{d2}$ is the delay between the turn-off of gate signal of $S$ and $S_{1}$. With
$\alpha =2\pi T_{d2}/T_{r}$, resonant inductor’s maximum current is
If $V_{C_{r}}^{peak}\le V_{o}$ is satisfied, ZCT condition is satisfied regardless
of input voltage or load current fluctuation. $V_{Cr}^{peak}$ cannot exceed $V_{o}$,
since $D_{1}$would conduct during $T_{4}$-$T_{0}$ if $V_{Cr}^{peak}$ exceed $V_{o}$.
The voltage across the entire resonant tank voltage is zero in this mode.
Fig. 4. Equivalent circuits of additional mode (a) $i_{L_{r}}(T_{1})>I_{i}$ (b) $i_{L_{r}}(T_{1})<I_{i}$
2.3 Mode 3(T2~T3) : Conventional Boost Stage
After $i_{L_r}=0$ on $T_{2}$, it operates as the power transfer mode of the conventional
boost converter. At this mode, the resonance branch doesn’t belong to the main power
path. The current through the entire resonant is zero in this mode.
2.4 Mode 4(T3~T4) : Resonant Stage
Mode 4 is for the inductor voltage second balance of $L_{r}$ and the capacitor ampere
second balance of $C_{r}$. The current through main switch reaches maximum in this
mode. The voltage across the entire resonant tank is zero in this mode.
2.5 Mode 5(T4~T5) : Conventional Boost Stage
Mode 5 starts when the resonance current is 0. This mode operates as the power transfer
mode of the conventional boost converter. In this mode, resonant branch doesn’t belong
to the main power path and the current through the entire resonant tank is zero.
In steady state operation, energy transfer between resonant branch and main power
path is zero, because the voltage or current of the entire resonant tank is zero for
each mode. The circulating energy is very small since the resonant stage is very short
compared to the QRC. Additionally, there is no voltage ringing phenomenon at turn-off
of main switch because the current of the semiconductor device doesn’t change rapidly.
Therefore, the voltage stress on the power transistor and the rectifier diode is small.
On the other hand, the conduction loss of ZCT-PWM converter is similar to conventional
PWM converter because peak current and rms current of ZCT-PWM converter similar to
conventional PWM converter.
3. Design and Implementation of 300-W ZCT-PWM Boost Converter
To examine ZCT-PWM technique, 300-W ZCT-PWM boost converter is designed. This boost
converter is regulated at 200 V output with 100 V input.
3.1 Resonant Branch Design
We use Eqs.(1), (2), and (3) to design $L_{r}$ and $C_{r}$ of the resonant branch. In order to use the above equations,
$V_{C_{r}}\le V_{o}$ must be satisfied. In the ideal case, the constant input current
is used in the above equations, but in practical case, the input side has a small
current ripple even if the boost inductor is large. The current at the turn-off of
the main switch ($I_{S,\:off}$) is used as $I_{i}$ in practice because the reason
for using resonant branch is to solve the problem that occurs when the main switch
(IGBT) turns-off. Fig. 5-(a) is a conventional boost converter circuit diagram that uses PSIM software to measure
$I_{S,\:off}$. Fig. 5-(b) shows the waveform of the current through main switch $S$ ($i_{S}$) and the gate
signal of $S$. Table 1 is the specification of the design. Specification is the same as the target ZCT-PWM
converter except the resonant branch.
Simulation shows $I_{S,\:off}=3.62 A$ in conventional boost converter. MATLAB codes
were used to obtain $L_{r}$ and $C_{r}$ that satisfy eqs. (2), (3) and $V_{C_{r}}^{peak}\le
Fig. 5. 300-W 100 V/200 V conventional boost converter (a) Circuit diagram using PSIM (b) $i_{S}$(red) and gate signal of main switch(blue)
Table 1. Conventional boost converter design specification
Input voltage
Boost inductor inductance
Output capacitor capacitance
Load resistance
Output voltage
Output power
Fig. 6 is a three-dimensional graph with $L_{r},\: C_{r},\: V_{C_{r},\:peak}$ as x,y,z axis.
