Design and Evaluation of Automotive Laser Headlight Based on the Scanned Beam on Phosphor-in-Glass
(Researcher, Core technology team, Global technical center, Samsung Electronics)
(Ph.D course, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Yonsei University)
(CEO, BASS Co., Ltd)
Copyright © The Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Engineers(KIIEE)
Key words
Laser headlight, Wavelength converter, Phosphor-in-Glass, MEMS scanne
1. Introduction
With the cooperation of BMW and OSRAM, the M4 iconic laser headlight module was firstly
introduced to the BMW i8 model in 2014 (1-2). Since then, Audi has also embarked on laser headlight development, raising expectations
for future automotive front light systems (3). Laser headlight has twice the illumination distance and 10 times higher brightness
than current LED headlight with high energy efficiency and small packaging size, which
are attracting points as a future headlight’s light source for vehicles (4-6). However, in spite of its various advantages, the laser headlight is still technically
challenging to be commercialized (7-8). Actually, it is required to improve the stability and economic advantage of phosphor
material which convert the laser single beam to white light.
Phosphor type is usually classified into epoxy, ceramic and glass phosphor (or phosphor-in-glass)
depending on the matrix materials which mix with phosphor particles, as shown in Table 1. Up to now, a ceramic phosphor with a high thermal durability has been used as a
wavelength conversion material for the high power laser source (9-10). Usually, ceramic phosphor is applied with remote phosphor structure like OSRAM's
Laser Activated Remote Phosphor (LARP) system to minimize thermal problem (11-12). However, since ceramic phosphor shows a relatively low quantum efficiency, many
studies have been carried out to improve the optical efficiency of ceramic phosphor
(13-15). Also, ceramic phosphor is expensive due to high sintering temperature and process
conditions compared to other phosphor types.
In this study, we have considered the application of phosphor-in-glass (PiG) plate
as a wavelength converter for the laser beam since it shows higher quantum efficiency
and lower price than those of ceramic phosphor. There are some previous reports using
PiG as a wavelength conversion material of laser (16-18). The internal quantum efficiency of PiG is over 80%, which is more than 10% higher
than that of ceramic phosphor of 60~70%. In addition, even if it was exposed to relatively
high temperature for long time, the luminous efficacy reduction and the color change
was small (19). In addition, PiG is sintered at relatively low temperature with simple fabrication
process, making it to be manufactured less expensively compared to ceramic phosphors
(16-19). However, the PiG plate is not satisfied at whole requirements as a laser wavelength
converter in the automobile headlight application since there are additional issues
to be solved, including the deviations in the correlated color temperature (CCT) and
intensity for white light beam.
Table 1. Characteristics of different phosphor materials
Fabrication temperature
Quantum efficiency
Relatively low
Thermal stability
Relatively low
Current usage
High power LED/Laser
High power LED
A phosphor plate includes three inevitable limits when applied as a wavelength converter
of laser, regardless of the type of phosphor materials due to the unique characteristics
of laser itself, not the phosphor. The first one is the optical efficiency of color
converting. As shown in Figure 1, when a laser is incident on the phosphor plate, only 40% of the light source is
used for illumination due to the back emission, reflection, and scattering, which
affects the brightness of the headlight. To improve the optical efficiency, the phosphor
plate is fabricated as a reflective type instead of a transmissive type, which means
the phosphor plate placed on the reflective mirror (20). So in this study, a reflective type PiG plate is prepared to increase the optical
Fig. 1. (a) Optical loss by back emission, scattering and reflection when a laser is incident on phosphor plate. (b) Spectrum of laser and illuminated light
The second problem is the color deviation of white light emitted from the phosphor
plate. Figure 2 is the correlated color temperature (CCT) data of white light emitted from PiG plate
as a function of angle when a laser has a normal incidence. In this case, the ΔCCT
(maximum-minimum CCT) which indicates the deviation of angular CCT of the white light,
is about 500K. This value shows that blue light is concentrated at the direction of
the laser incidence. This problem also causes the intensity deviation as a function
of emitted angle.
