HieuNguyen Manh2
TienTran Quoc2
VuNgoc Hai3
(Ph.D. Course, Dept. of Information and Communication Engineering, Myongji University)
(Senior Researcher, Institute of Materials Science, Vietnam Academy of Science and
Technology (VAST))
(Professor, Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Phenikaa University)
(Senior Researcher, Korea Institute of Lighting & ICT (KILT))
Copyright © The Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Engineers(KIIEE)
Key words
Daylighting System, Fresnel lens, Plastic optical fibers (POFs), overheat.
1. Introduction
Nowadays, lighting in buildings accounts for a large part of total electricity consumption.
The artificial lights being used are mainly LEDs as they have a high performance and
long life. However, artificial light causes eye fatigue, lack of concentration, and
discomfort for users (1). Active daylighting systems using renewable energy sources to illuminate buildings
is a solution to these problems.
Daylighting systems are designed to collect and concentrate sunlight on a light guide
module to transmit light deep into buildings. Using solar energy to illuminate buildings
has advantages of improving the quality of light and reducing the estimated power
consumption by lighting 50-80% (2). A typical daylighting system consists of three parts, a solar collector, a transmission
part. and a distribution part (3). Some systems have been commercialized, such as the Himawari Solar Lighting System
from La Foret Engineering Company, Ltd. in Tokyo, Japan, or the SP4 Fiber Optic Daylighting
System, Parans. A lot of research also introduces new methods for daylighting systems
(4-8). These systems use optical fibers to guide sunlight into the building. Since most
of the systems use silica optical fibers (SOFs), these systems become cost-prohibitive,
therefore, some systems use plastic optical fibers (POFs) to reduce the cost to a
suitable price for users (7). POFs have an optical loss of 0.1dB/m. This loss is much larger than the SOFs’ loss
of 0.03dB/m. However, the transmission part in daylighting systems has a length of
fewer than 20-30 meters in most cases. Therefore, POFs can be used in daylighting
systems if the performance requirement is not too high. Moreover, since the core diameter
of POFs is much larger than that of SOFs, the sunlight’s coupling efficiency of POFs
is much higher than that of SOFs. This higher coupling efficiency is enough to compensate
for POFs’ lower transmission efficiency. The disadvantage of the daylighting system
using POFs is its high sensitivity to heat (8). However, most of the studies on POFs daylighting system have been focusing on improving
convergence, improving efficiency, and cost reduction. Reducing the influence of temperature
on plastic optical fibers is mainly addressed by the application of filters. Xue et
al. (6) showed that the POFs cannot work under very high temperatures. They proposed a solution
to solve the heat problem with a concentration ratio of 278 and an acceptance angle
of 3.4°. Sedki et al. (8) showed a new heat filtering device using triple heat filters. The fiberoptic daylighting
system of Kandilli et al. (9) proposed the use of filters to protect POFs from heat damage. The filter does not
transmit the infrared or ultraviolet part of sunlight, which helps to decrease the
temperature. Similarly, researchers have been using filters only to solve the heat
problem in POFs. However, if only filters are used, the heat problem is not eliminated
completely. Since the beam is focused to a point, even if filters are used, a hotspot
is produced on the fiber bundle. This hotspot not only generates a heat problem but
also produces unequal (non-uniform) light distribution by the optical fiber bundle.
In our method, a concave lens was applied with short lengths of SOFs bundles together
with a filter. The concave lens produces uniformly distributed concentrated light
to each optical fiber in the bundle without creating any hotspots. Uniform distribution
will produce the same light intensity in each of the optical fiber in the bundle and
will thereby reduce heat on the focused point. SOFs bundles observe heat and cool
down before the light goes into POFs. SOFs are more resistant to heat and will absorb
some heat to protect the POFs. SOFs bundles work as an optical heat discharger. This
is a major advantage of our method. In this paper, the heat issue of daylighting systems
was focused upon. Using a prototype of the system, the heat problem of POFs was evaluated.
Finally, it was concluded that the efficiency of the heat filter for a daylighting
system using POFs was not significant enough to solve the POFs heat issue alone.
