Multi-Point Cryogenic Temperature Sensor Based on Fresnel Reflection
(Doctorate, Div. Electronics and Information Eng., Chonbuk National University)
(Doctorate course, Div. Electronics and Information Eng., Chonbuk National University)
Copyright © The Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Engineers(KIIEE)
Key words
Fiber-Optic Sensor, Fresnel Reflection, Array Waveguide Grating, Polymers, Cryogenic Temperature
1. Introduction
Cryogenic-temperature measurements are crucial especially in scientific research and
development, aerospace applications, and superconducting fields. Various kinds of
cryogenic temperature sensing techniques based on electrical and optical methods have
been reported(1). Traditional electrical sensors have shown a relatively good response time, accuracy,
and repeatability. However, the applicability is limited if the cryogenic temperature
environment to be monitored is conductive, potentially explosive, and radioactive.
For its inherent advantages such as the dielectric nature, immunity to electromagnetic
interference, radiation resistance, optical fiber sensors is appropriate for these
Optical fiber sensors, especially fiber Bragg gratings (FBG) temperature sensors are
an ideal distributed temperature sensor for real-time monitoring of temperature. Nevertheless,
FBG exhibits poor sensitivity within the cryogenic temperature environment. The temperature
sensitivity of a standard FBG is nonlinear and is known to be five times weaker at
the boiling point of liquid nitrogen, -196 ℃(3). In order to compensate the drawbacks, several FBG cryogenic sensors have been developed
in the past few years(4-6). For instance, cryogenic temperature sensors using the FBG bonded to PMMA, Aluminum,
and Teflon substrates(4); aluminum precoated FBG using various secondary metal coatings(5,6). And all the above-mentioned methods require an excessive cost of production and
sophisticated coating techniques. This creates a requirement for the alternative optical
sensors with simple low-cost design, multi-point capability, and miniature size.
Fiber-optic temperature sensors, which measure the Fresnel reflection from the tip
of a fiber coated in a polymer with a temperature-dependent refractive index, have
recently been proposed for cryogenic conditions(7). To the best of our knowledge, such sensors have not been tested for multipoint cryogenic
temperature measurements. In this letter, we report the simple and precise multipoint
fiber-optic temperature sensor for cryogenic environments. The present sensor system
has shown a potential for cryogenic temperature sensing with simple demodulation technique,
ease of operation, good repeatability, and stability.
2. Operating Principle
The proposed sensor system is based on Fresnel-reflection from the interface of optical
fiber end and the interfacing material, here epoxy resin and polymethyl methacrylate
(PMMA). Temperature can be determined by measuring the intensity variation from the
change in refractive indices of the interfacing material. Figure 1 shows the Fresnel
reflection phenomenon occurring at the fiber end-polymer interface. Where $\theta_{i}$
and $\theta_{t}$ are the angle of incidence and transmission.
Fig. 1. Fresnel reflection at fiber end/ Polymer interface
3. Experimental Design
The proposed fiber sensor, consisting of an array waveguide grating (AWG) with 16
channels, arranged in linear array equidistantly at a wavelength pitch of 0.3 nm.
A broadband light source (BBS) which has 70 nm of spectral width and 12 dBm output
power is used as a light source. Light beam is demultiplexed into a number of beams
with various wavelengths by an AWG. These beams pass through couplers to the fiber
ends coated with polymers, respectively. Real-time Fresnel reflection signals from
the sensing heads are synchronously received by an array of photo-detectors PD enabling
fifteen different sensing points. Figure 2 presents the experimental setup of the
multi-point cryogenic temperature sensor.
Fig. 2. Optical sensor configuration (ASE BBS: Amplified spontaneous emission broadband source, PD: Photodetector array, AWG: Array waveguide grating)
Fig. 3. Scanning electron microscope imaging of sensor head (a) before coating (b) after polymer coating
The light source of BBS goes to an AWG. Each sensing head consists of fiber tip is
cured with a polymer material (epoxy resin) except the 1st channel. Figure 3 shows
the scanning electron microscope images of sensor heads before coating (a) and after
coating (b). To compensate the optical fluctuations caused by the light source and
other environmental effects, 1st channel of the AWG was used as a reference signal
$I_{air}$ which was placed in the air. Assuming the paraxial path in standard single
mode fiber, the measured intensity $I_{m}$ and $I_{air}$ on the mth channel and 1st
channel with polymer material and air can be expressed as follows(7):
The calculated output as follows.
where $I_{o}$, $k$ are the intensity of incident light and transmission loss. $n_{core}$,
$n_{m}$ are the refractive indices of the fiber core and the coating material. The
feasibility of the constructed temperature sensor was substantiated by comparing the
experimental results with a reference thermocouple.
