(Ji-Sol Jeong)
(Hyo-Sang Choi)
(Master course, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Chosun University, Korea)
Copyright © The Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Engineers(KIIEE)
Key words
DC circuit breaker, Pole-to-Ground(PTG), Pole-to-Pole(PTP), Superconductor
1. Introduction
Medium Voltage Direct Current(MVDC) is defined the system having the voltage level
and transmission capacity between High Voltage Direct Current(HVDC) and Low Voltage
Direct Current(LVDC). The MVDC is being focused for the introduction of the renewable
energy sources, increasing DC acceptance, securing reliability and stability of the
The HVDC and LVDC are being actively researched worldwide. As for domestic DC technology,
HVDC was first introduced through long-distance transmission. The stability and reliability
of the LVDC system got through the DC island construction project(2). However, not only the voltage level of MVDC is not clearly decided, but also that
technology development is slower than HVDC and LVDC systems. Therefore, technologies
for connection with the MVDC system are being studied(3,4). And high-reliability protective device is required as one of the important factors
for the stable operation of the system. Accordingly, various methods are being proposed
to stably extinguish the arc generated in the DC system(5-7).
Semiconductors are considered the most to prevent DC fault. It separates systems through
fast switching but has disadvantages of heat generation and economic feasibility(8-10). The cut-off time of the existing mechanical circuit breaker is about 30~50ms, which
is slower than that of the semiconductors. As a solution to this, we propose a model
in which the mechanical circuit breaker and a superconductor are combined. It is a
superconducting LC resonant DC circuit breaker. The superconductor compensates for
the disadvantage of the mechanical circuit breaker by reducing the fault current within
about 2ms. Also, a LC resonant DC circuit breaker creates zero-point to fault current
through a LC resonance circuit and supports the opening operation of the mechanical
circuit breaker. It was verified through experiment about type of superconducting
element and voltages(11,12).
The transient states of the DC system are typically divided Pole-to-Pole fault(PTP)
and Pole-to-Ground fault(PTG). The fault current in the PTP is generally more than
10 times higher than the steady state current. Interrupting the fault current quickly
is important because there are some risks of overheating and fire of peripheral devices
when the fault current is sustainedly maintained(13,14).
In this paper, we intended to confirm the operation characteristics of the superconducting
LC resonant DC circuit breaker to get the data for types of the DC fault according
to typical two fault types in the DC system. 15kV MVDC simulation circuit was designed
using the PSCAD/EMTDC program and the superconducting LC resonant DC circuit breaker
was applied to the simulation circuit. Also, the initial
Fig. 1. A circuit of the superconducting LC resonant DC circuit breaker
fault current, cut-off time and power burden were compared and analyzed in the operation
characteristics of fault type. This is because the above factors are important considerations
in analyzing the operation reliability of the circuit breaker.
2. The superconducting LC resonant DC circuit breaker
We propose the fast and highly reliable superconducting LC resonant DC circuit breaker.
Fig 1 shows a circuit of the superconducting LC resonant DC circuit breaker. It consists
of a current-limiting part and a cut-off part. The current-limiting part is a superconducting
element. The cut-off part is the LC resonant DC circuit breaker. It includes a mechanical
circuit breaker, the LC resonance circuit, and a Lightning Arrestor(LA).
The superconducting element is not quenched in the steady state and the steady state
current flows to the load through a closed mechanical circuit breaker. And the magnitude
of current is determined according to Eq (1). The resistance of the circuit on the steady state is shown in Eq (2). The resistance of the mechanical circuit breaker is very low and not included. Also, line reactance is not considered since DC has not frequency.
In the transient state, the resistance generated by the superconducting element should
be considered. And ground resistance should also be considered in PTG. The resistance
of the superconducting element and the ground reduces the fault current. It is explained
through Eq (3)-(4). The fault current is reduced by quench and flows into the mechanical circuit breaker
when the fault current exceeds the critical value of the superconducting element.
And the fault current flows through the LC resonance circuit connected in parallel
due to the arc generated when the mechanical circuit breaker is opened. It assists
the opening of the mechanical circuit breaker by creating the zero-point when the
oscillation amplitude of the LC circuit becomes lager than the fault current. The
current flowing through the LC resonance circuit is shown in Eq (5). The cut-off operation is completed by discharging the residual current in the LA.
