A Study on the Design of the Termination Part for a 23kV Superconducting Cable
(Master course, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Korea National University of Transportation)
(Undergraduate course, Dept. of Electrical Eng.,Korea National University of Transportation,
Copyright © The Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Engineers(KIIEE)
Key words
23kV Superconducting cable, Creepage discharge, Electrical breakdown, Spacer, Termination part, Von mises stress
1. Introduction
The role of a termination part for a superconducting cable is supplying power to a
superconducting core from a power grid. In general, a termination part consists of
a spacer and a current lead with a temperature gradation from cryogenic temperature
about 77K to room temperature.(1) As the termination spans a wide temperature range from cryogenic to room temperature,
the electrical insulation design should be conducted considering the dependency of
dielectric characteristics on temperature. A gaseous termination part for a high voltage
apparatus is usually insulated by SF$_6$ due to its high dielectric strength. It is
reported that SF$_6$ may be condensed into LN$_2$ and causes critical problems such
as dielectric degradation and pressure decline.(2) In general, a spacer is installed at a termination part to prevent this problem.
Usually, the upper side from a spacer is filled with SF$_6$ known as the excellent
insulation gas and the lower side is filled with GN$_2$. A spacer should withstand
a pressure of approximately 0.5MPa from an SF$_6$ part and up to 1.5MPa from a GN$_2$
Fig. 1. Main structure of a superconducting cable
Fig. 2. Schematic view of termination part
Fig. 3. (a) Electrode system; (b) Experiment for creepage discharge; and (c) Experiment for penetration sparkover
In this structure, electrical breakdown may occur around a point where a current lead
and enclosure meet and along the surface of a spacer because it is known that the
dielectric characteristics along the surface of a solid insulation material by creepage
discharge is inferior to those of a solid or a gaseous medium by penetration.(2,3) Also, a spacer installed in a termination part should mechanically withstand the
high pressure about 0.5MPa from an SF$_6$ part and up to 1.5MPa from a GN$_2$ part.
In order to design a reliable and suitable spacer, electrical and mechanical characteristics
should be considered. The maximum electric field intensity might be concentrated at
the edge of the application of a corona ring called an edge ring, if the edge at a
termination part is not designed with a sufficient safety factor (SF). This paper
deals with the design of a termination part including a design of an edge ring. Finally,
the design of a spacer for the termination part of a 23kV superconducting cable is
2. Electrical Breakdown Experiments
2.1 Experimental Set-Up
A superconducting cable consists of mainly three parts: termination, core, and joint
box. A brief structure of a superconducting cable is shown in Fig. 1. Fig. 2 shows the schematic view of a termination part. This paper deals with the design
of a termination part in Fig. 2.
In this study, experiments on the electrical breakdown characteristics are carried
out in order to establish the criterion of creepage discharge along the surface of
a spacer in insulation gas as well as sparkover characteristics of insulation gas,
GN$_2$. It is known that dielectric characteristics of SF$_6$ is superior to those
of GN$_2$.[ref.] Therefore, dielectric experiments on GN$_2$ is conducted and design
of a termination part considering the dielectric characteristics of GN$_2$ is derived
in order to design in consideration of inferior case. Schematic drawings of an electrode
system for sparkover and creepage discharge experiments are shown in Fig. 3. In this figure, ‘HV’ denotes high voltage applied from a power supply to a sphere
electrode. Dielectric experiments on sparkover and creepage discharge characteristics
are conducted under AC and lightning impulse (Imp.) voltages at various pressure conditions.
Also a schematic drawing of dielectric experiment is shown in Fig. 4. Sphere-to-plane electrode systems for sparkover and creepage discharge experiments
with various diameters of a sphere electrode and gaps between a sphere and a plane
electrode are used and specifications are described in Table 1 and Table 2, respectively. High voltage is applied to a sphere electrode, whereas a plane electrode
is grounded.
Fig. 4. Schematic drawing of dielectric experiment
Table 1. Specifications of sparkover experiment
Electrode system
Diameter of sphere electrode [mm]
2, 15
Gap [mm]
10, 30, 50
Size of plane electrode [mm]
diameter: 120 thickness: 10
radius of curvature: 5
Pressure [MPa]
0.4, 0.5
Applied voltage
AC, Imp.
Table 2. Specification of creepage discharge experiment
Electrode system
Diameter of sphere electrode [mm]
Creepage distance [mm]
40, 60, 80
Size of plane electrode [mm]
diameter: 120 thickness: 10
radius of curvature: 5
Pressure [MPa]
0.3, 0.4, 0.5
Applied voltage
AC, Imp.