The range of each axis is $1\mu H\le L_{r}\le 100\mu H$, $1 n F\le C_{r}\le 100 n
F$, $0\le V_{C_{r},\:peak}\le 200 V$. The reason for $T_{d2}=0.11*T_{r}$ is to make
$I_{Lr}^{\max}$ 30 \% larger than $I_{i}$ in equation (3). It is better to design
so that $V_{C_{r},\:peak}$ isn’t too large because parasitic inductance or capacitance
may cause additional resonance. Also, the smaller the $T_{r}$, the shorter the resonant
stage ($t_{d1}+t_{d2}$) and the advantages of ZCT-PWM can be maximized. Considering
these conditions, one point in the graph ($6\mu H,\:10 n F,\:115 V$) is selected.
$L_{r}$ used $6\mu H,\: 17 turns$ air core inductor to prevent saturation, and $C_{r}$
used $10 n F$ film capacitor.
Fig. 6. Resonant components design (a) MATLAB code for design (b) $L_{r}-C_{r}-V_{C_{r},\:peak}$ 3D graph
3.2 Simulation of 300-W ZCT-PWM Boost Converter
Fig. 7 shows a PSIM model of 300-W ZCT-PWM boost converter. The specifications of the converter
are given in Table 2. Fig. 8 is a simulation waveforms. Simulation results show that when the main switch is switched
off, the resonant current is larger than the boost inductor current and the reverse
current flows through main switch. As a result, the ZCT condition is satisfied.
Fig. 7. PSIM model of 300-W ZCT-PWM boost converter
Table 2. 300-W ZCT-PWM boost converter design specification
3.3 Gate Signal of Main Switch and Auxiliary Switch Using DSP
To operate ZCT-PWM boost converter, the 50\% duty, 100 kHz main switch gate signal
and 100 kHz auxiliary switch gate signal which is turned on by $t_{d1}$ before turn-off
of main switch and turned off $t_{d2}$ later than the turn-off of the main switch
are required. The algorithm for the implementation of the auxiliary switch gate signal
is Fig. 9. The ‘ePWM1’ provides the gate signal to the main switch, the ‘ePWM2’ provides the
gate signal to the auxiliary switch. At the algorithm, ePWM1_CMPB = $(t_{S,\:on}-t_{d1})\times
TBCLK$ and $t_{S,\:on}$ is the length of the time which the main switch is on state.
If the TBCTR of ePWM1 equals ePWM1_CMPB, a synchronization signal is sent to the lower
ePWM module(ePWM2). When the synchronization signal is arrived, TBCTR of ePWM2 is
initialized to 0, and the output of ePWM2 becomes high. And if the TBCTR of ePWM2
equals to ePWM2_CMPA(=$(t_{d1}+t_{d2})\times TBCLK$), the output of ePWM2 becomes
low. Using the resonant period $T_{r}$ of the resonant branch designed in this paper,
$t_{d1}=385ns,\: t_{d2}=169ns$.
Fig. 8. Simulation results of 300-W ZCT-PWM boost converter
The output of the DSP is connected to the switch through the gate driver. The gate
driver is configured using IXDD404, which is capable of 2-input/2-output. The boost
converter's main switch is adjacent to the ground. Therefore, isolation transformer
is not needed for the gate driver.
Fig. 9. ZCT-PWM gate signal
Fig. 10. Gate Signal Algorithm
Fig. 11 are the gate signal waveform obtained from actual experiments. The blue waveform
is gate signal of main switch and the red waveform is gate signal of auxiliary switch.
Fig. 11-(a) shows that experimental switching frequency is 100 kHz. Fig. 11-(b) shows that experimental $t_{d1}=390ns$ and Fig. 11-(c) shows that experimental $t_{d2}=160ns$. The difference between the design values and
experimental values of $t_{d1}$ and $t_{d2}$ is negligible.