4. Result and Discussions
We performed a series of tests to evaluate the cryogenic sensing characteristics of
the proposed sensor head. The sensor was placed in a Dewar flask filled with liquid
nitrogen. The temperature was varied by controlling the amount of liquid nitrogen
in the flask. The reflected optical intensities are plotted versus temperature in
Fig. 4(right Y-axis). The left Y-axis shows the thermo-optic coefficients of PMMA polymer.
Owing to the negative thermo-optic coefficients of the polymer resins, the optical
intensity varies inversely with the temperature change(7).
Fig. 4. Optical reflection intensities vs temperature
Sigmoidal fits to the measured data yielded regression coefficients (R2) of 0.990
and 0.998 for the epoxy resin and PMMA, respectively, in the temperature range 90-298
K. The average sensitivities of the epoxy and PMMA sensors are 0.04 and 0.03 dB/K,
respectively, which were measured with the optical spectrum analyzer over the same
temperature range.
Figure 5 shows the output spectra of the proposed system when the 4 and 8th channel
is placed in the air and aqueous ethanol. As expected, the reflection intensities
from the sensing channels decreased according to the refractive index changes while
the reflections from other channels in the air remained stable. By tracking the peak
intensity variations of all channels, the proposed system could identify the cryogenic
temperatures at multi-point.
Fig. 5. Output spectra of the proposed sensor system with channel 4 and 8 is coated with epoxy
Repeatability and stability are two other desirable properties for the practical application
of a temperature sensor. An experiment to investigate the long-term stability of the
proposed sensor was tested with continuous measurements taken over 100 minutes at
controlled room temperature and cryogenic temperatures (Fig. 6). The fluctuation in temperature output is very limited. The standard deviations
of temperature measurements at room and cryogenic temperatures are approximately 2.7%
and 3.4%, respectively. This means that the Fresnel sensor could be used for applications
in superconducting magnets where constant monitoring of temperature is crucial for
optimizing performance.
Fig. 6. Stability of measured temperature as a function of time
Fig. 7. Repeatability test of Fresnel sensor embedded in an epoxy block
The repeatability measurement of the Fresnel sensor was tested over four cycles by
exposing the sensor to liquid nitrogen regularly. Here, Fresnel sensor and the thermocouple
are embedded in an epoxy slab to assure the identical temperature condition and the
robustness of the sensor head. The measured temperature cycles are plotted in Fig. 6. The sensor exhibits a similar pattern for all the cycles. Moreover, the reflectance
of the sensor recovered to its initial value repeatedly, which ensures that temperature
measurements will be repeatable in the range 98-298 K (Fig. 7)
The response graphs of sensors in 50 second time window are presented in Fig. 8. The response time estimated for various cycles, from 298 K down to 90 K for Fresnel
sensor, is less than 13 seconds.
The experiment carried out in an epoxy slab delays the heat transfer and results in
a longer response time of embedded sensors. The results indicate a negligible difference
in the values of response time for designed sensor, indicating that the technique
is reputable.
Fig. 8. Response time comparison of Fresnel sensor for repeated cycles compared with a thermocouple embedded in the same epoxy block
4. Conclusion
This work presents the findings from one of the first multi-point Fresnel sensor for
real-time monitoring of cryogenic temperature. The Fresnel sensor is a robust fiber
sensor that is fabricated using the telecommunication single-mode fiber facet coated
with a polymer material and interrogated with a traditional fiber optic device measurement
instrumentation. Overall results illustrate that it is possible to use the presented
temperature sensor technology to characterize a wide range of temperatures from 98-298
K. It is prototyped to allow in-situ measurement, remote interrogation in very small
volumes and real-time monitoring.
This work was supported by the National Foundation of Korea(NRF) grant funded by the
Korea government(MSIT).
(No. NRF-2019R1H1A2101774)
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He received the B.S. degree in electronic and communication engineering from St. Peter’s
University, Chennai, India, in 2012, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electronic
and information engineering from Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, South Korea,
in 2016 and 2019, respectively.
His research interests are optical fiber sensors and optical engineering.
He received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electronic engineering from Chonbuk National
University, Jeonju, South Korea, in 2011 and 2014, respectively, where he is currently
pursuing the Ph.D. degree in electronics and information engineering.
His research interests are optical engineering and optical measurement.
He received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Seoul
National University, Seoul, South Korea, in 1990, 1992, and 1997, respectively.
Since 2000, he has been with the Division of Electronics and Information Engineering,
Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, South Korea, where he is currently a Professor.
His research interests are optical engineering, optical measurement, and fiber optic