Every electrical breakdown experiment is conducted under AC and Imp. voltages. An
AC voltage generator has a maximum output of 100kV with a frequency of 60Hz and the
ramping up rate is set to 1kV/s. The maximum capacity of an Imp. voltage generator
is 600kV. Also, it has a wave front time of 1.2μs and a wave tail time of 50μs. All
experiments are repeated seven times under the same conditions. Weibull distribution
analysis for experimental results is conducted by using a statistical analysis software,
2.2 Experimental Results
Various experimental conditions are applied to experiments in order to verify the
influence of a field utilization factor to dielectric characteristics. A field utilization
factor indicates the field uniformity of an electrode system and is computed by the
ratio of mean electric field intensity (E$_{MEAN}$) and maximum electric field intensity
(E$_{MAX}$). Fig. 5 shows the electrical breakdown voltage (V$_{BD}$) of GN$_2$ according to gap under
the absolute pressure of 0.4 and 0.5MPa. Based on the experimental results, it is
known that V$_{BD}$ of GN$_2$ increases as pressure increases. V$_{BD}$ proportionally
increases as pressure increases due to the probability of ionization decreases as
the electron velocity decreases. The decreased velocity of the electron causes reduced
collision energy for electrical breakdown.(4)
Fig. 5. V$_{BD}$ of GN$_2$ according to gap and pressure
2.3 Criterion of Electric Field Intensity at Sparkover
It is reported that the electrical insulation design could be conducted by using the
derived functional relationship according to a field utilization factor.(5) It is revealed that the electric field intensity at sparkover voltage is dependent
on a field utilization factor dependent on the configuration of an electrode system.(4)
Fig. 6. E$_{BD,MAX}$ at sparkover voltage of GN$_2$ according to field utilization factor under the pressure of 0.5MPa
As shown in Fig. 6, maximum electric field intensity at electrical breakdown voltage (E$_{BD,MAX}$)
shows a saturated tendency as a field utilization factor increases. Therefore, the
saturated minimum electric field intensity at sparkover is selected in this study
to secure maximum electrical reliability of a termination part. In Fig. 6, it is found that E$_{BD,MAX}$ under AC voltage is smaller than that under Imp. voltage.
The detailed experimental results on E$_{BD,MAX}$ along the surface of a solid material
in GN$_2$ are dealt in the previous study, (2) and .(4) The saturated E$_{BD,MAX}$ of GN$_2$ under various pressures and applied voltages
is shown in Table 3. The saturated E$_{CD,MAX}$ of creepage discharge along the surface of solid materials
such as GFRP and epoxy resin in GN$_2$ under various pressures and applied voltages
is presented in Table 4 and 5, respectively. It is found that the saturated E$_{CD,MAX}$ of creepage discharge
is lower than those of penetration sparkover.
Table 3. Saturated E$_{BD,MAX}$ at sparkover of GN$_2$ under AC and Imp. voltages
Table 4. Saturated E$_{CD,MAX}$ at creepage discharge of GFRP in GN$_2$ under AC and
Imp. voltages
Table 5. Saturated E$_{CD,MAX}$ at creepage discharge of epoxy resin in GN$_2$ under
AC and Imp. voltages
3. Design of a Termination Part
The electrical insulation materials used in a termination part of a high voltage superconducting
cable are SF$_6$ and GN$_2$. It is reported that the dielectric characteristics of
SF$_6$ is superior to those of GN$_2$.(6) Therefore, the electrical insulation design of a spacer is conducted by considering
only the dielectric characteristics of GN$_2$ not those of SF$_6$ in this paper.
In order to design a reliable termination part, it is necessary to estimate the dielectric
strength of insulation materials according to pressure. Therefore, sparkover voltage
experiments are conducted under AC and Imp. voltages at various pressures. In addition,
insulation distance between a current lead and enclosure part along a spacer is determined
by applying the criterion deduced by the saturated electric field intensity at sparkover.
In order to mitigate E$_{MAX}$ at the edge of a termination part, an edge ring is
installed considering the criterion of electric field intensity at sparkover of GN$_2$.
A spacer should be installed to resolve the critical problems such as, dielectric
degradation and pressure decline. Due to the vulnerable creepage discharge characteristics
along the surface of a spacer in GN$_2$ between an enclosure and current lead, electrical
breakdown may occur along a spacer. Also, the spacer should withstand a pressure of
more than 0.5MPa from SF$_6$ and up to 1.5MPa from GN$_2$. Therefore, an SF should
be calculated by considering the electrical creepage discharge characteristics to
design an electrically reliable spacer. In order to secure the SF of 2 or more of
a spacer, a corona ring called a shield ring is installed around the point where a
spacer and a current lead meet. Additionally, the side angle and thickness of a spacer
are considered to design a mechanically reliable spacer.