$R_{l}$ : Line resistance [Ω],
$R_{L}$ : Road resistance [Ω]
$R_{g}$ : Ground resistance [Ω]
$R_{SC}$ : Resistance of the superconducting element [Ω]
$u_{{arc}}$ : Arc voltage [V],
$i_{s}$ : Total fault current [A]
$L$ : LC circuit inductance [H],
$C$ : LC circuit capacitance [F]
3. Fault types
Transient states of DC system are typically divided PTP and PTG. PTP is fault that
occurs when two lines are contacted directly or through conductor contact. PTP affects
the switching behavior of DC-DC converters. In addition, the fault current rises rapidly
due to the discharge of the capacitor in the Voltage Source Converter(VSC) based system(15,16). PTG is fault caused by insulation defects between the DC pole and the ground. PTG
damages the grid transformer in the AC/DC grid system(17-18). PTG circuit impedance is higher than that of PTP since the circuit contains the
ground resistance as shown in Eq (4). Therefore, it is difficult to detect fault current in the Low Voltage Direct Current(LVDC)
system. In this paper, general types of PTP and PTG were simulated. It is assumed
that PTP is a case of two lines in contact, and PTG is a case of electrical breakdown.
Arc model must be applied to main circuit because the DC has no zero-point in the
current, which the arcing time becomes longer(19-21). The Mayr model is mainly used for the modelling of the arc in the vicinity of current
zero-point when the temperature of the plasma is below 8000K. Therefore, the Mayr
model was used as the arc model when the mechanical circuit breaker opened.
4. Simulation design
Fig 2 shows the superconducting LC resonant DC circuit breaker of the simulation circuit.
The conditions of the simulation circuit are as follows. Load resistance was set 10
Ω(11,12). And ground resistance was set to 1 Ω to simulate the DC electrical breakdown situation
on PTG(22-24). L and C of the LC divergence oscillation circuit are 1mH and 25uF and are calculated
by Eq (6)(25,26).
Fig. 2. Simulation circuit
Simulated time of the DC faults is 100ms.
4.1 Current-limiting part
Fig 3 shows the modeling of superconductor properties based on Eq (7) using the PSCAD/EMTDC. It was modeled through precedent research(11,12). The superconducting element is quenched when the fault current exceeds the critical
current. And the resistance of the superconducting element is then applied to the
circuit. $T_{SC}$ [s] was set to be 0.75ms. Also, the inductance of the coil-type
superconducting element was set to be 2mH in the precedent research. This inductance
delays the rise time of the fault current.
$R_{m}$ : maximum resistance of the superconducting element [Ω],
$T_{SC}$ : time constant for the transition to the superconducting state [s],
$t_{quench}$ : time when the superconducting element is quenched [s]
Fig. 3. The quench system superconducting element
4.2 Cut-off part
The characteristic of the Mayr arc model is shown in Eq (8). The opening time of mechanical circuit breaker was set to start from 10ms after
the fault. This is considering the delay time for opening between the mechanical circuit
breaker contacts.
$g_{m}$ : arc conductance [mho],
$\tau_{m}$ : arc time constant [μs]
$P_{o}$ : cooling power [kW]
5. Simulation results
5.1 PTP
Fig 4(a) and (b) show graphs of operation characteristics of the LC resonant DC circuit breaker with
or without the superconducting element in PTP. The graph was analyzed by dividing
them into sections ① ~ ④. ① is the point when the fault was simulated and ② is the
starting point of the mechanical circuit breaker opening. ③ is point when the fault
current reaches zero-point by the LC resonance circuit. ④ is the point at which cut-off
is completed through the LA.
Fig. 4. Operation characteristics in PTP (a) without the superconducting element (b) with the superconducting element
The steady state current was about 1.5kA in Fig 4(a). The fault current rose to about 14.9kA at ①. The zero-point was created at about
147.9ms by the LC resonance circuit after the opening operation of the mechanical
circuit breaker at ②. The mechanical circuit breaker was completely opened at ③. The
residual current in the circuit was discharged through the parallel connected the
LA. The fault current was zero at ④ and it took about 81.1ms from the fault starting
In Fig 4(b), the steady state current was the same as in Fig 4(a). The current rose because of the fault at ①. The initial fault current was reduced
to about 9.9kA by the quenching of thesuperconducting element. The mechanical circuit
breaker was opened at about 110ms. The fault current reached the zero-point by the
resonance of L and C at about 119.1ms. After that, LA was operated, and the LC resonant
DC circuit breaker voltage rose. The cut-off was completed at ④, and it took total
about 47.0ms.