Fig. 11. Experimental waveforms of gate signal
3.4 Experimental Results
Applying the designed parameter examined through the simulation, 300-W ZCT-PWM boost
converter was implemented. Fig. 12 is the entire experimental system : Converter, DSP board, SMPS, and Load resistor.
SMPS was used to power DSP board and gate driver.
Fig. 13 is the experimental waveform that shows gate signal of main switch, auxiliary switch,
boost inductor current, and resonant current. As designed, it can be seen that the
resonant current is greater than the boost inductor current when the main switch is
turned off. Therefore IGBT’s ZCT condition is satisfied.
Fig. 12. Entire experimental system
Fig. 13. Experimental waveform
4. Conclusion
IGBT has been widely used in high-power applications as it improves switching speed,
reduces challenge losses, and becomes cheaper. However, IGBT is not used at high frequencies
because of large turn-off loss.
The resonant converter was proposed to reduce turn-off loss of the IGBT using ZCS
technique. But, resonant converter has large circulating energy, has limited load
range to satisfy ZCS condition, and gives high voltage/current stress to semiconductor
In this paper, we investigated and selected ZCT-PWM technique to overcome these shortcomings
and designed and implemented 300-W ZCT-PWM boost converter. ZCT-PWM constitutes shunt
resonance branch instead of the resonant elements which is in main power path. If
the on-off state of the auxiliary switch in this resonant branch is properly designed,
resonance is used only in the vicinity of the turn-off instant of the main switch
and creates the zero current transition condition. Turn-off loss of main switch is
zero in ZCT condition. Although resonance is used, ZCT-PWM topology has small circulating
energy, soft switching is possible regardless of load condition and voltage/current
stress applied to semiconductor devices is low. This is because resonance is used
for only a very short period compared to entire operation period of the converter
(remaining period is the same as the operation mode of the conventional PWM converter)
and resonant elements don’t belong to the main power path.
In order to drive the ZCT-PWM, gate signal of main switch and the gate signal of auxiliary
switch have specific associations with the turn-off instant of the main switch. This
gate signals could be generated by DSP.
Resonance branch parameters were designed taking into account peak resonance current
and required resonance times. Using the parameters, the 300-W ZCT-PWM boost converter
was implemented and experimental result shows that theoretical ZCT technique is actually
The ZCT-PWM technique is expected to be used for the following needs:
- When soft switching turn-off of power switch is required.
- When low voltage/current stress condition is required for power switches and diodes.
- When reducing circulating energy is required.
- When soft switching condition is required in large load range.
This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) grant funded
by the Korea government(MSIP).(No.NRF-2017R1A2B3004855)
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He received the B.S. degree in energy systems engineering from Chung-Ang University,
Seoul, South Korea, in 2019, where he is currently pursuing the integrated M.S. and
Ph.D degrees with the Department of Energy System Engineering.
He received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Sungkyunkwan
University, Seoul, South Korea, in 1991, 1995, and 2001, respectively.
From 2004 to 2005, he was a Visiting Scholar with WEMPEC, University of Wisconsin-Madison,
Madison, WI, USA. From 1996 to 2015, he joined the Electric Propulsion Research Division
as a Principal Research Engineer, the Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute,
Changwon, South Korea, where he was a Leader with the Pulsed Power World Class Laboratory,
a director of Electric Propulsion Research Center. From 2005 to 2015, he was a Professor
with the Department of Energy Conversion Technology, University of Science and Technology,
Deajeon, South Korea.
In 2015, he joined the School of Energy Systems Engineering, Chung-Ang University,
Seoul, where he is currently a Professor.
His current research interests include pulsed-power systems and their applications,
as well as high- power and high-voltage conversions.
Prof. Ryoo is an Academic Director of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, a
senior member of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers, and the Vice President
of the Korean Institute of Illuminations and Electrical Installation Engineers.