3.1 Electrical Design Method
The criteria of E$_{BD,MAX}$ and E$_{CD,MAX}$ shown in Table 3, 4, and 5 are used to design an electrically reliable termination part of a 23kV superconducting
cable. The standard for electrical insulation design of a termination part conforms
to the withstanding voltage shown in Table 6.(9) The relative permittivity of materials used for a finite element method (FEM) simulation
is shown in Table 7.(2)
Table 6. Withstanding voltage standard for a 23kV high voltage superconducting apparatus
AC withstanding voltage [kV]
Imp. withstanding voltage [kV]
Table 7. Electrical properties of related materials
Relative permittivity
Stainless Steel
Epoxy resin
The structure of a termination part to be designed is shown in Fig. 7. A brief design considering E$_{BD,DESIGN}$ of a termination part is conducted by
using the FEM simulation software, COMSOL. E$_{BD,DESIGN}$ denotes E$_{BD,MAX}$ of
the designed model calculated by FEM simulation. An electrical SFGAS, a safety factor
at the gaseous part can be calculated by formulae (1). EBD,CRITERION represents a criterion of E$_{BD,MAX}$ obtained by the creepage discharge
Fig. 7. Cross section view of a termination part
The design of an edge ring is proposed to mitigate E$_{BD,MAX}$ as shown in Fig. 8. The SF of an edge ring could be calculated by (2). In this case, the radius of an edge ring is set to 30mm to mitigate E$_{BD,MAX}$
at the edge part.
The surface length of a spacer made with glass fiber reinforced plastic (GFRP) and
epoxy resin is calculated considering an SF which could be calculated by using (3).
3.2 Electrical Design Analysis
As shown in Fig. 8, E$_{BD,DESIGN}$ is reduced from 3.78kV/mm to 1.87kV/mm by adopting an edge ring
with the radius of 30mm. An SF which indicates the stability of a designed system
at rated voltage is calculated as 2.99 for AC and 2.16 for Imp. voltage. An SF for
electrical design could be calculated by (1). It is verified that an SF at the edge part where a vertical part and a horizontal
part meet could be reduced by applying a shield ring called an edge ring. Also, a
shield ring design is suggested to reduce the triple point effect where the spacer
and current lead meet.(8) In Fig. 9 (a), it is found that E$_{BD,MAX}$ generated in GN$_2$ around a spacer without a shield
ring is higher than that at an edge part in Fig. 8 (a). However, E$_{BD,MAX}$ at the intersection part at the end of a spacer is reduced
from 5.12kV/mm to 1.25kV/mm by installing a shield ring with the diameter of 20mm.
The calculated SF according to the surface length of a spacer made with epoxy resin
is shown in Fig. 10. As shown in Fig. 10, it is found that ECD,DESIGN decreases when the surface length of a spacer increases
by installing a shield ring around at the end of a spacer. Therefore, the triple point
effects could be reduced and the value of SF could increase. Fig. 11 shows the calculated electrical SF of a spacer made with epoxy resin according to
the surface length.
Fig. 8. E$_{BD,MAX}$ according to edge ring installation (@ 150kV)
Fig. 9. E$_{BD,MAX}$ according to shield ring installation (@ 150kV)
Fig. 10. ECD,DESIGN of a spacer made with epoxy resin according to surface length
Fig. 11. Electrical SF of a spacer with respect to surface length
By referring to the data in Table 4 and 5, it is found that the SF of a spacer made with epoxy resin could be more than 2 when
the surface length exceeds 40mm and the SF of a spacer made with GFRP could be more
than 2 when the surface length exceeds 60mm.
3.3 Mechanical Design Analysis
As shown in Fig. 12, a spacer should mechanically withstand at the pressure exceeds 0.5MPa from an SF$_6$
part and 1.5MPa from a GN$_2$ part. For the mechanical design of a spacer, the side
angle and the thickness of a spacer are considered. The SF for a mechanical design
could be calculated as (4).(2,9) A structural analysis is performed by the FEM simulation tool, COMSOL Multiphysics.
The main parameters of a solid insulation material are shown in Table 8.