2. Prototype
In this section, we fabricated a prototype of a daylighting system to measure the
temperature on the POFs. The daylighting system has a similar structure with the one
in reference (9). A Fresnel lens with a size of 25 cm x 25 cm and a focal length of 30 cm was used
to collect sunlight. The focused sunlight passes through an infrared filter with a
diameter of 5cm, then is collimated with a plano-concave lens lastly converging on
the optical fiber bundle. The optical fiber bundle consists of two parts. The SOFs
bundle part was placed at the output of the plano-concave lens, then it was matched
with the POFs part by index matching gel to minimize the optical loss between the
two different materials. The POFs work as a transmission component. The structure
of the daylighting system is shown in Figure 1.
Fig. 1. Structure of daylighting system using POFs
An SOFs bundle was designed to capture all the light at the output of the plano-concave
lens, as shown in
Figure 2. The 61 SOFs with a diameter of 2 mm and a length of 18 cm are stacked next to each
other and forming a hexagonal structure. Each SOF is polished to reduce attenuation
and scattering. A hexagonal frame was used as a fixed frame. POFs are arranged in
a similar manner, and the core diameter of POFs is 2mm. Therefore, to match the two
different types of optical fibers, they need to be fixed and the air gap between them
needs to be eliminated using index-matching gel, which minimizes the optical reflection
Fig. 2. The fixed frame for optical fibers
A dual-axis daylighting system was used for temperature measurement. The system has
an error of ±1° for sun-tracking and it includes two Fresnel lenses so various cases
can be measured under the same conditions at the same time. allowing for more reliable
results when comparing systems.
Fig. 3. Picture of the daylighting system
3. Results and analysis
The temperature measurement test of the daylighting system was carried out on the
same day to produce objective results in evaluating the effectiveness of the use of
a secondary optical element for reducing the temperature on the focal area. Experiments
under actual weather conditions were conducted. The experiment site was located at
Hanoi. The solar radiation was 850-1000W/m2 with the ambient temperature of 35°C measured
at midday.
The size of the output beam was measured by placing a receiver at the output of the
concave lens. The receiver is placed parallel to the lens at the focal point to capture
the image of the output beam. The diameter of the output beam was 1.5 cm (Figure 4). So, the SOFs bundle were designed to collect all of the sunlight at the focal point
of the daylighting system.
Fig. 4. Sunlight distribution at the focal point of our daylighting system
Temperature measurements were collected by a K-type thermocouple having a measurement
range of 0°C to 1100°C with a tolerance of ±1.5°C. The thermocouple was located at
the center of the POFs. The sensor was connected to a computer by a microcontroller.
The temperature was measured continuously for 4 hours at an interval of 1 minute.
The actual setup of the temperature measurement system is shown in
Figure 5.
Fig. 5. Temperature measurement system
POF’s maximum exposure temperature given by the manufacturer is 70°C. So, the daylighting
system works stably if the temperature on POF’s bundle is less than 70°C. The temperature
variation of the POF’s bundle without a secondary optical element is measured and
shown in
Figure 6. The average temperature (Tavg) is 200 °C and the maximum temperature (Tmax) is 266°C.
So, if the secondary optical component is not added, the average temperature of 200°C
on the POFs will be melted.
Fig. 6. Temperature at the focal point without any secondary optical component
Fig. 7. POFs damage caused by temperature
Based on the result of the temperature measurement of POFs at the focal point, it
was found that the daylighting system using a Fresnel lens without a secondary optical
component cannot be used as a POFs light guide. In the second test, a UV-IR was used
filters to eliminate IR and UV radiation from a high-intensity light source. IR blocking
reduces the heat on the POFs. The filter has a diameter of 5cm and thickness is 2mm.
The temperatures of POFs when using the UV-IR filter is shown in Figure 8. The filter allows light with a wavelength of 380 nm to 700 nm to pass through. Compared
to the temperature at POFs without using a filter, the maximum temperature decreased
from 266°C to 174°C. However, the experimental result showed that the temperature
difference between the POFs using a filter and the POFs without using a filter is
not significant. The result of temperature at the POFs shows that it is not possible
to use POFs for a daylighting system if only protected by filters.
