(Gene-Que Lee)
(SangJoong Lee)
(JuChul Kim)
(Research Member, Elmin Electric Co, Seoul, Korea)
(PE, Research Director, Gang Dong E&C, Korea)
Copyright © The Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Engineers(KIIEE)
Key words
AC two-bus system, Constant power load, Discriminant, Minimum sending-end voltage
1. Introduction
Fig. 1 is a two-bus system with a complex load $S=12+j4\sqrt{3}$. $\dot{E}$ is the sending-end
voltage of bus 1 and $\dot{V}$ is the load voltage of bus 2. Bus 1 and bus 2 are connected
thru a transmission line with impedance $z=1+j\sqrt{3}$ [1-4].
Fig. 1. Two-bus system with a complex load $S=12+j4\sqrt{3}$
$Question 1 :$ If $\dot{E}=1\angle 0$ in Fig. 1, can this voltage supply the load with $S=12+j4\sqrt{3}$?
To say the answer in advance, it is ‘Impossible’. With $\dot{E}=1\angle 0$, there
exists no solution for V. If we have no transmission line impedance, i.e., when $z=0$,
every $E>0$ can feed the load $S=12+j4\sqrt{3}$. However, Fig. 1 has a transmission line with impedance $z=1+j\sqrt{3}$, hence, $\dot{E}=1\angle 0$
is too low a voltage to transfer the power $S=12+j4\sqrt{3}$ into the load. In other
words, Fig. 1 is a physically impossible circuit if the sending-end voltage E is given ‘1 volt’
Constant power load, by definition, is the load that consumes constant power[5-7]. For a circuit including a constant power load as shown in Fig. 1, however, the minimum magnitude of source voltage depends on the magnitude of load
power. We should investigate that the magnitude of voltage source is high enough to
feed constant power $S=12+j4\sqrt{3}$ into load bus 2. Question 1 can be revised to
the following Question 2.
$Question 2 :$ We want to extract complex power $S=12+j4\sqrt{3}$ from load bus 2
via transmission line $z=1+j\sqrt{3}$ as shown in Fig. 2 Then, what is the least magnitude of the sending-end voltage E for feeding the load?
Fig. 2. Two-bus system with unknown sending-end voltage E
We have been more accustomed to a load represented by constant impedance, however,
in power systems, the loads are represented by kVA or P+jQ in general.
The answer for Question 2 is:
If the load $S=12+j4\sqrt{3}$ is given in Fig. 2, the magnitude of source voltage must be equal to or greater than a specific threshold
value. On the contrary, if the sending-end voltage E is given, the magnitude of load
power must be smaller than a specific threshold value in order to successfully feed
its load. This implies that the magnitude of source voltage and the magnitude of load
power depend on each other, and no such researches were found by the authors in publications.
In this paper, the authors present a calculation methodology for the minimum sending-end
voltage of a two-bus power system with a constant power load as described in the next
2.Calculation of minimum sending-end voltage
Let $\dot{V}=V\angle 0$ in Fig. 2, then, $I_{12}$ - the line current from bus 1 to bus 2 - is represented by [1-3]:
Thus, the vector of sending-end voltage is: [8-9]
We can get from (2):
The graph for E vs V of (4) is illustrated in Fig. 3. We see that solutions do not exist around E=1 but start to show up in the vicinity
of E=10.
Let us find the exact point of E from which the power supply to load is possible.
Rewriting (4):
Let $v=V^{2}$, then, we have the following quadratic equation with respect to v:
In order for equation (6) to have a solution (or solutions), discriminant D of (6) must be equal to or greater than 0, i.e.,
Let Emin be the sending-end voltage when D=0. Then we have:
And we get:
We finally obtain the minimum sending-end voltage Emin:
Equation (10) implies that the magnitude of sending-end voltage must be equal to or greater than
10.17 volt in order to supply the load with $S=12+j4\sqrt{3}$ thru transmission line
$z=1+j\sqrt{3}$Ω. In Fig. 3, we see that no solution for V is found until E reaches 10.17 but solutions begin
to show up in the vicinity of E=10.17.