Fig. 12. (a) Schematic view of spacer from mechanical aspect; (b) Side angle of spacer; and (c) Thickness of spacer
Table 8. Mechanical properties of solid insulation materials
Epoxy resin
Density [kg/m$^3$]
Poisson’s Ratio
Young’s Modulus [GPa]
Tensile Strength [MPa]
von Mises stress to a spacer is calculated by FEM simulation to estimate the yield
stress of a material under complex loading, tensile strength indicates the maximum
tensile load of a material can withstand prior to fracture.(9)
As shown in Fig. 13, it is revealed that von Mises stress decreases as the side angle increases. The
tendency of von Mises according to the thickness of a spacer is calculated and shown
in Fig. 14. It is known that von Mises stress decreases as the thickness of a spacer increases.
Inversely proportional to the value of von Mises stress, the value of SF increases
as the thickness of a spacer increases. In terms of mechanical properties, the thickness
of a spacer for both materials (epoxy resin and GFRP) should be larger than 10mm to
get the SF more than 2.
Fig. 13. von Mises stress and SF of spacer with respect to the side angle of surface
Fig. 14. von Mises stress and SF of spacer with respect to the thickness of spacer
4. Discussion
The insulation layer for a current lead in a termination part is composed of gaseous
insulation materials such as GN$_2$ and SF$_6$. The insulation distance between a
current lead and enclosure with a SF over 2 is derived by using the criterion of electric
field intensity in GN$_2$. In this paper, the diameter of a current lead is assumed
as 45mm. The SFs are calculated as 2.99 and 2.16 for AC and Imp. voltages, respectively
when the length of a gaseous insulation layer is set to 30mm.
E$_{BD,MAX}$ is concentrated on the edge of a termination part where a vertical part
and a horizontal part meet with the angle of 90°. In order to mitigate E$_{BD,MAX}$
at the edge point, an edge ring is proposed. In this paper, the radius of an edge
ring is selected as 30mm to secure the SF over 3.
Table 9. Design parameters of termination part with spacer made with GFRP
Design element
Size [mm]
Safety Factor (SF)
Insulation distance
Radius of edge ring
Surface length of spacer
Thickness of spacer
Side angle of spacer
Table 10. Design parameters of termination part with spacer made with epoxy resin
Design element
Size [mm]
Safety Factor (SF)
Insulation distance
Radius of edge ring
Surface length of spacer
Thickness of spacer
Side angle of spacer
The electrical insulation design of a spacer made with GFRP and epoxy resin conducted.
Electrical SF of a spacer is calculated considering ECD,CRITERION. In order to reduce
E$_{BD,MAX}$ at the point where GN$_2$, a current lead, and spacer meet, the design
of a shield ring is proposed. The diameter of a shield ring is calculated as 20mm
with the distance of 15mm from a spacer and current lead. As well as the electrical
design, the mechanical design is also conducted. For the mechanical enhancement of
a spacer, the design on the side angle and thickness of a spacer is performed considering
von Mises stress. The deduced design of the termination part for a 23kV high voltage
superconducting cable under Imp. voltage is shown in Table 9 and 10.
5. Conclusions
A study on the design of a termination part for a 23kV superconducting cable is performed.
The empirical formulae for determining the sparkover of GN$_2$ and creepage discharge
along the surface of a spacer in GN$_2$ are derived under the various conditions.
Based on the deduced formulae, the overall diameter of a termination part and specifications
of an edge ring are calculated considering an SF. Also, the design of a spacer considering
electrical and mechanical safety factor based on the empirical formulae is conducted.
In the future, the design for a transmission superconducting cable will be conducted
through additional experiments and analyses.
This research was supported by “Human Resources Program in Energy Technology” of the
Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning (KETEP), granted financial
resource from the Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy, Republic of Korea. (No. 20184030202270).
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She received bachelor's degree in physics engineering from Telkom university, Indonesia
in 2018.
Currently, master course in Dept. of electrical engineering, Korea national university
of transportation.
Her research interests are high voltage engineering, power asset management, and applied
She received bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from University of Indonesia,
Indonesia in 2019.
Currently, master course in Dept. of electrical engineering, Korea national university
of transportation.
Her research interests are high voltage engineering, power asset management, and applied
She received bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from Korea national university
of transportation in 2020.
Currently, master course in Dept. of electrical engineering, Korea national university
of transportation.
Her research interests are high voltage engineering, power asset management, and applied
He is currently a undergraduate course in electrical engineering of Korea national
university of transportation.
His research interests are high voltage engineering, power asset management, and applied
He received doctor's degree in electrical engineering from Yonsei university in 2005.
Currently, professor in Dept. of electrical engineering, Korea national university
of transportation.
His research interests are high voltage engineering, power asset management, and applied