Fig. 5. Operation characteristics in PTG (a) without the superconducting element (b) with the superconducting element
The initial fault current in Fig 4(b) was reduced by about 5.0kA than in Fig 4(a).
5.2 PTG
Fig 5(a) and (b) show graphs of operation characteristics of the LC resonant DC circuit breaker with
or without the superconducting element in PTG.
In Fig 5(a) at ①, the intial fault current rose to about 7.4kA. The fault current was lower than
in PTP because of the ground resistance in PTG. The zero-point was created by the
LC resonance circuit at about 113.2ms after the opening operation of the mechanical
circuit breaker at ③. Also, it took about 32.0ms from fault occurs to cut-off.
Fig 5(b) shows that the initial fault current was reduced to about 6.0kA by the superconducting
element. It was about 1.3kA lower than the initial fault current of Fig 5(a). The fault current reached
Fig. 6. The power burden of the superconducting element according to PTP, PTG
the zero-point at about 111.3ms after the arc occurs in the mechanical circuit breaker.
The cut-off was completed at about 124.5ms.
5.3 Power burden
Fig 6 shows the power burden of the superconducting element in PTP and PTG. Table 1 shows the initial fault current and the power burden of Fig 4 and Fig 5. The superconducting element was quenched and generated resistance. The generated
resistance lowered the power burden of the mechanical circuit breaker. The power burden
of the superconducting element was about 0.71MW for about 34.0ms in PTP. In PTG, the
power burden was 0.18MW for about 24.5ms due to the ground resistance and the resistance
of the superconducting element. In PTP, the resistance of the superconducting element
affected the initial fault current. However, the initial fault current was low and
the cut-off time was shortened since the ground resistance was added in PTG. In addition,
the time at which the resistance is maintained is determined according
Table 1. The initial fault current and power burden
Fault type
4 (a)
4 (b)
5 (a)
5 (b)
SC element
Fault current [kA]
Power burden [MW]
SC element
to the cut-off time since the superconducting element generates resistance until the
value is less than the critical current. Therefore, the power burden was lower than
that of PTP.
6. Conclusions
In this paper, we designed a DC simulation circuit and applied the superconducting
LC resonant DC circuit breaker to this circuit. We designed the resistance generation
equation of the superconductor using the PSCAD/EMTDC program and applied it to the
superconducting element in the circuit. And the Mayr model was applied to implement
DC arc in the mechanical circuit breaker. Also, we analyzed and compared the operating
characteristics of superconducting LC resonant DC circuit breaker according to DC
fault type.
As a result, the initial fault current was reduced by about 39.6% in PTP and about
17.8% in PTG by the superconducting element. In addition, the mechanical circuit breaker
completed cut-off within about 32ms in PTP and about 24.5ms in PTG. The power burden
of the superconducting element was about twice that of the LC resonant circuit breaker
in PTP. And in PTG, it was confirmed that it was about 4.5times.
If the superconducting LC resonant DC circuit breaker is applied to the DC grid, it
can increase the probability of the fault cut-off. And it is expected that the deterioration
of the protective devices and the surrounding equipment can be reduced.
This research was supported by Korea Electric Power corporation [grant number : R21XO01-32].
This work was supported by the Gwangju·Jeonnam local EnergyCluster Manpower training
of the Korea Insitute of Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning(KETEP) grant funded
by the Korea government Ministry of Knowledge Economy (No. 20214000000560).
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He received bachelor's degree in department of electrical engineering from Chosun
University in 2021.
He is currently master course. His research interests are applications of superconducting
power system and development of DC circuit breaker.
He received Ph.D. degree in department of electrical engineering from Jeonbuk National
University in 2000.
He is working at professor in department of electrical engineering, Chosun University.
His research interests are applications of superconducting power system, development
of DC circuit breaker and wireless power transmission.