3.Derivation of a formula for minimum sending-end voltage of general AC two-bus system
with constant power load
Let $\dot{V}=V\angle 0$ in Fig. 4, then, $I_{12}$ - the line current from bus 1 to bus 2 - is represented by [1-3]:
Fig. 4. General representation of AC two-bus system with load P+jQ
Thus, the vector of sending-end voltage is:
We have from (12):
We get from (14):
Then, we have the following quadratic equation with respect to v:
In order for equation (17) to have a solution (or solutions), discriminant D must be 0 or positive, i.e.,
Let Emin be the minimum sending-end voltage when D=0, then we have:
and we get:
We finally obtain:
Formula (21) gives the minimum sending-end voltage Emin for general AC two-bus system with constant
power load P+jQ and transmission line impedance $r+jx$.
$Application of formula (21) to Fig. 2 :$
Let us apply formula (21) to Fig. 2 and compare the result with previous solution (10).
Substituting $r=1,\: x=\sqrt{3},\: P=12,\: Q=4\sqrt{3}$ into formula (21), we obtain:
We see that the solution (22) by formula (21) is the same as (10).
The two-bus system can be interpreted as a Thevenin’s equivalent that has a constant
power load instead of the external impedance load[10]. In this case, the constant power load can be interpreted as the total consumers’
demand in a power system, and the minimum sending-end voltage can be interpreted as
the least system voltage which the power provider must maintain to keep the entire
system from voltage collapse.
4. Conclusion
This paper has shown that, when a voltage source is connected to a constant power
load via a transmission line in a power system, the magnitude of minimum source voltage
depends on the magnitude of load power.
The authors have proposed a formula for obtaining the minimum sending-end voltage
Emin for a general two-bus system with a constant power load P+jQ and transmission
line impedance r+jx. Discriminant of quadratic equation with respect to the load voltage
is used to derive Emin.
An example calculation of the minimum sending-end voltage Emin also has been presented
for a two-bus system with constant load $S=12+j4\sqrt{3}$ and transmission line impedance
$z=1+j\sqrt{3}$. Calculation result has shown Emin= 10.17 volt, which implies that
the magnitude of sending-end voltage must be equal to or greater than 10.17 volt in
order for the system to successfully feed its load.
The constant power load can be interpreted as the total consumers’ demand in a power
system, and the minimum sending-end voltage can be interpreted as the least system
voltage which the power provider must maintain to keep the entire system from voltage
The proposed formula and its derivation process can be a useful tool for power system
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He graduated from Sejong University in 2010 majoring in Mathematics. He also graduated
from SeoulTech University in 2017 majoring in Electrical Engineering. He has worked
for Elmin Electric Co. and Gangdong Engineering & Consultant in Seoul, Korea since
2018. He is interested in Mathematics in Power Systems and has published papers on
Smart Grid and Steiner Tree during his Bachelor and Master course at Electrical Engineering
Dept. of SeoulTech University.
He worked for Korea Electric Power Corporation(KEPCO) for 22 years since 1976,
mostly at Power System Research Center. He also completed the Power System Engineering
Course at GE Research Center in Schenectady, NY, USA, during 1987~1988. He has been
a professor of Seoul National University of Science and Technology since 1998. His
research interest includes power generation, large power system and engineering mathematics.
He proposed ‘Angle reference transposition(ART) in power system computation’ on IEEE
Power Engineering Review in 2002, which describes that the loss sensitivities for
all generators including the slack bus can be derived by specific assignment of the
angle reference on a bus where no generation exists, while the angle reference has
been specified conventionally on the slack bus. He applied the loss sensitivities
derived by ART to ‘Penalty factor calculation in ELD computation’, ‘Optimal MW generation
for system loss minimization’ and etc.
He has worked for SD E&GC Co., Ltd, for 12 years since 2002 as Chief Executive
of R&D Center. He has been a Professor of Chuncheon Campus of Korea Polytechnic University
since 2014. His research interest includes Power system optimization, Quiescent power
cut-off and Human electric shock. He published many papers on ELCB(Earth Leakage Circuit
Breakers), Human body protection against electric shock, Improvement of SPD, Quiescent
power cut-off, and etc. He received Ph.D. at Seoul National University of Science
and Technology.