Fig. 8. Temperature at the POFs with UV-IR filter
A daylighting system with more filters can reduce the heat more, however, the optical
efficiency decreases. Using a plano-concave lens is a more effective way to reduce
the temperature. The heat reaches a maximum at the center of the receiver. The plano-concave
lens gives uniform light at the surface of the receiver, also giving uniform heat
distribution over the surface of the receiver.
Figure 9 shows the temperature in the POFs bundle when a UV-IR filter and a plano-concave
lens are applied together. The maximum temperature was reduced to 117°C. The temperature
quickly reaches a state of saturation and remains stable throughout the measurement.
This is explained by the uniform distributed heat on the fiber making a better heat
Fig. 9. Temperature at the focus area with filters and collimator lenses
Another way to reduce the temperature of POFs is to use an absorbing material, such
as SOFs. The SOFs bundle was introduced before the POFs to reduce the heat problem.
The SOFs are more resistant to heat, can operate at temperatures of up to 1000°C,
and have a very high thermal shock resistance. The SOF will absorb and dissipate some
of the heat to protect the POFs.
Figure 10 shows the temperature of the POFs bundle when combining the filter, the plano-concave
lens with the SOFs. The maximum temperature was reduced to 56.25°C and the average
temperature is 51°C. The temperature difference is also reduced due to material absorption.
The system with a stable temperature at the matching position also reduces elasticity
to improve coupling efficiency.
This temperature is safe for POFs bundles at an ambient temperature of 35°C. If the
ambient temperature is higher a solution is needed to reduce the temperature on the
POFs bundle and this can be achieved by reducing the system concentration ratio or
increase the volume of the SOFs bundle. The solution depends on the actual conditions
to achieve the best effect.
Fig. 10. Temperature in the POFs with filters, collimator and SOFs
4. Conclusion
In this study, the experimental temperature analysis of a daylighting system using
POFs has been presented. It has been observed that the temperature of POFs when they
are combined with a secondary optical element is lowered by 79% compared to a POFs
without an SOE under the same input conditions. The tempeature was able to reduced
futher by inserting a UV-IR filter and a small size silica optical fiber bundle in
front of POFs bundle. The maximum temperature of the focused sun-light on POFs with
our designed components was measured to 56 °C, while the temperature on POFs without
any components was 266 °C. Since the POF’s maximum operating temperature is 70 °C,
our method is a promising candidate for the temperature control of practical POFbased
daylighting systems. The temperature can be decreased further by increasing the length
of the SOF bundle or by adding heat sinks for the SOF bundle.
본 연구는 산업통상자원부 산업기술혁신사업(신재생에너지 표준화 및 인증지원사업)의 지원을 받아 수행된 연구 결과입니다.
[Project Name: Advancement of performance and safety technology standards to preoccupy
international standards of solar collector and activation of domestic market / Project
Number: 20006342]
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He received his Master's degree from Vietnam National University in 2019. Now he is
in a Ph.D. course at Myongji University.
He received his Master's degree from Vietnam National University in 2019.
Now, he works as an assistant researcher at the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology.
He received his Ph.D. degree from the Max Born Institute for Nonlinear Optics and
Short Pulse Spectroscopy.
Now, he is an Assoc. Prof, at the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology.
He is a Team leader of Semiconductor Laser Laboratory.
He received his Ph.D. degree from Chonnam National University.
Now, he is the Team Leader of Science Technolog and International Cooperation at Phenikaa
He received his Master's degree in Railroad Electrical and Signalling Engineering
from the National University of Science and Technology in 2017.
Now he is in a Ph.D. course at Seoul National University of Science and Technology.
He is a Team Manager of the Korea Institute of Lighting & ICT (KILT).
He received his Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, from Texas
A&M University in 1992.
Now, he is a Professor at the Department of Information and Communications Technology
at Myongji University.