Fig. 2. CCT distribution of white light emitted by laser excited phosphor-in-glass (PiG)
The last one is the thermal problem due to the high power of the laser. A PiG plate
shows thermal stability up to about 200°C with no thermal degradation. However, when
the laser is incident continuously, there is locally temperature increase on the PiG
plate, resulting in the thermal shock (21-22). Therefore, this study aims on solving above problems such as the optical efficiency,
color temperature deviation, and thermal problem of the PiG color converter. By applying
PiG plate with the scanned laser beam, a new optical system was proposed and the optical
characteristics are evaluated experimentally to confirm the possibility of PiG application
for the automotive laser headlight.
2. Design Concepts and Mechanisms
2.1 Application of MEMS scanned beam
First, we proposed to apply microelectromechanical system (MEMS) mirror scanned beam
to decrease the color deviation problem and thermal shock of PiG plate. As shown in
Figure 3, a laser enters the phosphor with relatively wider angle when a scanning beam is
applied. This means more wide distribution of unconverted blue light at wider angle.
In this case, the phosphors can also emit the light more randomly through the entire
area of the PiG plate, which results in more uniform light distribution with the decreased
deviation of CCT as a function of angle by the scanning effect.
In addition, since the scanned beam enters on the entire surface of PiG uniformly
by the laser scanning, it is expected that the temperature distribution is also decreased
on the PiG plate. Therefore, the scanning beam method can reduce the temperature increase
of the PiG plate to prevent the thermal shock. A MEMS scanner is used to scan the
laser beam on the PiG plate instead of continuous laser beam, which leads to solve
the color and the temperature deviation issues.
2.2 Additional scattering effect by TiO$_2$ film
For the additional improvement, we applied a scattering component of TiO$_2$ nanoparticles
which is located under the PiG plate. Thus, a laser beam can be scattered at wider
angle to increase the probability of meeting with the phosphor particle to improve
the efficiency of color converting of PiG plate and more uniform color distribution
of white light. A TiO$_2$ film was fabricated and inserted between the phosphor and
reflective layer, allowing more scattering of blue laser and white light.
Fig. 3. Light spreading mechanisms of proposed structure applying MEMS scanned beam
Fig. 4. Additional scattering of unconverted laser light by TiO$_2$ layer embedded between PiG and reflector
3. Experiments and Results
3.1 Improvement of the optical performances
3.1.1 Reflective type of phosphor
Before examining the effect of scanned laser beam and TiO$_2$ film, we first experimentally
evaluated the color conversion efficiency of the reflective type of PiG plate, which
consists of YAG:Ce phosphor particles in the borosilicate glass. The thickness of
200um was optimized to show the best color conversion efficiency and desired CCT around
4000K. For the reflection type PiG, it is mounted on the reflective mirror. The external
quantum efficiency of the reflective type PiG plate was measured as 0.78. Since the
blue laser is re-entered to the PiG after reflecting the mirror, the color conversion
efficiency increases in the reflective type. All further experiments were conducted
based on this structure.
3.1.2 The improvement by the scanned beam
Experiments were conducted to confirm the optical improvement by the scanned laser
beam. As shown in Figure 5, a MEMS scanner is located between the laser source and the reflective type PiG plate,
where the wavelength of 450nm and optical power of 80mW blue laser was used. The laser
beam from the MEMS scanner is incident on the reflective type PiG to convert to white
light. The MEMS scanner oscillates in both x- and y-direction and scans the whole
surface of PiG plate with the frequency at 28.8 kHz and at 60 Hz in the x- and the
y-axis, respectively. Since it is scanned at such a high speed, it is not recognized
with the naked eye, perceived as continuous light emission.
Fig. 5. Experimental setups for evaluating angular characteristics of white light emitted from PiG plate
Fig. 6. Experimental setup for measuring angular characteristics of white light depending on incident angle of 45° and 90° (normal direction)
The angular characteristics of white light is measured by a detector rotating around
the reflective type PiG plate with quantum efficiency measuring equipment. The measured
angular CCT and intensity data was evaluated to calculate the color deviation of the
emitted white light.
The experiment was conducted with two different incidence angle 45° and 90° (or normal
direction) of to the PiG as shown in Figure 6. In this experiment, we investigated how the scanning beam and its incidence angle
effects on the characteristics and distribution of white light emitted from PiG plate.
As shown in Figure 7 and Figure 8, it was confirmed that the angular CCT and intensity distribution are improved in
both incidence angles through scanning, which means that the color deviation of white
light decreased. Especially, the ΔCCT which represents the degree of a color deviation
decreased by more than 50%, as shown in Table 2. In case of 45° incidence angle, the intensity of beam highest at specular reflection
angle, but the intensity distribution is asymmetric with higher value of CCT. In the
90° incident angle, the intensity distribution is symmetrical with the lower value
of ΔCCT.
Fig. 7. Angular (a) intensity and (b) CCT measurement results at 45° incidence angle for single beam and scanned beam
Fig. 8. Angular (a) intensity and (b) CCT measurement results at 90° (normal direction) incidence angle for single beam and scanned beam
3.1.3 The application of TiO$_2$ film
The TiO$_2$ films were fabricated for the additional scattering effect, as shown in
Figure 9. First, TiO$_2$ coating solution was prepared by mixing the TiO$_2$ nanoparticles
in propylene glycol monomethyl ether acetate (PGMEA) solution with UV curable epoxy
resin modifier (ERM) polymer. Then it was coated on the glass substrate and the film
thickness was controlled by the gap gauge. The diameter of TiO$_2$ nanoparticles is
300nm, and the film thickness is fixed at 50um. Also, the film was prepared from the
TiO$_2$ coating solution of 10wt% concentration since it resulted in highest scattering
effect at our preliminary test. After inserting the film under the PiG plate, the
CCT and intensity were measured again with the same methods. The schematic measurement
system is shown in Figure 10.
Fig. 9. Fabrication process of TiO$_2$ film
Fig. 10. Additional scattering of blue laser and white light by TiO$_2$ nanoparticles between PiG plate and reflective mirror
As shown in Figure 11 and 12, the ΔCCT and the intensity deviation are decreased further when TiO$_2$ film was
applied. In both cases, the overall distribution shape of CCT and intensity is similar
to those of case without TiO$_2$ nanoparticles, but the deviations are decreased since
blue and white light shows large angle scattering effect. Also, the CCT and intensity
distribution were the best in the case of normal incidence angle.
Through these experiments, it was confirmed that the scanned laser beam spreads the
blue light more widely and reduces the color temperature deviation, and it can be
further improved by the additional scattering effect of TiO$_2$ nanoparticles. In
addition, the distribution of the emitted light varies according to the incidence
angle, resulting in better performance at normal incidence angle. Therefore, if the
incidence angle is designed to be close to 90° in the automotive headlight, the best
performance will be realized with the symmetric optical distribution.
Fig. 11. Angular (a) intensity and (b) CCT measurement results at 45° incidence angle with TiO$_2$ film
Fig. 12. Angular (a) intensity and (b) CCT measurement results at 90° (normal direction) incidence angle with TiO$_2$ film
Table 2. ΔCCT at the incidence angles of 45° and 90°
(Unit: K)
PiG + Single beam
PiG + Scanned beam
PiG + TiO$_2$+Scanned beam
3.2 Thermal improvement
The thermal characteristics of PiG plate was evaluated with the similar setup, as
shown in Figure 13. An IR camera was used to measure the temperature distribution on the PiG plate with
the laser scanned beam. A laser beam of 80mW was entered on the PiG plate with and
without the MEMS scanner for 15 minutes to confirm the temperature saturation.
Fig. 13. Measurement setup of temperature distribution after a laser beam focusing on PiG plate with and without MEMS scanner using IR camera
As a result, it was found that the temperature deviation on the PiG plate was changed
from 10°C to 0.2°C without and with the laser scanning, respectively, as shown in
Figure 14. Thus, it was confirmed that the scanned beam enables to prevent the thermal shock
by reducing local temperature deviation. The quantitative temperature data is summarized
in Table 3. The absolute temperature itself is also reduced due to the short illumination time
in the case of laser scanning. Thus, the laser scanning can reduce the thermal problems
of PiG plate which may occur in the case of continuous laser focusing case.
Fig. 14. IR images of temperature distribution during the incidence of (a) single beam and (b) scanned beam.
Table 3. Temperature comparison on PiG plate between continuous single beam and scanned
beam cases
(Unit: °C)
Single beam
Scanned beam
Max. Temperature
Min. Temperature
3.3 Design of automotive laser headlight
Finally, we designed an automotive laser headlight system based on our concept, including
a laser, MEMS scanner, PiG plate and TiO$_2$ film on the reflective mirror, as shown
in Figure 15. Here, the incidence angle of laser to the PiG plate is kept as near-normal incidence
to maintain the maximized symmetry and minimized color deviation of white light.
Fig. 15. The schematic configuration of the designed automotive laser headlight
The designed headlight consists of several unit modules like the LED headlamp, which
enables to attach together as single system. In addition, PiG plate and laser diodes
are located on the same heatsink, making it possible to manufacture more compact structure.
The white light from these phosphor assemblies with an aid of MEMS scanner or actuator
is reflected again on the surface of macro focal reflector together to realize circular
white beam. In addition, each sectional module will be operated independently to realize
various type of beam shape.
4. Conclusions
To realize commercial automotive laser headlight, the stability of color converting
materials must be confirmed. Thus, new optical system concept of automotive laser
headlight with the application of phosphor-in-glass (PiG) plate as a wavelength converter
and the scanned light beam using MEMS scanner was proposed and its basic optical and
thermal characteristics were evaluated experimentally. By applying laser scanning,
it was improved on both deviations of correlated color temperature (CCT) and intensity
in white light emitted through the PiG plate. A TiO$_2$ film was also applied under
the PiG plate to further improve the CCT and intensity deviation by additional scattering
effect. In addition, it was confirmed that there is little temperature deviation on
the PiG plate of 0.2°C with the scanned laser beam to prevent the severe damage on
the PiG plate due to thermal shock. Based on the results, it was possible to design
a laser scanning module to improve both optical and thermal problems of automotive
laser headlight. Finally, we have confirmed that PiG plate can be used as a good wavelength
converter with an aid of laser scanning for various laser application fields.
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He received B.S. and M.S. degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Yonsei University,
Seoul, South Korea in 2017, 2019.
He researched in the field of laser imaging, display and optical analysis while he
was studying at graduate school, a time he belonged to Nano Optoelectronics System
(NOS) laboratory.
He currently works for Samsung Electronics Global technical center (GTC) and is working
on research and development in the field of optical engineering.
He received the B.S. degree from SahmYook University, Seoul, South Korea in 2016.
He is now enrolled in the Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering in Yonsei University.
His current researches include optical design and fabrication of light source based
on quantum dot film for imaging system.
He received B.S. and M.S. degree in Materials Science from the Korea University in
1986, 1988.
and the Ph.D. degree in Materials Science from the Korea University in 2002.
He worked at Samsung Corning & Samsung SDI, Korea and at Korea Institute of Ceramic
Engineering &Technology.
Finally, he found BASS Co. Ltd at 2002 and currently is a President of Bass Cso. Ltd
BASS is mainly manufacturing Glass frit for OLED, LED, Solar cell.
He received the Ph.D. degree in Chemical Engineering and Materials Science from the
University of Minnesota in 1995.
Then, he worked at Samsung Electro-Mechanics, Korea and at Tokai University, Japan
to study on next generation optical data storage based on near-field optics.
Finally he joined Yonsei University at 2003 and currently is a Professor in the School
of Mechanical Engineering.
His research areas include opto-electronics and nano-photonics in both approaches
of theoretical simulation and experimental fabrication, including displays, quantum
dots, LED package, optical components and plasma processing for many optical and mechanical